Expert answer:Research paper

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Research Paper
➢ 1500-1750 words Double Spaced
➢ MLA Format is required
➢ No more than two online sources (must be from a .org, .edu, .gov to be accepted,
with the exception of e-books and academic articles/journals). Other
websites/domains will be considered on a case by case basis.
➢ Minimum of four primary and four secondary sources
➢ Must have a works cited page at the end
➢ Late papers will be marked down 10 points for each day its late
➢ Please submit electronic copies to me via e-mail
➢ Also, if you are quoting someone, or a passage from a book, please keep your
quotes/passages to no more than 4 sentences each time you do this. I would like to
see the originality in your work in addition to your own analysis of working with
both primary and secondary sources. There may be a link to detect
The Deadline to submit your papers is December 1, 2017 (10:00PM)
Grading Criteria for Research Essays : 100 Points
Form / Style – 40 points
Organization: Introduction/Conclusion: Paragraph structures not too long or too short; internal
logic of case from point to point.
Introduction Intro paragraph with engaging context then a clear, specific thesis statement.
10 points
Conclusion Shows ability to “pull together” the body of the essay, (possibly finish with a new
twist to the thesis). 10 points
English mechanics Appropriate word choice, spelling, sentence fragments, grammar,
punctuation; no slang. 10 points
Sources clearly identified. Makes it clear to reader what key source(s) is being used. 10 points
Content / Substance – 60 points possible
Evidence/Claim Use and comprehension of the main points that backup your thesis. 15 points
“Detective” (Knows the facts) Shows grasp of the major lecture points & analysis from assigned
readings; demonstrates good preparation. 15 points
Scope of the Problem Understands the complexity of the problem; recognizes the fundamental
issues and debates relating to the topic and how historians have addressed these debates in
publications. 15 points
“Philosopher” (Inquiry/Analysis) Shows ability to go deeper into the issue; analyzes
implications /consequences. 15 points

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550 words
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Paper format
  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

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