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Stem Cell Research
Stem cell research is and has been a controversy since it was first researched as an
important scientific discovery to human longevity, recovery from extreme injury, and healing.
The research on stem cell involves the scientific understanding, through intensive and systematic
investigation, on the physiology and mechanism of the stem cells and its ability to improve
human life. Since 1868, when Haeckel Ernst described the biological process of a fertilized egg
gestating into an organism, stem cell research commenced. It formed the basis upon which today,
the study is based on the understanding of what drives cells to regenerate and grow from one
individual cell to a complex mass that is functional on its own. Sedgewick William used the term
to describe those parts of a plant that regenerate and grow in 1886. Further research on stem cell
by Leroy Stevens and Maximow alexander helped understand and differentiate the stem cells
into specific categories, introducing the term pluripotent (pluripotent is the innate ability of a
stem cell to “give rise” to many other different types of cells). When the first bone marrow
transplant was done in 1968 by Thomas Donnal, the stem cell gained a new understanding and
importance while at the same time drew controversy as to its ethical realism. From that time, the
stem cell research has expanded exponentially with the discovery of adult stem cells creating a
new interest in embryonic stem cells by Martin Evans and Martin Gail in 1981.However, it was
until 1998, when the first human embryonic cells were derived by Thomson James and jones
Jeffrey, sparking a debate on the morality of the new age medicine.
Today, the research has expanded and grown to the point that humans can almost be
guaranteed of reproduction through stem cell is a field of study that has continued to
elicit mixed reaction within and outside the medical field. Nevertheless, its research has helped
understand the human body intimately and find solutions to chronic human conditions that
continue to increase each day. It is research that is offering a vast range of options to the survival
of human beings and the ability to recreate a human species that is much more superior to the
current one. The benefits of stem cell research are not only crucial to human survival but offer a
view into a brighter and more controlled future.
Technical Aspects
Stem cell research offers a limitless perspective as to what is possible in the near future,
regarding treatment and recreating the human body. The importance of cells has been in their
two very crucial characteristics; self-renewal and potency. These have been what has driven the
stem cell research forward in being able to understand how such properties can help in shaping
modern treatment methods and reproduction possibility. Self-renewal is the natural ability of a
cell to go through numerous cell division cycles while maintaining its undifferentiated state.
Klimanskaya, Chung, Becker, Lu, & Lanza (2006) defines this as the primary property that has
guided scientist to try and understand how stem cells can be used in human treatment. It has
provided scientist with the challenge of trying to understand how they can influence the human
body into rejuvenating itself once old age starts setting in; a futurist kind of medical research.
Potency, on the other hand, is the ability of a cell differentiating into different cell types. Schöler
(2007) points out as the characteristic that has been the foundation of the regeneration research
of stem cell. It has offered a possibility of recreating a human form that is much better suited for
the current harsh global conditions. It is a research perspective that bases its objectives and goals
on the possibility of creating a superhuman species that can outlive the current one and can
conquer the ongoing disease and climatic challenges we are currently facing as a species.
Public Policy Debates
Stem cell research has aroused a heated argument on the morality of such a study and
ethical nature of conducting such research in the context of human life and the natural way of
doing things. The questions that arise on the issue of stem cell research include those asking the
kind of restrictions that should be imposed on those studies using the stem cells; The
consideration of what point life should be regarded to have started; and if there is any
justification to destroy an embryo cell if it has the potency to cure countless number of people.
These have been a few of the many ranging questions that the research has aroused. The debate
on stem cell research moral and ethical viability have stretched far into political and religious
understanding, questioning such research in different ways (Agha & Hayani, 2008). Much of
stem cell research criticism has been from religious quarters that question the role of science in
“offering a helping hand” to a natural process prescribed by God. Former United States
president, George W. Bush regarded such research as controversial and signed an executive
order, canceling federal funding of any stem cell research. He stated at the time, “My position on
these issues is shaped by deeply held beliefs,” and “I also believe human life is a sacred gift from
our creator (Park, 2006).” Nevertheless, his successor revoked the ban arguing, “As a person of
faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering. I believe
we have been given the capacity and will to pursue this research and the humanity and
conscience to do so responsibly (CBS, 2009).” It is, therefore, an area that continues to receive
different understanding those against and for the research make arguments that suit their
understanding of the study and its importance to human life and the future.
Importance of Human life
Stem cell debate helped in reinvigorating the discussion of life and the different
understanding that existing as to what is the right course of action. A discussion that necessitates
a need to review either argument to understand their importance. The pro-life, those concerned
with the status and the rights of the human embryo as the starting point in the life of a human
being, regarded embryonic stem cell research as a violation of life sanctity and hence should be
tantamount to murder (Vastag, 2001). Their argument is that human life begins at conception and
that human life is and should be inviolable. Those in favor of the stem cell research argued that
the fate of these embryos would be to be thrown away and instead, they are used for a more
justifiable cause; save human life. Stem cells research offers a different understanding to an
approach to treating diseases and hence alleviate suffering. The human race is at its most
vulnerable stage of its life as a result of technological growth, improved lifestyles, and changing
climatic patterns. As such, it has necessitated it to find a way through which it can secure and
ensure itself from being wiped out from the face of the earth. Stem cell research offers hope for
humanity, and as more study is undertaken, it promises to alleviate the present ethical concerns.
Innate Understanding
Stem cell research can be argued to offer a better chance to humanity than if left to
chance as claimed by those making the pro-life argument against the ethical and moral state of
the research. The utilitarian argument makes some specific and yet sensible argument in:
a) Embryos cannot be considered to being equivalent to life if they cannot survive by
themselves outside the womb. The argument here is that such embryos only possess
“potential” to life but not the realistic understanding of life as we consider it to be (West,
b) It is has been found that more than a third of zygotes do not implant after conception.
This means that many more embryos are lost when left to chance than when used for
embryonic cell research that utilizes the potency of those cells to help very many people
who may eventually die if they do not receive such treatment.
c) The blastocysts (which are undifferentiated cells) have not developed into a distinct and
functional organ. Therefore, there exists no difference between the blastocysts (a cluster
of human cells) and the skin cells. Hence one cannot argue that life is being destroyed
(Anderson, 2008).
d) Arguments have been raised as to when life begins. The argument states that the life of a
human being only starts when a heartbeat develops, or brain activity begins. This has
been identified to be at the fifth week of pregnancy and 54 days after conception. Hence,
it cannot be argued that “life” is lost when embryos are harvested since the definition of
what life is not fulfilled (Ader & Tanaka, 2014).
The argument as to what life is and is not cannot be justified as each person has their
understanding as to what life is. However, stem cell research has offered the human race a
glimpse as to what the future holds if and when we embrace change. The possibility that stem
cell research provides to the human race is staggering if not astounding, and it is essential to
understand that such research can only offer improved chance to human life. While they will
continue to be a debate surrounding the morality and ethical nature of such research, it is critical
to understand what chance and the possibility it offers to the future generation amidst the current
state of changing climatic conditions and pollution. Stem cell research allows the human race to
improve its chances of survival and alleviate human suffering brought about by disease and
debilitating conditions. As more research into stem cell continues, it will enable the
understanding of the human body, its functionality, and the elements and attributes that make it
vulnerable to disease and other external factors. In turn, this understanding will create an
opportunity to challenge nature and improve the survival rate of human beings. The debate over
stem cell research is fundamental as it has provided the quality assurance needed when
performing such kind of research involving human beings.
Ader, M., & Tanaka, E. M. (2014). Modeling human development in 3D culture. Current
Opinion in Cell Biology, 31, 23-28.
Agha, F., & Hayani, A. (2008). “Muslim perspectives on stem cell research and cloning”. Zygon.
4 (43): 783–795.
Anderson, Q. (2008). “Osiris Trumpets Its Adult Stem Cell Product”. Genetic Engineering &
Biotechnology News. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. p. 13. Retrieved ON October 5, 2017 from
CBS. (2009). “Obama Ends Stem Cell Research Ban”. CBS News. Retrieved on Retrieved on
October 5, 2017 from
Klimanskaya, I., Chung, Y., Becker, S., Lu, SJ., & Lanza, R. (2006). “Human embryonic stem
cell lines derived from single blastomeres”. Nature. 444 (7118): 481–5.
Park, A. (2006). “George W. Bush and the Stem Cell Research Funding Ban”. TIME. Retrieved
on October 5, 2017 from
West, D. (2005). The Ethics of Genetic Engineering (At Issue Series). (pp 100-107) USA:
Thomson Gale
Schöler, R. (2007). “The Potential of Stem Cells: An Inventory”. In Nikolaus Knoepffler;
Dagmar Schipanski; Stefan Lorenz Sorgner. Humanbiotechnology as Social Challenge.
Ashgate Publishing. p. 28.
Vastag, B. (2001). “Stem Cells Step closer to the Clinic: Paralysis Partially Reversed in Rats
with ALS-like Disease”. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association. 285
(13): 1691–1693.

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