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HSRP:This (Morton, 2004) article explain that the HSRP stands for Hot Standby Router Protocol
which developed by Cisco and can be used only for Cisco devices. It is a routing protocol that
provides a mechanism for supporting the non-disruptive failover for IP traffic. In addition, it
provides redundancy by establishing fault tolerance default gateway. Moreover, it protects
the network versus the failure of the router or switch when the host can’t know the IP address
of the router or switch dynamically. It’s not replacement of the existing mechanism of
dynamic router discovery. Also, the HSRP offers the services of failover to the hosts. All of
the HSRP participation routers are supposed to run the proper protocols of IP routing and
containing a consistent group of routes.
On (Hucaby 2010) book discussed that the HSRP allows many switches and routers to show
as a single IP address getaway. Each of the routers or switches which provide the redundancy
for some gateway address will assigned to a joint HSRP group. One of the switch or router
will selected as the active or primary HSRP and the other one will be as standby and all of the
remains will be in listen state of HSRP. All of the routers will exchanging hello messages of
HSRP at orderly period so they can knowing the presence each other. Furthermore, the
number of HSRP group can be assigned from 0 to 255. Most of Cisco switches only support
unique numbers of HSRP group up to 16.
The selection of HSRP is based on the value of the priority which can be from 0 to 255. This
value is configured on all the routers in the group. The priority is 100 by default. The router
or the switch that has the highest value of the priority will be the active router or switch for
the group. But if the priorities are equal in all routers, it will select the router that has the
highest IP address on the interface of the HSRP as active router. When you configure the
HSRP on the interface, the router will go through several states before becoming as active
such as Disable, Lnit, Listen, Speak, Standby and Active. (Hucaby 2010)
By using the HSRP it will offers both load balancing and fault tolerance unlike in STP
protocol which only provides the fault tolerance so, when one like down the other link will
take its place. But if both of links are working, it will make one link as active and the other
link as idle. But by using the HSRP will make all links as active and it will share the traffic
by distributing the traffic between the links. Thus will improve the performance of the
network through reducing the traffic and the chances for failure.
Consider a network that use two distribution switches and four access layer switches. One of
the distribution switch will be selected as active HSRP router and the other one will be
standby. All of the traffic of the users of the network will be share between the two links not
only the link of the active router. So, it will send half of the traffic to one switch and the other
half traffic to another switch.
In my project I will configure the HSRP in the switches for the purpose of providing
redundancy, reduce the chances failure in the links as well as to provide the load balancing
which will be benefit for my project because it will increase the performance of the network.
In addition the HSRP allows for managing the load balancing on the VLANs by assigning the
high priority for each VLAN on each switch. So, the VLAN that has high value will be active
and in other switch will be as standby.
DMZ:It stands for demilitarized zone. Also, it refers to a perimeter network which is a logical or
physical subnetworks that includes and exposes the external services of the organization to
untrusted network. In addition, it is the area of the local network of the organization where
keeps the publicly accessible servers on isolated and separate network segment, so the servers
of publicly accessible will cannot contact with the segments of internal network Moreover,
the aim of the DMZ is to increase or add extra layer of security for the local area network of
the organization. So, the attacker from outside the organization (external attacker) can only
access to the servers that located to the DMZ. Thus will increase the level of the security of
the organization by preventing the attacker from entering to the internal network. (Mitchell,
This (Sharma & Mogha, 2002) article discussed that the DMZ is the place that visible for the
outside network which located between the internet and the internal network. In addition, it is
known as the approach for providing end to end security. Also, for creating DMZ there are
some devices that used to implement security in the perimeter network such as router and
firewall. Moreover, the configuration of DMZ not adequate for providing high security. Thus,
will need to use other procedure that supports DMZ such as configuring firewall, disabling
the dispensable users and services with configure and checking logs and antispoofing.
At (Maiwald 2003) book explain the types of architecture that used to design DMZ to provide
security. There are two basic methods for designing the network with DMZ such as single
firewall and dual firewall. The first type is called three legged model and it is used only one
firewall with three interfaces. The firewall will handle all the traffic that going to intranet as
well as DMZ. In the second method will use two firewalls which it the more secure than the
first method. The first firewall called front-end or perimeter firewall which used for allowing
the DMZ traffic only. But in the second firewall will use to allow the traffic from the DMZ to
intranet network and it is called as internal firewall or back-end.
According to (Lammle 2000) CCNP book the VTP stands for VLAN Trunking Protocol. The
purpose of it is to help the network administration to reduce the work in the switched
network. Also, it is created by Cisco and most of Cisco Catalysts are having this protocol. In
addition, it uses to create, maintain and manage large network that interconnected with
several switches, so switches will use this protocol to communicate between each other about
the configuration of VLAN. Moreover, it uses to manage the deletion, addition and renaming
of the VLANs from central point without needing for manual administration. Furthermore,
VTP has three versions which they are version 1, version 2 and version 3. The version 1 and
version 2 are similar in the function of VTP but the version 2 is support for VLAN token
ring. The version 3 supports for the MST mapping table and transferring the opaque database
unlike version 1 and 2.
VTP mode:
VTP has three modes which they are:
Server mode:
It is the default mode of the VTP for Cisco Catalysts. Also, by default when the switches are
powered on, they configured as server mode. At least one of the switches must be in this
mode in the VTP domain. In this mode the switch has the capability for adding, modifying
and deleting the VLANs and all of this information will advertised to all switches in VTP
Client mode: In this mode the switch will listen to the advertisement of VTP from other
switches and then will modify their configuration of VLAN. The switch in server mode has
the responsibility to inform the changes in VLAN to the switch in client mode. Also, the
switches in this mode cannot add, modify and delete the VLANs.
Transparent mode: In this mode the switches will not participate in VTP domain but they
will receive and forward the advertisements of VTP via configured trunk links.
Advertisement messages of VTP:
Client advertisement request: It is VTP messages when the client request for the information
of VLAN to the server. Then the server will reply with both subset and summary
advertisements. Summary advertisement: It is send every five minutes (300 seconds) when
there is a change in the configuration. It will send summarized information of the VLAN.
Subset advertisement: It sends when the changing of the configuration is take place on server
switch and it contains detail about each VLAN.
According to (Mitchell 2009) it is network hardware device that route the packet between
networks. Also, it uses to connect between at least two networks such as LANs, WANs and
LAN with ISP. In addition, it operates in layer 3 of OSI and it uses the touting table to
determine the best path for forwarding the packet. Moreover, it is located at gateways and it
filters the incoming packets to direct them to appropriate paths. Some of the routers support
only one protocol while other routers can support many protocols which they called
multiprotocol routers. There are different types of router that are used in the network such as
brouter (bridge router), core router, virtual router, edge router and wireless router. (Rouse
Advantages of router:-
Create separate broadcast and collision domain.
Improve the security through using access lists. Filter the broadcasts.
Determine the pest path for forwarding the packet.
Ability to connect to different architectures and media.
Component of the router
The router has internal and external components. The internal components of the router are
RAM, ROM, Flash Memory, NVRAM and Network Interfaces. In other hand the external
components of the router are virtual terminal, TFTP server and network management station.
The modes of router:
User EXEC mode: It uses for viewing, setting and testing the system operations. It is initial
mode which the user goes into it when he/she log into the router. You cannot configure the
router in this mode you can only use simple commands like ping and telnet. To move to the
privileged mode write enable. The examples of it is router1>?.
Privileged EXEC mode: It enables the user to all commands of the router including router
management commands and configuration. Also, it provides high level access of the
management to the ISO. To move to configuration mode write conf t. The examples of it are
router1#configure router1#show, router1#copy runningconfigstartup-config and
router#hostname Router1.
Configuration mode: In this mode, it enables you to access to the configuration commands
which affect the whole system. Also, you can modify the setting of the interface. Setup
Mode: When the router doesn’t have the configuration file, automatically it will enter to this
mode when you switch on the router. It creates the initial configuration. Rom Monitor
Mode: The router will enter to this mode if it doesn’t locate the valid OS (operating system)
image. In this mode you can do diagnostic tests and boot the device.
As we know switch operates in layer 2 and router operates in layer 3 of OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection). Layer 3 switch operates in both Layer 2 and layer 3 of OSI. It designed for
large Local Area Network that has many VLANs. Also, it forwards the packet at high speed
based on layer 3 of OSI Hardware ASIC is handling all packets forwarding of the switch. The
purpose of it to enhance the performance of the router in LAN by providing high speed and it
uses to interconnect the VLANs. The switch will forward the packets based on both the
Logical address (IP address) and physical address (MAC address). Moreover, it performs
routing and bridging function. Furthermore, it works similar to the router because it forms a
broadcast domain and it has IP routing table for lookups. In addition, it supports many
routing protocol such as RIP, EIGRP and OSPF. The layer 2 switch will use the routing table
and routing protocol to choose the best path. The different between the router and L3 switch
that the L3 switch dose not has WAN port. (Davis, 2007)
The advantages of layer 3 switch:Cost saving because; it’s cheaper than router.
Better network performance.
Provides good security and QoS.
Provides High speed and low latency.
The cost of peer – peer is lower.
In my project I will use Cisco Catalyst 3560 as layer 3 switch.
Cisco catalyst 3560 (WS-C3560G-24TS-E):
It is a next-generation L3 switch. It is provide quality of service, availability and security to
improve network operations. It is ideal switch for small enterprise Local Area Network
access or branch office environments. Also, it provides easy deployment for the application
such as wireless access, remote video kiosks, video and IP telephony.
Cisco catalyst 3560 has many features such as:
Provide lower cost of ownership.
Provide QoS and advanced IP routing.
Easy to deployment and use.
Support IP version 6 standard which provides increasing in the Internet address space.
Provide high security by using NAC, VRF Lite, ACLs and IP Source Guard.
24 10/100 Ethernet ports and 2 SFP Gigabit Ethernet ports.
Provide scalability and
availability through using IP routing and Spanning Tree Protocol.
High redundancy for
fault backup
L2 Switch:
It is one of the network devices that forward the packet based on media access control
address. Also, it is multiport bridge. It is operate on data link layer of OSI model. Moreover,
it uses ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) to build and maintain the MAC
address table. It is faster than router because, the switch don’t look to the network address, it
only use hardware address to forward the packets. Furthermore, it is high efficient because,
the switch don’t modify the data packet it’s only modify to frame encapsulation of the packet.
In addition, it is used for network segmentation and workgroup connectivity. The switch is
breaking up the collision domain rather than hub. (Stevens 2006).
In my project I will choose Cisco catalyst 2960 24 ports. It provides improving of operational
excellence and enhanced experience of workspace. Also it provides improving for the
Cisco catalyst 2960 24 ports
Some features of Cisco catalyst 2960S-24PS-L:
24 of Gigabit Ethernet ports 10/100/1000.
Improve the security for business operations.
Has lower cost of ownership and support video, voice and wireless application.
Enhance the troubleshooting for resolving problem by including cable diagnostics and link
Provide Fast connectivity of the Ethernet with PoE up to 15.4 per port.
One IP address of the management for 16 switches.
Provide USB storage interface to distribution and file backup.
Fixed configuration switches and supports QoS features.
(Rouse 2007) It is defense system that uses to protect the network. It can be hardware or
software and it can implement combination of both of them. Also, it controls the outgoing
and incoming network traffic by determining which packets can enter or out from the internal
network based on set of rules. In addition, it is build Security Bridge between external
network and internal network. Moreover, the purpose of it is to protect the resources of the
internal network from the users of the other networks. Furthermore, it uses to limit the data
that can go out of it and protect the network from any damages that can happen though
unauthorized users. There are two types of firewall as mentioned in (Beal 2011).
Hardware firewall:
It can buys as stand-alone product. But, know the hardware firewall can found in broadband
routers. In addition, it is very effective with little configuration and it protects all machine
that located on local network. Moreover, it is use packet filtering to check the packet header
to determine its source and destination. Then, this information will compare to the set of rules
that has been created before to determine whether to forward or drop the packet. Not all
hardware firewall are implemented equal, so the person has to read the manual that comes
with the product. Testing the firewall is very important for ensuring the network is protected
and the configurations are done properly, to do this task you can search free online firewall
testing service from the internet or buy third party test software.
Software firewall:
It is more popular for individual users rather than hardware firewall. Also, it is like any
software that installed on the computer and can customize it. In addition, it protect your
computer from unauthorized users to gain access to the computer. Moreover, it can provide
protection versus the e-mail worms or Trojan programs. Many of the software firewalls have
defined the user control to set up safe printer sharing and file and blocking unsafe
applications from being running on the system also, it can do web filtering. Finally the
software firewall only protect the computer that installed on it
In my project I will use hardware firewall which is ASA 5505.
The features of Cisco ASA 5505 are:
Easy to deploy and cost effective.
Provides VPN services and high performance.
Provides high availability and scalability.
Provides worm mitigation services and intrusion prevention through AIP SSM and CSC
Throughput of the firewall up to 150 Mbps
Maximum throughput of the firewall and IPS is 75 Mbps.
Throughput of VPN is up to 100 Mbps.
It has eight ports of Fast Ethernet with two POE ports.
Support VLAN and can upgrade the functionality though Security Services Module port.
Access Point:
It is stand-alone device that connect to Ethernet switch. It is used to provide wireless access
to the network. In addition, it operates in layer 2 of OSI model. It uses to connect wireless
devices to the network. Many of the AP has built in the routers. Also, it refers to transceiver
because it transmits and revives the data over the network. Moreover, it enables the wireless
devices to be connected to the wired network using Wi-Fi. Furthermore, it allows the devices
to communicate with other devices in the network. Also, it allows the users to connect to the
internet if the AP is linked to the internet connection. Access point can serve many users and
the users can access to the network and internet if he/she has the password for the AP. The
numbers of the access points that require for the network is depend on the number of the
users and physical size of the network. (Mitchell 2006)
Exchange server 2013:
(Rouse 2005) Exchange server 2013 is the popular system for communications and e-mail
messaging. It is developed by Microsoft on October 2012. In addition, it contains email
client, email server and groupware applications. In server side it called Microsoft Exchange
Server and in client side it called Microsoft Outlook. Moreover, the exchange server is enable
the organization users to secure their communication such as instant messaging, e-mail
messages, mobile devices or Web browsers, voice mail and SMS text messages. Exchange
server 2013 has many improvements in different areas such as security, scalability, reliability
and mobility. The task of exchange server is to process the email messages in timely and
secure way from the sender to the recipients, also it designs to allow the users to access to
email communication from several platforms. (Arvidson 2010)
(Jofoley 2012) Exchange Server 2013 offers a new set of features, services and technologies
which will keeps the information of the organization safely, ensuring the availability of the
communications all the time, increase the productivity of the user as well as reduce the total
cost of ownership.
The new features that exchange server 2013 provide it are:
Supports offline in Outlook Web Access which the actions and emails are synced
automatically when restoring the connectivity.
Introducing web based Exchange Administrative Center which is the replacement of
Exchange Management Console.
The Outlook Web application offering three various user interface layouts optimize for slate,
phone and desktop browsers
The Site Mailboxes which bring the documents of SharePoint and Exchange emails together.
Supports for 8 TB disks and several databases per the volume or disk through DAG (Data
Availability Group) management.
Provides protection of anti-malware with the capability for the administrators to manage and
configure s …
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