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Office 2016 – myitlab:grader – Instructions
Your Office Series Vol. 1
YO16_AC_BU01_GRADER_PS1_HW – Group Reservations Database
Project Description:
Patti Rochelle, corporate event planner, wants to be able to track group reservations with the conference rooms
that are booked for the event. This will involve tracking conference rooms, groups, and events. A group can book
several events. Each event is booked by just one group. Each event could require multiple conference rooms.
Conference rooms can be booked for several events (on different days). You will need a junction table for this
For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:
Start Access. Open the downloaded file named a01_grader_h1_HotelEvent.accdb. Save the file
with the name a01_grader_h1_HotelEvent_LastFirst, replacing LastFirst with your name. In
the Security Warning bar, click Enable Content.
Create a new table in Design view to store conference room details. As the first field, enter
ConfRoomID and set the data type for the field to AutoNumber. Add the description A
unique identifier for the conference room (no period). Name the second field
RoomName and the third field Capacity. Select the appropriate data type for each. For the
RoomName field, enter the description The name of the conference room and change the
field size to 40. For the Capacity field, enter the description The capacity of the
conference room and change the field size to Integer.
Assign ConfRoomID as the primary key and then save the table as tblConfRooms. Switch to
Datasheet view and add the following three records. In record 1, enter the RoomName
Musica and the Capacity 500. In record 2, enter Eldorado with a capacity of 100. In record
3, enter Pueblo with a capacity of 25. Close the table.
Create a new table in Design view. This table will store groups. Add the following fields (in this
order): GroupID, GroupName, ContactFirstName, ContactLastName, and ContactPhone. Set
the data type for the GroupID field to AutoNumber and accept the default data type for the
remaining fields. Set the field size for the GroupName and ContactLastName fields to 40; set
the field size of the ContactFirstName to 30; and set the field size of the ContactPhone to 14.
Assign GroupID as the primary key. Save the new table as tblGroup. Define an input mask
for the contact phone number. Use a mask that will show phone numbers as (555) 555-5555
with a place holder of “_” and save with the symbols in the mask. Close the table.
Create a new table in Design view. This table will store events. Add the following fields (in
this order): EventID, EventName, EventStart, EventLength, and GroupID. Set the data
type for the EventID field to AutoNumber; accept Short Text as the data type for EventName;
set EventStart to Date/Time; and set EventLength and GroupID to Number. Change the field
size for EventID and GroupID to Long Integer; change the field size for EventName to 40;
change the field size for EventStart to Short Date; and change the field size for EventLength to
Integer. Assign EventID as the primary key. Save the new table as tblEvent.
Create a new table in Design view. This table will serve as the junction table between
tblConfRooms and tblEvent. Add the following fields (in this order): ReservationID,
EventID, ConfRoomID, ReservationDate, and DaysReserved. Set the data type for the
ReservationID field to AutoNumber; select the appropriate data type for ReservationDate; and
set the remaining data types to Number. Change the field size for the EventID and
ConfRoomID fields to Long Integer; change the field format for ReservationDate to Short
Date; and change the field size for DaysReserved to Integer. Assign ReservationID as the
primary key. Save the new table as tblConfRes. Close the table.
Updated: 4/13/2016
Office 2016 – myitlab:grader – Instructions
Your Office Series Vol. 1
Open the Relationships window. Add tblGroup, tblEvent, tblConfRes, and tblConfRooms.
Create a one-to-many relationship between the correct field in tblGroup and the correct field
in tblEvent. Enforce referential integrity. Do not cascade update or cascade delete.
Create a one-to-many relationship between the correct field in tblEvent and the correct field in
tblConfRes. Enforce referential integrity. Do not cascade update or cascade delete. Create a
one-to-many relationship between the correct field in tblConfRooms and tblConfRes. Enforce
referential integrity. Do not cascade update or cascade delete.
Create a relationship report and save it with the name Relationships Report. Close the report
and close the Relationships window.
Enter the following data into the appropriate fields in the appropriate tables (in the following
order). You may need to determine keys. The group Benson & Diaz Law Group has a
contact person of Mary Williams with phone number (505) 555-1207. The group has
booked an event called Company Retreat with a start date of 2/17/2018 that has a length
of 2 days. They reserved the Pueblo Room for 2/17/2018 for 2 days.
Enter the following data into the appropriate fields in the appropriate tables (in the following
order). You may need to determine keys. The group Dental Association of Nova Scotia
has a contact person of Firstname Lastname (with Access as the first name) and the phone
number (902) 555-8765. The group has booked an event called Annual Meeting with a start
date of 2/17/2018 that has a length of 5 days. They reserved the Eldorado Room for
2/17/2018 for 2 days. They reserved the Pueblo Room for 2/20/2018 for 2 days. Enter
the reservations in this order.
Enter the following data into the appropriate fields in the appropriate tables (in the following
order). You may need to determine keys. The group Orchard Growers of the United
States has a contact person of Will Goodwin with phone number (212) 555-7889. The
group has booked an event called Annual Meeting with a start date of 2/17/2018 that has
a length of 2 days. They reserved the Musica Room for 2/17/2018 for 5 days.
Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a query using RoomName from tblConfRooms, and
ReservationDate and DaysReserved from tblConfRes (in that order). Save your query as
qryEldoradoRoom. In Design view, enter criteria that will only return records with the room
named Eldorado in the results. Sort in ascending order by ReservationDate and run the
query. Autofit the column widths. Save and close the query.
Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a query using data from four tables about the Dental
Association of Nova Scotia. The query results should list GroupName, EventName, EventStart,
EventLength, RoomName, and ReservationDate (in that order). Save your query as
qryDentalAssociation. In Design view, enter criteria that will only return records with the
group named Dental Association of Nova Scotia in the results. Sort in ascending order by
ReservationDate and run the query. Close the query.
Create a report from qryDentalAssociation using the Report Wizard. Select all fields. Accept
the default view grouping. Sort by RoomName and ReservationDate. Select Landscape
orientation. Name your report rptDentalAssociationBooking.
In Layout view, click on the EventName label and text boxes. In the Property Sheet, on the
Format tab, change the Width to 1.5″. Click on the EventLength label box. In the Property
Sheet, on the Format tab, change the Width to 1″. Click on the ReservationDate label and text
boxes. In the Property Sheet, on the Format tab, change the Width to 1.5″. Use your pointer
to move the ReservationDate label and text boxes to the left so that they are on the left side
of the dashed line. Modify the report title to be Dental Association Booking. Save and
close the report.
Updated: 4/13/2016
Office 2016 – myitlab:grader – Instructions
Your Office Series Vol. 1
Close the database and exit Access. Submit the database as directed.
Total Points
Updated: 4/13/2016

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