Expert answer:Unit VII Scholarly Activity Dont worry about the recording part I will do that of course. In this course, we have introduced and assessed many noteworthy figures related to the colonizing and first 90 years of the United States. For this assignment, you will choose a significant figure who contributed to and influenced others during the time discussed in this course—with the exception of any U.S. President—and prepare a tribute focusing on his or her relevance to today. This is not a biography. Your argument should highlight how society remembers your historical figure now, based on the philosophies and ideals he or she presented or helped to change and evolve. The style of this project is a multimedia presentation with both audio and video components; however, the medium used is up to you. Potential examples include, but are not limited to, a videotaped speech, a self-guided PowerPoint presentation, or a video with audio. Creativity and effort will impact the final grade. Projects are due during Unit VII and will be graded on the following: Prepare and submit a two-page reflection, ideally based on the outline assignment from Unit VI. Create and submit a visual presentation with your reflection as an audio transcript. Use a minimum two sources that can be found in CSU’s Online Library (at least one from the American History & Life database). Proper citations and references for any use or identification of those sources must be used. Length must fall within three to five minutes; in the case of PowerPoint, slides and audio should progress and stop automatically like a taped presentation. Content accuracy and avoidance of anachronism are a must. Many options exist to which you could use to make your recording, such as the following: Audacity- Online Voice Recorder- Ipadio- Webcam file and upload to YouTube. Microsoft PowerPoint. HY 1110, American History I 6 Alternatively, you can search for other programs/ways to make your recording to upload. Once you have completed your recording, save the file to upload, or include a link to YouTube or whichever website you chose to post it. Questions should be directed to your professor prior to beginning the assignment. CSU librarians can help you with your research for this assignment. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. APA Guidelines The application of the APA writing style shall be practical, functional, and appropriate to each academic level, with the primary purpose being the documentation (citation) of sources. CSU requires that students use APA style for certain papers and projects. Students should always carefully read and follow assignment directions and review the associated grading rubric when available. Students can find CSU’s Citation Guide by clicking here. This document includes examples and sample papers and provides information on how to contact the CSU Success Center. Grading Rubrics This course utilizes analytic grading rubrics as tools for your professor in assigning grades for all learning activities. Each rubric serves as a guide that communicates the expectations of the learning activity and describes the criteria for each level of achievement. In addition, a rubric is a reference tool that lists evaluation criteria and can help you organize your efforts to meet the requirements of that learning activity. It is imperative for you to familiarize yourself with these rubrics because these are the primary tools your professor uses for assessing learning activities. Rubric categories include: (1) Discussion Board, (2) Assessment (Written Response), and (3) Assignment. However, it is possible that not all of the listed rubric types will be used in a single course (e.g., some courses may not have Assessments). The Discussion Board rubric can be found within Unit I’s Discussion Board submission instructions. The Assessment (Written Response) rubric can be found embedded in a link within the directions for each Unit Assessment. However, these rubrics will only be used when written-response questions appear within the Assessment. Each Assignment type (e.g., article critique, case study, research paper) will have its own rubric. The Assignment rubrics are built into Blackboard, allowing students to review them prior to beginning the Assignment and again once the Assignment has been scored. This rubric can be accessed via the Assignment link located within the unit where it is to be submitted. Students may also access the rubric through the course menu by selecting “Tools” and then “My Grades.” Again, it is vitally important for you to become familiar with these rubrics because their application to your Discussion Boards, Assessments, and Assignments is the method by which your instructor assigns all grades.
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Washington County Red Cross During W orld War I
By Jane Young
The Am erican Red C ross w as founded
by C lara B arton, The Lady w ith the
Lamp, of Civil W ar fam e. C lara h ad
traveled to E urope on do cto r’s orders to
recu p erate from a n illness an d the stre ss
of h er post-Civil W ar w ork in th e M issing
Soldiers Office. While th ere she w as
in sp ired by th e w ork of th e Sw iss Red
C ross. She th e n served w ith the
In tern atio n al Red C ross in m ilitary
h o sp itals in E urope d u rin g th e FrancoP ru ssia n w ar. After C lara re tu rn e d to
th e S tates, she founded th e Am erican
Red C ross in 1881.
At first, th e Red C ross w as a “onew om an” p h ilan thropic effort th a t
evolved, w ith change in leadership, to be
a n agency th a t is m ore focused on social
work. In 1900, th e U nited S tates
C ongress g ran ted the A m erican Red
C ross a c h a rte r w ith several specific
responsibilities: to fulfill th e provisions
of th e Geneva Convention; to provide
family com m unication a n d other form s
of su p p o rt to th e U nited S ta te s m ilitary;
an d to m ain tain a system of dom estic
a n d in te rn atio n al d isa ste r relief. Then,
in 1909, th e Am erican Red C ross form ed
th e N ational Com m ittee on Red C ross
N ursing Service. The goal of th is
com m ittee w as to enroll n u rs e s for
possible w ar tim e service.
In J u n e 1914, A rchduke F erdinand
w as a ssa ss in a te d in Sarajevo, tipping
the already u n sta b le E uropean alliances
The Tallow Light’, Vol. 48, No. 3
into w ar. Due to strong public opinion
to stay o u t of th e w ar, P resident
Woodrow W ilson declared th e United
S tates a n e u tra l country. D uring th is
tim e while th e U nited S tates w as
n e u tra l, th e A m erican Red C ross w as
having difficulty soliciting fu n d s for w ar
relief in Europe. There were no
A m ericans in im m inent danger.
T hen, a s Am erican lives were
increasingly lost in th e w ar, P resident
Woodrow W ilson spoke on April 2, 1917,
to th e Congress. “The world m u st be
m ade safe for dem ocracy,” he stated ,
an d th e P resident ask ed for a
declaration of w ar a g ain st G erm any.
Clara B a rto n , 1 8 2 1 -1 9 1 2 ;
W ar w as declared on April 6th,
dram atically changing th e th o u g h ts an d
actio n s of th e A m erican public. Now we
were ready to fight a n d win.
Local chapter form ed
In th e early m o n th s of 1917, Miss
Eloise G rafton, w as in h e r m id-tw enties
a n d living w ith h e r family on F ourth
S treet in M arietta.
Eloise G ra fto n ; A m e ric a n Red C ross o f S o u th e a s t O hio,
N o rw ic h , O hio
Eloise wrote to M iss Mable
B oardm an, a t th e N ational Red C ross
h e a d q u a rte rs in W ashington D.C., to
find o u t how to s ta rt a local c h ap ter of
th e Red C ross. Miss B o ard m an ’s
resp o n se w as th a t th ere w as already a
“life m em ber of the Red C ross in
M arietta, William W. Mills, a n d he
sh o u ld be c o n su lted .”
This led to an inform al m eeting of
a b o u t tw enty concerned citizens.
Several com m ittees were tentatively
appointed a n d a public m eeting
scheduled to be held Tuesday, April 10th,
in th e assem bly room of th e C ourt
House. From a n ew spaper article
an n o u n cin g th e m eeting:
“M arietta’s first o pportunity in these
stirring tim es to prove h e r patriotism .
The cooperation of all o u r citizens
an d all organizations is needed for
our taking o u r proper sh a re in Red
C ross Relief in tim e of w ar an d great
c a ta stro p h e .”
Over 500 citizens a tten d e d the
m eeting. Several sp eak ers explained
w hat th e Red C ross w as accom plishing
overseas on th e battlefields, in the
hospitals, for p riso n ers of w ar, an d for
fam ilies of soldiers. W hen p u t to a vote,
all were in favor of estab lish in g a local
chapter. Then they voted for officers
a n d directors. Mr. William Mills w as
chosen a s ch airm an , a position he held
u n til his d e ath in 1931. The directors
included citizens from Beverly, Lowell,
a n d Belpre. At later m eetings, a s the
w ork an d responsibilities increased,
m ore citizens were added to th e board.
D uring an O ctober m eeting th e
bylaw s se n t from th e N ational ch ap ter
were adopted. In Decem ber, the n am e
w as changed from th e M arietta C h ap ter
to th e W ashington C ounty C hapter. In a
few m o n th s, th e ch ap ter grew to include
10 b ra n c h e s an d 14 auxiliaries. The
only salaried w orkers were a bookkeeper
in the h e a d q u a rte rs office, a n d a Red
C ross n u rse for city a n d county work.
In O ctober 1917, after C om pany B of the
7th Ohio N ational G uard h a d left for its
train in g a t Cam p S heridan in A labam a,
The Tallow Light; Vol. 48, No. 3
th e S tate offered th e entire Armory for
th e u se of th e Red C ross chapter.
Red Cross c la sse s
Now, th e w ork of th e Red C ross. The
first class offered w as a First Aid class
u n d e r th e guidance of th e F irst Aid
Com m ittee. C lasses were open to m en
a n d wom en age 16 or older. E ach class
co n sisted of 10 lectu res a n d
d em o n stratio n s, each a n h o u r an d a h alf
in length. The lectu res were given by
local physicians. C lasses were held
th ree days a week, both in th e afternoon
a n d evening. There w as a textbook an d
a n exam , w ith a certification for
proficiency for those p assin g the exam .
There w as a m inim al charge for the
class. One h u n d re d a n d sixteen citizens
took th e class a n d of those, thirty-four
p a sse d th e final exam . The textbook for
th is class is very detailed a n d co n tain s
diag ram s for various first aid
tech n iq u es, including bandaging. There
are tre a tm e n ts for apoplexy an d
chilblains. Almost all situ atio n s were
trea te d w ith stim u la n ts th a t u su ally
included som e form of alcohol.
The second class offered w as
E lem entary Hygiene a n d Home care of
th e Sick. There w as a corresponding
com m ittee overseeing th is class. This
free class w as for wom en only. There
were 15 lesso n s per class. These
lesso n s were ta u g h t by a Red C ross
n u rse “who h a d been a t th e F ro n t.”
Eighty-eight wom en enrolled in the
classes. The object of the class w as “to
teach wom en p ersonal a n d household
hygiene in order th a t they m ay acquire
those h a b its of right living a n d prevent
The Tallow Light’, Vol. 48, No. 3
sickness a n d learn th e skills of the
upbringing of a strong a n d vigorous
W illiam W. Mills; Harry P. Fischer Collection, Marietta
College Special Collections
people.” At th a t tim e th e d e ath rate for
in fan ts u n d e r one year w as 14 in 100
live birth s. W hen com pared to the 2015
d eath rate for in fan ts u n d e r one year of
age, six per 1,000 live b irth s, th e strong
w ording of th e object of th is class can be
placed in a b e tter perspective.
In stru ctio n s in th e textbook include to
“exclude from a sick room u n n e c e ssa ry
noises of all kinds: creaking corsets,
noisy p etticoats, ticking clocks an d
ru stlin g n ew sp ap ers.” Also, the
“a tte n d a n t m u st rem em ber th a t h er ten
fingers are the ten m ost active ag en ts in
d istrib u tin g the com m unicable diseases.
She m u st rem em ber to keep h e r h a n d s
away from h er m o u th a n d face a n d to
cleanse th em w ith special care ju s t
before eatin g .” This is still good advice
W ork room
The W ork Room C om m ittee h a d the
biggest u n d e rta k in g of th e C h ap ter in
th ese w ar years. The class P reparation
of Surgical D ressings w as open to all
wom en volunteering for practical work.
The w ork room w as situ ated in the
b a sem e n t of the Armory. There the
ladies c u t an d sewed a n d knitted, an d
p roduced the m uch-needed articles for
h o sp itals, soldiers, a n d refugees. These
articles were th e n se n t to th e Red C ross
regional h e a d q u a rte rs in Cleveland an d
from th ere d istrib u te d w here m ost
needed. “Made in M arietta” w as adopted
to signify th a t the local c h ap ter w as
proud to su b m it supplies w hich
m easu red u p in every asp ect to th e high
an d exact sta n d a rd s set by th e N ational
Red C ross. The local new spaper
encouraged wom en to volunteer for the
w ork room by describing it a s “An
o pportunity for the wom en of M arietta to
express th eir patriotism in a concrete
way in o u r c o u n try ’s tim e of n eed ”.
Mrs. Mary Coar w as th e ch airm an for
a m ajority of th e w ar years. Her
h u sb a n d , H enry w as a professor of m ath
an d astronom y a t M arietta College.
Mary h a d tak en a special course a t the
Red C ross train in g school in
W ashington, D.C. in p rep aratio n for h er
volunteer work. On May 14, 1917, the
first group of ladies m et in th e b asem en t
of th e arm ory to sew. They m et two days
a week, w ith sessio n s in th e m orning
a n d one in the afternoon. There were
Red Cross w o rk ro o m , M a rie tta A rm o ry ; H a rry P. Fischer C o lle c tio n , M a rie tta C ollege Special C o lle c tio n s
The Tallow Light; Vol. 48, No. 3
u su a lly 75 to 200 wom en p re se n t a t
each session. Several m em bers of th e
H ospital Supply Com m ittee were alw ays
on h a n d to direct the work. There were
su b co m m ittees for the various articles,
for cutting, for inspecting a n d packing,
p u rc h a sin g a n d distrib u tio n , a n d also
for n ig h t w ork available to working
wom en.
Initially th ere were seven large tables
a n d four sewing m achines. The Safe
C abinet C om pany h a d loaned a desk.
There w as a req u e st p u t o u t for the loan
of a typew riter for invoices. One
n ew sp ap er noted, “A u n iq u e innovation
in th e Red C ross w ork room h a s been
th e w earing of a sim ple b u t distinctive
uniform by each m em ber of the hospital
su p p lies com m ittee. T hese uniform s
co n sist of ap ro n s, arm -b a n d s, a n d caps,
each article decorated w ith a deep red
cross. The w earing of th ese uniform s
len ds a n in stitu tio n a l an d dignified air to
th e w ork room .”
By J u n e 23, 1917 th e first box
containing 1,824 articles w as ready to be
sh ipped to h e ad q u a rte rs. E ach box w as
stam p ed w ith “A m erican Red C ross,
M arietta Ohio C h a p te r.” The N ational
H ead q u arters w ould send re q u e sts for
q u o tas of specific articles a s needed, an d
th e need co n tin u ed a n d grew th ro u g h
th e w ar years. An O ctober 1918
n ew sp ap er article sta te d th a t m ore
w orkers were needed, a large q u a n tity of
su p p lies w as on h a n d a n d large q u o tas
to fill, especially clothing for Belgium
a n d lin en s for m ilitary h o sp itals in
France. V arious w om en’s groups in the
co u n ty w ould also sew or k n it item s for
th e Red Cross.
The Tallow Light; Vol. 48, No. 3
You can help
Red Cross p o s te r; L ib ra ry o f C ongress
The A lpha Nu Sigm a sorority a t
M arietta College devoted one h o u r of
each of th eir m eetings to Red C ross
work, specifically g arm en ts for the
Belgium o rp h an s.
Together w ith th e w ork of the ladies
of th e b ra n c h e s an d auxiliaries w ithin
th e county, from May 1917 till J u n e of
1919 a total of 217,432 articles were
m ade an d se n t to h e a d q u a rte rs in
Cleveland. To give you a n idea of the
types a n d n u m b e rs of individual item s:
• For h ospital use: 200 pair of
tren c h foot slippers, 712 operating
gowns for surgeons, 9,304 bed
sheets, a n d 44,000 2×2 gauze
com presses
For the soldiers: 2,222 knit
sw eaters an d 5,847 p a irs of knit
• For n u rse s: 537 kn it sw eaters
• For refugees in Europe: 89 layettes
for b abies a n d 600 pinafores,
chem ises, a n d pettico ats for girls
The C om m ittee for W orn Clothing for
Belgium held th ree different drives for
u se d clothing. A total of 8,062 p o u n d s
of clothing, or 9,000 g arm en ts were
collected. T hen in April 1921, u n d e r the
direction of Mrs. Mary Coar, th e wom en
w orked in the b asem e n t of the public
library a n d m ade 40 k n itted sw eaters
a n d 810 g arm en ts for needy babies an d
children in Europe.
Growing membership
And th ere were o th er com m ittees. The
M em bership C om m ittee initially enrolled
270 m em bers of th e local Red C ross a t
th e organizing m eeting in April 1917.
T hen th e following day a large notice w as
in th e Marietta Daily Times:
“Be a patriot.
We can n o t all go to the front, b u t we
can all be p atriots.
They serve th eir country, who serve
a t hom e.
Be a patriot, an d join th e Red C ross”.
The yearly m em bership for both the
N ational a n d local organization w as
$1.00 a year. For $2.00, you also would
receive th e m onthly Red C ross m agazine,
w hich contained a sum m ary of the Red
C ross activities a ro u n d the world. A Life
M em bership w as $25, w ith all of th is
m oney going to the N ational E ndow m ent
F und. In May 1917, the total Am erican
Red C ross m em bership w as 486,194.
By 1919, th a t m em bership h a d grown to
one th ird of th e entire population of the
U nited S tates. M arietta’s goal w as 1,500
m em bers. D uring th e first m em bership
cam paign in May, m em bers of the
com m ittee w ent to factories, b u sin e sse s,
an d residential areas. There were also
“tag d ay s.” Three tea m s of 10 young
ladies each were in th e dow ntow n area.
For identification, they wore a Red C ross
on th eir sleeve. The first day of the
cam paign, 763 citizens joined th e local
ch ap ter. By J u n e 1st, one new spap er
an n o u n ced , “C am paign of Red C ross a
big su c ce ss.” Now th ere were a total of
2,604 m em bers a n d over $3,000 h a d
been collected. By O ctober 1st,
m em bership h a d doubled. The
C h ristm as m em bership drive bro u g h t
the m em bership to alm ost 12,000. Then
in D ecem ber of 1918, w ith a n o th e r
cam paign, th e m em bership in creased to
14,000 in W ashington C ounty. B ased
on th e United S ta te s Federal C ensu s,
W ashington C ounty population, 14,000
is one th ird of the population of the
county in 1918. W ashington C ounty
could be very p ro u d of th e ou tp o u rin g of
citizens to prove th eir patriotism by
joining the Red Cross.
Mr. B.F. (Benjamin) S trecker w as the
ch airm an of the Finance Com m ittee. In
resp o n se to a req u e st from the N ational
Red C ross to raise m oney for th e W ar
Fund, th e local c h a p te r set th eir goal at
$25,000, well above the goal of $5,000
set by National. The first W ashington
C ounty W ar F u n d drive took place in
J u n e 1917 an d raised $27,000. A year
The Tallow Light; Vol. 48. No. 3
later, the second W ar F u n d drive
b ro u g h t in $ 56,000, again m ore th a n the
q u o ta set by th e N ational Red Cross.
W hen local c h ap te rs raised m ore th a n
th e N ational goal, they could th e n keep
25% of th e a m o u n t for th eir local u se. A
very generous a m o u n t th a t could th en
be u se d to p u rc h a se supplies for the
w ork room sewing a n d knitting, an d
help th e soldiers a n d th eir families.
The E n te rta in m e n t Com m ittee
arran g ed v arious activities to raise
m oney for th e Red C ross funds. This
————————————– ——– -—:
Don’t Forget the
+ R E D C R O SS+
and Evenings
At Country Club Grounds
Carnival Features Galore
All Attractions Guaranteed High Grade
D an cin g -M u sic-V a u d ev ille
Games and Amusements tor all die Children
Drill and Maneuvers by Local l .
S. Corps ft*
Ford Sedan and Safe-Cabinet *1T
B ig g e s t E v e n t in Y e a r s ~ D o n ;t M is s I t .
O p e n f o r A I I F r e e A d m is s io n t o G r o u n d s
Come Rain
w ould be sep arate from th e W ar F und s.
In May 1917, a dance, “For Sweet
C harity’s S ake,” w as held a t th e Armory
to honor C om pany B. M usic w as
provided by th e Lyric five-piece
orch estra. Two h u n d re d fifty people
atten d ed , m any of th em soldiers a n d
th eir friends. In J u n e , The M arietta
B and gave a concert a t M uskingum
Park. A dim e w ould get you a
com fortable seat. There w as a free will
collection. A n ew spaper notice of the
concert encouraged read ers, “Do your
bit, if you c a n ’t go to th e w ar, you can
help th e Red C ross.” The following
m o n th “The Patriotic G irls” gave a
benefit program of songs, piano solos,
readings, a n d a “flag a n d a backw ard
drill.” Then, th e biggest e n te rta in m e n t
w as planned.
The Labor Day C arnival a n d Festival,
Septem ber 3, 1917, w as held on the
C ountry Club grounds. This event w as
organized to pay for th e y arn for th e 700
k n itted sh irts a n d th e 700 k n itted p airs
of socks th a t th e N ational Red C ross h ad
com m issioned th e local c h ap ter to
produce. The wool for th is w ork w ould
cost $1,900.
Advertised specifically to a ttra c t
a d u lts were the dancing, th e card s, an d
raffles for a Ford S edan a n d a cabinet
from th e Safe C abinet Com pany. The
fancy w ork table w ould a ttra c t the
atten tio n of the ladies. For children,
th ere were pony rides, a sa n d pile, an d
folk dancing. A n u rse ry for young
children w as offered so th a t p a re n ts
Red Cross a d v e rtis e m e n t; M arietta Daily Times,
A u g u s t 29, 1917
The Tallow Light ; Vol. 48, N o. 3
R e d C ro s s v o l u n t e e r s p r o m o t i n g t h e 1 9 1 7 L a b o r D a y C a r n iv a l & F e s tiv a l; H a r r y P. F is c h e r C o lle c t io n , M a r i e t t a C o lle g e S p e c ia l
C o lle c t io n s
could m ore easily enjoy all the festivities
of the day. Food w as plentiful w ith a
cafeteria in th e club h o u se and
refresh m en t booths. For all, the
e n te rta in m e n t included vaudeville a n d a
midway. For those ad v en tu ro u s souls,
M adam e DeVerney from France, a
renow ned p alm ist an d m ind read er w as
available. A jitn ey b u s m ade trip s down
Third S treet every h a lf h o u r to bring
people to the C ountry Club. At th a t tim e
th e M arietta C ounty Club w as located in
th e m aple grove j u s t n o rth of M arietta,
in th e a re a now know n a s Devola.
A ttendance a t tim es w as 3,000 or
m ore. A profit of $2,500 w as m ade w ith
$1,900 of th a t to be u se d to p u rch a se
th e y arn. Between April 1917 a n d May
1919, th ro u g h m oney m aking v en tu res
an d d o n atio ns, th e E n te rta in m e n t
Com m ittee bro u g h t in m ore th a n
$2 0 ,0 0 0 .
The P ress C om m ittee w as h ead ed a t
first by Miss Eloise G rafton, th e lady
who w rote th a t first letter of inquiry to
N ational H eadquarters. Then Miss
Rowena Buell, a Fifth S treet residen t,
becam e th e director. Mrs. Je ssie
Lindsay, a resid en t of F o u rth S treet in
w h at w as to becom e “The C astle,” w as
also on th is com m ittee. They w orked to
get th e inform ation a b o u t m em bership
cam paigns, e n te rta in m e n t events,
classes, an d th e su c ce ss an d need s of
the w ork room o u t to the public. This
com m ittee placed p o ste rs in store
windows, a n d articles in th e five local
new spapers. B ased on m y recen t
reading of th ese new sp ap ers a n d the
a m o u n t of m oney raised a n d th e n u m b er
of wom en sewing a n d k n itting for the
The Tallow Light; Vol. 48, No. 3
Red C ross, th e ladies of the P ress
C om m ittee were very successful.
Supporting th e troop s
The C om m ittee for th e Needs of
C om pany B of th e 7th Ohio N ational
G u ard provided item s n o t allotted by the
governm ent: two BVD u n io n su its, two
p air of woolen socks, one woolen shirt,
one b a th towel, an d one cake of soap.
H ardly enough to get a m an th ro u g h a
w ar, b u t se n t w ith th e b e st intentions.
Money to rep air shoes a n d hospital
su p p lies were also se n t to th ese m en. In
A ugust 1917, th e C haplain of th e “7 th ”
m …
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