Expert answer:The design for a small web site, Assignment Descri

Answer & Explanation:Assignment Description
Develop a 5-6 page Word document that describes the design for a small Web site that meets the following specifications.
The Web site includes four or more Web pages designed according to current usability guidelines.
One page must be the Home page.
One page must be a subscription page that allows the user to become a member or subscribe to your organization and ? performs HTML data validation.
The Web site must incorporate the use of the following:
Images and Audio
At least one table (NOT for page layout)
At least one form
Other valid HTML elements
Produce a cohesive site that is easy to navigate.
The Web site must include external CSS used to format and layout each Web page.
Validate the HTML in each Web page.
Validate the CSS style rules in each CSS.
The design document must include details about your design, technologies employed, potential challenges and explanations regarding your validation process. Include
a title page.
Add the design document to the Visual Studio Web site folder.
Submit the Word Design document and the Web site into a .zip file. assignmentdetails_1_29_2016.pdf

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7:33 AM (CST)
Unit 4 – Individual Project
Assignment Overview
Type: Individual Project
Unit: Web Site Development
Due Date: Sun, 1/31/16
Grading Type: Numeric
Points Possible: 140
Points Earned: 0
Deliverable Length: Web site design and implemented Web site consisting of
the necessary Web pages and external CSSs
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Assignment Details
Learning Materials
Reading Assignment
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Online Deliverables: Submissions
Assignment Details
Assignment Description
Develop a 5-6 page Word document that describes the design for a small Web site that meets the following specifications.
The Web site includes four or more Web pages designed according to current usability guidelines.
One page must be the Home page.
One page must be a subscription page that allows the user to become a member or subscribe to your organization and ? performs HTML data validation.
The Web site must incorporate the use of the following:
Images and Audio
At least one table (NOT for page layout)
At least one form
Other valid HTML elements
Produce a cohesive site that is easy to navigate.
The Web site must include external CSS used to format and layout each Web page.
Validate the HTML in each Web page.
Validate the CSS style rules in each CSS.
The design document must include details about your design, technologies employed, potential challenges and explanations regarding your validation process. Include
a title page.
Add the design document to the Visual Studio Web site folder.
Submit the Word Design document and the Web site into a .zip file.
Please add your file.
You will be graded on the design and functionality of the Web site. You will be graded on the usability of the Web site. You will be graded on the ability to include the required
Web pages and the required HTML elements in the Web site. You will be graded on the use of CSS to format and layout Web pages. Points will be deducted for a missing or
incomplete site plan. Points will be deducted for missing required Web pages. Points will be deducted for any missing required elements and/or attributes. Points will be
deducted for any HTML or CSS validation errors including any missing accessibility requirements.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Grading Rubric
Project Criteria Exceeds: 90%–100%
Very Good: 80%–89%
Response covers all topics indicated in
Response covers most topics
the assignment and adds additional
indicated in the assignment.
Demonstrates outstanding or
Demonstrates very good written,
exemplary application of written, visual, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates
or oral skills. Demonstrates
sound expression of topic, main idea,
outstanding expression of topic, main and purpose. Audience is usually
idea, and purpose. Audience is
addressed appropriately. Language
addressed appropriately. Language
does not interfere with the
clearly and effectively communicates communication of ideas and content
ideas and content relevant to the
relevant to the assignment. Errors in
assignment. Errors in grammar,
grammar, spelling, and sentence
spelling, and sentence structure are
structure are present, but do not
minimal. Organization is clear. Format distract from the message.
is consistently appropriate to
Organization is apparent and mostly
assignment. Presentation and delivery clear. Format is appropriate to
are confident and persuasive (where
assignment, but not entirely
applicable). The writing was of
consistent. The writing was of
collegiate level with no errors in
collegiate level with two or less errors
spelling or grammar.
in spelling or grammar.
Meets: 70%–79%
Needs Improvement: Below 70%
Response covers many of the
Response covers none to some of the
topics indicated in the assignment. topics indicated in the assignment.
Demonstrates acceptable written,
Demonstrates inadequate or partially
visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates
proficient application of written, visual, or
reasonable expression of topic,
oral skills. Demonstrates inadequate or
main idea, and purpose.
partial expression of topic, main idea, and
Sometimes, audience is
purpose. Audience is often not addressed
addressed appropriately. Language
appropriately. Language often impedes the
does not interfere with the
communication of ideas and content
communication of ideas and
relevant to the assignment. Errors in
content relevant to the
grammar, spelling, and sentence structure
assignment. Errors in grammar,
are frequent and often distract from
spelling, and sentence structure
meaning or presentation. Organization is
are present and may distract from
inadequate, confusing, and distracting.
the message. Organization is a bit
The format is inadequate and obscures
unclear. Format is inconsistent.
meaning. The writing was less than
The writing was of collegiate level
collegiate level with numerous errors in
with several errors in spelling or
spelling or grammar.
No or inaccurate analysis, no sources are
Analysis exceeds minimum
Limited analysis provided to
Basic analysis provided to support
cited when needed, analysis and/or
requirements. Sources are used to
support assertions. Some sources
assertions. Sources are cited,
sources are not appropriate. When
support analysis, are appropriate, and
are cited, appropriate, and properly
appropriate, and properly referenced.
sources are used, they are not properly
are properly referenced.
Reading Assignment
are properly referenced.
appropriate, and properly referenced.
sources are used, they are not properly
Reading Assignment
Chapter 10 – How to work with forms
Chapter 17 – How to design a Web Site
Chapter 18 – How to deploy a Web Site to a Web Server
Click intellipath for suggestions.
Click intellipath for Student Tips about the intellipath assignment.
Click intellipath for Frequently Asked Questions about the intellipath assignment.
Assignment Objectives
Design and develop a Web site using images, tables, forms, and other elements
Deploy audio and video assets on a Web page using current interactive Web technologies
Describe various critical Web development issues such as cross-browser compatibility, user accessibility, international standards, and common Web application
Discuss the specifications, history, guidelines, and tools that are applicable to Web standards
Other Information
There is no additional information to display at this time.
Extra Credit
View Assignment Rubric
Assignment Details
Assignment Description
Develop a 5-6 page Word document that describes the design for a small Web site that meets the following specifications.
The Web site includes four or more Web pages designed according to current usability guidelines.
One page must be the Home page.
One page must be a subscription page that allows the user to become a member or subscribe to your organization and ? performs HTML data validation.
The Web site must incorporate the use of the following:
Images and Audio
At least one table (NOT for page layout)
At least one form
Other valid HTML elements
Produce a cohesive site that is easy to navigate.
The Web site must include external CSS used to format and layout each Web page.
Validate the HTML in each Web page.
Validate the CSS style rules in each CSS.
The design document must include details about your design, technologies employed, potential challenges and explanations regarding your validation process. Include
a title page.
Add the design document to the Visual Studio Web site folder.
Submit the Word Design document and the Web site into a .zip file.
Please add your file.
You will be graded on the design and functionality of the Web site. You will be graded on the usability of the Web site. You will be graded on the ability to include the required
Web pages and the required HTML elements in the Web site. You will be graded on the use of CSS to format and layout Web pages. Points will be deducted for a missing or
incomplete site plan. Points will be deducted for missing required Web pages. Points will be deducted for any missing required elements and/or attributes. Points will be
deducted for any HTML or CSS validation errors including any missing accessibility requirements.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Grading Rubric
Project Criteria Exceeds: 90%–100%
Very Good: 80%–89%
Response covers all topics indicated in
Response covers most topics
the assignment and adds additional
indicated in the assignment.
Demonstrates outstanding or
Demonstrates very good written,
exemplary application of written, visual, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates
or oral skills. Demonstrates
sound expression of topic, main idea,
outstanding expression of topic, main and purpose. Audience is usually
idea, and purpose. Audience is
addressed appropriately. Language
addressed appropriately. Language
does not interfere with the
clearly and effectively communicates communication of ideas and content
ideas and content relevant to the
relevant to the assignment. Errors in
assignment. Errors in grammar,
grammar, spelling, and sentence
spelling, and sentence structure are
structure are present, but do not
minimal. Organization is clear. Format distract from the message.
is consistently appropriate to
Organization is apparent and mostly
assignment. Presentation and delivery clear. Format is appropriate to
Meets: 70%–79%
Needs Improvement: Below 70%
Response covers many of the
Response covers none to some of the
topics indicated in the assignment. topics indicated in the assignment.
Demonstrates acceptable written,
Demonstrates inadequate or partially
visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates
proficient application of written, visual, or
reasonable expression of topic,
oral skills. Demonstrates inadequate or
main idea, and purpose.
partial expression of topic, main idea, and
Sometimes, audience is
purpose. Audience is often not addressed
addressed appropriately. Language
appropriately. Language often impedes the
does not interfere with the
communication of ideas and content
communication of ideas and
relevant to the assignment. Errors in
content relevant to the
grammar, spelling, and sentence structure
assignment. Errors in grammar,
are frequent and often distract from
spelling, and sentence structure
meaning or presentation. Organization is
are present and may distract from
inadequate, confusing, and distracting.
the message. Organization is a bit
The format is inadequate and obscures
the assignment and adds additional
indicated in the assignment.
Demonstrates outstanding or
Demonstrates very good written,
exemplary application of written, visual, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates
or oral skills. Demonstrates
sound expression of topic, main idea,
outstanding expression of topic, main and purpose. Audience is usually
idea, and purpose. Audience is
addressed appropriately. Language
addressed appropriately. Language
does not interfere with the
clearly and effectively communicates communication of ideas and content
ideas and content relevant to the
relevant to the assignment. Errors in
assignment. Errors in grammar,
grammar, spelling, and sentence
spelling, and sentence structure are
structure are present, but do not
minimal. Organization is clear. Format distract from the message.
is consistently appropriate to
Organization is apparent and mostly
assignment. Presentation and delivery clear. Format is appropriate to
are confident and persuasive (where
assignment, but not entirely
applicable). The writing was of
consistent. The writing was of
collegiate level with no errors in
collegiate level with two or less errors
spelling or grammar.
in spelling or grammar.
topics indicated in the assignment.topics indicated in the assignment.
Demonstrates acceptable written,
Demonstrates inadequate or partially
visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates
proficient application of written, visual, or
reasonable expression of topic,
oral skills. Demonstrates inadequate or
main idea, and purpose.
partial expression of topic, main idea, and
Sometimes, audience is
purpose. Audience is often not addressed
addressed appropriately. Language
appropriately. Language often impedes the
does not interfere with the
communication of ideas and content
communication of ideas and
relevant to the assignment. Errors in
content relevant to the
grammar, spelling, and sentence structure
assignment. Errors in grammar,
are frequent and often distract from
spelling, and sentence structure
meaning or presentation. Organization is
are present and may distract from
inadequate, confusing, and distracting.
the message. Organization is a bit
The format is inadequate and obscures
unclear. Format is inconsistent.
meaning. The writing was less than
The writing was of collegiate level
collegiate level with numerous errors in
with several errors in spelling or
spelling or grammar.
No or inaccurate analysis, no sources are
Analysis exceeds minimum
Limited analysis provided to
Basic analysis provided to support
cited when needed, analysis and/or
requirements. Sources are used to
support assertions. Some sources
assertions. Sources are cited,
sources are not appropriate. When
support analysis, are appropriate, and
are cited, appropriate, and properly
appropriate, and properly referenced.
sources are used, they are not properly
are properly referenced.
Reading Assignment
Chapter 10 – How to work with forms
Chapter 17 – How to design a Web Site
Chapter 18 – How to deploy a Web Site to a Web Server
Click intellipath for suggestions.
Click intellipath for Student Tips about the intellipath assignment.
Click intellipath for Frequently Asked Questions about the intellipath assignment.
Assignment Objectives
Design and develop a Web site using images, tables, forms, and other elements
Deploy audio and video assets on a Web page using current interactive Web technologies
Describe various critical Web development issues such as cross-browser compatibility, user accessibility, international standards, and common Web application
Discuss the specifications, history, guidelines, and tools that are applicable to Web standards
Other Information
There is no additional information to display at this time.
Extra Credit
View Assignment Rubric
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