Expert answer:Rephrased Construction Essay

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Department of Civil engineering
Course Work.
Submitted by:
Nael Munib Othman
Submitted to:
Mr. Balamurugan.S
Fall 2015
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Page 0
Title page
Table of contents
Literature review
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Page 1
Special thanks to the company Caterpillar for helping by giving the date needed for
making this study as well another thanks to Majid Bin Ramadhan Al Musafer Trading, El
Balad El Tayeb Trading LLC, and Mohammed Nour Khan Trading for giving the needed
information to continue with the study.
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Page 2
1. Introduction:
In any construction project there is heavy construction equipment that is used for
earthwork operations. And for the best results in any construction project the construction
equipment should be chosen with care as not any machinery is suitable for any kind of
projects and can be chosen by many different kinds of factors such as the cost as the price
of the machineries is different than the other as it varies from one company to another,
and another factor is the speed as every project has a deadline so the project should have
construction equipment that is compatible with project timeline, and also another factor
that will considered is the capacity of each machine chosen for the study as each machine
model capacity will be different from the other (for example the company Caterpillar
produce many different models of mining trucks and each model has its own capacity),
and the factor of maintenance will reviewed for the earthwork machines that were
The objective of this case study is to choose five different earthwork equipment that are
used in Oman and review each machine by major factors that are mentioned above (Cost,
Speed, Capacity, and Maintenance), as well this case study will review the purchasing
and also the hiring rate of the machines selected and consider what is the average hiring
cost in Oman.
And this study will also review and compare between two machines by the factors that
were mentioned above
As well discussing the problems that the buyers / hires had with machines during the
project timeline and how they fixed it and the project that was chosen for this case study
is located in Samail in Oman near Nizwa.
2. Literature review:
Heavy construction equipment is routinely used in construction projects that entail
earthmoving operations. (R. Aziz , Y. Abouel-magd 2015).
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Page 3
The right selection of equipment for construction projects is inherently a multifaceted
cost and benefits evaluation process that is further compounded by the complexity
building project of todays and the systematic tools lack for consideration of soft factors. (
R. Aziz , Y. Abouel-magd 2015).
For the selection of the earthwork equipment by optimization of earthwork operations is
an important and critical key of success in any construction projects. (R. Aziz , Y.
Abouel-magd 2015)
The difficulties of today’s construction project make it harder for the selection of the
earthwork machineries and finding alternatives of the equipment. (R. Aziz , Y. Abouelmagd 2015).
Equipment selection is critical factor in the execution of many construction project as
they must be selected carefully and with care according to the type of the project they
will work on for some time.(A.Jrade, N.Markiz, and N. Albelwi 2013).
Successful construction managers and contractors understand the substantial impacts on
their project when equipment selection and management decisions are not made in a
proper and timely manner. Since equipment selection is highly influenced by myriad
factors.(A.Jrade, N.Markiz, and N. Albelwi 2013).
Other approaches such as expert systems could be useful of only integrated with a
database of historical data. .(A.Jrade, N.Markiz, and N. Albelwi 2013).
Economic analysis for selecting equipment type is described as essential for developing
the optimization model. (R. Aziz , Y. Abouel-magd 2015).
Rational selection of earthwork equipment’s will lead to a profitable project for
construction contractors and managers. (R. Aziz , Y. Abouel-magd 2015).
For any project there is a deadline date and it should be a main consideration in any
project so the equipment that will be used will get the job done before the deadline. (R.
Aziz , Y. Abouel-magd 2015).
Construction equipment’s now had a great importance to engineers in the today
earthwork and construction operations (such as: dams, highways, pavements, runways)
and the use of these equipment are increasing rapidly and fast. (G. AJ, T. Peter, Okoya
(2014) ).
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Page 4
3. Methodology:
There are many factors that are considered essential for selecting equipment in a specific
project and in this paper 4 major factors will be considered for earthwork machineries
that are produced by the company Caterpillar and the models that were chosen are:

Back loader model number 434F. (See figure 1)

Medium wheel loader model number 966H.(See figure 2)

Hydraulic excavator model number 320D2 L. (See figure 3)

Dozer (waste handler) model number D8R WH STD/LGP. (See figure 4)

Motor grader model number 140H. (See figure 5)
3.1 Economic factor (Cost):
The economic factor is important for any construction/excavation project because every
project has a budget and from the budget we can choose which machineries to hire (as it
also depends on the size of the project).
And the selling price and the hiring price in Oman for the machineries that were chosen
are as follows:
Selling price
Hiring price (Renting)
Back loader model number
37,000 Omani Rial
1,300 Omani Rial
120,000 Omani Rial
2.600 Omani Rial
62,000 Omani Rial
2,600 Omani Rial
200,000 Omani Rial
4,420 Omani Rial
120,000 Omani Rial
3380 Omani Rial
Medium wheel loader
model number 966H
Hydraulic excavator model
number 320D2 L
Dozer (waste handler)
model number D8R WH
Motor grader model number
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Table (2): Cost/Hiring price for
Page 5
3.2 Speed of the machineries:
For every project there is always a timeline that the engineers tend to finish the project
before the deadline and to finish any project as fast as possible before the deadline the
machineries that will work in the project should be fast and has suitable speed for the
project intended.
Below is the difference in speed for the machineries that were mentioned above:
Back loader model number
Net power
Top speed
40 km per hour
40 km per hour
37.4 km per
37.4 km per
Medium wheel loader model
number 966H
Hydraulic excavator model
5.4 km per hour
number 320D2 L
Dozer (waste handler)
6.7 km per hour
model number D8R WH
4.6 km per
Motor grader model number
41.1 km per
32.4 km per
Table (3): Speed and Power of the
3.3 Capacity (Operating weight):
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Page 6
For every machine there is a specific operating weight that the equipment can work with
and cannot go beyond that weight or else failure will happen.
Below is the operating weight of the above mentioned machineries:
Back loader
9,498 kg

Maximum Depth
Standard Extendable
1.15 3

3.40 3 –

4379 mm
5360 mm
23,125 kg

No bucket

4.60 3
20,900 kg
9.9 m
6.7 m
37,630 kg


37,960 kg

320D2 L

21261 kg

Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
2.561 m
Page 7
Table (4): Capacity (Operating
Weight) of the machineries
3.4 Maintenance:
For every machine there certain requirements for it to stay suitable for working properly
it needs maintenance regularly for continuing without breaking down.
And for some of the problems that the machineries mentioned above are below:

Back loader model number 434F
Oil leaks and engine problems
when pushed to over limit.
Medium wheel loader model number 966H

Easy / hard to fix? = Easy to fix.

Hydraulics problems in the bucket.

Easy / hard to fix? = Replacing the
hydraulic pipes.
Hydraulic excavator model number 320D2

Hydraulic pipes problems and oil
leaks but are easy to fix and not
much expensive.
Dozer (waste handler) model number D8R

Problems in the blade as it could
corrode from salty lands and
continue to bend.

Motor grader model number 140H

Fixing by changing the blade.
Blade problems that it could bend
from the kind of road that it works
on from the hard rocks.

Easy to maintain.
Table (5): Equipment Problems.
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Page 8
3.5 Average cost of hiring or purchasing in Oman:
For telling the average data was taken from 3 different equipment hiring companies.
Below is the prices of that were taken from the companies and the average of each
machine which is per hour:
Small Excavators
Medium Excavators
Medium Wheel
Medium Dozers
Small Back Loaders
Majid bin
7.5 Omani Rial
Per hour
9 Omani Rial
Per hour
6 Omani Rial
Per hour
14 Omani Rial
Per hour
5 Omani Rial
Per hour
13 Omani Rial
Per hour
AL Balad El
Tayeb United
8 Omani Rial
Per hour
9 Omani Rial
Per hour
5 Omani Rial
Per hour
15 Omani Rial
Per hour
5 Omani Rial
Per hour
0 Omani Rial
Nour Khan
8 Omani Rial
Per hour
9 Omani Rial
Per hour
6 Omani Rial
Per hour
15 Omani Rial
Per hour
4 Omani Rial
Per hour
0 Omani Rial
7.833 Omani
Rial Per hour
9 Omani Rial
Per hour
5.666 Omani
Rial Per hour
14.666 Omani
Rial Per hour
4.666 Omani
Rial Per hour
13 Omani Rial
Per hour
Table (6): prices comparison
3.6 Comparing two earthwork machinery:
The machineries that were chosen to be compared between are Hydraulic excavator
model number 320D2 L (Caterpillar production) and Hydraulic excavator model number
323F also a Caterpillar production.
The comparison will be in speed, capacity, and the cost in the below table:
Hydraulic excavator
Hydraulic excavator
model number 320D2
model number 323F
Engine type
Engine power
Swing speed
Cat® C7.1
112.5 kW
10.6 RPM
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Cat® C7.1
120.0 kW
11.0 rpm
Page 9
Swing torque
Maximum drawbar pull
Maximum travel speed
61.8 kN·m
205.0 kN
5.2 km per hour
61.8 kN·m
205.0 kN
5.5 km per hour
Operating weight
Maximum operating weight
Minimum operating weight
Fuel tank capacity
Cooling system
Engine oil
Hydraulic system (including
21185.0 kg
21185.0 kg
20610.0 kg
410.0 L
25.0 L
22.0 L
260.0 L
23100.0 kg
23100.0 kg
23100.0 kg
410.0 L
30.0 L
25.0 L
159.0 L
Selling price
Hiring price
37,000 Omani Rial
1,300 Omani Rial
42,000 Omani Rial
1,500 Omani Rial
Table (7): Comparison between two earthwork equipment
3.7 Site visit:
The site that was chosen to visit is located in Samail near Nizwa in Oman and is currently
working between the mountains for excavating chromite and is currently using (4)
excavators and (1) wheel loader.
Below are some photos of the site while in the works:
Table (8): Photos from the site visit
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Page 10
During the site visit there was a series of questions that was asked to the engineers on the
site and got answers from them and the questions are as follows:
1/ What is the purpose of this site?
Answer: The purpose is to excavate chromite in the mountains which is a very tough
material and hard to break.
2/ What are the main problems that you had with the machineries during the project
Answer: The main problem that we had is because the earth is so hard and tough the
machineries always had problems with hydraulic because too much pressure was applied
to them and other problems are simple such oil leaks and electricity problems but those
are easy to fix.
4. Conclusion:
In conclusion this study was only a glimpse of the earthwork equipment uses and some of
the features that the equipment above provides during construction / excavation time.
And the objective was to compare the five machineries in terms of:
• Cost.
• Speed.
• Capacity.
• Maintenance.
The objective was achieved by visiting the Caterpillar Company for getting data to write
the study of the machineries that were chosen of that specific company and as well
visiting other construction equipment companies to compare between prices and such.
And in conclusion there was a big difference between the machineries that were chosen
for the study because each one has a specific work to do such as:
1. The wheel loader can pick the material (filling) and put it elsewhere.
2. The excavator can remove the unnecessary material and put them away or load it
into the truck.
3. The dozer is the perfect machine to push the waste away from the site.
4. The grader is the machine that we can use to level the road and push the rocks
away from the roads to make smooth for driving.
The other task that was done is comparing two earthwork equipment that are similar in
the factors mentioned above and list the comparison in table, and the equipment that were
chosen are from the same company (Caterpillar) and both are medium excavator and
there model numbers are:
1. Hydraulic excavator model number 320D2
2. Hydraulic excavator model number 323F
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Page 11
The additional task was to find out what was the average hiring price of equipment’s in
Oman and the data that was collected to do this task is going to companies that hire
machines for a price.
The final task was to investigate a site to know the problems that the engineers had with
the equipment’s during the project timeline and the data was collected from the project
located in Samail near Nizwa in Oman working in excavating hard material called
5. References:

Remon.A , Yasser.A (2015) “ Suitably selection for earthwork equipment in
Egyptian sites” Vol 3 , Al Amal publishing
Ahmed.J , Nour.M , Nader.A ,(2013) “An economical operation analysis
optimization model for heavy equipment selection, (Available online from) < >
Majid Bin Ramadhan Al Musafer Trading.
El Balad AL Tayeb United Trading LLC.
Mohammed Nour Khan Trading LLC.
Made by: Nael Munib Othman (14f12347)
Presented to: Mr. Balamurugan.S
Page 12

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