Expert answer:Human Resources – Interviews

Expert answer:I want to make a presentation using emaze . This presentation is based on a summary of three interviews that I attached copy of them below.Using and chose suitable for HR . For making you know I don’t like to use images for ladies



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HRM Interview Record
Name of Interviewer: _J. K Alex
Name of Interviewee: __Anthoney B
Interviewee Position: intern
____The BG Enterprises___________________________________________
__1001 Small Ville ______________________________________________
Contact Numbers:
Email __thebgent@bgent.org______________________________
Office Number _BG 001_________________________
What is your name, your title, and the official name of your company?
Anthoney B, the senior HR at The BG Enterprises.
How long have you been with your company and what was your initial
6 years.
What did you do prior to coming to your current place of employment?
Held a managerial position at a local firm.
Would you please describe for me your company’s mission?
To be a world class service provider while maintaining an effective workforce
through career and skill development.
What does HRM functions your HRM organization perform?
The HRM department is responsible for all the affairs that may affect the
entire workforce. It deals with maintaining an effective workforce.
What is the HRD emphasis within your department?
The company is determined to an emphasis on the need to ensure that the
employees improve their current skills through the provided training programs.
How does your company deal with the issue of?
a. Recruitment
The company recruits’ employees from diverse backgrounds to
maintain a culturally diverse workforce.
b. Selection
The company is not based on bias along various lines but offers and selects the best
employees based on their performance and qualifications.
c. Poor Performance
The employees are supposed and expected to hit their assigned targets
or show progress. In case of a poor performer, s/he is taken to another
job site where s/he is put under observation to assess whether the
employee works well under new jobs else, continued poor performance
is not tolerated.
d. Training and Workforce Development
The company encourages the employees to attend the various training
sessions that are inclined towards ensuring that their respective skills have
been improved.
e. Attrition
The employees have been given the opportunity to participate and join
trade unions but their power is not to be at any point in time beyond the
power of the management of the company. this helps reduce the power of
the employees over the employers.
f. Termination
The termination of a contract is governed by the various set
principles and terms of service. The management may also
terminate the contract of an individual based on a decision arrived
at by the majority.
g. Rewards and Punishment
The company maintains a reward system that is based on the actions of a
given employee ensuring that either a reward or a punishment is issued
h. Rightsizing
The company must at all times operate under the right size. Sometimes the
available resources may not be enough to sustain the workforce which may lead to
shedding off of some departments or merging of departments to reduce the
What have been some of the major HRM/HRD challenges facing your
company? Please emphasize/focus on how the economic downturn has
made a difference in your employment perspective—and your
company’s—over the past twenty-four months.
In the recent past, employees have shown negative attitude towards participating in
such development workshops since with the currently witnessed economic status,
guaranteeing an increment in salary or bonus is not possible.
What have been the issues/challenges in attracting and retaining high
performance employees?
It is obvious that high performing employees are in high demand which drives their
paygrade high than the ordinary payments making it difficult to maintain them.
How does your company develop its strategic HRM plan?
Strategic management ensures that the employees are involved in setting the
various strategic goals as far as the company is concerned which reduces any
challenges to the HRM.
Would you address the issue of succession planning and what you are
doing to address the issues likely to face your company as the “baby
boomers” plan to retire—or delay retirement indefinitely.
Since the company encourages students and fresh graduates to apply for either
unpaid or the paid internships, they offer the relevant hands on skills and
experience which equips young potential employees to the company with relevant
skills. These interns may be called upon in case of an opportunity being available.
12. If you have a 401K, 403B, Scanlon Retirement Plan, non-contributory
pension plan, etc.—matching or otherwise—how is your company
addressing this situation—and to what extent are employees availing
themselves of participation opportunities?
Not all employees are often willing to be a part of such programs therefore, it
might be a challenge to the company and also the employees.
What are your strategies for minimizing the impact of the possible loss of
intellectual capital?
The company ensures that the employees have been educated on the need and
significance of such aspects which helps in guaranteeing the securing of the
mentioned aspects.
HRM Interview Record
Name of Interviewer: _John Doe
Name of Interviewee: Mr. Malik J Hajid
Interviewee Position: Senior HR
Hajid and Sons Corp
_162 Wallstreet 101_______________________________________________
Contact Numbers:
Email _malikj@malik.org_______________________________
Office Number G 201/I 112__________________________
What is your name, your title, and the official name of your company?
Malik Hajid and I am the senior Human resource manager at Malik and Sons
How long have you been with your company and what was your initial
5 years.
What did you do prior to coming to your current place of employment?
Human resource manager at The GoodLife Corp.
Would you please describe for me your company’s mission?
To ensure that all the activities that the company undertakes are inclined
towards ensuring that the affairs of the clients have been upheld legally and
What HRM functions does your HRM organization perform?
Recruiting, performance appraisal, monitoring of progress as far as the
workforce is concerned and also managing interns.
What is the HRD emphasis within your department?
The company emphasizes on the development of the employees in terms of skills
that may help not only them but also the company at large.
How does your company deal with the issue of?
a. Recruitment
The company offers recruitment opportunities equally to all
candidates concerned since equality is a core consideration of the
b. Selection
The selection of the best fit candidate is based on tiebreaking
principles where a random selection is put to use especially where
numerous candidates seem equally qualified.
c. Poor Performance
In case of poor performance, the affected employee (a) is
approached to find out the problem. The relevant corrective actions
such as reduced bonuses then follow until performance is improved.
d. Training and Workforce Development
Training is offered in phases and each employee is supposed to attend
since the associated costs are often covered by the company.
e. Attrition
Although the employees are allowed to join trade unions, the trade
unions are not supposed to have much power over the management
in order to maintain order.
f. Termination
In case an employee works against the accepted code of behavior
even after prior warning, s/he is discontinued from working for the
g. Rewards and Punishment
When an employee performs well, s/he has rewarded accordingly.
In case the same employee does so0mething wrong, the
management is not biased towards considering that the employee
had at one time done right. punishment is administered accordingly
and equally as rewards.
h. Rightsizing
Rightsizing is based on the value added by the existing departments
and employees. When the income is seen to be weak to support
such a huge workforce, some employees are shed off through the
various schemes while the opposite is also true.
What have been some of the major HRM/HRD challenges facing your
company? Please emphasize/focus on how the economic downturn has
made a difference in your employment perspective—and your
company’s—over the past twenty-four months.
Some employees do not attend the various skill adding workshops which may lead
to poor performance on the side of the entire company. This reduces the chances of
ensuring that the employee development is achieved.
What have been the issues/challenges in attracting and retaining high
performance employees?
High performing employees require high income which the company may not
afford to operate under. This reduces the chance of retaining or even hiring high
10. How does your company develop its strategic HRM plan?
It is done through the inclusion of various employees in the entire plan.
Would you address the issue of succession planning and what you are
doing to address the issues likely to face your company as the “baby
boomers” plan to retire—or delay retirement indefinitely.
In case of a planned retirement, new blood should be ready to take up the tasks.
This is done through the internships of the various individuals who in case of an
opportunity are considered first.
If you have a 401K, 403B, Scanlon Retirement Plan, non-contributory
pension plan, etc.—matching or otherwise—how is your company
addressing this situation—and to what extent are employees availing
themselves of participation opportunities?
Some employees find it unconvincing to attend and participate in such schemes
little did they know that the schemes are subjected towards their growth. Providing
basic education to the employees plays a huge role in including them in such
13. What are your strategies for minimizing the impact of the possible loss of
intellectual capital?
The overall inclusion of the various stakeholders within the company makes it
possible to sensitize the parties of the importance of maintaining the working
capital as well as the intellectual capital.
HRM Interview Record
Name of Interviewer: ___Peter K
Name of Interviewee: _Mrs. Alex
Interviewee Position: Intern
_Alex Kein Associates ______________________________________________
Geogia 10989________________________________________________
Contact Numbers:
Email associates@alexkein.org________________________________
Office Number Al 22819__________________________
What is your name, your title, and the official name of your company?
Mrs. Alex Kein, the senior Human resource manager at Alex Kein Associates.
How long have you been with your company and what was your initial
6 years.
What did you do prior to coming to your current place of employment?
Worked at a local organization as the managing director.
Would you please describe for me your company’s mission?
To provide the best services in terms of customer service to all the clients.
What HRM functions does your HRM organization perform?
The department is engaged in ensuring that the affairs of the employees are looked
at while ensuring that the best working practices are followed to enforce
professionalism in the workplace.
What is the HRD emphasis within your department?
Each employee is entitled to attend to the various programs that the company sets
aside to improve on the development of the affairs of the employees.
How does your company deal with the issue of?
a. Recruitment
The company employs workers on a yearly basis. This follows the
fact that each year, many employees retire or get absorbed in the
other companies.
b. Selection
The best candidates are selected based on their performance and qualifications
other than any other lines. Multiculturalism is also encouraged and the inclusion of
the marginalized groups in the society.
c. Deficient Performance
Deficient performance is arrived at after an observation of the
results of an individual over a specified period. Such a continued
behavior may lead to even termination of the contract if it is
d. Training and Workforce Development
The employees are subjected to equal training opportunities according to
their respective departments. This helps the employees to grow and
develop their respective skills.
e. Attrition
The company encourages the interaction among the employees but strongly
discourages the employees from joining groups that would weaken or affect the
operations of the company.
f. Termination
If an employee breaks a code of conduct that has been associated
with a penalty of termination is terminated from the company else,
a second chance is given.
g. Rewards and Punishment
When an employee performs well or deserves a punishment, the code to be
followed is defined in the performance appraisal documents.
h. Rightsizing
In any case the company`s workforce grows beyond the expected or the
manageable figure, shedding off some departments or employees may be
What have been some of the major HRM/HRD challenges facing your
company? Please emphasize/focus on how the economic downturn has
made a difference in your employment perspective—and your
company’s—over the past twenty-four months.
The current economic situation has made it difficult to manage or enforce any
developmental programs within the company. Some workplaces require sharpening
of skills by the various employees which has not happened in the last 2 years.
What have been the issues/challenges in attracting and retaining high
performance employees?
It is obvious that high performing employees are attracted to bigger companies that
offer huge allowances and remuneration. In the attempt to maintain such a
workforce, the company may suffer financially.
How does your company develop its strategic HRM plan?
The company ensures that the relevant parties are included in the entire
processes which makes it possible and easy to manage and initiate any
HRM related plans. The initiation of the plans without including the
stakeholders may be a challenge.
11. Would you address the issue of succession planning and what you are
doing to address the issues likely to face your company as the “baby
boomers” plan to retire—or delay retirement indefinitely.
The most elite group of employees as far as the respective departments take the
positions being left behind by employees who are retiring. The entry level
workforce that is being recruited for the first time take up the available jobs that
are rendered vacant after the retirements.
If you have a 401K, 403B, Scanlon Retirement Plan, non-contributory
pension plan, etc.—matching or otherwise—how is your company
addressing this situation—and to what extent are employees availing
themselves of participation opportunities?
Encouraging employees to participate in such schemes is at times difficult since
the employees may not comprehend the significance. The company has invested in
educational programs aimed at offering free education to the employees on the
importance of such schemes to the company and to the employees themselves.
What are your strategies for minimizing the impact of the possible loss of
intellectual capital?
The company has been in the recent years investing in the various training
opportunities that have helped the employees and the other members of staff to
manage and reduce the possibility of loss of intellectual capital.

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