Expert answer:4-2 Lab 5: Social EngineeringSocial engineering is a technique that attackers use to entice individuals, often with a lack of knowledge of computer security, to run programs, click links, or give out sensitive information. This lab demonstrates how social engineering techniques can be utilized. Review this visual aid and your lab guidelines and rubric document to walk through tips for how to engage with your lab as well as the guidelines for how you will be scored on your lab activities. To take a screenshot with Windows, use the Snipping Tool. To take a screenshot on a Mac, use Command + Shift + 4. The directions for each lab are included in the lab environment. For each lab, you will be completing a lab worksheet on which you will answer questions about your experience in the lab and submit screenshots of the laboratory results as evidence of your findings. Each lab begins with a broad overview of the topic being covered in the lab, and then you will progress through each section of the lab. Within each section, you will be asked to submit a screenshot of your results. The specific step that requires a screenshot is noted in the individual rubric for each lab. When you reach the step indicated in the rubric, take a screenshot of it and paste it into the appropriate section of your lab worksheet. There may be multiple screenshots required. Carefully read and follow the prompt provided in the rubric for each lab. To complete this assignment, review the following documents:Lab 5 Guidelines and RubricLab Worksheet TemplateMake sure to save your worksheet and upload it for grading.4-3 Lab 6: Crafting and Deploying MalwareIn this lab, you will see from an attacker’s perspective how malware is created and deployed to a victim’s machine. After deploying the malware, you will steal data from the victim’s network. Review this visual aid and your lab guidelines and rubric document to walk through tips for how to engage with your lab as well as the guidelines for how you will be scored on your lab activities. To take a screenshot with Windows, use the Snipping Tool. To take a screenshot on a Mac, use Command + Shift + 4. The directions for each lab are included in the lab environment. For each lab, you will be completing a lab worksheet on which you will answer questions about your experience in the lab and submit screenshots of the laboratory results as evidence of your findings. Each lab begins with a broad overview of the topic being covered in the lab, and then you will progress through each section of the lab. Within each section, you will be asked to submit a screenshot of your results. The specific step that requires a screenshot is noted in the individual rubric for each lab. When you reach the step indicated in the rubric, take a screenshot of it and paste it into the appropriate section of your lab worksheet. There may be multiple screenshots required. Carefully read and follow the prompt provided in the rubric for each lab. To complete this assignment, review the following documents:Lab 6 Guidelines and RubricLab Worksheet TemplateMake sure to save your worksheet and upload it for grading.4-4 Lab 7: Intrusion Detection Using SnortIn this module, you will continue to analyze network traffic by enumerating hosts on the network using various tools. In this lab, you will set up the sniffer and detect unwanted incoming and outgoing networking traffic. Review this visual aid and your lab guidelines and rubric document to walk through tips for how to engage with your lab as well as the guidelines for how you will be scored on your lab activities. To take a screenshot with Windows, use the Snipping Tool. To take a screenshot on a Mac, use Command + Shift + 4. The directions for each lab are included in the lab environment. For each lab, you will be completing a lab worksheet on which you will answer questions about your experience in the lab and submit screenshots of the laboratory results as evidence of your findings. Each lab begins with a broad overview of the topic being covered in the lab, and then you will progress through each section of the lab. Within each section, you will be asked to submit a screenshot of your results. The specific step that requires a screenshot is noted in the individual rubric for each lab. When you reach the step indicated in the rubric, take a screenshot of it and paste it into the appropriate section of your lab worksheet. There may be multiple screenshots required. Carefully read and follow the prompt provided in the rubric for each lab. To complete this assignment, review the following documents:Lab 7 Guidelines and RubricLab Worksheet TemplateMake sure to save your worksheet and upload it for grading.
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IT 320 Lab 5: Social Engineering Guidelines and Rubric
You will be completing several labs throughout this course. For each lab, you will also complete a lab worksheet and submit it to your instructor for grading.
Completing a lab report worksheet for each lab will document your experiences in the lab and provide your instructor evidence of your ability to engage in the
various tasks in the lab.
Completing these labs, documenting your work in the lab worksheets, and addressing any feedback from your instructor will also help ensure you have the core
skills necessary to engage in the milestones and final project lab. If you are having a problem completing the task, do as much of the task as possible and provide
an explanation as your description with a screenshot of your result in order for your instructor to provide feedback so you are clear on the task and feel
confident moving forward into your milestones and final project.
Prompt: In your worksheet, use one to two sentences to describe each of the three key tasks and include a screenshot that illustrates each as identified below.
You MUST include a screenshot for each element:
1. Section: Launching an Attack: Successfully configure social engineering tools and include a brief description of the task and a screenshot that illustrates
Step 16 in this section.
2. Section: Getting Spear Phished: Successfully send a phishing email and include a brief description of the task and a screenshot that illustrates Step 4 in
this section.
3. Section: Stealing Data: Successfully steal data from the compromised system and include a brief description of the task and a screenshot that illustrates
Step 14 in this section.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Launching an Attack
Proficient (100%)
Successfully configures social engineering
tools and includes a brief description of
the task and a screenshot that illustrates
Step 16 in this section
Getting Spear Phished
Successfully sends a phishing email and
includes a brief description of the task and
a screenshot that illustrates Step 4 in this
Needs Improvement (75%)
Attempts to configure social engineering
tools and includes a brief description of
the task and a screenshot that illustrates
Step 16 in this section but description is
inaccurate or step was not executed
Attempts to send a phishing email and
brief description of the task and a
screenshot that illustrates Step 4 in this
section but description is inaccurate or
step was not executed successfully
Not Evident (0%)
Does not address element or include
Does not address element or include
Stealing Data
Successfully steals data from the
compromised system and includes a brief
description of the task and a screenshot
that illustrates Step 14 in this section
Articulation of Response
Submission has no major errors related to
grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Attempts to steal data from the
compromised system and includes a brief
description of the task and a screenshot
that illustrates Step 14 in this section but
description is inaccurate or step was not
executed successfully
Submission has major errors related to
grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Does not address element or include
Submission has critical errors related to
grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of ideas
IT 320 Lab 6: Crafting and Deploying Malware Guidelines and Rubric
You will be completing several labs throughout this course. For each lab, you will also complete a lab worksheet and submit it to your instructor for grading.
Completing a lab report worksheet for each lab will document your experiences in the lab and provide your instructor evidence of your ability to engage in the
various tasks in the lab.
Completing these labs, documenting your work in the lab worksheets, and addressing any feedback from your instructor will also help ensure you have the core
skills necessary to engage in the milestones and final project lab. If you are having a problem completing the task, do as much of the task as possible and provide
an explanation as your description with a screenshot of your result in order for your instructor to provide feedback so you are clear on the task and feel
confident moving forward into your milestones and final project.
Prompt: In your worksheet, use one to two sentences to caption and describe each of the three key tasks and include a screenshot that illustrates each as
identified below. You MUST include a screenshot for each element:
Section: Launching an Attack: Successfully brute force a password on a vulnerable service to gain access to a PC and include a brief description and a
screenshot that illustrates Step 12 in this section.
Section: Building and Deploying Malware: Successfully create and deploy malware and include a brief description and a screenshot that illustrates Step
25 in this section.
Section: Exploiting the Victim: Successfully steal data from the compromised system and include a brief description and a screenshot that illustrates
Step 14 in this section.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Launching an Attack
Proficient (100%)
Successfully brute forces a password on a
vulnerable service to gain access to a PC
and includes a brief description and a
screenshot that illustrates Step 12 in this
Building and Deploying
Successfully creates and deploys malware
and includes a brief description and a
screenshot that illustrates Step 25 in this
Needs Improvement (75%)
Attempts to brute force a password on a
vulnerable service to gain access to a PC
and includes a brief description and a
screenshot that illustrates Step 12 in this
section but description is inaccurate or
step was not executed successfully
Attempts to create and deploy malware
and includes a brief description and a
screenshot that illustrates Step 25 in this
section but description is inaccurate or
step was not executed successfully
Not Evident (0%)
Does not address element or include
Does not address element or include
Exploiting the Victim
Successfully steals data from the
compromised system and includes a brief
description and a screenshot that
illustrates Step 14 in this section
Articulation of Response
Submission has no major errors related to
grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Attempts to steal data from the
compromised system and includes a brief
description and a screenshot that
illustrates Step 14 in this section but
description is inaccurate or step was not
executed successfully
Submission has major errors related to
grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Does not address element or include
Submission has critical errors related to
grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of ideas
IT 320 Lab 7: Intrusion Detection Using Snort Guidelines and Rubric
You will be completing several labs throughout this course. For each lab, you will also complete a lab worksheet and submit it to your instructor for grading.
Completing a lab report worksheet for each lab will document your experiences in the lab and provide your instructor evidence of your ability to engage in the
various tasks in the lab.
Completing these labs, documenting your work in the lab worksheets, and addressing any feedback from your instructor will also help ensure you have the core
skills necessary to engage in the milestones and final project lab. If you are having a problem completing the task, do as much of the task as possible and provide
an explanation as your description with a screenshot of your result in order for your instructor to provide feedback so you are clear on the task and feel
confident moving forward into your milestones and final project.
Prompt: In your worksheet, use one to two sentences to describe each of the three key tasks and include a screenshot that illustrates each as identified below.
You MUST include a screenshot for each element:
1. Section: Setting up the Sniffer: Successfully capture network traffic using packet analyzer and include a brief description of the task and screenshot that
illustrates Step 24 in this section.
2. Section: Detecting Unwanted Incoming Attacks: Successfully use an IDS to detect malicious network traffic and include a brief description of the task
and screenshot that illustrates Step 14 in this section.
3. Section: Detecting Unwanted Outgoing Traffic: Successfully use a packet analyzer to detect malicious connections and include a brief description of the
task and screenshot that illustrates Step 31 in this section.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Setting up the Sniffer
Proficient (100%)
Successfully captures network traffic using
packet analyzer and includes a brief
description of the task and a screenshot
that illustrates Step 24 in this section
Needs Improvement (75%)
Attempts to capture network traffic using
packet analyzer and includes a brief
description of the task and a screenshot
that illustrates Step 24 in this section but
description is inaccurate or step was not
executed successfully
Not Evident (0%)
Does not address element or include
Detecting Unwanted
Incoming Attacks
Successfully uses an IDS to detect
malicious network traffic and includes a
brief description of the task and a
screenshot that illustrates Step 14 in this
Detecting Unwanted
Outgoing Traffic
Successfully uses a packet analyzer to
detect malicious connections and includes
a brief description of the task and a
screenshot that illustrates Step 31 in this
Articulation of Response
Submission has no major errors related to
grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Attempts to use an IDS to detect
malicious network traffic and includes a
brief description of the task and a
screenshot that illustrates Step 14 in this
section but description is inaccurate or
step was not executed successfully
Attempts to use a packet analyzer to
detect malicious connections and includes
a brief description of the task and a
screenshot that illustrates Step 31 in this
section but description is inaccurate or
step was not executed successfully
Submission has major errors related to
grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Does not address element or include
Does not address element or include
Submission has critical errors related to
grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of ideas
IT 320 Lab Worksheet
Complete each of the numbered questions in your lab and submit this worksheet to your instructor in
Blackboard for grading. Be sure to keep the lab report worksheets that you complete and review, along
with any feedback provided by your instructor, as they will help you create a quality submission for your
final project, which is due in Module Seven. Review the individual lab guidelines and rubric documents
for more information on these assignments.
You may complete this assignment in a separate Word document. If you choose to do so, be sure you
include all the questions asked in the lab guidelines and rubric document as well as the accompanying
screenshot. Your completed worksheet should reflect the information below. Add additional question
numbers with accompanying description and screenshot as needed to match the total number of
questions required on a given number lab guidelines and rubric document.
Lab Number and Name:
Question Number, Description, and Screenshot:
Question Number, Description, and Screenshot:
Question Number, Description, and Screenshot:
IT 320 Lab Worksheet
Complete each of the numbered questions in your lab and submit this worksheet to your instructor in
Blackboard for grading. Be sure to keep the lab report worksheets that you complete and review, along
with any feedback provided by your instructor, as they will help you create a quality submission for your
final project, which is due in Module Seven. Review the individual lab guidelines and rubric documents
for more information on these assignments.
You may complete this assignment in a separate Word document. If you choose to do so, be sure you
include all the questions asked in the lab guidelines and rubric document as well as the accompanying
screenshot. Your completed worksheet should reflect the information below. Add additional question
numbers with accompanying description and screenshot as needed to match the total number of
questions required on a given number lab guidelines and rubric document.
Lab Number and Name:
Question Number, Description, and Screenshot:
Question Number, Description, and Screenshot:
Question Number, Description, and Screenshot:
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