Solved by verified expert:I have already finished the whole parts of Final milestone. Please help me to follow the requirement to make adjustment about that. I posted my own milestone and pls check the files. I need a completed whole final. Thanks a lot.Your final submission should be 7–11 pages in length. The Investment Analysis Report should include a spreadsheet of your compiled
data, a complete portfolio, and a 2- to 3-page executive summary. The total page length includes the executive summary but does not include title, reference
pages, or the spreadsheet. It should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, following the most recent APA standards for formatting and
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FIN 640 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
For the final project, you will submit an investment analysis report for a hypothetical company, based on provided constraints and research of market and
industry trends. You will need to utilize the topics covered throughout the course in order to demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skill required of a
corporate investment manager. Through research and calculations, you will be analyzing the company’s place in the financial market, constructing a portfolio,
and compiling your findings in an executive summary to justify your investment strategies and decisions, along with evaluating the investment performances.
As a corporate investment manager, it is your responsibility to construct an investment portfolio that will generate the maximum rate of return within a given
risk class. In order to be successful in this, you need to synthesize your knowledge of your company’s industry and its place in the wider financial markets and of
the modern portfolio theory, along with utilizing both qualitative and quantitative skills.
This project addresses the following course outcomes:
Evaluate financial market conditions in order to assess impact on companies and their portfolios
Calculate rates of return for shareholders utilizing the dividend discount model and market multiples
Determine appropriate balance between risk and return when constructing company portfolios
Justify how securities in a portfolio reflect stakeholders’ investment objectives and meet professional standards
Analyze industry trends in relation to company valuation on an absolute and relative basis for informing investment decisions
Implement portfolio management strategies that meet the investment objectives of a corporation
You are a new investment manager of XYZ Tech Company. The CEO has asked you to produce an investment analysis report. Using the provided information and
investment parameters for the company along with your own financial database research, prepare an investment analysis report for the company. Your analysis
report should include compiled data spreadsheets, a complete portfolio, and a justification of your investment strategies in an executive summary.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Company and Market Analysis: In this section, you will analyze the company and its position in the financial markets.
A. Financial Markets
Analyze the five-year performance of the domestic economy relative to the financial markets.
Explain specific market performance data based on compiled asset valuation model inputs supported by database research of five-year
sector and industry performance and current trends.
Evaluate the impact of the five-year and current macroeconomic data on asset prices.
B. Company Valuation
Analyze the company’s financial items and key ratios in order to demonstrate a comparison to peers and industry.
Determine the intrinsic value of assets by inputting data into the various asset valuation models, and explain how each model was
C. Industry Trends
Compile historic industry microeconomic data from database research for relative comparisons and inputs into asset valuation models.
Analyze quantitative data across sectors and industries to measure absolute and relative performance.
D. Stakeholders
Identify five key stakeholders and their needs in relation to the company’s portfolio.
Identify the common stockholders’ primary objective and their required return on equity.
Portfolio: With your company and market analysis in mind, construct a complete portfolio that includes the following:
A. Assets
Explain the inclusion of specific asset classes for the portfolio, considering the portfolio’s risk/return trade-offs and the company’s
investment objectives.
Apply the asset allocation weightings across asset classes, sectors, and industries.
B. Securities
Analyze the company’s historical revenue and earnings growth in order to demonstrate a comparison to that of peers in the industry.
Determine the intrinsic value of assets utilizing the asset valuation models.
C. Rates of Return
Analyze the assets’ historical risk and rates of return, utilizing a comparison of the assets’ rates of return to similar securities or
benchmarks for support.
Calculate required rates of return, utilizing various asset valuation models (e.g. stock valuation models, bond valuation models, real
estate valuation models, etc.).
D. Compare the risk/return trade-off on the investments.
Executive Summary: Justify your investment strategies in a summary, utilizing your company and market analysis and portfolio for support. Include the
following in your justification:
A. Describe how making these investments will position the company within its industry in the market. Support with examples.
B. Explain the benefits of the investments to stakeholders.
C. Assess investment performance utilizing specific performance measurements.
D. Assess investment performance based on risk/return metrics, citing specific examples.
E. Explain how the strategies implemented in the portfolio meet the company’s investment objectives.
Milestone One: Company Profile
In Module Three, you will submit your company profile. Using the investment parameters for XYZ Tech Company along with your own financial database
research, you will complete several Excel spreadsheets and write a brief 1- to 2-page paper briefly outlining the securities and bonds that your company might
possibly invest in to create a well-diversified investment portfolio. You will analyze each company and its performance in the financial markets over the past five
years, include a company valuation for each firm, and identify stakeholders in the company. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Portfolio
In Module Five, you will first complete the Company and Market Analysis portion of your final project. Using historic and quantitative data, you will provide a
brief discussion of the absolute and relative performance of the chosen companies in terms of industry trends. Next, with your completed company and market
analysis in mind, you will begin to construct an investment portfolio that includes a consideration of assets, securities, and rates of return for each of the
companies that you will be including in the portfolio. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Portfolio Performance Analysis
In Module Seven, you will first complete your portfolio by comparing the risk/return trade-off on the investments you are compiling. Then, as part of the
beginning of your executive summary, you will describe how your investments performed on both an absolute and a relative basis. You will also assess
investment performance for the seven securities by calculating the portfolio’s overall investment performance and briefly note how each security contributed to
the portfolio’s performance. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Investment Analysis Report and Executive Summary
In Module Nine, you will submit your final project, the Investment Analysis Report, which should include data spreadsheets, a complete portfolio, and an
executive summary. Note: Your executive summary must include the Section III critical elements B, D, and E as outlined in this document (you completed Critical
Elements A and C in Milestone Three). This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Company Profile
Module Due
Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
Portfolio Performance Analysis
Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Final Submission: Investment Analysis
Report and Executive Summary
Graded separately; Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your final submission should be 7–11 pages in length. The Investment Analysis Report should include a spreadsheet of your compiled
data, a complete portfolio, and a 2- to 3-page executive summary. The total page length includes the executive summary but does not include title, reference
pages, or the spreadsheet. It should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, following the most recent APA standards for formatting and
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Company and Market
Analysis: Financial
Markets: Domestic
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
analysis demonstrates keen
insight into the relation of
economic performance to
financial markets
Analyzes the five-year
performance of the domestic
economy relative to the
financial markets
Company and Market
Analysis: Financial
Markets: Asset
Valuation Model
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
the database research used
exemplifies advanced
knowledge of performance and
Explains specific market
performance data based on
compiled asset valuation model
inputs supported by database
research of five-year sector and
industry performance and
current trends
Company and Market
Analysis: Financial
Macroeconomic Data
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
evaluation demonstrates keen
insight into the impact of
macroeconomic data on asset
Evaluates the impact of the
five-year and current
macroeconomic data on asset
Needs Improvement
Analyzes the five-year
performance of the domestic
economy relative to the
financial markets, but analysis
is cursory or contains
Explains specific market
performance data based on
compiled asset valuation model
inputs, but explanation is
cursory, is not supported by
database research of five-year
sector and industry
performance and current
trends, or contains inaccuracies
Evaluates the impact of the
five-year and current
macroeconomic data on asset
prices, but evaluation is cursory
or contains inaccuracies
Not Evident
Does not analyze the
performance of the domestic
Does not explain specific
market performance data
based on compiled asset
valuation model inputs
Does not evaluate the impact
of the macroeconomic data on
asset prices
Company and Market
Analysis: Company
Valuation: Financial
Items an Key Ratios
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
comparisons demonstrate keen
insight into the relation of the
company to industry peers in
terms of key financial ratios
Analyzes the company’s
financial items and key ratios in
order to demonstrate a
comparison to peers and
Company and Market
Analysis: Company
Valuation: Intrinsic
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanations demonstrate
advanced knowledge of how
asset valuation models are
used for determining intrinsic
value of assets
Determines the intrinsic value
of assets by inputting data into
the various asset valuation
models and explains how each
model was applied
Company and Market
Analysis: Industry
Microeconomic Data
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
compilation demonstrates keen
insight into the microeconomic
data needed for asset valuation
Compiles historic industry
microeconomic data from
database research for relative
comparisons and inputs into
asset valuation models
Company and Market
Analysis: Industry
Trends: Absolute and
Relative Performance
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
analysis demonstrates keen
insight into how data can
measure absolute and relative
Analyzes quantitative data
across sectors and industries to
measure absolute and relative
Analyzes the company’s
financial items and key ratios in
order to demonstrate a
comparison to peers and
industry, but analysis is
cursory, comparison is
incomplete, or response
contains inaccuracies
Determines the intrinsic value
of assets by inputting data into
the various asset valuation
models, but determination
contains inaccuracies, or asset
valuation models are not used
correctly, or lacks explanation
Compiles historic industry
microeconomic data from
database research for relative
comparisons and inputs into
asset valuation models, but
compilation is incomplete or
contains inaccuracies
Analyzes quantitative data
across sectors and industries to
measure absolute and relative
performance, but analysis is
cursory, contains inaccuracies,
or is not used to measure
absolute and relative
Does not analyze the
company’s financial items and
key ratios in order to
demonstrate a comparison to
peers and industry
Does not determine the
intrinsic value of assets
Does not compile historic
industry microeconomic data
Does not analyze quantitative
data across sectors and
Company and Market
Stakeholders: Key
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
identification demonstrates
keen insight into the needs of
company stakeholders
Identifies five key stakeholders
and their needs in relation to
the company’s portfolio
Company and Market
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
identification demonstrates
keen insight into objectives of
common stockholders
Identifies the common
stockholders’ primary objective
and their required return on
Portfolio: Assets:
Asset Classes
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into the relationship
between the risk/return tradeoff, investment objectives, and
asset classes
Explains the inclusion of
specific asset classes for the
portfolio, considering the
portfolio’s risk/return tradeoffs and the company’s
investment objectives
Portfolio: Assets:
Allocation Weightings
Portfolio: Securities:
Applies the asset allocation
weightings across asset classes,
sectors, and industries
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
analysis demonstrates keen
insight into how the company’s
growth relates to its peers’
Analyzes the company’s
historical revenue and earnings
growth in order to
demonstrate a comparison to
that of peers in the industry
Identifies key stakeholders and
their needs in relation to the
company’s portfolio, but does
not identify five stakeholders,
needs are inappropriately
identified in relation to the
portfolio, or response contains
Identifies the common
stockholders’ primary objective
and their required return on
equity, but identification is
inaccurate or does not take
into account either the
objective or return on equity
Explains the inclusion of
specific asset classes for the
portfolio, but does not consider
risk/return trade-offs or
investment objectives,
explanation is cursory, or
contains inaccuracies
Applies the asset allocation
weightings across asset classes,
sectors, and industries, but
application is incomplete or
contains inaccuracies
Does not identify key
stakeholders and their needs in
relation to the company’s
Does not identify the common
stockholders’ primary objective
or their required return on
Does not explain the inclusion
of specific asset classes for the
Does not apply the asset
allocation weightings across
asset classes, sectors, or
Analyzes the company’s
historical revenue and earnings
growth, but analysis is
incomplete, does not
demonstrate a comparison to
peers, or contains inaccuracies
Does not analyze the
company’s historical revenue
or earnings growth
Portfolio: Securities:
Intrinsic Value
Portfolio: Rates of
Return: Historical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates advanced
knowledge of using asset
valuation models in relation to
intrinsic value
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
analysis masterfully uses the
comparison of assets’ rates of
return to similar securities or
benchmarks for support
Portfolio: Rates of
Return: Calculate
Executive Summary:
Executive Summary:
Benefits to
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
comparison demonstrates keen
insight into trade-off on
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
support used demonstrates
keen insight into how
investments can position a
company in its industry and the
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into how the
stakeholders will benefit from
the investments
Determines the intrinsic value
of assets, utilizing the asset
valuation models
Analyzes the assets’ historical
risk and rates of return,
utilizing a comparison of the
assets’ rates of return to similar
securities or benchmarks for
Calculates required rates of
return, utilizing various asset
valuation models
Compares the risk/return
trade-off on the investments
Describes how making these
investments will position the
company within its industry in
the market, supported with
Explains the benefits of the
investments to stakeholders
Determines the intrinsic value
of assets, but determination
does not utilize asset valuation
models, is incomplete, or
contains inaccuracies
Analyzes the assets’ historical
risk and rates of return,
utilizing a comparison of the
assets’ rates of return to similar
securities or benchmarks, but
analysis is cursory, is
insufficiently supported, or
contains inaccuracies
Calculates rates of return, but
calculations are incomplete or
contain inaccuracies
Compares the risk/return
trade-off on the investments,
but comparison is incomplete
or contains inaccuracies
Describes how making these
investments will position the
company within its industry in
the market, but description is
cursory, is insufficiently
supported, or contains
Explains the benefits of the
investments to stakeholders,
but explanation is cursory or
contains inaccuracies
Does not determine the
intrinsic value of assets
Does not analyze the assets’
historical risk and rates of
return, utilizing a comparison
of the assets’ rates of return to
similar securities or
Does not calculate rates of
Does not compare the
risk/return trade-off on the
Does not describe how making
these investments will position
the company within its industry
in the market
Does not explain the benefits
of the investments to
Executive Summary:
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
the performance
measurements utilized
demonstrate advanced
knowledge into assessing
Assesses investment
performance, utilizing specific
performance measurements
Executive Summary:
Risk/Return Metrics
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
examples used demonstrate
keen insight into how
risk/return metrics can be used
to assess performance
Assesses investment
performance based on
risk/return metrics, citing
specific examples
Executive Summary:
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into the company’s
investment objectives
Explains how the strategies
implemented in the portfolio
meet the company’s
investment objectives
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to …
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