Expert answer:The Week 7 Discussion Forum is different from previous forums, so please read the following instructions carefully:* I attached the original essayInstead of typing directly into the forum, you must compose your original response in a word processing program (like Microsoft Word) on your computer and upload it as an attachment.Please use formal MLA style (complete with a title block and title). Don’t forget to double-space your document.Your response must be a minimum of 500 words.You should still respond to two classmates in the form, but since I’m asking you to write more for the original post, there is no length requirement for the replies.Prompt:During the course of the term, you have spent a good deal of time crafting an original argument concerning a current issue you feel is worthy of discussion. As we have discussed in class, we can assume that your audience in an argument is at least skeptically neutral, if not opposed to your view (after all, if your audience agrees with your stance without reservation, you are no longer arguing). For this assignment, after you have researched your topic and those who oppose your stance, take some time to reflect further on your audience. Specifically, how does your audience differ from you, and how might that affect their stance on the issue? You may want to consider issues of race, gender, religious or moral convictions, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or any other important demographic division. As part of your reflection, comment on how understanding the diversity of your audience has helped you use Rogerian argument in your essay. Your response should be a minimum of 500 words, and should be uploaded as a Word document in MLA style. Remember that this is a formal writing assignment, so edit carefully for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
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Argument Essay
Write an original argument with a clear claim on a current, debatable issue. Your argument will be based
on your independent research and will make use of the information you learned while writing your
Annotated Bibliography. Please note that because of the significant investment you have/will put into this
project, the final draft will be worth 200 points.
Due Dates:
Annotated Bibliography: Due by the end of Week 5
Draft: Due by the end of Week 6
Peer Reviews: Due by WEDNESDAY of Week 7
Final Draft: Due by the end of Week 7
Logistical Criteria:
Length: 2000 word
Sources:7 minimum academic sources, selected from those you explored in your Annotated
Format: MLA (preferred) or APA general formatting, in-text citations, and Works Cited list.
Audience: General and specialist
All of our previous class material has been leading to this assignment: the scholarly argument. You must
construct your argument based on sufficient evidence and logical reasoning, and you need to address
counterarguments to your position.Your argument needs to have a clear, explicitly stated thesis which
presents the your debatable position. over the next few weeks, we will be discussing various ways you
might approach your argument.
to consider:
Pathos (emotional appeal)
Ethos (ethical appeal, i.e., appeals to shared values and beliefs)
Logos (logical appeal)
Multiple examples and evidence: statistics, anecdotes, studies, etc.
“So what” factor–why we should care or what is at stake
Your voice: you are the one controlling this argument, not your sources.
to Avoid:
2nd person (“You will see that”; “haven’t you ever noticed that”)
Inflammatory language (“They are immoral and are going to hell!”; “That’s just plain stupid.”)
Dictionary definitions
Overuse of quotes
Grading Criteria
Includes but not limited to the following:
Content:Is it an argument or an informative paper with an opinion tacked on the end? Did you present
evidence for your position–enough evidence to persuade the audience? Were you logical and unbiased,
leading the readers step-by-step to the most reasonable conclusion? Did you use reliable sources? Is your
voice present? Is it your argument or regurgitated sources? Do you have a thesis, and did you support
it?Do you avoid slang words and use a formal tone?
Formatting/Style/Citation:Did you include in text citations for all summaries, paraphrases, and quotes?
Is your Works Cited page accurate, and does it match your in text citations? Did you use reliable sources?
Did you follow the MLA (preferable) or APA style thoroughly?
Professionalism:Did you edit your paper for grammar mistakes and proofread it for typos? Does it read
like someone seeking a college education wrote it? Do you sound like you’re talking to your friends, or do
you sound like you’re debating an issue with other aspiring future professionals?
Points Points
Final Draft Grading Criteria
Clear, explicitly stated thesis, with debatable
main claim.
Effective introduction with background
information showing audience awareness.
Fair and accurate discussion of a range
of opposing viewpoints.This discussion
reflects fair consideration of and knowledge
about opposing views, and awareness and
respect for other points-of-view.Avoids logical
Sufficient evidence to support thesis.Use of
first-hand observation, examples from lived
experiences, statistics, facts, quotations
and expert opinions from research, surveys,
interviews, etc.
Each source of support clearly identified,
placed in appropriate context, and
appropriately interpreted by writer.
At least seven scholarly sources based on
guidelines we have discussed in class.
Paragraphs well-organized and
coherent.Transitions are used effectively
within and between paragraphs.
Style, voice, and stance are appropriate and
consistent (avoid slang and second person
Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation.
Correct in-text citations in MLA (preferable)
or APA style.
Conclusion is effective and clear, and includes
restating the main ideas and thesis statement.
Correct Works Cited (or References, if using
APA) page.
Minimum of 2,000 words; Appropriate
format; 12 point font (Times New Roman).
Running Head:
How Has Technology Affected Your Life
Development in terms of technological advancement is believed to have made life better,
simpler, and happier. On the surface, this appears to be true. A detailed interrogation of technology
and its impact on the quality of life for humanity and the environment gives a very different picture.
Technological advancement has brought about cars, mobile phones, computers, Television,
Microwaves, fridges, machinery and laser technology that are used for the benefit of humanity. On
the other side, these technological developments have increased environmental pollution,
accidents, promoted health challenges and a myriad of problems. Technology is contributing to
man’s problems as it solves others.
Technology has enhanced mobility through various interventions like cars, trams, trains,
airplanes, Lifts, escalators, and buses. The ease of movement from one place to another has been
made easier and predictable. On the other hand, the ease of movement has promoted laziness. One
is not motivated to walk which is a healthy choice for movement. The pressures of time and stresses
of life have forced people to join the rat race at the expense of their health. Cases of obesity are on
the rise. Causes of obesity are attributed to sedentary lifestyle, nutrition; smoking and I dare add
technology. Obesity in itself brings about a bundle of other problems that make individuals
unhappy with their looks, disease burdens in terms of predisposition to diabetes and high blood
pressure. Other challenges not talked about are low self-esteem, inability to be agile, problems
with fitting clothes and general unhappiness.
Mobile phones are gadgets that help individuals to stay in touch. Modern smartphones give
people the ability to connect to internet, play games, listen to music, and conduct business. With
Mobile technology people send messages, chat, and communicate with each other. This is a
positive technological development that has improved connectivity and reachability. Communities
that could not access landlines can now easily be connected via mobile phones or satellite phones.
Running Head:
How Has Technology Affected Your Life
This positive gadget has come with new habits and behaviors. Alertness and care have disappeared.
Mobile phone usage is the cause of increased road accidents and deaths globally. Over 1.4 million
people have lost their lives due to mobile phone associated accidents. In India alone, mobile phones
have contributed to 135,000 deaths (Shabeer et al, 2012). We are in a dilemma, to blame the
individual or the mobile phone.
In a study to try to understand the driver’s behavior, as regards a mobile phone. Shabeer studies
the eye contact and mouth movement while one is driving. The drivers from a sample of 579 had
their vehicles packed with monitors and cameras without their knowledge. The study reported that
drivers who are alert have their eyes on the road, alert and not distracted. Drivers who are talking
using mobiles it is easy to notice the mouth movements. Shabeer reported that in 95% of the cases
when the driver is alert his mouth is closed (Shabeer et al, 2012).
The Shabeer study could solve only part of the problem, what about pedestrians? Pedestrians have
been knocked down by moving vehicles as they text while crossing the road. Terrible accidents
have occurred, as drivers are busy sending text messages. Prolonged use of mobile phones is
believed to cause radiations that may be harmful to the user.
Sources of radiations in the modern world include mobile phones, radar installations,
transmission pillars, and microwave heaters. These technological developments have made life
faster and convenient. The ability to save time had greatly enhanced human capital capacity to be
more productive. Adair and Peterson studied different forms of radiation and their effects on health
(2012). In a study evaluating all potential causes of radiation from mobile phones, radar
installations, and transmission pillars, Adair and Peterson found out that these technologies have
higher radiation levels more than the naturally occurring radiation from the sun. In their opinion,
no radiation higher than the sun is healthy. This is an indication of the potential cause of cancers
Running Head:
How Has Technology Affected Your Life
that are on the rise. A causative relationship has not been conclusively established (Adair &
Peterson, 2012)
Consequently, the problem of increasing cases of cancer is being reported and experienced. Is it
changes in nutrition, genetic or environmental changes that have triggered growing cases of cancer
disease? Wellman examined the causes and consequences of adult obesity. The study found out,
Obesity is responsible for discrimination, “one is viewed as self-indulgent and lacking control…”
The social economic impacts of obesity have been estimated at 117Billion dollars (61 Billion
directly and 56 Billion Indirect costs). The study also reported that 61% of adult population is
obese and 14 of the child population. Obesity predisposes individuals with cancers, diabetes and
other health and physical challenges. In his opinion there needs to be concerted action towards
preventive since reversing this problem is more difficult (Wellman et al, 2002).
Television sets have decorated our seating rooms for a while now. It is a source of news,
entertainment, and gaming with improved technology. A modern television is more of a computer
than just a television. Television watching is one of the causes of sedentary lifestyle that negatively
affect health. The matter is made worse when it is easier to use a remote control button or even
mobile phones to change channels. There is very little movement. Immobility causes health
problems. Children are encouraged to play field games instead of play-station to exercise their
muscles, cardio-respiratory system and burn stored sugars. In a study by Gortmaker et al, (1996)
examining the relationship between television watching and obesity in Children reported,
There is an increased prevalence of obesity among the children and television watching was
pointed out to be the cause. In a study of children a sample of 746, between the ages of 5-15 years
followed for 4 years. There was a strong relationship indicating television watching of above 5
Running Head:
How Has Technology Affected Your Life
hours causes obesity compared to less than two hours. To address this problem of obesity the study
recommended restricting television watching to less than two hours (Gortmaker et al, 1996).
Computers and laptops are another set of technological gadgets that have improved
productivity. The modern working environment has been transformed in such a way one can work
from anywhere. Productivity is better than being seen. The internet has improved connectivity as
well as communication. People who work long hours are forced to carry work home. The flexibility
of taking work home negatively affects relationships at home (Jackson et al, 1982). Jackson
reported cases of burnout and stress. This led to behavioral changes on the side of respondents like
smoking and drinking. The respondents are reported to be emotionally detached from their
families. “Workers have pent-up emotions are depersonalized towards their dependents treated
them as objects.” When the burnout persists, people reported to change jobs, or are unhappy with
their jobs (Jackson et al, 1982).
The use of computers has been attributed to musculoskeletal disorder on the part of people working
with computers over the prolonged period of time (Ortiz-Hernandez et al, 2003). A sample of 218
was studied and data collected and analyzed. Work hazards on hand, back, and upper extremities
were collected. The study reported that hand and upper back extremities were attributed to working
on computers over a long period. Other potential causes were working posture while working,
mouse use, and long seating hours (Ortiz-Hernandez & Alcantara, 2003)
The environment of free conversation and dialogue has been taken over with social media.
It has become easier to text than talk. Speaking skills can only be improved on through speech and
exposure to educative or informative content. Frequent use of slang, short text messages is
impeding communication skills. It is a real contradiction that with all the technology available, e-
Running Head:
How Has Technology Affected Your Life
libraries, and easy access to available sources of information we are having a generation at pains
to communicate both in writing and through speech. According to Valkenburg et al, (2006)
investigating the effect of friend networking sites and its relationship to adolescents well-being
and self-esteem reported no serious effect. The study investigated a sample of 881 adolescents
between the ages of 10-19 years. The sample had 45% boys and 55% girls. It looked at the
frequency of interaction online per week, the feedback, and effects. 78% of the respondents
received positive feedback. Seven% received negative feedback and this had no effect on their
self-esteem. The study recommends the use of the internet for information seeking rather than an
avenue of building relationships (Valkenburg et al, 2006).
Calculators have made simple arithmetic impossible. We are not exercising our brain
muscles enough. Technology may lead to gray matter disuse. There is the risk of humans losing
the use of this important muscle. McNamara studied mental calculations among children in school.
In a study by McNamara (1995), she reported an interesting insight in exposing second grade to
mental calculations by teaching them multiplication. This enhanced their ability to learn, retain,
and regenerate as opposed to students who started learning multiplication-using calculators. In her
model, students were pretested to find out prior exposure to multiplication before inclusion in the
study. Mental calculations improved learning outcome (McNamara, 1995)
Technology has brought about mechanization that has increased speed of doing things,
improved production by allowing mass production. These technological developments have been
accompanied by wanton destruction of the environment and pollution. A concept of sustainability,
encompassing environment, health, and safety programs had to be incorporated for sustainable use
of resources by reducing waste and focusing on more friendly Technology. Development has
increased mobility in terms of transportation. Usages of cars that use fossil fuels (Gasoline and
Running Head:
How Has Technology Affected Your Life
Diesel) have been reported to be a major cause of pollution due to carbon dioxide emission and
other greenhouse gases that pollute the environment. The greenhouse gases are a single cause of
rising global temperatures. This has been reported to contribute to the rising sea levels. According
to Ahem (2010), Venice a city in Italy provides evidence of rising seawater and effects of climatic
The City of Venice has been experiencing increased floods from nine floods a year to 100 floods
a year. There are increased water levels in the flooding. Residents in Venice no longer occupy
ground floors of their building. The city is tilting and sinking at the same time due to the weight
of the buildings. Here technology has helped make life better. Technology has been used to provide
early warning signals for the floods just in case there is a need for evacuation. There are sensors,
floodgates used to tame the floods in addition to raised sandbanks (Ahem, 2010).
Having examined the positive aspects of technology and the disadvantages, it is clear, man
has a big part to play in regard to the behavioral change, to adopt the better use of the technology.
The use of mobile phones has revolutionized how we connect, communicate, and entertain
ourselves. It has also created dangerous habits of losing alertness to our surroundings and what we
are engaged in. Texting while walking or driving causes danger to self and others. We can reduce
the number of deaths by being individually responsible. In terms of internet and computer, the use
of the internet is useful when used for information seeking and entertainment. It is though
important not to use it to replace individual conversations. Communication skills of speaking,
listening, and writing need to be enhanced. Over-reliance on calculators would only slow learning
outcomes. Obesity is a global problem that we need to prevent with or without technology. Having
discussed the risks, it is imperative to develop programs that use technology to better life, better
health, and happiness. Our world of mobile phones, computers, microwaves, cars, and other forms
Running Head:
How Has Technology Affected Your Life
of mobility will not change. What needs to change is how we interact with these technologies for
a healthier and happy life.
Adair, E, and Peterson, R. (2012). Biological Effects of Radiofrequency- Microwave radiation,
IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques, Vol 54 (3).
Running Head:
How Has Technology Affected Your Life
Gortmaker, S.L., Must, V., Sobol, A. M. et al. (1996). Television Viewing as a Cause of increasing
Obesity among Children in the United States, 1986-1990., Archives of Pediatric
adolescence Med, 150 (4), 356-362
Jack Ahem. “Venice: Rising Water, sinking land.” 2010.
Jackson, S.E., and Maslach, C. After-Effect on Job-Related Stress: Families as victim, Journal of
Occupational Behaviour, Vol. 3, p. 63-77
McNamara, S. D. (1995). Effects of Prior Knowledge on the Generation Advantage: Calculators
and Calculations in Learning Simple Calculation, Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol.
87 (2), 307-318.
Ortiz-Hernandez, L., Silvia, T., Susana, M., and Lanacio, M. (2003). Computer use Increase the
Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Newspaper Office- Workers, Archives of
Medical Research, 34, p 331-342
Shabeer, H.A. and Wahida, B. (2012). Mobile Phone Accidents: Experience of India, Transport,
and Communications. Vol 13 (3), 193-208
Valkenburg, P.M., Peter, J and Schouten, A.P. (2006). “Friends Networking sites and their effect
on relationships to Adolescents Well-being and Self-Esteem, Cyber psychology and
Behavior, Vol. 9 (5)
Wellman, N.S., and Friedberg, B. (2002). Causes and Consequence of Adult Obesity: Health,
Social and Economic Impacts in the United States, Asia Pacific J. Clinical Nutrition, 11,
p. S705-S709.
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