Expert answer:Essay, Annotations Direction

Expert answer:This assignment asks you to synthesize and reflect critically on at least 8 relevant sources that you areplanning on using for your Essay #3 (Note: more than 8 sources will help you write a stronger paper if all the sources are relevant). Writing the bibliography before your thesis will help you determine what you want to argue because the research will ensure that your essay is successful. SOURCESYour bibliography should contain 8 entries, and should meet the following criteria:4 academic, peer-reviewed journal articles about a MonstersA popular newspaper or newsmagazine article about a MonsterA credible website (one that fulfills the CARS test) with information about the social movementA primary source about the Monster (including but not limited to movement organization website, print or online interviews with movement activists, movement documents or art, activist generated writing, documentaries featuring living movement activists, etc.)2 Choice sources FORMATFor each of your sources, you should include an entry with relevant publication information in MLA format. ANNOTATIONS Directions: Your annotations for each of your 8 sources should do the followingo summarize the source (chapter, book, article, or the like).o identify the piece’s argument (or main point)o rely primarily on your own words and phrasing–use summary and paraphrase.o discuss the source’s strengths and weaknesses. For instance, does the item offer a good introduction to the issue? Does the item deal with a particular aspect of the issue that is especially relevant to the problem you plan to address in your proposal? Do you find the piece accessible or is it geared to a more specialized audience?o describe how this piece will contribute to your research project.o Each annotation should be a ½ page to 1-page, single-spaced. I will upload 2 sample of annotations directions for you, you can follow their way to finish the work.


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Ko 1
Ho Sum Ko (Kelly)
Amy Leonard
De Anza College
Essay 4: Annotated Bibliography Final Draft
Is it ethical to kill a zombie?
Etchells, Pete. “Zombies, Cognitive Dissonance and You.” The Guardian. Guardian News
and Media Limited, 31 Oct. 2013. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.
This article connects killing zombies with cognitive dissonance, a social psychology concept
which refers to two conflicting beliefs come together at the same time that you will have to
deal with. Etchells considers one’s mental situation of facing a zombie’s attack and to kill it is
immediate because he or she is dealing with the conflicting beliefs of killing is wrong and
killing as self-defense that happen at the same time. He stresses that one should solve such
belief disagreement so there will not be a hassle during a real zombie apocalypse. This piece
uses common and casual vocabularies and terms which makes it easily understandable for the
public. This article is also highly accessible on the Internet and therefore the general public is
the main audience of this article. Instead of looking into the concept of cognitive dissonance
in a deeper manner, Etchells gives rather direct and factual information on what connects
zombie killing and cognitive dissonance, so the article itself is not really analytical and
debatable enough to be argued. However, this article offers a new psychological concept that
would be useful for further investigation on the research paper.
Kirk, Robert. “Zombies.” Stanford University. Stanford University, 8 Sept. 2003. Web. 9 Mar.
Kirk sees zombies in a philosophical way as a medium that connects human consciousness
and the actual world, and he argues both the for and against sides on the conceivability of
zombies’ existence. Then, he gets to the conclusion that philosophically, the debate is not
going to come to an end because there will be more new findings in the philosophical area
that connects imagination and the real world, and the answer will not always be the same.
This is a college-level reading because the article uses relatively complex philosophical
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jargons that require thorough understandings in philosophy and some research. Kirk’s stance
is balanced, he thinks that the existence of zombies depends on what the given circumstances
are, which gives a sense of rounded argument. However, this could be a bad thing because
neither the arguments given on both sides are deep enough. This source serves as a
fundamental ground of zombie understanding and a reference to their possibility of existence,
which help to make connections with ethical issues.
Kumar, Rahul. “Permissible Killing And The Irrelevance Of Being Human.” Journal Of
Ethics 12.1 (2008): 57-80. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
This is a twenty-five paged response essay to Jeff McMahan’s book The Ethics of Killing:
Problems at the Margins of Life. Kumar’s article is a college-level reading because the article
is relatively lengthy and it discusses in-depth issues on permissibility of killing. Kumar sets
forth situations that are permissible to kill based on McMahan’s implications, and rejects his
idea of discriminating specific species as targets that are permissible to be killed. Kumar’s
article serves as a reference to the myth to be discussed in the research paper, whether
humans has a higher moral status than other species in this world.
Meyer, Michael. “What Is Ethics?” Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Santa Clara
University, 1 Jan. 2010. Web. 9 Mar. 2015.
This short article depicts what does the word “Ethics” mean to people in society. Meyer
makes reference to a quick interview with business people conducted by sociologist
Raymond Baumhart, and he concludes that most people have their feelings serve as their base
of ethical standards, which Meyer considers that is not what ethics is supposed to be. Meyer
suggests ethics includes two parts. The first part refers to standards of rights and obligations
that benefits society, and the second part refers to the standards of moral conducts and beliefs
shaped through social development. This article is relatively persuasive despite it lacks
specific evidences to support its arguments because it is more of a pathos persuasion than a
logos one, by attacking what common people view ethics is. This article offers a credible
source and proof of people are emotional on ethical issues, this allows the research paper to
develop a more logical perspective on ethics.
Munkittrick, Kyle. “The Ethics of Zombie Killing.” Pop Bioethics. 11 Feb. 2013. Web. 9 Mar.
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This article sets forth three consideration perspectives on killing zombies ethically – body
dignity, infection status, and recovery potential. Munkittrick considers killing a threatening
zombie as ethical when these criterions are negatively fulfilled, and under the circumstance of
zombies actually exist and exist in the form of how humans normally perceive them as
creatures that consume human flesh and respond to stimulants. This article is a
high-school-level reading, since the author sets up assumptions and criterions within the
passages, and this require readers to have a high-school level logical capability to follow the
author’s logical pattern. This is a well-developed article on ethics of zombie killing with
logos persuasion. Instead of arguing how unethical it is to kill, this article offers an actual
step-by-step solution to determine whether one should kill or not to kill based on objective
criterions. This article serves as a outline model of how the research paper should be
structured in order to look logical and easy for readers to follow, by setting up a constant
variable of what kind of zombie the research paper will be focusing on.
Quong, Jonathan. “Killing In Self-Defense.” Ethics 119.3 (2009): 507-537. Religion and
Philosophy Collection. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
This thirty-two paged article discusses the ethical aspects of killing someone in self-defense.
Quong’ offers his arguments on moral responsibilities that against the permissibility of killing
innocent people or bystanders. He also opposes the idea of permissible to kill the aggressor in
a murder incident. This is a college-level reading because the article is relatively lengthy and
it discusses complex ethics, moral and responsibility issues in great depth. Quong argues that
it is a “right violation” (8) to kill bystanders and the aggressor, and therefore it is not
permissible to kill since they retain the right not to be killed. This serves as a rebuttal in his
article which it defends ethics of killing people in self-defense. Quong’s article is quite
accurate as it covers a lot of perspectives that help support his arguments and make it less
biased in general, but this make the article more complex for readers to follow until the end.
This article provides a criterion for determining the ethics of killing zombies in the research
Sinnott-Armstrong, W., and F. G. Miller. “What Makes Killing Wrong?” Journal of Medical
Ethics (2012): 3-7. Journal of Medical Ethics. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Web. 9 Mar.
The aim of this five-paged medical journal is to defend organ donation after cardiac death
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(DCD), a state where a patient suffers from severe brain injury and is near death. This journal
on the other hand also argues that it is not morally wrong to kill people, but it is when you
cause someone to full disability. Although word choices in this journal is relatively simple,
the article is not easily accessible to everyone because it is published on the Journal of
Medical Ethics, an online journal mainly for professionals who work in the field of medical
ethics. Armstrong and Miller have obvious biases and ultimate support toward organ donation
after DCD in this journal, and they come into a conclusion that “it is easily obviated by
abandoning the norm against killing.” (5) This is a possible slippery slope because the authors
presume “the norm against killing” is no big deal and people get away with such notion easily.
However, this might not be the case since removing an ingrained belief is a challenging
process. Their article oversimplified ethics and ignored the complexity of the issue, which
their assumptions mean that as if there is never a struggle of whether the act of killing is
moral or not. However, this article serves as a model of understanding in the ethics of killing
for the research paper.
Thagard, Paul. “Zombie Ethics.” Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers, 25 Nov. 2011. Web.
03 Mar. 2015.
Thagard’s article, Zombie Ethics offers a simplified philosophical perspective on zombies
ethics. He has his own set of ethical standard that tends to be more human-centered and
focuses more on the sustainability of human at present and in the future. The way that
Thagard judges the rightfulness of zombies ethics uses both logos and ethos persuasive
modes. He thinks that zombies and human are not comparable in terms of cognition and
needs. In order to sustain humans’ existence in a long term, zombies should be excluded from
rights that humans have because having a different set of cognitive capacity might result in
conflicting survival patterns, thus might lead to environmental destruction and bring
extinction to human beings. This piece targets the general public as it uses common and
casual vocabularies which makes it easily understandable, and the article is highly accessible
on the Internet. The article makes sense and is reasonable, but it lacks specific analysis and
evidences to back his arguments up. Thagard’s article serves as a new idea to the research
paper comparing the gap difference of “cognitive capacities” between humans and zombies.
Metkar 1
Deepika Metkar
Amy Leonard
De Anza College
March 10, 2015
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Hunter, James C. “Chapter 4 on Leadership and Love.” The World’s Most Powerful Leadership
Principle: How to Become a Servant Leader. New York, New York: Crown Business,
2004. 83-111. Print.
In the book, The World’s Most Powerful Leadership Principle: How to Become a Servant
Leader, written by James Hunter, there was a chapter on the connection between leadership and
love. In this chapter, Hunter describes love as will power rather than the more popular definition
of love, which is romance or passion. He then defines love, for the purpose of the books, as “The
act(s) of extending yourself for others by identifying and meeting their legitimate needs and
seeking their greatest good” (Hunter). He explains how love and leadership are connected to
each other. In order for a leader to work correctly, he must have patience, kindness, humility,
respect, selflessness, forgiveness, honesty, and commitment. This book is a credible source.
Hunter had some good points on how emotions that come with love lead their way to the good
leadership skills. He used little anecdotes and stories that happened to him in real life to make the
content easy to follow, which actually made the read quite enjoyable. Although it had little fun
anecdotes and was easy to read, this source would have made it to relate to Rick from The
Walking Dead because this book is mostly on the aspect of business, but the points that Hunter
makes of the connection between love and leadership actually tie in very well with Rick and
what makes a good leader. The qualities of love and leadership can be related to Rick being a
leader in The Walking Dead because of his love for his group and their survival. Rick is looking
out for the greater good of his new team to make sure that they are safe and even tries to teach
them new skills. For example, he teaches the women and even Carl about how to shoot the guns.
With Hunter describing humility as a good quality, Rick shows great humility by helping out
Tyreese and his people, and even in the beginning with Morgan and his son. Hence, he proves
himself to be a good leader who cares about people. This resource is useful for research paper to
show Rick’s love toward his group and his excellent leadership quality. This resource has lots of
examples to prove and relate with real life about leadership quality.
Hurd, Mark V. “Five Leadership Qualities.” Leadership Excellence 31.2 (2014): 9. Business
Source Elite. Web. 4 March. 2015.
The article written by Mark Hurd is about what qualities a leader has. He focuses on five
qualities, getting the strategy right, executing the strategy, putting the right people in place,
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managing dual priorities that others see as conflicting business is not an “either/or” world, and
lastly keeping everyone focused on the big things that matter most. Even though the article is
written for business leaders, it still has several good qualities any leader needs to have. It
discusses how a leader needs to be able to adapt to accelerate changes by having suitable
strategies for product development, customer engagement, and employee engagement. He also
talks about leaders today having to master being able to create and elaborate the
strategy. Leaders also need to realize the short term and long terms goals and be able to make
create the right teams to accomplish both. Lastly, he talks about how a leader is able to create a
strategy and choose the right teams to achieve the strategy, making sure any distractions are
quickly resolved to stay focused on the overall strategy goal. The article is a reliable source and
written for a professional audience. It is written to enlighten prospective leaders as to what it
takes to be a great leader. The article may be focused on the business side versus leading a group
in apocalyptic setting, but they can be carried over. This is believable that this article will be a
great asset to showcase Rick as a great leader. In the book, The Walking Dead, volume One and
Two, Rick has used these qualities to get the group to work together, and he changed strategies
as needed. The quality of having to strategize made a good leader. In the book, The Walking
Dead, the overall theme is Rick being the leader and how he leads the group. This source will
help the research paper about why Rick is a great leader. He has to create the strategy out of
nothing he has seen before, and then he has to make sure the group understands to ensure it is
completed. This resource gives perfect examples to relate to Rick’s leadership and that will help
to write research paper.
Lee, Gus, and Elliott- Lee, Diane. Courage the backbone of leadership. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 2006. Print.
In the novel, “Courage the backbone of Leadership,” Gus Lee explained the basic components of
being a leader. He used many large company’s successors like Kaiser Permanente, Whirlpool,
Worldcom, etc. to help support his idea. Rightness, integrity, moral, courage, failures, and
direction are the main qualities of a successful leader. This book is really helpful and very true
about everything because the author mentioned that from where he found all that information. It
must have taken years for him to find much accurate information about his issues. Lot of the
information provided in the book is in-depth, and the author must have collected it from many
people. If a person read through this book thoroughly, he will definitely find his right path in the
life. The book helps to understand what to do to be a successful leader. In the chapter three,
“Going deeper (and higher) into values and ethics” (Lee), he talked about courage, which is a
really great value that a leader should have. Courage is something that comes from the heart and
it takes all your guts to make a right decision. The opposite of courage is not fear, it is
indifference; it comes from care, love, and allowing to become mentally and morally persevere
to withstand any danger, fear, and obstacle. The points discussed in the book can be applied in
the real life and anyone can become a good leader if he understands and follows the ideas
mentioned in the book. In The Walking Dead by Kirkman Robert, the character, Rick Grimses, is
the leader of the group to survive the zombie apocalypse. He has many values that a great leader
would have, especially courage. He has a courage to stand up to save anyone else and risking his
life for it. He was afraid, but he still faces it to keep his group together. He cares for his group
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with heart and soul. Even though his wife was dead he still stays strong to keep everyone safe.
This source is very useful to show Rick’s courageous quality. This source has lots of examples
and situations to prove leadership quality as courageous, so this resource will help for research
Lizik, Regina. “The Perfect Modern-Day Mythical Hero.” The Daily Beast. MONOMYTH, 28
Oct. 2014. Web. 4 March. 2015. .
The website, The Daily Beast, has lots of articles on different issues. There is one article named
“The Perfect Modern-Day Mythical Hero” which is on how the viewers of The Walking Dead
TV series were affected by Rick’s leadership. Regina mentioned, “In just over four seasons, The
Walking Dead’s Rick Grimes has evolved from the reluctant leader of a group of zombie
apocalypse survivors to a true champion of the new world” (Lizik, 1). It seemed that it is the
perfect elaboration of leadership of Rick in The Walking Dead books. To be a leader in this
world, one must be fair and willing to protect those he loves by any means necessary. Rick
possesses these traits accurately. Rick knows that his role is not only as a leader; he must be a
symbol of decisiveness, wisdom, and compassion. Rick does not hesitate to fight for everyone’s
survival. It is believable that Rick’s leadership can improve anyone’s real life. He is the best
leader because he took all the responsibilities that a good leader should take. Just like Rick,
everyone finds themselves dealing with difficult people, competing priorities, daily threats, and
the concept of solving for “perfect world” scenarios vs. simply surviving to fight another day.
This research website is credible because it gives accurate information about Rick’s leadership,
so this would be an excellent source for research paper.
Welch, Jack. “How To Be a Good Leader; During his long career, Welch mentored a generation
of future CEOs. In an exclusive excerpt, his rules of the game.” Newsweek 4 Apr. 2005:
45. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 4 March. 2015.
This article is written by Jack Welch, which describes how one can become a good leader. It
provides insight on the life of Herb Kelleher from Southwest Airlines, Microsoft’s innovator Bill
Gates, and politicians such as Churchill and Gandhi. It also talks about Lombardi and Belichick
from sports domain. They each would provide different qualities, which could represent the best
leader formula. Within the article, it touches on several qualities a leader can have, such as
leaders always upgrade their team because the teams with the highest quality of people typically
come out on top. Leaders not only create their vision, but also they make sure their team sees the
same vision and they are ready to live by it. Leaders also produce the positive atmosphere and as
a result they get a happy team. A leader, who is not positive or upbeat, will also have the same
type of people working for him. A happy place makes people happy, and it is most likely that
they will succeed. Leaders also need to build confidence in their people by giving positive
feedback when the team comes up with a good idea. Leaders also have to make the difficult
decisions. They also need to lead the team by example. Finally, they need to lead the celebration
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once the team succeeds in achieving its goals. This article was a credible source under Opposing
View Points. It was written to provide insight on what it takes to be a good leader. Every person
might have different criteria, bu …
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