Answer & Explanation:Final Paper copy.docI have a research paper about diversity in classroom which need more 4 pages to be complete.In this 4 pages i need to be focused on two main things and you can add more from you mind but tell me first .1- The students :the benefits of having students from different cultures in one class – how that affects their performance and learning – how can they learn from each other – how teachers can learn from them – …etc.2- The teachers :how can they be prepared to teach in a diverse classroom – what challenges do they have – the importance of learning multicultural education for the teachers – how can new and future teacher learn from the old and experienced teachers – what is the teacher role in the diverted classroom.Here is the professor instructions :
Interview ANYONE about your topic (could be a friend, but
NOT someone in the class). Report what they said, but DO NOT just
“dump” what they said in this section. Instead, create a
“story” that helps the reader to understand what you learned, and use
quotes from the person that you interviewed as “evidence” of your
For example: When Dr. Tod interviewed John
here is what John said: “Thanks Dr. Tod for explaining what critical Race theory is.
Now that you have explained it, I think l can understand why people of color
are interested in it. I think it helps make sense of the world by putting race
at the forefront. I think it would have helped me understand what happened to
me at the University when a professor wouldn’t shake my hand because he said he
had a cold. But I noticed that he shook hands with a white student he was
talking to…” (these notes from John ARE NOT in your paper, you use them
like you see below)
Now, here is how you can think about writing in the “What I
learned” section (use first person):
Critical race theory
(CRT) helps us understand the world from the perspective of people of color.
When I first got to University I had a professor who said that she did not
think that Black History Month was necessary any longer. At first I cringed
when l heard that, but with knowledge of CRT, l am able to understand the same
way that John did. John explained that “[when I attended] the University of
Maryland a professor wouldn’t shake my hand because he said he had a cold. But
I noticed that he shook hands with a white student he was talking to”.
Incidents like these remind me of what Pitre et al. talk about in their book
called “xxxxx”. …..(in those quotation marks you are quoting Pitre).
Be conversational, but put in information that is actually
useful to the reader. Create an EASILY readable, but true “story”.
I have a record of the interview and i wrote it but i did not finish and i will write the rest within 24 hours. Also i will send you i copy of some pages from my books and i need you to take some parts of it .Also you can use any acadimic article or resources Books , videos , lectures…..etc
with an elementary school teacher (Ms.Ladd)
think it is not easy to meet all the needs of all students wither it because
they are coming from another countries or wither of because whatever their
needs are. Its challenge always to meet all the needs of all students because
you want to give them as much as you can. That is specific to each of them, and
so that is always a challenge. In terms of specifically students who are coming
from other countries being very sensitive of their background or even what
their background may be because we do not know. We do not know overtime what is
their background are or their experiences with school or their experiences with
people from other countries or another cultures. Some of our students have a
lot of experience with students from other countries and some of our students
when they first come they do not. And so, it is important just to be aware of
that and not assume one thing or another. You know, so, being very sensitive to
what you do not know and I do think it is important that teachers think about
cultural aspects sensitivity wither it is just you know how men and women
relate to each other in different countries or how children and parents relate
to each other or how teachers and parents relate to each other in other
countries. So, I think it is important to think about that when getting to know
a family for the first time because we never know what their experience is or
like. And event though sometimes there are some generalization. Sometimes you
can make across cultural group. It does not mean that apply to that family any
way. You know, so, because I think there are some cultural generalizations that
sometimes are made but again it does not apply to every family all the time, so
more of them it will be good background information for a teacher. It dose not
mean that is the case for every family or for that student.
What grade are you
teach 6th grade. They are like 11 or 12 and they are the eldest in
this school before they go to the middle school.
Do you think they are
difficult than the younger one specially if they cannot speak English or they
just came to the US in term of acquiring language?
know I am not sure. I mean the research I read you know it is the younger the
better in terms of or the younger the faster maybe but again that is a
generalization you know what I mean that when we are trying to see but it does
not mean we are not goanna keep trying to give them as much support that we can
you know as much support as we can wither that is throw vocabulary instruction or
wither that is throw reading phoenix. We want to see whatever that maybe we
will still look at that student and think about where that student is in terms
of their English language proficiency. Also look at where that student may be
in the wrong language. You know we could see where they are in their own
language and think about their time already in the US and what exposer they
have had to language because some students we have who just arrived. We see
have had language teaching in their other country, so they are coming in with
the different amount already. You know even though they have just arrived to
this country.
If I ask you to divide your
students’ nationalities or cultures or like white black Hispanic can you give
me numbers?
have a small class this year of 24 students. I have Asian (Korea, China, Japan,
Vietnam) , white, Latino Hispanic ( central and south America), Middle
eastern students.
What about black students?
my homeroom this year actually I do not think I have any students this year
that we consider that will be under African American.
Do you think that African
American students are treated differently?
mean I can see how we would consider African American as a different cultural
group just because of different cultural differences that is back to difference
period in history and the kind of history of the US and the changes that we
have gone throw not only culturally but politically in terms of like our laws
and our governments and such. so, I can see how can that group would be
considered in a different cultural group with different cultural norms and
different cultural sensitivity that we need to have an awareness as well just
like other cultural groups.
do not think that we treat them differently if that what you asked. We tried
very hard to be culturally sensitive to all students of all backgrounds and
then work on their individual needs knowing that their cultural experiences but
also social economic experiences also family history. All of these things could
have an impact on their learning perhaps.
Do you think the students’
academic performance is affected by diversity (is it getting better or worse)?
Do you think that students can get benefits from each other?
……………..I will answer it .
Unformatted Attachment Preview
Diversity in Classrooms
My research focuses on cultural diversity as it pertains to student learning. The
instructional methodology for teachers in a diverse classroom impacts students’ acquisition and
application of knowledge. Thus, my research will take into account the role, and more
importantly, the attitude of the teacher. The attitudes of the students are also an integral
component in analyzing the impact of diversity on the classroom.
Since multiculturalism brings challenges to the classroom, understanding and tolerance of
differences are an essential component of pedagogy. Teachers must be the catalyst that push
against human beings’ natural tendency to segregate and shun differences, there promoting an
environment that brings about an awareness and tolerance of differences in all aspects of culture.
Thus, teachers become agents for change in that they teach their students about the cultures that
are represented in their classrooms. In actuality, both teachers and students learn in a diverse
There is much appreciation of the effectiveness of some of the recommended tools to
address diversity in classrooms as well as other innovative tactics used by teachers. Such tools
include promoting a culture of learning from one another rather than a culture of passing
judgment on differences in beliefs and values while encouraging the students to respect and
appreciate their culture and heritage. Another recourse is using experienced educators’
knowledge of challenges and how to overcome them in the diversified classroom is also an
important tool for newer teachers.
Literature Review
Cultural diversity is a given in the twenty-first century classroom; therefore, it cannot be
easily ignored. Research has been done to understand the impact of the diversities and different
opinions that teachers have on classroom studies. There is a need to: guide future teachers in
dealing with cultural and linguistic diversity in their classrooms to appreciate nonstandard
languages and to analyze other factors besides grades, such as socio-economic aspects of
assessing the impact of ELL.
The articles begin with an overview of past research and are followed by the authors’
most important points, what stood out most, how the article was organized, methodologies used
and followed by the authors and years of publications. They end with the authors’ perspectives
on their writings. The research methodology in the articles is explained as well as the results of
the experiments conducted. There are conclusive discussions at the end of each article as well.
The headings give a chronological order of what has been done and what needs to be done in the
future. The articles also use a reporting tone by using the third person to report and describe the
findings as opposed to using the first person.
The majority of the authors are very explicit while some are not when expressing their
views and research findings. This review focuses on three concepts on cultural and language
diversities in the diverse classroom and is gathered from a list of other articles in an attempt to
find similarities and differences among the authors’ opinions, insights and thoughts.
Cultural Diversity Affects Classroom Performance
The world is a conglomerate of culturally diverse populations with multilingualism that
may prove difficult if not impossible to analyse, so much so, that it “dilutes attention and
energies that would be better directed elsewhere,” (Carter, 2011, p. 259). Ignoring diversity in
the classroom and its impact on the acquisition of knowledge would be tantamount to a criminal
activity. However, the means of assessing the impact of diversity on academic performance must
be accomplished without bias.
There are a lot of misunderstandings that cultural diversity affects the performance of
students especially the natives, in the racially diverse environment. “High levels of immigration
do not necessary impair integration,” (OECD, 2006, p.7). Recent research has been done to
support this understanding. The presence of immigrant students has been shown to be beneficial
to native students. Native students perform better in racially diverse environments because such
environments foster motivations to maintain the in-group in a dominant position. Nieto states
that Latinos’ schools are “among the most high-poverty schools in the nation,” (Nieto, 2000,
p.182). This has particularly been predominant and observed in Europe.
In assessing the impact of diversity to classroom performance, other factors should be
considered. These include family setups, individual characteristics as well as the characteristics
of schools they attend.
The Language is an Important Tool of Diversity
The difference in spoken languages is a key element of cultural diversity that is characteristic
of nature. While some scholars have argued for the importance of every student to embrace the
use of standard language, others feel it is not a necessity. Instead, they view the use of Standard
English as a way to merely promote a platform for addressing social injustices. This, therefore,
prompts the society to incorporate other languages at the standard level as well.
As seen earlier, it is not viable to analyze any language. It is impractical and intellectually
unattainable. Use of non-standard language should be encouraged as they provide a sense of
belonging. “A language is not a means of communicating in a narrow sense…. It is also a
cognitive structuring of the world which is linked to one’s world-view, identity, self-concepts,
and self-esteem,” (C. Robinson, 2011, p. 106). In a diverse classroom, there should be no
linguistic bullying as this leads to content bias by focusing on the form of speech rather than a
content-affective filter. Teachers should create an atmosphere for the minority students to
express themselves regardless of their nativity or language diversification as well as teaching
appropriate issues to address diversity.
Literature referring to the needs of the minority students is “folded into a discourse of
deprivation,” (Billins, 2000, p. 206). Combining English language learners (ELL) with NonEnglish language learner produces good outcomes. Having more ELL classmates is related to
positive differences across widely accepted SRS socio-emotional scales (M.A. Gottfried, 2014,
p. 43). There is a decrease in problem behaviors and improved social skills.
Teachers Play an Important Role in Addressing Diversity
Teachers play a big role in the integration of multiculturalism in education systems. This
begins with teacher educators who influence the type of future teachers. Although teacher
candidates are composed of majority students, teacher educators should be responsible to
acknowledge diversity and addressing it accordingly. “We did not cross the border; the border
crossed us. Why should we discriminate just because they came from the South of the border?”
(Robinson, 2011, p. 107). So much so, teachers report that they neither have knowledge nor
skills to work in a school environment that is diverse regarding culture and probably language.
Teachers who teach languages at school are particularly are the key factor in addressing
diversity issues. There is a spectrum of teacher dexterity in dealing with diversity; some have no
idea focusing on content and methodology while others have developed professionally over time
and well equipped in multicultural education. “We believe therefore that class for pedagogic
perestroika is important in structuring the relationship between curricular content and classroom
procedure; and between teacher and learner role in generating classroom discourse,” (Adams &
Nicolson, 2012, p. 26). Having a curriculum content that relates to classroom procedures, helps
in creating a good teacher role relationship with the students. Teachers effectively communicate
good learning with no discriminations once the full range of the existing diversities is clearly
The view of ‘teacher as expert’ may be used as an advantage or disadvantage depending
on the situation. Talking about family issues in getting close to students can result “in all sorts of
messy situations and that people can get emotional” (Adams & Nicolson, 2012, p. 31). Where
there is linguistic bullying, these will count as an advantage since the bullies will play nice if the
teacher belongs to a minority group. However, in another situation it can hinder a deeper
understanding of the social dynamic inherent therein, presupposing a fixed entity with only the
teacher knowing what is needed, irrespective of the context.
What I Learned (at least 4 pages) :
Interview ANYONE about your topic (could be a friend, but NOT someone in the class). Report
what they said, but DO NOT just “dump” what they said in this section. Instead, create a “story”
that helps the reader to understand what you learned, and use quotes from the person that you
interviewed as “evidence” of your analysis.
For example: When Dr. Tod interviewed John here is what John said: “Thanks Dr. Tod
for explaining what critical Race theory is. Now that you have explained it, I think l can
understand why people of color are interested in it. I think it helps make sense of the world by
putting race at the forefront. I think it would have helped me understand what happened to me at
the University when a professor wouldn’t shake my hand because he said he had a cold. But I
noticed that he shook hands with a white student he was talking to…” (these notes from John
ARE NOT in your paper, you use them like you see below)
Now, here is how you can think about writing in the “What I learned” section (use first person):
Critical race theory (CRT) helps us understand the world from the perspective of people of
color. When I first got to University I had a professor who said that she did not think that Black
History Month was necessary any longer. At first I cringed when l heard that, but with
knowledge of CRT, l am able to understand the same way that John did. John explained that
“[when I attended] the University of Maryland a professor wouldn’t shake my hand because he
said he had a cold. But I noticed that he shook hands with a white student he was talking to”.
Incidents like these remind me of what Pitre et al. talk about in their book called “xxxxx”. …..(in
those quotation marks you are quoting Pitre).
Be conversational, but put in information that is actually useful to the reader. Create an EASILY
readable, but true “story”.
American Speech, 86(2), 259-263. doi:10.1215/00031283-1337055
Elementary School Journal, 115(1), 22-48.
Helga Adams & Margaret Nicolson (2014) Feeling the difference in the languages classroom:
explorations of teacher understanding of diversity, The Language Learning Journal, 42:1,
25-40, DOI: 10.1080/09571736.2012.678014
Konan, P. N’D., Chatard, A., Selimbegović, L., & Mugny, G. (2010). Cultural diversity in the
classroom and its effects on academic performance: A cross-national perspective. Social
Psychology, 41(4), 230-237. doi:10.1027/1864-9335/a000031
Robinson, C. C., PhD., & Clardy, P., PhD. (2011). IT AIN’T WHAT YOU SAY, IT’S HOW
Journal of Cultural Diversity, 18(3), 101-10. Retrieved from
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