Expert answer:summary of the article and discuss how it fits in

Solved by verified expert:The article should be adversarial
to their current research position. The student will write a summary of the
article and discuss how it fits in with the major research project they are
currently completing.discuss how
they attempt to fit this research into their own current research. The adversarial article may be one where a competing hypothesis has been generally
accepted in the scientific community, an article where the research
demonstrates significance of alternative findings, or one which suggests the
student’s research will likely prove the null hypothesis. There may be other
adversarial types of articles, these are just a few types of articles that may
be considered. 4-5 pages in length.So, I need some additional research related to the topic people from non borderline mother has borderline personality disorder. You already found 10 for that we need one more. And please that has to be really well done this is for extra work.


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Borderline Personality Disorder
Olimpia Zaczynska
Roosevelt University
Topic: Why do adults from non-borderline mothers have a Borderline personality disorder
when they are old?
Ruocco, A. C., Lam, J., & McMain, S. F. (2014). Subjective cognitive complaints and
functional disability in patients with borderline personality disorder and their
nonaffected first-degree relatives. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne
de Psychiatry, 59(6), 335–344.
The article shows a study that was carried out showing how possible it is for an
individual to be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder while their closest relatives are
not. It goes further to show that biological and genetic factors are not the only causes of the
disorder. People are likely to pick up this disorder as they grow older from their surrounding or
their everyday environment. The study showed a situation where the relative was okay despite
having the same gene with the diagnosed individual. The individuals put under test had been
brought up in situations that were not so hospitable and there were always arguments’ at home,
been bullied at school, or even parents’ divorce. These situations had not been resolved in a
proper manner and the individual had not dealt with their fears in the correct manner. Failure to
deal with these fears properly is what results into BPD.
Macfie, J. (2009). Development in children and adolescents whose mothers have borderline
personality disorder. Child Development Perspectives, 3(1), 66–71.
This article is related to the research question because it shows how the children of
parents who have mental diseases are likely to get the diseases as well. A mother normally has a
great effect on the children development. If a mother is suffering from a mental disease the child
is more likely to get it. This article is important because it shows results of a research that was
carried out. The article shows results of 5 case studies that were carried out. It also gives a deeper
look into the children of mothers who suffer from the borderline personality disorder. The article
shows what therapy can be used in order to be able to help such children who suffer from the
disorder. For instance, metallization-based therapy, this is one of the inventions that is known to
be helpful when it comes to this problem. Also, a child-parent therapy can help in solving the
problem as well.
Salters-Pedneault, P. K. (n.d.). Does Your Teenager Have Borderline Personality Disorder?
Retrieved October 22, 2017, from
This article is relevant since it not only explains about borderline personality disorder in
adult but also in teens. Adults are the ones who are mostly known to suffer from DPD leaving
less information about the teens. Some people still believe that it is wrong to diagnosis a teenager
with the disorder. Some of the characteristics that teens who suffer from DPD have are such as
difficulty relationships, a lot of mood swings, impulsive behavior and the likelihood of selfinflicting harm among others. The article also shows how the teenagers whose parents suffered
from the same disorder are likely to inherit it. The article argues that it is not right to diagnosis a
person who is less than 18 years with borderline personality disorder. This would mean that they
would spend their whole lives on medication. Most of these symptoms are not something you see
day in day out; at times it happens when the child is agitated.
Kreisman, J. (2017, April 02). Borderline personality disorder in adolescence. Retrieved
October 22, 2017, from
Labeling teenager as having borderline personality disorder can be looked as immature,
this is because as teenagers they still have their emotions developing and it is not easy to tell
what they are likely to be. At this age their cognitive senses are developing, a clinician can make
a mistake by diagnosing the teenager with a condition that they do not have. They can be labeled
to have the disorder only to find out that they did not. The article goes further to state that the
teenagers are more likely to respond to treatment in a better way that matured adults. As children
grow up they tend to pick up what they see those around them doing. So if the parents have a
tendency of overreacting the children as they grow up will become the same way. It article
emphasizes the importance of differentiating abnormal behavior from borderline personality
Larrivée, M.-P. (2013). Borderline personality disorder in adolescents: The He-who-must-notbe-named of psychiatry. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 15(2), 171–179.
This article is important since it reviews the possibility and the pertinence of diagnosing
adolescents with borderline disorder. I believe the article is important since it discusses the
etiology as well as the clinical manifestations of borderline personality disorder in adolescents.
Clinicians believe that it is hard to diagnose adolescents with this disorder since they are still
developing and their emotions are all over the place. But as they grow older it is easy to tell if a
person is suffering from the same or not. The article contributes to the research question in that it
explains that the adults who have parents suffering from the borderline personality disorder are
likely to get the disorder genetically so do those who parents were not suffering from the
disorder. There are other psychological and environmental factors that can lead an adult to have
this disorder apart from inheriting it from the parents.
Jopling, E., Khalid-Khan, S., Chandrakumar, S., et al. (2016). A retrospective chart review:
adolescents with borderline personality disorder, borderline personality traits, and
controls. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 0(0), pp. -. Retrieved
22 Oct. 2017.
This research contributes to the research hypothesis since it details about adults suffering
from the borderline personality disorder. It starts off with a very deep explanation of what the
disorder is about as well as the causes. Not only is it genetically but it is also gotten as people
grow up depending on the environment that they surround themselves with. If the individual is
always surrounded by people who are used to reacting badly and very fast then they are likely to
find themselves having the disorder. A child whose parents are often fighting then they are likely
to adopt the same behavior. The article shows a retrospective view of the adolescents who are
suffering from borderline personality traits. The article supports the likelihood of adults growing
up to find that they have the disorder if their parents were suffering from it. This is because it is
transmitted through their genes before even they are born.
Winter, D., Herbert, C., Koplin, K., Schmahl, C., Bohus, M., & Lis, S. (2015). Negative
evaluation bias for positive self-referential information in borderline personality
disorder. PLoS One, 10(1).
I find this article to be crucial when it comes to the research hypothesis since it talks
about the personality disorders that people have. It also touches on borderline personality
disorder as one of them. Research carried out in the past has shown how patients who are
suffering from the borderline personality disorder tend to display altered self –related
information processing. There has been a lot of research that has been carried out so as to find
more about DPD. As people age, it is easy to tell if they are suffering from borderline personality
disorder since their cognitive responses have already developed and it is not easy to mistake
them with acting up. The problem with diagnosing teenagers is that it is possible that they are
just going through a phase which is likely to change. Most of the teenagers normally have
moments that are clouded by emotions, therefore, it is hard to tell that apart from symptoms of
Hasler, G., Hopwood, C. J., Jacob, G. A., Brändle, L. S., & Schulte-Vels, T. (2014). Patientreported
disorder. Dialogues
Neuroscience, 16(2), 255–266.
A research was carried out which showed arisen number in the amount of older people
who were suffering from DPD. The article explains how it is not until recently that this diagnosis
has started. In the past, this was not considered a major problem. One of the methods used for
determining if an individual is suffering from this disorder is questionnaires. The article
emphasizes the importance of having the correct methods in place so as not to misdiagnose. The
risen number has to do with the environmental and psychological events that people have gone
through in their lives. There are several methods that can be used to cure this disorder. One can
choose to go through therapy while the other can choose to take medications. In most cases, this
disorder is not fully cured and the individual has to keep monitoring the condition.
Kienast, T., Stoffers, J., Bermpohl, F., & Lieb, K. (2014). Borderline personality disorder and
Treatment. Deutsches
International, 111(16), 280–286.
In my opinion, the article is important, and it relates to the hypothesis research.
According to the article, borderline personality disorder affects about 2.7% adults. Of this 78 %
have had a substance-related disorder or they have had an addiction for the better part of their
lives. This is one cause of adults having BPD even when their mothers did not have the disorder.
Some of the addictions are very unhealthy that they end up taking a toll on the individuals’ health.
The effects of some of these addictions are normally irreversible. Such patients should be treated
as early as possible to make sure that the effect is well dealt with. The article states that there has
been no restriction of any drug therapy or to cure the addiction. This article also adds to the
research on the disorder and can be used by healthcare professionals.
Hecht, K. F., Cicchetti, D., Rogosch, F. A., & Crick, N. (2014). Borderline personality features
in childhood: the role of subtype, developmental timing, and chronicity of child
maltreatment. Development and Psychopathology, 26(3), 805–815.
The article talks about child maltreatment had been one of the causes of borderline
personality disorders. If the children are not treated well during their upbringing they are likely
to suffer from this disorder. It goes further to state that borderline personality disorder is not
only caused genetically but can also be as a result of poor parenting. Poor parenting normally has
negative effects on the child. In most cases, the children grow up to have problems in the future.
If they are around parents who are always fighting and those arguing all the time they tend to
think this is normal and pick up this behavior as they become adults. In my assessment, the
article is very crucial since it emphasizes the importance of childhood upbringing. Some of the
adults who went through such harsh upbringing end up being diagnosed with the disorder.
Hasler, G., Hopwood, C. J., Jacob, G. A., Brändle, L. S., & Schulte-Vels, T. (2014). Patientreported
disorder. Dialogues
Neuroscience, 16(2), 255–266.
Hecht, K. F., Cicchetti, D., Rogosch, F. A., & Crick, N. (2014). Borderline Personality Features
in Childhood: The Role of Subtype, Developmental Timing, and Chronicity of Child
Psychopathology, 26(3),
Jopling, E., Khalid-Khan, S., Chandrakumar, S., et al. (2016). A retrospective chart review:
adolescents with borderline personality disorder, borderline personality traits, and
controls. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 0(0), pp. -. Retrieved
22 Oct. 2017, from doi:10.1515/ijamh-2016-0036
Kienast, T., Stoffers, J., Bermpohl, F., & Lieb, K. (2014). Borderline Personality Disorder and
Treatment. Deutsches
International, 111(16), 280–286.
Kreisman, J. (2017, April 02). Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescence. Retrieved
October 22, 2017, from
Larrivée, M.-P. (2013). Borderline personality disorder in adolescents: the He-who-must-notbe-named of psychiatry. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 15(2), 171–179.
Macfie, J. (2009). Development in Children and Adolescents Whose Mothers Have Borderline
Disorder. Child
Perspectives, 3(1),
Ruocco, A. C., Lam, J., & McMain, S. F. (2014). Subjective Cognitive Complaints and
Functional Disability in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder and Their
Nonaffected First-Degree Relatives. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne
de Psychiatrie, 59(6), 335–344.
Salters-Pedneault, P. K. (n.d.). Does Your Teenager Have Borderline Personality Disorder?
Retrieved October 22, 2017, from
Winter, D., Herbert, C., Koplin, K., Schmahl, C., Bohus, M., & Lis, S. (2015). Negative
evaluation bias for positive self-referential information in borderline personality
disorder. PLoS One, 10(1), e0117083.
Ethics in Borderline Personality Disorder Research
Olimpia Zaczynska
Roosevelt University
Ethical Considerations in Borderline Personality Disorder Research
Research ethics refers to the proper rules of conduct that should guide researchers when
they engage in research activities. Ethical consideration is of vital importance in any psychology
research (De Genna and Feske, 2013). A researcher must ensure that they conduct their research
according to the agreed code of conduct. They must do the best they can to protect research subjects
from any negative consequences that may arise from participating in a study. This study seeks to
measure Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in white women between the ages of 20-25. Each
of the study participants has to be from a non-borderline mother. The issue of personality disorder
is a very sensitive one and research ethics will be taken very seriously in this study.
According to Howe (2013), Psychiatrists and clinics face serious ethical challenges when
providing treatment to patients suffering from BPD who are or have the potential of becoming
suicidal. BPD is a serious personality disorder that is characterized by instability in moods,
functioning, behavior, and self-image. A BPD patient is prone to severe depression, anger, and
anxiety. The extreme impact of BPD on the patient’s psychological well-being raises the stakes of
ethical consideration in the study. Howe (2013) explains that psychiatrists face five ethical and
clinical challenges when treating a patient with BPD. These challenges are whether to tell the
patient about the results of their diagnosis, what to tell them about their suicide risks, whether they
should always be available by phone when to involuntarily hospitalize a patient, and how to
respond after attempted suicide (Howe, 2013).
The five ethical problems that face psychiatrists when treating BPD patients will be key in
guiding ethical conduct in the study. Another serious challenge is how the researcher will proceed
when they diagnose a study subject with BPD. The challenge is whether to tell the subject that
they show signs of BPD and that they should seek medical help and what that would mean to the
subject. There is also the challenge of informing the diagnosed subject that they might have
suicidal tendencies. There is a lot of discrimination and stigmatization in the society of people
suffering from various personality disorders. Individuals with BPD are given mean labels in the
society (HeretoHelp, 2017). This is very risky as their susceptibility to depression, anger, and
anxiety coupled with stigmatization can make them hurt themselves. The study will take privacy
and confidentiality of a subject’s results very seriously. Extreme care will be taken in revealing
the study results to a subject.
Another ethical consideration is about the study’s sample population. These study
participants will be Caucasian/white women between the ages of 20-26. Each of the participants
has to be from a non-borderline mother. This is because BPD studies have shown that a mother
with BPD can transmit these traits to her offspring. A researcher has to act ethically in all steps of
a study. Sampling is not an exception to this. The choice of Caucasian/white female as subjects to
this study is not motivated by racism or prejudice. According to De Genna and Feske (2013), white
women with BPD reported extreme internalizing symptoms while African-American women
reported extreme externalizing symptoms. They further observed that white women with BPD
show these symptoms clearly compared to African-American women with BPD (De Genna and
Feske, 2013). The study chose white women as the study’s subject due to the ease of spotting BPD
To further ensure that the study is appropriate, the researcher will issue letters of informed
consent to all the study participants. This letter will clearly state the study’s title, purpose, benefits,
risks, and how the researcher plans to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the subjects’ data.
The participants will be required to read the letter of informed consent and to freely choose whether
to participate in the study or not. If they choose to participate, they will sign the document and be
issued with a copy of the same. The participants will be free to discontinue their engagement with
the study when they wish to.
De Genna, N. M., & Feske, U. (2013). Phenomenology of borderline personality disorder: the
role of race and socioeconomic status. The Journal of nervous and mental
disease, 201(12), 1027.
HeretoHelp. (2017). Borderline Personality Disorder. [online] Available at:
Howe, E. (2013). Five ethical and clinical challenges psychiatrists may face when treating
patients with borderline personality disorder who are or may become
suicidal. Innovations in clinical neuroscience, 10(1), 14.

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