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CJ 500 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
For your final project, you will analyze a contemporary issue in criminal justice and provide an evidence-based recommendation to address the issue, selecting an
issue of interest on which to focus your brief. You will analyze how the issue has evolved, apply criminological theories to identify causes of the issue, assess the
impact of the issue on the community, and propose strategies to address the issue.
Professionals in the field of criminal justice are often faced with making difficult decisions related to critical issues in their field. Those that are able to effectively
take action to address these issues are seen as leaders in the field. To effectively form conclusions and recommend appropriate action, it is essential that
professionals first analyze the background of the issue. Professionals must understand the history of the issue, the contributing factors, and the impact of the
issue on the various individuals and groups involved, all through conducting research and applying criminological theories. This information will then inform datadriven recommendations to effectively address the issue. While the scale of these recommendations may vary (as some resolutions may be immediate while
others are complete cultural changes), the solutions will all be rooted in data, and the success of results will be continuously monitored.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Analyze the evolution of contemporary criminal justice issues for their impact on society
Draw connections between contemporary criminal justice issues and core criminological theories for identifying factors that contribute to the issues
Determine how contemporary criminal justice issues impact institutions, individuals, and the ability of key stakeholders to influence change
Assess the effectiveness of strategies used by public service agencies in the delivery of criminal justice services
Propose evidence-based strategies to address contemporary issues impacting the delivery of criminal justice services
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final case analysis will be submitted in Module Nine.
For this project, you will play the part of a team leader working in a criminal justice agency. You have been asked by the senior leadership to assist with
addressing an issue that is negatively impacting the delivery of criminal justice services. You have been asked to write a brief providing an evidence-based
recommendation to address the issue, while also detailing your research, which will then inform the solution that the senior leadership will present to the mayor.
You will select a contemporary issue that is negatively impacting the delivery of criminal justice services to be the focus of your brief, and then research the
history of the issue, select a solution, and propose strategies for implementing the solution.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
A. Describe the criminal justice issue you have selected. Specifically, how is this an issue in the field of criminal justice, what is the general impact of
the issue on society, and why does the problem need to be addressed?
B. Describe the evolution of the selected issue throughout history, providing specific examples. In other words, how did this become an issue?
What factors have caused the issue to evolve? For example, a regulation may have been created in the past to address an issue, but the
regulation is now irrelevant.
C. Describe the evolution of the historical perception of this issue, identifying key events and factors that influenced the public perception. For
example, did the public always view the topic as an issue? How has technology impacted public perception?
Issue Analysis
A. Select a criminological theory that informs your understanding of the issue, justifying your selection.
B. Identify factors contributing to the issue, justifying your identifications with the selected criminological theory. In other words, what are the
factors contributing to the issue? How is the identification of these factors supported by the selected theory?
C. Describe how the issue impacts the criminal justice system, providing specific examples of how the branches of the criminal justice system are
affected by the issue. For example, how does the issue impact law enforcement, the courts, and corrections?
D. Describe how the issue impacts the general public, providing specific examples. Does the issue affect specific populations?
E. Determine the key stakeholders of the issue, identifying both the key people impacted by the issue and those with the power to influence
change. Justify your selections.
F. Describe strategies that are currently employed to address the issue. These strategies may be used in the community with the issue, or in a
different community with the same issue.
G. Assess the effectiveness of the previously identified strategies in addressing the issue, justifying your assessment. How effectively do the
strategies combat the issue, and where are there gaps?
H. How does your previous assessment impact the specific branches of the criminal justice system? Justify your response. In which branches are the
strategies most and least effective?
A. Propose a solution to address the issue in criminal justice, justifying your proposal with your previous research. In your justification, you may
consider the complexity of the solution, the possible adverse effects, and the feasibility of the solution in terms of time and resources.
B. Apply criminological theory to justify how your proposed solution will address the underlying causes of the issue.
C. Outline the immediate actions that will need to be taken to implement the solution, justifying the necessity and feasibility of these actions with
evidence. Consider how you will create buy-in among invested parties.
D. Outline the long-term actions that will need to be taken to implement the solution, justifying the necessity and feasibility of these actions with
evidence. Consider how you will create buy-in among invested parties.
E. Determine the types of data necessary to assess whether or not your solution is successful in addressing the issue, justifying your
determinations. How will you measure your success of the solution?
Milestone One: Selection of Contemporary Criminal Justice Issue
In Module Three, you will select a contemporary issue that is negatively impacting the delivery of criminal justice—one that will be the focus of your final case
analysis and recommendation brief. In this draft, you will demonstrate your understanding of the issue and its history, evolution, and development. You will need
to focus on past and future criminological theories and policies behind these issue. Given your analysis of the issue, discuss the impact on society and what
problems need to be addressed to remedy the negative ramifications. This milestone must be formatted according to APA style. Cite your sources within the text
of your paper and on the reference page. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Criminal Justice Issue Analysis
In Module Five, you will submit your in-depth analysis on the contemporary criminal justice issue that you have selected. This analysis will identify factors
contributing to the issue by examining the criminological theories behind the issue. Specifically, what criminological theory forms your understanding of the
issue? Indicate the impact of this issue on the criminal justice system. For example, how does the issue impact law enforcement, the courts, and corrections?
Address the negative impacts of the issue on the criminal justice system, general public, and specific populations. Then, identify strategies to influence change.
Be sure to cite any data you have analyzed so far; you will rely upon this data to provide recommendations to your criminal justice issue in both the Module Six
Memorandum task and your Milestone Three submission in Module Seven. This milestone must be formatted according to APA style. Cite your sources within
the text of your paper and on the reference page. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Preliminary Recommendations to the Mayor
In Module Seven, you will submit a draft of your preliminary recommendations to the mayor based on your criminal justice issue selection and analysis. These
recommendations will inform the mayor and other senior leadership about a course of action to solve the issue you selected. Based entirely on your research and
the analysis you provided in Milestone Two, propose a strategy to implement a solution to the issue. Assess the strategy’s potential for success, but also identify
possible hurdles and obstacles to the implementation of the recommendations you have proposed. This milestone must be formatted according to APA style. Cite
your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. Instructor feedback to this milestone should be applied to the final project, due in Module
Nine. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Final Issue Analysis and Recommendation Brief
In Module Nine, you will submit your final issue analysis and recommendation brief. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical
elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. All of the components of the final project will be used
for your portfolio. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Module Due
Introduction: Selection of Contemporary
Criminal Justice Issue
Criminal Justice Issue Analysis
Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
Preliminary Recommendations to the
Final Submission: Final Case Analysis
Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Graded separately; Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your submission must include reference to recent peer-reviewed articles, be 5–7 pages in length (in addition to the title page and
references) and must adhere to standard formatting (Times New Roman, 12 point font, one-inch margins), using the most recent version of the APA style manual
for the citations.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Introduction: Issue
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response is especially clear and
Proficient (90%)
Describes the criminal justice
issue, providing specifics around
how it is an issue in the field, the
general impact on society, and
why the problem needs to be
Needs Improvement (70%)
Describes the criminal justice
issue, describing how it is an issue
in the field, the general impact on
society, and why the problem
needs to be addressed, but with
gaps in detail, specificity, or
Introduction: Evolution Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Describes the evolution of the
Describes the evolution of the
of the Issue
demonstrates keen insight into
selected issue throughout history, selected issue throughout history,
the evolution of the selected issue providing specific examples
but with gaps in examples, detail,
throughout history
or accuracy
Introduction: Evolution Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Describes the evolution of
Describes the evolution of
of Perception
demonstrates keen insight into
historical perception of the issue, historical perception of the issue,
the evolution of historical
identifying key events and factors but with gaps in identification of
perception of the issue
that influenced the public
key events and factors that
influenced the public perception,
detail, or accuracy
Not Evident (0%)
Does not describe the criminal
justice issue
Does not describe the evolution
of the selected issue throughout
Does not describe the evolution
of historical perception of the
Issue Analysis: Select
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the selection of relevant
criminological theories to inform
understanding of issues
Issue Analysis: Factors Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Contributing to the
demonstrates keen insight into
the application of criminological
theory to identify causes of issues
Selects a criminological theory
Selects a criminological theory
Does not select a criminological
that informs the understanding of that informs the understanding of theory that informs the
the issue, justifying selection
the issue, but with gaps in detail, understanding of the issue
accuracy, or justification
Identifies factors contributing to
the issue, justifying identifications
with the selected criminological
Issue Analysis: Criminal Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Justice System
demonstrates keen insight into
the impact of the issue on the
criminal justice system
Describes how the issue impacts
the criminal justice system,
providing specific examples of
how the branches of the criminal
justice system are affected
Describes how the issue impacts
the general public, providing
specific examples
Issue Analysis: General Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the impact of the issue on the
general public
Issue Analysis:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
identifying the key stakeholders of
the issue
Issue Analysis:
Issue Analysis:
Issue Analysis:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the strategies currently used to
address the issue
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the strengths and weaknesses of
identified strategies in addressing
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the impact of identified strategies
on the specific branches of the
criminal justice system
Determines the key stakeholders
of the issue, identifying both the
key people impacted, as well as
those with the power to influence
change, justifying selections
Describes strategies currently
employed to address the issue
Identifies factors contributing to
the issue, but with gaps in detail,
logic, justification, or appropriate
application of criminological
Describes how the issue impacts
the criminal justice system, but
with gaps in examples, detail, or
Does not identify factors
contributing to the issue
Does not describe how the issue
impacts the criminal justice
Describes how the issue impacts
the general public, but with gaps
in examples, detail, or accuracy
Does not describe how the issue
impacts the general public
Determines the key stakeholders
of the issue, identifying both the
key people impacted, as well as
those with the power to influence
change, but with gaps in
justification, detail, or logic
Describes strategies currently
employed to address the issue,
but with gaps in detail or accuracy
Does not determine the key
stakeholders of the issue
Does not describe strategies
currently employed to address the
Assesses the effectiveness of
identified strategies in addressing
the issue, justifying assessment
Assesses the effectiveness of
Does not assess the effectiveness
identified strategies in addressing of identified strategies in
the issue, but with gaps in
addressing the issue
justification or logic
Explains how the previous
assessment of strategies impacts
the specific branches of the
criminal justice system, justifying
Explains how the previous
assessment of strategies impacts
the specific branches of the
criminal justice system, but with
gaps in justification or logic
Does not explain how the
previous assessment of strategies
impacts the specific branches of
the criminal justice system
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight in
proposing evidence-based
strategies to address issues in
criminal justice
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the application of criminological
theory to justify proposed
Proposes a solution to address the Proposes a solution to address the Does not propose a solution to
issue in criminal justice, justifying issue in criminal justice, but with address the issue in criminal
proposal with previous research
gaps in justification, logic, or
Applies criminological theory to
justify how the proposed solution
will address the underlying causes
of the issue
Does not apply criminological
theory to justify how the
proposed solution will address the
underlying causes of the issue
Immediate Actions
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
actions are especially well
supported with evidence
Does not outline immediate
actions that will need to be taken
to implement the solution
Long-Term Actions
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
actions are especially well
supported with evidence
Outlines immediate actions that
will need to be taken to
implement the solution, justifying
necessity and feasibility of actions
with evidence
Outlines the long-term actions
that will need to be taken to
implement the solution, justifying
the necessity and feasibility of the
actions with evidence
Determines the types of data
necessary to assess the success of
a solution in addressing the issue,
justifying determinations
Does not outline the long-term
actions that will need to be taken
to implement the solution
Does not determine the types of
data necessary to assess the
success of a solution
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Data to Assess Solution demonstrates keen insight into
the types of data necessary for
assessing the effectiveness of
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization, spelling, syntax, or organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy to read format
Applies criminological theory to
justify how the proposed solution
will address the underlying causes
of the issue, but with gaps in
appropriate application, detail, or
Outlines immediate actions that
will need to be taken to
implement the solution, but with
gaps in justification, detail, or
Outlines the long-term actions
that will need to be taken to
implement the solution, but with
gaps in justification, detail, or
accuracy of outlined actions
Determines the types of data
necessary to assess the success of
a solution in addressing the issue,
but with gaps in justification,
logic, or accuracy
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
or articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
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