Expert answer:biomedical (biomechanics)

Solved by verified expert:there are 2 question i will upload it and i will upload the lecture with that could help you find the equations. btw question 1 has a plot


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BME 201: Foundations of BME
force exerted by their entire body on the
ground (~900 N)
Text: Saltzman Ch. 10

Some definitions
o Statics – study of bodies at __________

or when forces are in equilibrium.
o Dynamics – study of bodies under action
The combination of __________________
of _________________ forces.
and muscles (connected by ligaments,
tendons, and ______________________)

The forces generated statically or
provide mechanical support for the human
dynamically can lead to ________________
body (so you can stand up). They also
(change of shape) of biologic materials,
generate the ________________ necessary
depending on the mechanical
to put the body into motion.
__________________ of those materials.
As an introduction to the field of

We can quantify how much deformation
biomechanics (the study of the human body
occurs for a material when loaded by using
under static or _____________________
Young’s ________________ (also called
conditions), we will introduce some basic
elastic modulus).
concepts regarding mechanical properties
of materials.
Mechanical properties of materials

σ = applied stress (F/A)
Biologics (bones, muscles, and the _______
E = Young’s modulus
they consist of) are mechanical objects.
ε = strain (length change for
Thus they can be analyzed with similar
methods as ______-biologics (e.g., cement).

σ = Eε
Biological materials are constantly exposed
to ______________. For example, the
standing position produces forces (patient
mass x acceleration due to _____________)
on the bones of the leg. For a 200 lb male,
the force on the head of the ____________
is ~2,000 N. This is around _____ times the
the material,

o Since σ is N/m2 (Pa), and ε is unitless,
the units of E are ________.
(aka elastic limit, εy). The stress value at
o Here are some typical values for Young’s
modulus for a variety of materials,
which this occurs is called the ___________
including ____________________ and
_____________ (σy). Above these values,
the material is said to become plastically
_____________________, and it cannot
E (MPa)
experience without ________________
(breaking) is called the ____________ stress
Bone (long)
(aka maximum stress, σf).
Poly(methyl methacrylate)
Bone (vertebrae)
Articular cartilage
Brain tissue (grey matter)

Note that the values of E are only valid for a
limited ____________. In other words,
return to its original state when the load is

The largest stress that a material can
To summarize, if you load a material below
its εy (e.g., point ______ on the diagram
below), it should return to its original shape
after the load is removed. And the
relaxation will follow the ____________ line
on the stress-strain curve.

If you load beyond εy (e.g., point _______),
the relaxation will generally occur along a
line _________________ to the initial
deformation (same slope = E)
going from 0 to A and back to 0
there is a ____________ (called the
proportionality limit, P) for each material
above which the relationship between
stress and strain is no longer ___________.

Most materials _______________, or
become altered in an irreversible way, if
they are deformed too much. This value is
called the __________________________
going from 0 to B and back to 0

Note that elongation and relaxation of an
_________________ material has no net
energy cost…all of the energy stored during
the deformation is ____________________.
You lose energy when deformation goes
beyond the elastic ______________.

Consider the importance of energy storage
for elastic ______________ structures such
When a material is stressed, ____________
as the aorta. During systole, the aorta
energy (a.k.a. strain energy) is added to the
____________ energy as it stretches out
due to increased pressure. During diastole,
that energy is recovered as the aorta
______________ to its original size.
where Uo is the potential energy stored per
unit _________________ in the deformed
material. Note the units here: σ is Pa (which

Our discussion thus far has treated
materials as being fairly ____________. For
example, when an ideal elastic material is
exposed to an applied load it will
is 3 ) and ε is unitless (_____).
____________ immediately to a fixed strain
The amount of _______________ energy
and stay that way indefinitely. Many
can thus be determined by finding the
materials exhibit _____________________,
_______ under the stress-strain curve.
which means over time they will continue
to ___________ in response to the load
(the arrows in the graphs below indicate
when the load is applied).

Ideal elastic material
So for a given stress, ______, we see that
the _________________ material stores
more energy than the __________ or brittle

o Bone has _________________ structure
that spans several length scales
Viscoelastic material

1 nm-1 μm: collagen molecules
assemble into ____________ and
then fibers, forms extracellular
matrix (_________) of bone

10 μm-100 μm: ________________
and phosphate ions form
hydroxyapatite ________________,
Ca3(PO4)2, which is the mineral
Mechanical properties of tissues and organs

phase of bone. _________________
o Composed of ________________ phase
(primary bone cells) sit within
(60%), organic collagen-rich __________
pockets called _________________,
(30%), and water (10%). This mixture of
and small passageways through the
soft and hard phases provides some
matrix (__________________)
elasticity and some ________________.
connect the lacunae to blood vessels
for nutrient supply and waste
o Two primary architectures exist. Note
that most bones have a _____________
of the two.


____________________ layers
around a central (or Haversian)
of bones, denser and more rigid
canal, creating a structure called an
Prominent in __________ bones
______________. The central canal
such as femur and humerus
houses the primary blood supply to
Typically found in interior of
bones, less _____________,
mechanically strong but

200 μm: osteocytes are arranged in
Typically found near __________

Prominent in rib cage and
the bone.
o Due to the microscopic
__________________ arrangement of

Soft connective tissues
o Main functions in support of organs:
bone, its mechanical properties are

Structural _________________
_____________________. In other

Protection from damage
words, when you apply loads in
o Examples
different ______________________ you

Articular ___________________
get different results. This property is

called _______________________,

whereas most engineered materials

display _____________________

Blood vessels
(mechanical properties are not
o Mechanical properties

o Note that bones display high strength to
(note the low Young’s modulus in
weight ratio (similar to ______________
our table above)

o Osteoporosis

Often display __________________
properties since material contains
The bones of the skeletal system
fibers (often collagen and elastin)
become ________________ (and
embedded in ______________
weaker) as part of the normal aging

Flexible and __________________
The reduction begins around age 35,

E.g., tensile deformation
with females losing ~____% of
skeletal mass per decade and males
losing ~____%.

When the reduction in bone mass is
sufficient to affect normal function,
the condition is called

Phase I – tissue behaves
elastically, little resistance to
Results include fracture of bones
stretching since fibers are not
(e.g., hip) when exposed to
___________________ that would
have been ok at a younger age.

Phase II – fibers become
generally straightened in
direction of strain, increasing

chest, it would ________________ due
Phase III – fibers are aligned in
to its elastic recoil, just like a balloon.
direction of strain, providing
But when it is in the chest, the chest
________________ to stretching
wall provides an elastic recoil that is
o Arthroscopic surgery

o If the lung were removed from the
equal and _________________ to the
Cartilages are important
lung’s recoil. In other words, the chest
components of articulations
wall recoil ______________ outward,
(__________) by allowing bones to
increasing the volume of the thorax.
glide past each other with minimal

However, they are ______________,
thus they heal poorly when
damaged. Often when damage
occurs, ______________ is required
to repair the injury.

Arthroscopic surgery (arthro = joint,
scopic = view) is a minimally invasive
surgery using small ______________
and a camera about the size of a
pencil. The surgeon can repair or
______________ the damaged
tissue (e.g., removal or repair of torn
pieces of articular cartilage in knee)

o The lung and chest wall are separated
by thin layer of fluid called the
_____________________ fluid. This
fluid (~1-2 mL) is much smaller than the
volume of the lungs (~4 L), and its role is
to provide _______________________.
Due to the opposing elastic recoils of
the lung and chest wall, the pressure in
Lungs and respiratory function
the intrapleural space is _____________
o Each lung behaves something like a
(-3 mmHg at rest).
__________________. The elasticity of
o If there is a puncture wound in the chest
a balloon’s wall will force air out
wall, the intrapleural space is
through any opening. To remain
_________________ to atmospheric
inflated, the balloon must be _________
pressure. Thus the elastic recoil of the
(no opening for air to exit) or subjected
lung is no longer opposed by the chest
to a __________ that opposes deflation.
wall, causing lung _________________.
This condition is called pneumothorax,
Cell type
Size (μm)
and can be caused by _______________
7.5 x 3
2 x 0.2
such as knife stabbings or gunshot
wounds. If only a small portion of lung is
collapsed, it may heal on its own, but
larger injuries can require a chest
_____________ (to remove excess air)
<0.002 <0.001 <0.0005 o The __________________ properties of or surgery. cells have been measured by a variety of techniques, including micropipette Cellular Mechanics • Fraction in blood ~0.997 ____________________ and atomic Cells force microscopy. Here are some o Cells are complex objects whose typical values for Young’s Modulus. ___________________ structure Note how ____________ these values determines their ability to deform. are in comparison to our earlier table of o Red blood cells (_________) are slightly Young’s Moduli. larger than capillaries, thus they must _________________ in order to pass Cell type Fibroblast Endothelial cell (spread on surface) Endothelial cell (in suspension) through during circulation. o White blood cells (WBCs) are much larger and __________ deformable. Their mechanical properties are E (MPa) 1.6x10-3 1.6x10-4 7.5x10-5 important for determining their ________________. For example, reduced deformability of WBCs is • Cytoskeleton o The cytoskeleton is the internal cell associated with diseases such as structure that provides ____________ ____________________ and diabetes. and coordinates cell division and There are many examples of WBCs movement. including neutrophils, lymphocytes, and ________________________. o 3 important proteins make up the cytoskeleton  _____________ microfilaments • Flexible (E = ___________ MPa), but unable to withstand tensile forces  •  o Cartilage is also known to respond to Microtubules Stiffer (E = ____________ MPa), mechanical forces. Chondrocytes but still have poor tensile (_________ within cartilage) reduce strength their production of ECM proteins when exposed to ___________ compressive Intermediate filaments • More flexible than actin (E = forces. When exposed to dynamic ___________ MPa), stronger forces, the opposite occurs (the ECM under tension protein production is ______________). o The local mechanical properties of the cell can be controlled by ____________ Outlook (and disassembly) of cytoskeleton • of biomechanics. When you take proteins into _________________ • This was an introductory look into the world Effects of mechanical forces on cells Biomechanics I (BME 351) and o Large scale ______________ in the body Biomechanics II (BME 451), you’ll obviously can be produced at the microscopic, go much more in __________ into these cellular level. For example, muscle and other topics. contraction involves forces generated • BME 351 – musculoskeletal anatomy, force by _____________________ machinery and moment vectors, statics of joints, stress within skeletal muscles. and strain, ____________ and compression, torsion, bending, combined loading, and o When external mechanical forces are applied to cells, physiological material properties of biological tissues ___________________ can change. For such as ___________, tendons, ligaments, example, endothelial cells lining the and cartilage. lumen of blood vessels will __________ • BME 451 – musculoskeletal dynamics, in the direction of external fluid flow (in kinematics, and kinetics of rigid bodies, and response to ____________ forces from _______________________. fluid). Their intracellular activity (e.g., enzyme activity) can also be _______________ by mechanical forces, allowing blood vessels to constrict, ______________, or remodel as needed. BME 201 Found. of BME Fall 2017 HW #2 Due Friday, October 20 Name: 1. You may work together but each person should turn in his/her own work in his/her own handwriting. Problems #1 (25 pts) _____________ #2 (20 pts) _____________ /45 Total: _______________ 1. Comparing materials using measured data [25 pts] The table below shows data collected for two materials: poly(ethylene) and poly (tetrafluoroethylene). Strain Stress (MPa) Poly(ethylene) Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) 20 0.022 0.033 50 0.056 0.083 100 0.111 0.167 250 0.278 0.417 400 0.444 0.667 550 0.611 0.917 800 0.941 1.510 950 1.167 1.950 1100 1.667 2.433 1150 2.111 3.011 1170 2.412 3.502 1185 2.712 4.000 A. Plot the stress-strain curves for both materials. Then calculate the Young’s Modulus for each material. (10 pts) Hints: Make sure strain is the x-axis and stress is y-axis for your plot. Show both materials on the same plot to allow for easy comparison. Calculate E for each material by using the linear region of each plot. B. Using the graph from part A, for each material determine the approximate strain energy before plastic deformation begins. (10 pts) Hint: Display Uo calculations with units MJ/m3. C. Compare the Young’s Moduli and strain energies for both materials. What do these calculations tells us about the properties of these materials? (5 pts) Hint: Confirm with your notes that the values in A and B make sense relatively speaking. 2. Strain Energy [20 pts] A. Some articular cartilage (E = 10 MPa) is deformed to a strain of 0.1%. What strain energy is required to achieve this? Display answer in J/m3. (10 pts) B. If a long bone (E = 30,000 MPa) is exposed to a stress of 15 MPa, how much strain energy is stored in the bone? Display answer in kJ/m3. (10 pts) ... Purchase answer to see full attachment

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