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Persuasive Essay Prompt and Rubric
English 205, The Academic Writer’s Workshop
Your goal in this assignment is to construct a persuasive essay that builds upon the work you have
already completed throughout Writing Project 1 and 2. Now that you understand the context of your
chosen topic, and you have a wealth of information about the problem you have identified and
potential solutions to that problem, it is time to make your argument. Your objectives are to inform
your audience about the problem, to convince them that the problem is relevant and important to
solve, and to persuade them to agree with your proposed solution. You will need to cite at least ten
(10) credible sources in your essay.
Your Essay Should Include the Following Parts:

Introduction: This is where you tell your readers what the essay is about. Capture your readers’
attention, provide background information, and contextualize the problem. It is also important
that you quickly establish the relevance of your topic here. For this paper, your introduction
may be longer than one paragraph.
o Thesis: this is where you establish your debatable claim. Make sure that your claim is
very specific and arguable and that you support your thesis throughout your essay.
o Each paragraph in the body of your paper needs to have a main point that you can
support with specific evidence. That evidence must be cited appropriately and correctly.
You should include appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos throughout your argument.
o This is also where you outline opposing points of view—at least acknowledging them
and, as appropriate, refuting those other claims.
Conclusion: This is where you close your essay by briefly recapping your arguments, describing
your essay’s connection with similar issues, and discussing the significance/relevance of your
paper along with future directions and implications of your research.
Works Cited: The Works Cited page is not an annotated bibliography or research log – it
should follow proper MLA format for a Works Cited page and reference only the sources that
you include in your essay. For this essay, you will need to include at least ten credible sources
(with an appropriate variety of source types).
When approaching a persuasive essay, you need :
1. Choose a specific structure for your argument.
2. Determine who your audience is to help you find the most effective way to convince that
3. Adequately inform your audience about the issue you are analyzing.
4. Make a specific claim with your thesis that clearly argues for a specific solution or set of
solutions to the problem you have identified.
5. Conduct research in order to support your claims, read/evaluate the material critically, and
provide sufficient evidence for each claim you make.
6. Analyze opposing views and deal with them honestly and fairly.
7. Call the audience to action.
Note that visual aids are critical to this assignment, so you will want to select, place, and thoroughly
discuss at least two (2) visuals—charts, photographs, maps, drawings, cartoons, graphs, etc.—within
the body of your essay.
The essay will be eight to ten double-spaced pages, will follow MLA format, and should be submitted
as either a .doc or .docx attachment
Due Dates
Final draft due by the start of class on Thursday November 16, 2017
Failure to submit the essay by the start of class on Thursday November 16, 2017 will result in the
essay being marked late, one letter grade for each day it is late, as stated in the syllabus.
Persuasive Essay Rubric 20% (200 points)
Argument is identifiable,
reasonable, and sound;
every point and
counterpoint is thoroughly
supported by persuasive
evidence; essay effectively
returns to claims made in
the thesis.
Either argument is not
easily identifiable OR not all
points and counterpoints
are supported by evidence;
essay adequately returns to
claims made in the thesis.
Argument is not easily
identifiable AND not all
points and counterpoints
are supported by evidence;
essay includes opinions
without evidence to support
those opinions; essay rarely
returns to claims made in
the thesis.
Argument is barely
identifiable; few points and
counterpoints are
supported by evidence and
examples; essay fails to
return to the claims made in
the thesis.
Does not
Introduction provides
context for the rest of the
paper and thoroughly
introduces the issue; thesis
is explicit, clear, and
arguable; conclusion
recasts thesis, provides
cohesion to whole paper,
and makes deeper
connections to future
implications of the
The text is adequate at
providing sufficient context
for the rest of the essay and
the issue in the
introduction; at clearly
introducing the main ideas
in the thesis; at
synthesizing main
argument in the conclusion.
The text is minimal in
providing sufficient context
for the rest of the essay and
the issue in the
introduction; at clearly
introducing the main ideas
in the thesis; recasting
thesis, at synthesizing main
ideas in the conclusion.
The text is weak in
providing sufficient context
for the rest of the essay and
the issue in the
introduction; at clearly
introducing the main ideas
in the thesis; at
synthesizing the main ideas
for the argument in the
Does not
Quotations and
paraphrases are
effectively selected and
integrated; at least 8
credible sources are used
to support the author’s
arguments and various
Quotations and
paraphrases are well
selected and integrated; at
least 8 credible sources are
used to support the author’s
arguments and various
Quotations and
paraphrases are only
adequately selected and
integrated OR fewer than 8
credible sources are used
to support the author’s
arguments and various
Quotations and
paraphrases are poorly
integrated and analyzed;
fewer than 6 sources are
used to support the author’s
arguments and various
Does not
Organization of the essay is
adequate to the task;
paragraphs are generally
cohesive and clear but may
contain some unnecessary
information; OR essay
contains weak or missing
transitions or topic
Essay organization is
minimal and ideas may be
difficult to follow;
paragraphs are not
generally cohesive or clear;
OR essay contains weak or
missing transitions or topic
Essay organization is weak
and difficult to follow;
paragraphs are not
cohesive; text has weak or
missing transitions or topic
Does not
/ Structure
Essay exhibits a clear and
logical organizational
choice; paragraphs are
cohesive and logical,
avoiding unnecessary
information; effective topic
sentences and transitions
help readers move
smoothly from section to
al literacy
(use of
At least two tables, charts,
or illustrations effectively
support main points of the
argument and are
thoroughly interpreted in
the text.
At least two tables, charts,
or illustrations support main
points and are adequately
interpreted in the text.
Tables, charts, or
illustrations generally
support main points and are
partially interpreted in the
text OR only one visual is
Tables, charts, or
illustrations do not support
main points and are
insufficiently interpreted in
the text.
Does not
Superior editing—
professional looking essay
with limited errors in
spelling, grammar, word
order, word usage,
sentence structure, and
punctuation. Author
successfully uses academic
English, and strong word
choice keeps audience
engaged. MLA formatting
followed with very few
Good editing—professional
looking essay with few
errors per page in spelling,
grammar, word order, word
usage, sentence structure,
and punctuation. Author
may be too casual in a few
places and does not always
hold the audience’s
interest. MLA formatting
followed with some errors.
Fair editing—essay does
not quite meet professional
standards because of
repeated problems per
page with the following:
spelling, grammar, word
order, word usage,
sentence structure, and/or
punctuation. Author is too
casual in several places
and may fail to effectively
engage target audience.
MLA formatting followed
with many errors.
Careless editing—several
errors per paragraph in
spelling, grammar, word
order, word usage,
sentence structure, and
punctuation; informal and
ineffective language used in
multiple instance AND MLA
formatting has many errors
OR missing Works Cited/
References page.
Does not
Incorporated peer review
comments and feedback
into their final draft.
Noticeable improvement
between drafts.
Incorporated some peer
review comments and
feedback into their final
draft. Some improvement
between drafts.
Did not incorporate many
comments into final draft.
Minor difference between
No discernable difference
between drafts.
Does not
and Support
Thesis, and
Peer Review
Nash 1
Aidan Nash
ENG 205
Erica Jones
7 November 2017
The American Dream that people once sought after is being stripped away from the
average American’s grasp. The great country of America was built off of the labor of its own
people, and the blood, sweat and tears of working men and women who had one simple dream;
to build a better America for generations after. Nowadays, the goals have seemingly shifted
towards Globalization, and having the cheapest production with the most profit. This is
understandable in the idea that companies are made to do two things: make goods for the people,
and to make money. However, what seems to be an issue that companies like to ignore is the fact
that without the average American worker, the American economy will go into turmoil. This is
especially relevant in the technology field, and specifically coders as well as engineers. With a
job that can be done over the phone, or simply through email, sending a job to a foreign country
is almost too easy for companies. With the ever increasing amount of jobs being shipped
overseas, not only is the economy being destroyed, and the American Dream with it, but both
companies and local businesses suffer. The US needs to give companies a much worse penalty
for sending jobs overseas in order to curb the loss of jobs.
The epidemic that traverses through the entirety of the the 20th century has only gotten
worse as businesses have exploded and are constantly seeking to expand. As they come to the
understanding that in underdeveloped countries the minimum wage is far below ours, they seek
Nash 2
to use their resources, where they would only have to pay them the local minimum wage, then
ship the goods over to the US. In the aspect of engineering, software development, and coding,
“shipping” the goods back home consists of a simple file transfer, such as sending the code for a
program over, or the plans for a new electrical design. For example, according to the Department
of Labor and Employment, the average minimum wage for the philippines, a popular place to
send jobs, is $1.12 as of 2017 (DLE). Since the US minimum wage is around 7 times that (much
higher in some states), businesses see that, so they instead hire people that live in other countries,
in this case the Philippines, and give them their own minimum wage. As the principles of profits
go, that’s a product that costs significantly less to make, and they can charge just as much for
people to use it. If a company drops production costs but maintains product value, the benefits
are huge for companies. What they do not understand are the true costs of shipping jobs
It is extremely beneficial for a company to ship jobs over to foreign countries, but the
issue that arises is that since those jobs are leaving, they tend to not be replaced. These jobs that
were once held by hard working American citizens are not sent over to someone that gets paid
significantly less for the same work; unfair for both parties. The true scope of this is described in
the book Outsourcing America where they state, “A 2004 report predicted that approximately 3.5
millions white-collar jobs and $151 billion in wages would move overseas by 2015, with
830,000 jobs leaving by the end of 2005” (Hira and Hira 2). In the field of Information
Technology, the relative ease of outsourcing, combined with companies neglect for not only
humans, but citizens of their presumed home country allow companies to essentially send money
directly over to just about any country they decide is best. This means that an American that
went to school with the intent of going into the field for IT, or engineering can lose their job to
Nash 3
someone with less education, who is getting paid a fraction for it. If companies had a reason to
not ship these jobs, the American Dream may be reborn, and the average American could be
back in a job.
One argument for outsourcing is the idea that with lower down jobs leaving, it only
creates more. It is said that if a company sends jobs overseas, the jobs being sent need managers,
facilitators, and editors. This is described in the book Business Horizons where they argue:
“The total employment effect of outsourcing is much larger than what appears at first
glance. Far more U.S. employees keep their jobs because outsourcing helps companies
stay competitive, resulting in many getting new or better jobs due to enhanced financial
strength of the firm. For example, as companies upgrade their software systems, there
may be less domestic demand for basic programmers, but increased need for higher-paid
systems integrators” (Weidenbaum 1)
In many cases this may be true, however, it comes with many implications. A student or worker
that went to school for a specific education may not be prepared for this type of work. This also
does not take into account that these jobs may be less desirable for the person. In the aspect of
education, these so called job replacements are really just fantasies, and really make the lives of
both the company and the worker more complicated. According to the Cofounder of Diginomica:
“In Australia, employment of college graduates is at its lowest number since the 1992-93
recession. A recent survey showed that more than 25 percent of college graduates had
been unable to find work for four months after completing their studies, and salary rates
for graduates are going down” (Reed 1)
Businesses are already failing to hire graduate students, so why would they pay for someone to
get more education when they could just keep the jobs initially, or simply hire someone that
Nash 4
already has the education. The argument that it can create more jobs is likely true, but the issue
that arises is that it is more expensive than if they just kept the jobs in the US in the first place.
One point that many businesses do not consider, and the main reason why local
businesses cannot compete, is the hidden costs that outsourcing truly has. The problems that
businesses run into is that they take the path of outsourcing far too fast and they do not truly
know how to successfully outsource jobs. In an article by Stephanie Overby, she describes this
issue as, “But it takes years of effort and a huge up-front investment. For many companies, it
simply may not be worth it. “Someone working for $10,000 a year in Hyderabad can end up
costing an American company four to eight times that amount” (Overby 1). Not only is the
process of outsourcing destroying the American economy, it is destroying many American
Businesses. This does not leave out the ones that are fully able to outsource, but simply lack the
knowledge to do so. Another implication of this is that local businesses are essentially forced
into try to compete with bigger businesses, so they jump on the bandwagon of outsourcing. It
seems like common sense; the times are changing, so change with them or die off. The major
issue that arises with this is the fact that in no way are some of the smaller local businesses
prepared for that type of commitment. What it boils down to is either the local businesses get out
competed and fall off, or they try to compete and go bankrupt. The America that many have
come to know is hardly what it is today.
One argument that is presented in favor of outsourcing is the thought that the talent in
other countries, such as India, is far better for cheaper than in the US. One journal that evaluated
the work environment in India states, “The pool of talent released gave rise to new entrants who
forged a software industry with a strong export orientation. Many of the Indian computer firms
entered into joint ventures with multinationals, mostly US- based ones, which welcomed the
Nash 5
technological skills of Indians” (Khan, Currie, Weerakkody, Desai 3). This study was done in the
90’s and could very well have been true then, however, as the IT field has drastically changed, so
has the environment in foreign countries. Stephanie Overby describes this as:
“Attrition rates climb as high as 35 percent in India, according to the National
Association of Software and Service Companies. ‘Unless you can somehow address that
in your contract, you’re paying for someone to learn your product and then they’re
gone’”(Overby 7)
As of the early 2000’s, there have been many issues that have arisen with the turnover rate in
India. The problem is that they hire quite a few people, and they quit shortly after for a number
of unknown reasons. In all reality, they is really no base of trustworthy individuals to stay with a
company, other than the ones at home in the US. People are looking for jobs in their desired
field, and if the company is good, they would have no reason to quit. With outsourcing becoming
less relevant, the economy would see a massive upsurgence that it truly needs.
Another issue that many companies either ignore or simply do not know about is the fact
that they are destroy the supply chain that they initially intended on making money off of.
“Outsourcing leads to the fragmentation and disintegration of the supply chain, inviting new
competitors into the industry, and undermining pricing power and profitability” (Mourdoukoutas
1). This means that, since companies are attempting to make the most profit possible, they think
that they can outsource all of their operations. In theory this would work, but as application
would prove, it actually disjoints operations. This means that the company’s supply chain is
entirely fragmented, and they have no actual production capability. Although no amount of
outsourcing is good for the economy, if businesses only outsourced one of their operations it
would be far better. In order for the economy to thrive, a healthy amount of competition needs to
Nash 6
be present. When a company does not actually perform any of the production of a product, but
instead outsources all production, there is virtually no competition. Any company can go and do
the exact same thing they are doing, for the same price, effectively eliminating any trace of a
competitive market. Without competition in the market, supply and demand are negatively
affected, and the company will more than likely fail. If the government could simply penalize
companies for doing exactly this, the market would be healthy again, and the economy would
return to its former glory.
If the penalty for giving other countries jobs and stripping them away from Americans
was higher, the issue of outsourcing would quickly vanish. If the issue is not addressed, not only
with local companies suffer but larger companies will, too. On top of all of this, Americans who
pay to go to school are finding that there are no jobs because they are all in for …
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