Expert answer:cost accounting

Expert answer:Read the files, and answer 2 questions. each question need 300 words and each question each pages. Q1: Despite the limitations, describe what Satillan is doing to help ensure success in controlling the subsidiaries. Q2: identify the critical success factors for that timeframe. Due US pacific time 11/24 night.

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Harvard Business School
Microsoft Latin America
Measuring the Future
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or 800-988-0886 for additional copies.
Microsoft Latin America
M5C41)1@*% ?<)% *6"% ';D'")*51;":% ?14>:% >”<:"4% 5;% 24"F2':":% 12"4<*5;(% )3)*"E)% @14% 2"4)1;<>% C1E2’*”4)-% <22>5C<*51;)% @14% )"4#5C"% 5;:')*45"))1@*?<4"% @14% 8')5;"))")-% E<))FE<4X"*% 241:'C*)% )'C6% <)% ";*"4*<5;E";*% )1@*?<4"-% <;:% *11>)% @14% *6″
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This document is authorized for use only by Ann Wicke (ANN.WICKE@CIAM.EDU). Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. Please contact
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Microsoft Latin America
94″F2″:%8″*?””;%+WW/%<;:%+WW,$% % &;;'<>% )<>“)% 5;% +WW,% ?”4″% h.$G% 85>>51;-% <;:% *6"% 5;:')*43% 6<: <::":% ++H-///% ;"?% c18)$% % A1?"#"4-% GH[% 1@% <>>% )1@*?<4"% 5;% *6"% 4"(51;% ?<)% 254<*":$% % L1@*?<4" E<;'@"*)%)">>5;(%5>>”(<>%C125″)-%8’*%”a5)*5;(%5;*”>>”C*’<>%2412″4*3%>”(<>%3%:5)*458’*”:%5*)%241:’C*)%*641′(6%#<451')%C6<;;">)O
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Strategic Management Systems at Microsoft Latin America
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