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Expert answer:hello the thesis statement should be either totalitarianism or not for America nowit’s not only talk bout book. should be talked about book and 8 idea then related to America now is totalitarianism or not thank you so much. can you change a little bit?

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Running Head: ORWELL’S 1984
Orwell’s 1984
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Orwell’s 1984
The Novel 1984 by Orwell illustrates the role of the rebels in the farm of animals.
There is the application of the totalitarianism in society. The novel is seen as having
pessimistic undertones. The government keeps control over the people by using the
combination of fear and manipulation. The novel is a fictional story given that it is a
dystopia; an imagined world that is not only opposed to utopia but also worse than the
present. Orwell believes that a word should be expressed through an idea, which then can be
retained and conceived easily. Defying the ban on individuality, Winston expresses his ideas
in a diary and pursues the relationship with Julia. The novel was created in Oceania and
illustrates the aspect of social criticism.
Constant surveillance
Constant surveillance is dominant and pervasive in the 1984 novel. Constant
surveillance is divided into two primary categories: surreptitious and panoptical surveillance.
The panoptical part illustrates an interiorised and self-surveillance (Bloom, 2012). On the
other hand, surreptitious surveillance functions on the opposite belief; one thinks and acts
freely, which makes it possible for a spy to detect. In the 1984 novel, panoptical surveillance
is expressed in the passage that one must live from a habit, which then becomes an instinct.
Under the assumptions, Winston plays and self-censors for the camera, actively pretending to
think and believe what he is expected to do and basically hides his true beliefs and thoughts.
There happens to be no God in 1984. Crime extends from speech to action to “thought
crime.” There is a belief that the ears and eyes of the Big brother can reach the private
domain. It was dangerous to let personal thoughts wander when one is within the telescreen
range or in any public place. The smallest thing can easily give a through way to perform an
operation. Surreptitious surveillance is used in the novel to prevent action or speech by
surveilling their action and speech when they are in the illusory state. For instance, when
Winston believes to be within the camera range, he self-censors. He disguises the thoughts
and beliefs by showing an orthodox face. It becomes tough for him to discern and elaborate
what he truly believes (Bell, Radford, Rose, Wade, & Ridley, 2009).
The Patriot Act is an example of surveillance, which was applied by the American
government. The patriot act was made to strengthen the US by providing tools that would
help in obstructing and intercepting terrorism. The patriot act made the government to spy its
citizens easily and to determine their thoughts about the nation. Through this, it is clear that
America is turning into an Orwellian state by adopting and implementing the Patriot Act.
Unending propaganda
1984 novel displays all manners of propaganda, with features that distinguish several
accented definitions. The party uses propaganda to have total control over everything they
believe or think. The persuasive power of the technique, genre, and medium of
communication is exploited to the maximum potential and put to work. All communications
are calculated to propagate messages, which are politically charged. There is no barring of
holds. In the novel, propaganda is divided into fictional propaganda and factual propaganda.
There is, therefore, an application of fictional propaganda whereby Julia elaborates the
fictional propaganda (Lasswell, 2009).
The government applied double thinking as a method of manipulating the public in
shaping the agendas regarding their interests (Bloom, 2012). The leadership instils
contradicting thoughts to the population to create chances for usurping the powers. For
instance, a government can convince its people to turn their friend into an enemy to fulfil
their needs and interests. The novel also shows how the government leadership brainwashes
its people to enable them control their agenda on issues, which affect the society. The
doublethink principle is massively supported by the ministry of truth. The paradoxical nature
of the slogan reveals the role of propaganda in maintaining the absolute party’s totalitarian
regime. In spite of nature, there is a true element in “ignorance is strength” since it is through
the people’s ignorance that the party manages to maintain its power over Oceania.
Propaganda is one of the methods, which is used by the US government in
communicating special messages to the population. It also helps the government to be aware
of the desires and needs of the people in relation to their interests. Propaganda helps the
government to collect intuitive and sensitive messages from the public especially in
investigating a particular occurrence. The government also uses propaganda to influence the
attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs of the people. The propaganda also controls what the people
think in relation to the projects and matters to do with the government.
Distortion of Language
George Orwell is interested in how the English language is applied especially how it
is misused and abused. There is a realization that language has an impact and power to
mislead the public and mask the truth. He also wishes to maximise the awareness of the
public about this power. Orwell shows that language can be applied politically to manipulate
and deceive people, which leads to a society that will unquestionably obey the directives
given by the government. A language is a mind-controlling tool, which has an ultimate goal
of destroying imagination and will. There is an application of the extinction weapons rather
than the spiritual ones. As people strive to broaden their lexicon, the government aims to
destroy the Newspeak vocabulary. Newspeak is Oceania’s official language and its main
purpose is to showcase the ideological demands of the government. Through manipulation of
language, the 1984 government manages to alter the way of thinking of the public.
The US government also uses the aspect of language distortion in manipulating the
public to fulfil their needs. One of the ways used by the US government is media
misconceptions of common words (Degramont, 2012). The media has been used as a tool to
manipulate the public to suit the government’s demands and control the process of decision
making in the majority of the governmental sections. The war on terror language has become
a predominant paradigm in the American foreign policy. The attitude of the public towards
terrorism is the product of language distortion and manipulation by the American
government. The Obama doctrine is described as one that is not a unilateral confrontation but
a collaboration. The US’s public language on terror has been ubiquitously and systematically
normalized (Degramont, 2012). Another aspect of language distortion is the use of the
Spanish language to substitute the English Language.
The aspect of distortion of language in the US shows how the government is slowly
turning to the Orwellian state. The politicians and the state change the meaning of words and
manipulate them to fit their needs. They turn the way people think to fit their own interests.
This shows that the American language, through manipulation, has turned into the Orwellian
Historical revisionism
Historical revisionism is also another act of the Orwellian state. In the 1984 novel,
Big Brother constantly rewrites history. As described in the 1984 novel, Orwell recognized
that unacceptable opinions are suppressed in the current democratic society in a heavyhanded and more insidious and subtle way. The revisions are efforts to rewrite history so that
the Oceania people can only remember what Big Brother designs for them but they are not
the truth.
The modern American life differs greatly from the suggestions of Orwell. The current
American life is increasingly self-indulgent and anarchic in contrast to the puritanical,
thoroughly regimented, and squalid life of 1984’s Oceania. There are also several ominous
similarities. Newspeak deceptive terms are extensively applied in America currently. Like the
unforgettable hate sessions in 1984, Americans are enduring an array of emotional
propaganda, which is created to erase mindless hatred. However, the Holocaust atrocity
propaganda of the mass media is apparently insatiable (Seixas, 2014).
Another example of historical revisionism in America was when Donald Trump, the
current president of USA, said that civil war can easily be avoided. He tries to revise history
by indicating that the war could be avoided if only Andrew Jackson was around. However,
Jackson could not have helped in overcoming the issue given that he had died 16 years before
the beginning of the war (Seixas, 2014). Nothing could also have been done to prevent the
war since it was about slavery, which was then a massive problem in America.
Another example of revisionism is when Trump stated that Affordable Care Act was
passed to benefit the Obama family. When campaigning for the bill, Obama made a statement
that it was not for the good of the American people. This claim made the citizens believe that
it was true. Incorrect review of history leads to the hiding of the true story. People are taught
about incorrect history and they end up not knowing the truth. This implies that America is
slowly turning into the Orwellian state due to the occurrence of historical revision.
Fear has been illustrated by Orwell that it is a means of control. The government has
instilled fear on people by using pain or violence. Power is gained through humiliation and
pain. It is also gained through tearing the human minds into desired pieces and putting them
together into aspired shapes. In other words, the politicians intensify fear on the public such
that they do not question the projects undertaken by the government. In 1984, Big Brother
makes the people to be fearful by publicly disciplining and executing criminals. This makes
the rest of the population to fear being disciplined in the same way for treason. The
government sets police, who watch the behaviour of the citizens constantly, and thereby
making them fearful. The party could rarely control the nation if fear did not exist.
Since Trump became the US president, he has been using fear to manage the nation
effectively (Fiske, 2011). In relation to the clearance of foreign people in the country, Trump
imparted a sense of fear on illegal immigrants by asking for their deportation. This made
many people scramble to re-register for their American citizenship before the deadline that
had been set by the government. The president has also enforced the “Muslim ban”, which
has contributed to the deportation of some people coming from specific Muslim countries.
This has instilled a fear of deportation on the undocumented immigrants.
The actions of deportation and instilling of fear on the undocumented immigrants
clearly indicate how America is shifting into an Orwellian state. It shows and proves how
several citizens are living in the fear of deportation. Most people who are affected have done
nothing wrong but they are fearful of deportation since the president does not want any
As described in Orwell’s 1984, the Orwellian state tends to torture people if they are
involved in any criminal activity. The citizens are constantly tortured mentally and physically
for the crimes, which they are accused of having committed. Orwell describes the wretched
and miserable state of Winston when he was locked in a cell after being arrested. Winston
goes through hunger moments, which causes gnawing pain in his stomach. He faced
moments of torture when he was forced to sit on a tiny bench and not to make any slight
movement on the bench. Before this, he was initially put in a filthy dirty cell, which was
crowded with fifteen or ten people. Another room was also set aside to serve as a torture
chamber where the prisoners were tortured mercilessly. These prisoners experienced
psychological fear of what could happen in the near future. The guards could beat anyone
mercilessly for trying to give food to a starving prisoner.
Torture is common in the American government, especially in the military docket. It
is hard to notice this since the military uses all the available methods to hide the extensive
and excessive application of torture from the public (Quaroga & Jaranson, 2015). They
justify their torture with the claim that the criminals are dangerous and they deserve such
mode of treatment. The criminals are perceived to have performed terrible actions against
humanity. An example of torture used by the CIA is rehydration and rectal feeding. Five or
more detainees were subjected to the above process (Quaroga & Jaranson, 2015). Abd alRahim al-Nashri, was one of the prisoners who underwent the rectal feeding process. Majid
Khan, a legal resident of America, was also subjected to the same process.
Another example is confinement in a box. This process was mainly applied during the
Bush’s presidency in Abu Zubaydah’ case. He claimed that he was put in several different
boxes while being interrogated in Afghanistan. There was also the use of stinging insects
inside the box. The Bush administration also applied waterboarding, a technique that is
continuously being used by the Trump administration. The CIA memo lists the use of threats
and beatings to discipline detainees. The military usually slaps and punches the criminal in
the back and in the face till they bleed. Detainees have also reported some threats of sexual
assault and violence, which were made against their families.
During the Bush era, several stress positions were significantly applied by the CIA.
Some of the stress positions involved making the detainee to be shackled to the floor with the
arms being stretched above the head. The application of stress positions was meant to cause
physical discomfort, muscle fatigue, and exhaustion (Quaroga & Jaranson, 2015). The CIA
also used sleep deprivation in disciplining the detainees. The process was employed routinely
since it was a tool for enhancing interrogations.
The above-limited examples illustrate how the US is becoming an Orwellian state due
to the constant application of torture in disciplining the detainees. The military was allowed
given permission by President Bush to torture people using several illegal ways. They
justified themselves since they were given orders by the president. This clearly depicts how
America is shifting into the Orwellian military State.
Perpetual war
Perpetual war is an event, which is constantly occurring in Orwell’s 1984. Perpetual
peace equals perpetual war. The system is static both internationally and nationally. Borders
and boundaries hold their shape. The party works to ensure that perpetual war appears as a
limited war. They make the Oceania people believe that war can be finished through
nationalistic comradeship and increased productivity. The power object is designed as power
and power cannot be considered as a means but as an end to a particular situation. The news
depicts the constant battling happening in the state. The statement “war is not peace” implies
the need for some sort of war for there to be peace.
An example of perpetual war is the persistent conflicts between North Korea and the
US. The Korean War began in 1950 when South Korea was invaded by North Korea. As a
result, the US with the assistance of the UN came to the help of South Korea, which has
caused a long-term conflict between North Korea and the US (Reichberg, Syse, & Begby,
2016). North Korea has been threatening the US with attacks on its territories. People still
wonder if the war is still over due to the existing conflict between the US and North Korea.
Due to the continuous terror and war, perpetual war is ongoing in the US, which proves that
the US is shifting into an Orwellian state.
Lack of Habeas Corpus
Habeas Corpus occurs when one is denied his or her due process and is not protected
from an illegal imprisonment. The Orwellian citizens are denied habeas corpus since they are
exposed to torture and all sorts of discipline whenever they commit a crime. They are not
given a chance to defend themselves and justify that they were not involved in committing a
particular crime. They do not undergo any process of judgement and the government does not
defend them in the crimes they are alleged to have committed but they are instead executed.
In the US, a citizen is given a chance to defend himself or herself in relation to the
crimes which he or she has committed (Bator, 2013). However, Obama, the former president
of the United States, signed an act which authorized an indefinite detention without
indictment or trial of any citizen of the US. The action of President Obama showed a lack of
habeas corpus since an individual was not given a chance to defend themselves in a court of
law. This showed a flexible and extensive application of the law. The above example proves
and shows that the US is becoming an Orwellian state.
Orwell wrote 1984 to warn the inhabitants and prevent the Orwellian state from the
evils, which were being conducted. As shown above, America is slowly emulating the actions
of the Orwellian State as witnessed from several things which are happening in the nation.
The US is currently having unending propaganda, perpetual war, torture, and fear, lack of
habeas corpus, historical revisionism, and constant surveillance. The US government can also
stop the actions by changing their ways of governance and avoiding the actions of 1984’s Big
Bator, P. M. (2013). Finality in criminal law and federal Habeas Corpus for state prisoners.
Havard Law Review, 441-528.
Bell, M. B., Radford, A. N., Rose, R., Wade, H. M., & Ridley, A. R. (2009). The value of
constant surveillance in a risky environment. Proceedings of the Royal Society of
London B: Biological Sciences. rspb20090276.
Bloom, H. (2012). George Orwell’s 1984: Bloom’s Literacy Criticism. New York.
Degramont, P. (2012). Language and the Distortion of Meaning. NYU Press.
Fiske, S. T. (2011). Controlling other people: The impact of power on stereotyping. American
Psychologist, 48(6), 621.
Lasswell, H. D. (2009). Propaganda technique in the world war.
Quaroga, J., & Jaranson, J. M. (2015). Politically-motivated torture and its survivors. Torture,
15, 2-3.
Reichberg, G., Syse, H., & Begby, E. (2016). The ethics of war: Classical and contemporary
Seixas, P. (2014). Confronting the moral frames of popular film: Young people respond to
historical revisionism. American Journal of Education, 102(3), 261-285.

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