Expert answer:Using the problem you identified in your Module One journal, describe the research problem including the context in which it exists. Using the problem statement, describe the stakeholders and research objective. Based on the research objective, develop a research question that clearly and concisely articulates in one sentence the purpose of the study. Consider the key real or potential ethical issues or challenges of the study. After describing your business problem and research question, prepare a comprehensive literature review that carefully and thoughtfully examines the research problem from a scholarly perspective using a minimum of seven quality sources. A minimum of three of the sources must be selected from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. Other quality sources can be professional publications or magazines, internal corporate publications such as annual reports or white papers, or established news sources.
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QSO 500 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: In this final project, you will create a research report based on the application of action research processes for developing problem solving strategies.
In designing the report, you will follow the best practices for ethical research. You will utilize the research process to inform decisions in your professional life
and as a framework for approaching research projects in other courses in your program. The final product will be a comprehensive research report using the
five-step research process (identify the problem; understand the theoretical framework of the problem; design the research study; collect, explain, and analyze
the data; report the results; and make conclusions and recommendations).
For Milestone One, submit a draft of your business problem and literature review. Using the problem you identified in your Module One journal and the
feedback you received, describe the research problem including the context in which it exists. Using the problem statement, describe the stakeholders and
research objective. Based on the research objective, develop a research question that clearly and concisely articulates in one sentence the purpose of the study.
Consider the key real or potential ethical issues or challenges of the study.
After describing your business problem and research question, prepare a comprehensive literature review that carefully and thoughtfully examines the research
problem from a scholarly perspective using a minimum of seven quality sources. A minimum of three of the sources must be selected from scholarly, peerreviewed journals. Other quality sources can be professional publications or magazines, internal corporate publications such as annual reports or white papers,
or established news sources.
Prompt: Refer to the given case study Maruti Suzuki India: Defending Market Leadership in the A-Segment and select a data-driven business problem that can be
addressed using action research to be the basis for your research report. Prepare a comprehensive literature review that carefully and thoughtfully examines the
research problem from a scholarly perspective using a minimum of seven quality sources. A minimum of three of the sources must be selected from scholarly,
peer-reviewed journals. Other quality sources can be from professional publications or magazines, internal corporate publications such as annual reports or
white papers, or established news sources.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
Business Problem: Refer to the given case study and select a data-driven business problem that can be addressed using action research to be the basis for
your research report.
A. Describe the research problem, including the context in which it exists. In other words, what caused or precipitated this problem? What has
already been done to address it?
B. Describe the key stakeholders (or potential stakeholders) of your business problem. In other words, who are the people who have the most to
gain or lose from a decision?
C. Explain the research objective. How would it benefit the stakeholder to know the results?
D. Develop a research question based on the research objective that clearly and concisely articulates in one sentence the purpose of the study.
E. Discuss the key real or potential ethical issues or challenges of the study. Consider the following: How will data be collected and protected? How
will human subjects be used, treated, and protected?
Literature Review:
A. Explain the theories that best ground your organizational problem. Support your explanation with specific examples. These theories might be
management, behavioral, social, and/or business related.
B. Discuss the bias and limitations present in the relevant literature and the potential impact these may have on your research.
C. Summarize at least one other research study that has faced this challenge that could potentially be replicated and applied to your research
D. From the literature, analyze at least one other organization that has faced similar problems, explaining what they have done to address the
Guidelines for Submission: Your milestone must be submitted as a 5- to 6-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman
font, one-inch margins, and at least seven sources cited in APA format.
Critical Elements
Business Problem:
Research Problem
Proficient (100%)
Describes the research problem,
including the context in which it
Business Problem:
Describes all key stakeholders of
the business problem
Business Problem:
Research Objective
Explains the research objective,
including how this research
would benefit the stakeholder
Business Problem:
Research Question
Develops a research question
based on the research objective
that clearly and concisely
articulates in one sentence the
purpose of the study
Needs Improvement (75%)
Describes the research
problem, but description is
cursory or does not include the
context in which the problem
Describes the stakeholders of
the business problem, but
description is cursory or
neglects to address all key
Explains the research objective,
but explanation is cursory or
does not show how this
research would benefit the
Develops a research question
based on the research
objective, but it does not
clearly or concisely articulate in
one sentence the purpose of
the study
Not Evident (0%)
Does not describe the research
Does not describe the
stakeholders of the business
Does not explain the research
Does not develop a research
question based on the research
Business Problem:
Ethical Issues
Discusses all key real or
potential ethical issues or
challenges of the study
Literature Review:
Explains the theories that best
ground the organizational
problem with support from
specific examples
Literature Review:
Bias and Limitations
Discusses the bias and
limitations present in the
relevant literature, including the
potential impact on research
Literature Review:
Other Research Study
Summarizes another research
study that has faced this
challenge that could potentially
be replicated and applied to
your research study
Literature Review:
Other Organization
Analyzes another organization
that has faced similar problems,
including an explanation of
what was done to address the
Articulation of
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Discusses real or potential
ethical issues or challenges of
the study, but discussion is
cursory, contains issues of
clarity, or neglects to address
key ethical issues
Explains the theories that best
ground the organizational
problem, but explanation is
cursory or not supported with
specific examples
Discusses the bias and
limitations present in the
relevant literature, but
discussion contains issues of
clarity or does not address the
potential impact on research
Summarizes another research
study that has faced this
challenge that could potentially
be replicated and applied to
your research study, but
summary is cursory or contains
Analyzes another organization
that has faced similar
problems, but analysis is
cursory or does not explain
what was done to address the
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Does not discuss real or potential
ethical issues or challenges of the
Does not explain the theories that
best ground the organizational
Does not discuss the bias and
limitations present in the relevant
Does not summarize another
research study that has faced this
challenge that could potentially
be replicated
Does not analyze another
organization that has faced
similar problems
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
For the exclusive use of M. Phillips, 2017.
Jaydeep Mukherjee, Gaurav Mathur and Nikhil Dhar wrote this case solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do
not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain
names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
This publication may not be transmitted, photocopied, digitized or otherwise reproduced in any form or by any means without the
permission of the copyright holder. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorization by any reproduction rights
organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Business School, Western
University, London, Ontario, Canada, N6G 0N1; (t) 519.661.3208; (e);
Copyright © 2015, Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation
Version: 2015-12-17
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. (MSIL), a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation Japan, had dominated the Indian
automotive industry with an unchallenged leadership position in the “A-segment” since its inception in 1983. The
Indian car market was normally divided into four product categories: hatch, sedan, sport utility vehicle (SUV)/multiutility vehicle (MUV) and van. The hatch segment could be further divided into entry-hatch, mid-size-hatch and
premium-hatch segments. The overall hatch segment was known as the A-segment (see Exhibit 1). Growth of the
Indian car market was driven primarily by growth in this segment.
From 2008 to 2013, MSIL’s competition had made inroads in the A-segment with cars like the Hyundai Eon, the
Hyundai i10, the Tata Nano, the General Motors Beat and the Honda Brio. During this period, MSIL’s A-segment
market share declined from 61 per cent to 49 per cent. Industry sources estimated that the Indian car market would
grow to annual sales of 4.7 million units — and the A-segment to 2.4 million units — by 2017/18. A continued drop
in market share in the A-segment could jeopardize MSIL’s competitive advantage in the Indian car market. The
company needed to reassess its strategy to sustain its market position (see Exhibit 2).
Among other initiatives planned in March 2013, the MSIL board had sought a product roadmap to sustain its
dominance in the A-segment. Typically, new product development and introduction required four to five years to
design, develop, test and produce with a budgeted spend of approximately ₹6 billion,1 apart from associated
opportunity costs; hence, it was an important activity for MSIL. The general manager of the product planning
department was entrusted with the assignment.
India’s total passenger vehicle industry (including passenger cars and commercial vehicles) was the sixth largest in
the world, with annual production of more than 3.9 million units in 2011, while the country’s passenger car market
was the seventh largest in the world, with sales of almost 2.7 million units in 2011. As a car manufacturer, India was
growing at an exceptional speed; in 2003, for the first time, national production exceeded the 1 million mark, going
on to exceed the 2 million mark in 2006.2
All figures are in ₹ (INR or Indian rupee) unless stated otherwise; ₹1 = US$0.02 on May 5, 2015.
Society of Indian Automotive Manufacturers, “Industry Performance in 2014-15,”
mpgid=8&pgidtrail=9, accessed July 30, 2015.
This document is authorized for use only by Matthew Phillips in QSO-500 Business Research 17TW2 taught by Lindsay Conole, Southern New Hampshire University from October 2017 to
February 2018.
For the exclusive use of M. Phillips, 2017.
Page 2
MSIL utilized the findings of several macroeconomic studies to draw up its future plans. It also had a research wing
that provided information to its planning, marketing and legal departments. Apart from that, it initiated its own
research related to competition, dealership health, sales figures and market potential as well as consumer insights.
Reports indicated a significant opportunity in the Indian passenger car market, in the form of growing gross
domestic product (GDP), increasing income (i.e., more disposable income among consumers), increasing bank
networks and credit facilities, and low car penetration (18 car owners per 1,000 people, whereas Brazil and China
had figures of around 200 per 1,000). Major global players like General Motors, Ford and Toyota had initially
offered only sedan cars and SUVs, but had eventually introduced products in the A-segment — typically, the most
compact cars from their international portfolios. Most of these compact cars were in the premium-hatch category of
the Indian market. Thus, the sedan, SUV and premium-hatch segments witnessed higher competition. These
segments were also supported with some high-profile advertisements and consumer promotions from the car
manufacturers, which fuelled growth.
As a consequence, the entire A-segment also became very competitive for well entrenched players like MSIL,
Hyundai and Tata Motors. Stakes for the entry- and mid-hatch segments also increased among these competitors.
Competition was expected to intensify with more multinational companies entering the Indian market, in addition to
existing players introducing India-specific products (targeting the entry- and mid-hatch segment) (see Exhibit 3).
The Indian market saw increased proliferation of features from the luxury segment becoming available in the lowerend car segments. Features such as air conditioning, power steering and power windows were aspirational for the
hatch segment in 2009, but became standard features in the hatch models by 2012/13. Similarly, features available in
the luxury sedan segment during 2008, such as touch-screen audio, electric- and auto-foldable mirrors, and
automatic air conditioning, were standard across the sedan segment in 2012/13.
The used car market in India grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22 per cent from a volume of 1
million units to 2.6 million units from 2007 to 2012. The market was projected to grow at a rate of 22 to 24 per cent
from 2012 to 2017. Within the used car market, small cars accounted for 67 per cent of the total sales in 2011/12.
The ratio of new car sales to used car sales in India was expected to reach 1:1.8 by 2016/17 (from 1:1.3 in 2011/12).
However, even with this increase, India’s ratio would be low compared to developed markets, where the ratio was
MSIL, formerly known as Maruti Udyog Limited, started operations in 1983, when the Government of India and
Suzuki Motor Corporation established a joint venture company to sell small cars in India. Suzuki increased its equity
from 26 per cent to 40 per cent in 1987, and further, to 50 per cent in 1992, and 56.21 per cent in 2012 (the
remainder was owned by public and financial institutions). The company was listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange
and the National Stock Exchange of India.
MSIL’s vision statement was: “The leader in the Indian automobile industry. Creating customer delight and
shareholders’ wealth: A pride of India.” Its core values were “customer obsession, fast, flexible and first mover,
innovation and creativity, networking and partnership, and openness and learning.”
By 2013, the company had established a strong brand image by offering solid, reliable products. MSIL’s corporate
communications emphasized emotional connection, using the message, “India comes home in a Maruti Suzuki.”
MSIL products enjoyed a sturdy, reliable and economical image in the minds of consumers, and A-segment
consumers were proud to own a Maruti Suzuki car. The company’s market share reached 85 per cent in 1997, before
gradually reducing due to intense competition. By February 2012, the company had sold 10 million vehicles in
India. In addition, it was ranked number one in consumer satisfaction for an unprecedented 13th time in a row in the
J.D. Power India customer satisfaction index in 2012.3
J. D. Power, 2012, “Customer Expectations of Convenience during Vehicle Service Rises Significantly in India,”, accessed November 17, 2015.
This document is authorized for use only by Matthew Phillips in QSO-500 Business Research 17TW2 taught by Lindsay Conole, Southern New Hampshire University from October 2017 to
February 2018.
For the exclusive use of M. Phillips, 2017.
Page 3
Indian consumers generally spent two times the cost of acquisition on repairs and maintenance over the lifecycle of
a car, as per the research conducted by MSIL. MSIL products had lower overall costs of ownership. This was
achieved by reducing product cost through localization, value analysis and value engineering (VAVE), and
improved quality. The company had developed ancillary industries in and around its factory, indigenized the
necessary components and increased the local content in its products.
In 2012/13, MSIL achieved revenue of ₹426 billion and a profit of ₹23.9 billion. The company had two state-of-theart factories. In 2010, it rolled out 1 million vehicles in a year, which was a remarkable landmark for an automobile
company in India.
The depth of MSIL’s distribution channels played a key role in helping the company to maintain its leadership
position in the Indian passenger car industry. By the end of 2012, it had a sales network spread across 878 cities
nationwide and a service network spanning 1,422 cities and towns. However, establishing and maintaining
distribution outlets in rural markets remained a key challenge for MSIL. Initiatives to maintain constant dealership
motivation — through hefty trade promotions, attractive foreign trips and corporate recognition for smaller
dealerships — were crucial to success. MSIL dealerships were confident of brand pull, good sales and service
support, and fair dealings. Dealerships located in cities that were not in the top 50 cities of India (in terms of car
sales) took great pride in being part of the Maruti Suzuki family and this association gave them greater recognition
in their own business and social circles.
With its aggressive tactics, broad product range, appropriate price points, attractive promotions and wide
distribution, Hyundai was MSIL’s greatest competitor in the A-segment. Its product range comprised the Eon, the
i10 and the i20, which were designed to cater to the changing requirements of Indian consumers. Hyundai had the
added advantage over MSIL of having successful products like the Verna in the premium car segment, which helped
in building brand image and improving profit potential.
Tata Motors posed a different type of competition to MSIL. The brand was trusted across different consumer
products and had good presence in the transport vehicle segment. Most A-segment consumers had travelled in Tata
buses and experienced the sturdiness and ubiquity of the company’s vehicles. Tata entered the hatch market with the
Indica, which was an indigenously developed car and hence, had an emotional connection with many consumers.
The product was a success in the hatch segment and it catered to personal and commercial segments. With its
spacious interiors, sturdy structure and relatively cheap operating costs, the Indica was a preferred product for both
short- and long-distance travel. The vehicle was very popular in the taxi segment, as well as with consumers who
used it for their own businesses.
The Nano was Tata’s most innovative product and had enjoyed a high-profile launch. It was conceptualized as a
product that bridged the gap betw …
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