Expert answer:Management Theories and the Workplace

Expert answer:Select three theories from the textbook. Summarize the theory and viewpoint(s) in a table. Please use the sample management theory table provided. Develop a 1,050-word report including the following: Briefly discuss an overview of management.Include the roles managers play.Examine the development of management theories, including how these theories reflected the changing business environment.Compare and contrast the three management theories you included in your management theory table.Evaluate which of the three management theories works best for your work environment or an organization with which you are familiar.Include in-text citations and at least one reference.Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.


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Page 40
Major Questions You Should Be Able to Answer
2.1 Evolving Viewpoints: How We Got to Today’s Management Outlook
Major Question: What’s the payoff in studying different management perspectives, both
yesterday’s and today’s?
2.2 Classical Viewpoint: Scientific & Administrative Management
Major Question: If the name of the game is to manage work more efficiently, what can the
classical viewpoint teach me?
2.3 Behavioral Viewpoint: Behaviorism, Human Relations, & Behavioral Science
Major Question: To understand how people are motivated to achieve, what can I learn from
the behavioral viewpoint?
2.4 Quantitative Viewpoints: Management Science & Operations Management
Major Question: If the manager’s job is to solve problems, how might the two quantitative
approaches help?
2.5 Systems Viewpoint
Major Question: How can the exceptional manager be helped by the systems viewpoint?
2.6 Contingency Viewpoint
Major Question: In the end, is there one best way to manage in all situations?
2.7 Quality-Management Viewpoint
Major Question: Can the quality-management viewpoint offer guidelines for true
managerial success?
2.8 The Learning Organization in an Era of Accelerated Change
Major Question: Organizations must learn or perish. How do I build a learning
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the manager’s toolbox
Mind-sets: How Do You Go about Learning?
Learn or die. Isn’t that the challenge to us as individuals? Throughout your career, your success will depend
on your constantly being a learner, making choices about how to solve various problems—which tools to
apply, including the theories we will describe in this chapter. However, one barrier to learning that all of us
need to be aware of is our mind-set.
The Enemy of Learning
By the time we are grown, the minds of many of us have become set in patterns of thinking, the result of our
personal experiences and various environments, that affect how we respond to new ideas. These mind-sets
determine what ideas we think are important and what ideas we ignore.
Because we can’t pay attention to all the events that occur around us, say the authors of a book on critical
analysis, “our minds filter out some observations and facts and let others through to our conscious
awareness.”1 Herein lies the danger: “As a result, we see and hear what we subconsciously want to and pay
little attention to facts or observations that have already been rejected as unimportant.”
Having mind-sets makes life comfortable. However, as the foregoing writers point out, “Familiar
relationships and events become so commonplace that we expect them to continue forever. Then we find
ourselves completely unprepared to accept changes that are necessary even when they stare us in the face.”2
What’s Your Mind-set? Two Views
What will be your approach to studying management theory (or anything else in this book)? If you can’t “get
it” right away, will you take that as a reflection on your basic intelligence—that you’re somehow deficient,
that people will think you’re dumb and you’ll feel like a loser?
Based on 20 years of research, Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck suggests that the view you
adopt about yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life—including how you learn. In our views of
ourselves, she says, most of us have either a fixed mind-set or a growth mind-set.3
• The fixed mind-set—believing your basic qualities are carved in stone. People with a fixed mind-set are
concerned about how they will be judged, as on intelligence or personal qualities. They believe “My
intelligence is something very basic that can’t be changed very much.” Or, “I’m a certain kind of person,
and there’s not much that can be done to change that.” They care less about learning than looking bad when
failure occurs.
• The growth mind-set—believing your basic qualities can be changed through your effort. People with
a growth mind-set are concerned with improving. They think, “You can always change your intelligence
quite a bit.” Or, “You can always change basic things about the kind of person you are.” Failure for these
kinds of people may well feel bad, but instead of hiding their deficiencies from others they try to overcome
them. Fortunately, by applying themselves, people of a fixed mind-set can develop a growth mind-set.
For Discussion Your approach to learning won’t stop once you leave school. As we discuss at the end of this
chapter, most organizations now are “learning organizations,” in which employees are continually required to
expand their ability to achieve results by obtaining the right knowledge and changing their behavior. Thus,
your mind-set matters. Which type are you? What can a person begin to do to move from a fixed mind-set to a
growth mind-set?!/4/4/386/22@0:69.7
University of Phoenix: Management
This chapter gives you a short overview of the three principal historical perspectives or viewpoints on management
—classical, behavioral, and quantitative. It then describes the three principal contemporary viewpoints—systems,
contingency, and quality-management. Finally, we consider the concept of learning organizations.
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Evolving Viewpoints: How We Got to Today’s
Management Outlook
Page 42
What’s the payoff in studying different management perspectives, both
yesterday’s and today’s?
After studying theory, managers may learn the value of bringing rationality to the decisionmaking process. This chapter describes two principal theoretical perspectives—the historical
and the contemporary. Studying management theory provides understanding of the present, a
guide to action, a source of new ideas, clues to the meaning of your managers’ decisions, and
clues to the meaning of outside events.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it,” Peter Drucker said.
The purpose of this book is, to the extent possible, to give you the tools to create your own future in your
career and as a manager.
Creating Modern Management: The Handbook of Peter Drucker
Who is Peter Drucker? “He was the creator and inventor of modern management,” says management guru
Tom Peters (author of In Search of Excellence). “In the early 1950s, nobody had a tool kit to manage these
incredibly complex organizations that had gone out of control. Drucker was the first person to give us a
handbook for that.”4
An Austrian trained in economics and international law, Drucker came to the United States in 1937, where
he worked as a correspondent for British newspapers and later became a college professor. In 1954, he
published his famous text The Practice of Management, in which he proposed that management was one of
the major social innovations of the 20th century and that it should be treated as a profession, like medicine or
law. In this and other books, he introduced several ideas that now underlie the organization and practice of
management—that workers should be treated as assets, that the corporation could be considered a human
community, that there is “no business without a customer,” that institutionalized management practices were
preferable to charismatic cult leaders.
Many ideas that you will encounter in this book—decentralization, management by objectives, knowledge
workers—are directly traceable to Drucker’s pen. “Without his analysis,” says one writer, “it’s almost!/4/4/386/22@0:69.7
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impossible to imagine the rise of dispersed, globe-spanning corporations.”5 In our time, Drucker’s rational
approach has culminated in evidence-based management, as we describe in Section 2.6 in this chapter.
True learner. In his 70-year career, Peter Drucker published over 35 books and numerous other publications,
received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and achieved near rock-star status for his management ideas, which
influenced organizations from General Electric to the Girl Scouts. A true learner who constantly expanded his
knowledge, he understood that new experiences are key to nurturing new ideas and new ventures. Do you have this
kind of curiosity?!/4/4/386/22@0:69.7
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Six Practical Reasons for Studying This Chapter
Page 43
“Theory,” say business professors Clayton Christensen and Michael Raynor, “often gets a bum rap among
managers because it’s associated with the word ‘theoretical,’ which connotes ‘impractical.’ But it
shouldn’t.”6 After all, what could be more practical than studying different approaches to see which work
Indeed, there are six good reasons for studying theoretical perspectives:
1. Understanding of the present. “Sound theories help us interpret the present, to understand what is
happening and why,” say Christensen and Raynor.7 Understanding history will help you understand
why some practices are still favored, whether for right or wrong reasons.
2. Guide to action. Good theories help us make predictions and enable you to develop a set of
principles that will guide your actions.
3. Source of new ideas. It can also provide new ideas that may be useful to you when you come up
against new situations.
4. Clues to meaning of your managers’ decisions. It can help you understand your firm’s focus, where
the top managers are “coming from.”
5. Clues to meaning of outside events. It may allow you to understand events outside the organization
that could affect it or you.
6. Producing positive results. It can help you understand why certain management practices—such as
setting goals that stretch you to the limit (stretch goals), basing compensation and promotion on
performance, and monitoring results—have been so successful for many firms.8
Pages from a Game Company’s Employee Guide In Flatness
Lies Greatness:
If Management 1.0 is what we’re used to now, with its traditional pyramid hierarchy, what would
Management 2.0 look like? What if, as management thinker Gary Hamel suggests, Management 2.0
looked a lot like Web 2.0 as represented in Wikipedia, YouTube, and other online communities?9 Could
the traditional hierarchy of boxes with lines actually become a corporate straitjacket?
Is Hierarchy Overrated? Bellevue, Washington–based Valve Corp. is an online entertainment and
technology company that has created several award-winning games (Half Life, Portal) as well as Steam,
an online gaming platform. Its staff consists of (1) all the employees and (2) a founder/president—who
is not a manager. In fact, “we don’t have any management,” says Valve’s employee handbook, “and
nobody ‘reports to’ anybody else.”10
In other words, Valve is a flat organization, defined as one with few or no levels of management (as
we discuss further in Chapter 8). Indeed, Valve is the flattest of flat organizations because for an
employee, says the handbook, it “removes every organizational barrier between your work and the
customer enjoying that work.”
Desks with Wheels. Not only do Valve employees have no managers, but they get to select which
projects they want to work on, have the power to green-light (approve) new projects, and even ship
finished products. Every employee’s desk has wheels, serving two purposes. “The first is a symbolic
reminder that one should always consider where they could move to be more valuable,” says one!/4/4/386/22@0:69.7
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account. “The other is literal—team members often move their desks close together when working on a
project.”11 Instead of managers, Valve relies on rotating team leaders (called “group contributors”), who
change according to each project.
The basic reason Valve has no formal managers is that it wants to attract the best talent and produce
outstanding products year after year. Clearly, the flat structure works very well for Valve—as it does for
other organizations, profit and not-for-profit alike, that operate in a rapidly changing environment,
depend on innovation to stay on top, and have a shared purpose.12 Flattened hierarchies even work for
some large organizations, such as W.L. Gore, maker of Gore-Tex fabric, which employs 10,000 people.
Why do you think, then, that many organizations resist using flat structures? Do you think studying
management theory could help you answer this question?!/4/4/386/22@0:69.7
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Theory underlies all the achievements of business. Some of the greatest companies in the world are
headquartered in these New York City skyscrapers: American Express, Colgate-Palmolive, J.P. Morgan Chase,
JetBlue Airways, Macy’s, NBC Universal, Ralph Lauren, and Time Warner. A number of start-ups are also based
in New York: Etsy, Fab, Foursquare, Gilt, Meetup, Shutterstock, and Tumblr. The launch, growth, and profitability
of businesses all depend on execution of solid management theory.
Two Overarching Perspectives about Management: Historical &
In this chapter, we describe two overarching perspectives about management. (See Figure 2.1.) They are:
The historical perspective (1911–1950s) includes three viewpoints—classical, behavioral, and
The contemporary perspective (1960s–present) also includes three viewpoints—systems,
contingency, and quality-management.
The Two Overarching Perspectives—Historical and Contemporary!/4/4/386/22@0:69.7
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Classical Viewpoint: Scientific &
Administrative Management
Page 45
If the name of the game is to manage work more efficiently, what can the
classical viewpoint teach me?
The three historical management viewpoints we will describe include (1) the classical,
described in this section; (2) the behavioral; and (3) the quantitative. The classical viewpoint,
which emphasized ways to manage work more efficiently, had two approaches: (a) scientific
management and (b) administrative management. Scientific management, pioneered by
Frederick W. Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, emphasized the scientific study of work
methods to improve the productivity of individual workers. Administrative management,
pioneered by Henri Fayol and Max Weber, was concerned with managing the total
Bet you’ve never heard of a “therblig,” although it may describe some physical motions you perform from
time to time—as when you have to wash dishes, say. A made-up word you won’t find in most dictionaries,
therblig was coined by Frank Gilbreth and is, in fact, “Gilbreth” spelled backward, with the “t” and the “h”
reversed. It refers to 1 of 17 basic motions. By identifying the therbligs in a job, as in the tasks of a bricklayer
(which he had once been), Frank and his wife, Lillian, were able to eliminate motions while simultaneously
reducing fatigue.
The Gilbreths were a husband-and-wife team of industrial engineers who were pioneers in one of the
classical approaches to management, part of the historical perspective (1911–1950s). As we mentioned, there
are three historical management viewpoints or approaches.13 (See Figure 2.2, next page.) They are
Classical viewpoint—1911–1947
Behavioral viewpoint—1913–1950s
Quantitative viewpoint—1940s–1950s!/4/4/386/22@0:69.7
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In this section, we describe the classical perspective of management, which originated during the early
1900s. The classical viewpoint , which emphasized finding ways to manage work more efficiently, had
two branches—scientific and administrative—each of which is identified with particular pioneering
theorists. In general, classical management assumes that people are rational. Let’s compare the two
Scientific Management: Pioneered by Taylor & the Gilbreths
The problem for which scientific management emerged as a solution was this: In the expansive days of the
early 20th century, labor was in such short supply that managers were hard-pressed to raise the productivity
of workers. Scientific management emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the
productivity of individual workers. Two of its chief proponents were Frederick W. Taylor and the team of
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.
Frederick Taylor & the Four Principles of Scientific Management No doubt there are
some days when you haven’t studied, or worked, as efficiently as you could. This could be called
“underachieving,” or “loafing,” or what Taylor called it—soldiering, deliberately working at less than full
capacity. Known as “the father of scientific management,” Taylor was an American engineer from
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who believed that managers could eliminate soldiering by applying four principles of science:
Page 46
The Historical Perspective: Three Viewpoints—Classical, Behavioral, and Quantitative
Evaluate a task by scientifically studying each part of the task (not use old rule-of-thumb methods).
Carefully select workers with the right abilities for the task.
Give workers the training and incentives to do the task with the proper work methods.
Use scientific principles to plan the work methods and ease the way for workers to do their jobs.
Taylor based his system on motion studies, in which he broke down each worker’s job—moving pig iron
at a steel company, say—into basic physical motions and then trained workers to use the methods of their
best-performing coworkers. In addition, he suggested employe …
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