Expert answer:Please put info from Phase 1 and 2 into the paperwork in the project file. Thanks.
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Dealer’s Greatest Assets
Phone: 703-226-4104 Fax: 571-229-5807
Human Resources
Name: Andrea Winterling
Title: Employee Relations Manager
Office: 703-226-4104
Phone: 239-734-0254
EXECUTIVE SPONSOR (funding authority)
Existing Application Enhancement
Business Process Analysis and Redesign
Existing Application Maintenance (problem fix)
New Application Development
Other (please specify _______________________________________________________________________
BRIEF STATEMENT OF PROBLEM, OPPORTUNITY, OR DIRECTIVE (attach additional documentation as necessary)
ACTION (ISS Office Use Only)
Feasibility assessment approved
Assigned to __
Feasibility assessment waived
Approved Budget $ _____________
Start Date __ _____ Deadline _ ___
Request delayed
Backlogged until date: ______________
Request rejected
Authorized Signatures:
Reason: ________________________________________________
Project Executive Sponsor
Project Charter
Project Title:
Project Start Date:
Budget Information:
Projected Finish Date:
Project Manager: Name, phone, e-mail
Project Objectives:
Roles and Responsibilities
Name and Signature
Contact Information
Comments: (Handwritten or typed comments from above stakeholders, if applicable)
Scope Statement Version 1.0
Project Name:
Project Justification
Project Management-Related Deliverables:
Product-Related Deliverables:
Project Success Criteria
Type of
Weight *
Detailed Notes
1. Do you have the required technical
resources to undertake the new IT
project? Explain.
2. Do you have the required technical
expertise to successfully implement
the new IT project? Explain.
3. Do you think the new proposed IT
system will be compatible to the
existing system? Explain.
1. Do you think end users will be
comfortable in using the new IT system
that you are developing? Explain.
2. What are the training needs for the end
users? What arrangements have you
3. Do you think end users will resist while
adopting the new system?
4. What are the changes to the business
processes while adopting the new
5. Will customers get affected by the
adoption of the new system?
1. Estimate the time line by which the
new IT project can be rolled out. Use
project management tools to estimate
the project duration.
1. What are the risks associated with the
new IT project?
2. What are the chances of occurrence of
these risks?
3. What alternate plans do you have to
mitigate these risks?
1. Estimate the cash flows for the next 5
2. Compute the ROI, Net Present Value
and Payback period.
Business Case for Project Name
Project Name:
1.0 Introduction/ Background
2.0 Business Objective
3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement
4.0 Critical Assumption and Constraints
5.0 Analysis of Options and Recommendation
6.0 Preliminary Project Requirements
7.0 Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis
8.0 Schedule Estimate
9.0 Potential Risks
10.0 Exhibits
Exhibit A: Financial Analysis
Christopher Lumley
INSS 370.001
Prof. Ramsey
DGA dealership analyzer and sales monitoring
Statement of the Problem
An assessment report to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dealer Greatest Assets (CDA) Alisha
Pae has identified that her company is having issues in the sales and marketing, customer service and
the procurement departments raising the need to construct a new system. Some of the main issues
highlighted in the report include delayed orders, reduced sales due to the poor performance of the
current system and increased costs. The DGA policies demand Alisha, the CEO, to work on the project
ensuring the system design meet the business needs. The DGA needs are to have a system that will
manage the customer orders, track sales and also act as the marketing tool for the business.
What the system is about
The new system to be developed by the Dealers Greatest Assets aims at restructuring the
operations of the organization. A directive to have a system that its main role is to manage all orders
from the clients ensuring timely order fulfillment, tracking orders in the attempt to ensure customer
satisfaction and has the capabilities of reaching potential customers through product promotion.
Dealer’s Greatest Assets aims to use the system to send important messages to their customers such as
latest innovations in the market. The system must also have the ability to generate reports that are to
be used in the strategic and informed decision making.
Available Alternatives
Dealer’s Greatest Assets have a pool of alternatives to select the best way to solve their
performance issues. Some of these alternatives include system software development, improvement of
the current system, outsourcing the marketing and customer service units and concentrate on the
critical issues. Also, website development is also an alternative that is at the disposal of the organization.
After an Analysis of Alternatives, internal Software development is the alternative that is bound to offer
a high capability to satisfy the needs of the organization.
Feasibility Analysis
After the selection of the best alternative, DGA will conduct a feasibility study. The study will
begin by identifying a technical analyst from the important departments such as the IT department to
conduct a preliminary investigation on the project. The duties of the analyst are the identification of the
nature and scope of the problems facing an organization, the opportunities for improvement and define
particular solutions (Clifton, David S, and David E. Fyffe). During the feasibility study, all the critical risks
are identified. The DGA’s format of feasibility study involves the technical, operational and economic
feasibility test as explained below
Technical feasibility
DGA will have to examine all probable causes of success or failure in the software system
request project. Dealers Greatest Assets will conduct a detailed analysis if the organization has the
capabilities of holding the new system. This analysis will involve the assessment of the project
requirement, and the assessment of the technical resources in the firm such as the current computer
hardware, software, development tools, and other related equipment meet the requirement of the new
system. The missing resources are then sourced to avoid delay of the project.
Operational feasibility
Dealers Greatest Assets (DGA) will measure the suitability of the proposed system in regards to
the human factor by measuring how it affects human operation. The system must be in a position to
raise the overall morale of the Dealers Greatest Assets employees. During this analysis, the employees’
readiness to cooperate with the system is also tested. The operational feasibility study also checks if
there is any training that is on how to use the system and if so does DGA have the capacity to provide
the necessary training. Finally, the operational feasibility reviews the likely changes the system is likely
to bring to the organization, for example, does the system lead to the reduction of the workforce, does
it trigger a change in the firm’s management structure.
Economic Feasibility
DGA will conduct an economic study to analyze the overall costs of the project during
procurement, installation and operating the system. A similar study on the expected benefits shall also
be conducted. If the long-term projected profits are higher than the costs to be incurred you invest in
the project. Some techniques of analyzing costs and are available, and they include payback period,
Return on investments (ROI) and the Net Present Value (NPV)
Before undertaking any project, it’s essential to determine when a company wants to recover its
estimated costs. Dealers greatest Assets will conduct a Payback and determine when the company will
improve the costs endured during the system development. Payback can be determined by increased
revenues or increased saving or a combination of the two. If DGA wants to payback in 5 years but the
projected payback period is seven years the project should not be implemented.
Return on Investment (ROI)
It is the determination of a number of money Dealers Greatest Assets expects to earn in return
for what it has spent. Therefore, DGA will implement and invest in the project that has higher the ROI
because it has a greater difference between benefits and cost.
(total benefits-total cost)÷total cost= ROI
Net present value
The net present value is just the comparison of current expenditures and revenues with those to
be experienced in future. During the feasibility test, DGA must determine the amount of money that
needs to be invested in acquiring benefits in future. Due to the risks involved a company must identify a
rate of return that is higher than the discounting rate.
After the feasibility study, a report is presented to the DGA’s approval committee that includes
all the summary of identified problems and proposed solutions to the issues raised. But it should be
noted every aspect of the feasibility is equally important because, for instance, a project might be
economically and technically feasible, but lack of cooperation by the users makes it not be operationally
Christopher Lumley
INSS 370.001
Prof. Ramsey
Dealers Greatest Assets dealership analyzer and sales monitoring
Phase 2
Gathering Business Requirement Process
Requirement gathering is the process of collecting and preparing a set of customer specification.
The users are the primary source of the requirements, but the competing firms, the management, and
the customers also are part of the different sources of information. DGA is required to create a
complete set of the requirement in an attempt to estimate the costs more accurately, aim to deliver the
software within the budgeted time and to ensure more customer satisfaction. The gathering process
has some advantages to the Dealers Greatest Assets including bridging the gap between the business
and the technical requirements. Also, the soliciting of elements communicates the DGA stakeholders’
wants to the development team. The committee gathering these requirements on behalf of DGA must
write all these needs in a language understood by both parties. The information gathering process may
be hindered by some challenges such as the conflicting interest by the stakeholders and lack of
knowledge of the technical processes.
Some of the requirement include the user department specification, the management cost
budget and the expected delivery date. Studies have revealed that poor gathering of the requirement is
the greatest factor affecting the project success rate. Lack of stakeholder involvement during the
gathering of requirements is the leading cause of poor requirement gathering (Ray, Rajesh, 2012 pg.
Source of requirements
According to Ballard 2012, an organization like Dealers Greatest Assets can source its
requirement from some sources, e.g., discussion with the stakeholders, competitive analysis,
observation of the various user departments and the customer care departments.
Discussion with stakeholders
A committee involving all the Dealers Greatest Assets department should be prepared to raise
the needs of individual departments. This committee should discuss all the problems associated with the
DGA current system and prepare a recommendation on the possible ways of solving the problems.
Competitive analysis
The competitive analysis involves benchmarking Dealers Greatest Assets with the best industries
best performers. After the benchmark, weak points are identified as the business requirements to
ensure that Dealers Greatest Asset remains competitive.
Customer care department
Customer complaints and feedbacks should be viewed as the changes the firms business want in
an organization. These changes must be concentrated on to encourage repeat business.
Observation of users
The DGA’s requirement gathering team can randomly observe the users of the current
observation and identify its challenges. The DGA can treat these challenges and the problems
encountered by the users as requirements to ensure the continuous flow of work.
Tools for Gathering Requirements
There are some techniques DGA can use to solicit requirements from the various sources.
Collecting the right requirements is not only challenging for Dealers greatest Assets but to all
organization according to Sherman. This challenge has been raised by the wrong use of Data collection
techniques. Some of the techniques that DGA can apply to ensure that it collects the right requirements;
One on one Interviews
Dealers Greatest Assets requirement gathering team can apply the use of Interviews as a
technique for obtaining the requirements. Interviewing the different stakeholder in an organization face
to face is the most common technique of gathering information and the primary source of needs. DGA
should set up open-ended, and closed-ended questions help in acquiring quality information about the
requirements of an organization. Some of the issues that can be asked in an interview include;
What do you dislike about the current Dealers Greatest Asset system?
I love the direction DGA is taking.
What problems do you repeatedly encounter during your operations in DGA?
What are the recommendations you can suggest to be implemented in DGA?
None, everything has been working well.
Automated Joint Application Design
Dealers Greatest Asset can apply the Automated Joint Application (AJAD) to present the specific
requirements the users want to be implemented in DGA with technological assistance. Groupware
software is employed to promote team interactions and also ensure anonymity during the presentation
of their desired requirements to the needs collection teams.
If DGA decides to use the prototyping which is a contemporary requirement gathering process
that involves the employees to complete. In this process, after the employees submit their proposed
recommendations to the analyst, whose role is to overview them. However, this process is directly
independent of the employees and cannot be used independently to collect information. Due to the
direct involvement of the stakeholders prototyping becomes one of the perfect methods of specifying
the requirements.
Dealers Greatest Assets can apply these tools in the collection of the requirements from the
various stakeholders such as the prototyping, interviews, and Automated Joint Application Design. These
methods can be used to supplement each other. Dealers Greatest Asset should consider factors such as
the cost and time each method takes to collect information determine which way is to be applied.
Work cited
Sherman, Rick. Business Intelligence Guidebook: From Data Integration to Analytics. , 2014. Internet
Ballard, Chuck. Dimensional Modeling: In a Business Intelligence Environment. United States?: IBM
International Technical Support Organization, 2006. Internet resource.
Ray, Rajesh. Enterprise Resource Planning. New Delhi: TATA McGraw Hill Education, 2011. Print.
Clifton, David S, and David E. Fyffe. Project Feasibility Analysis: A Guide to Profitable New Ventures. New
York: Wiley, 1977. Print.
Dealer’s Greatest Assets
Phone: 703-226-4104 Fax: 571-229-5807
Human Resources
Name: Andrea Winterling
Title: Employee Relations Manager
Office: 703-226-4104
Phone: 239-734-0254
EXECUTIVE SPONSOR (funding authority)
Existing Application Enhancement
Business Process Analysis and Redesign
Existing Application Maintenance (problem fix)
New Application Development
Other (please specify _______________________________________________________________________
BRIEF STATEMENT OF PROBLEM, OPPORTUNITY, OR DIRECTIVE (attach additional documentation as necessary)
ACTION (ISS Office Use Only)
Feasibility assessment approved
Assigned to __
Feasibility assessment waived
Approved Budget $ _____________
Start Date __ _____ Deadline _ ___
Request delayed
Backlogged until date: ______________
Request rejected
Authorized Signatures:
Reason: ________________________________________________
Project Executive Sponsor
Project Charter
Project Title:
Project Start Date:
Budget Information:
Projected Finish Date:
Project Manager: Name, phone, e-mail
Project Objectives:
Roles and Responsibilities
Name and Signature
Contact Information
Comments: (Handwritten or typed comments from above stakeholders, if applicable)
Scope Statement Version 1.0
Project Name:
Project Justification
Project Management-Related Deliverables:
Product-Related Deliverables:
Project Success Criteria
Type of
Weight *
Detailed Notes
1. Do you have the required technical
resources to undertake the new IT
project? Explain.
2. Do you have the required technical
expertise to successfully implement
the new IT project? Explain.
3. Do you think the new proposed IT
system will be compatible to the
existing system? Explain.
1. Do you think end users will be
comfortable in using the new IT system
that you are developing? Explain.
2. What are the training needs for the end
users? What arrangements have you
3. Do you think end users will resist while
adopting the new system?
4. What are the changes to the business
processes while adopting the new
5. Will customers get affected by the
adoption of the new system?
1. Estimate the time line by which the
new IT project can be rolled out. Use
project management tools to estimate
the project duration.
1. What are the risks associated with the
new IT project?
2. What are the chances of occurrence of
these risks?
3. What alternate plans do you have to
mitigate these risks?
1. Estimate the cash flows for the next 5
2. Compute the ROI, Net Present Value
and Payback period.
Business Case for Project Name
Project Name:
1.0 Introduction/ Background
2.0 Business Objective
3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement
4.0 Critical Assumption and Constraints
5.0 Analysis of Options and Recommendation
6.0 Preliminary Project Requirements
7.0 Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis
8.0 Schedule Estimate
9.0 Potential Risks
10.0 Exhibits
Exhibit A: Financial Analysis
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