Expert answer:Code of Conduct PowerPoint

Solved by verified expert:Hello I need help with an 8 to 10 slide PowerPoint regarding code of conduct. I have attached the rubric and the code of conduct from my work place. Please utilize the attached code of conduct within the PowerPoint presentation. Any help would greatly be appreciated!! Thank you so much!!


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Codes of Conduct have become expected documents on company websites, and the employee
training includes review of the company’s expected employee conduct. Access an example of a
Code of Conduct on a major company website of your choice prior to starting this Assignment.
Then read the scenario and address the checklist questions in an original presentation.
Assignment: Ethics
Scenario: Your employer makes a show of promoting strong ethics, with regular training
classes, posters in hallways and on bulletin boards, a toll-free hotline, and social networking
links, etc. However, as the economy has slowed during the past several months, you have
observed that the managers are not practicing what they had been preaching about ethics. They
are encouraging employees to cut corners on product and service quality and squeezing suppliers
by not paying their bills on time. This does not reflect the company that you had come to respect
with their previous emphasis on business ethics. A new president of your company has just taken
control and sees this breach in ethics and tasks you with creating a PowerPoint presentation to
employees regarding the ethical policy points you want the employees to adhere to in the new
Code of Ethical Conduct (an original creation).
Checklist: Create a PowerPoint presentation.

Create a presentation to employees regarding the ethical points you want the employees
to adhere to.
What conduct is expected from employees?
Your minimum 10 slides should be original work involving your company (or a friend or
a relative’s).
Your 10 presentation slides should have 3–4 bulleted points per slide. Include any notes below
each slide, and a title and references slide.
Code of Ethics
Business Conduct Guidelines
A guide to business ethics,
workplace conduct, and compliance
Revised September 2010
AlliedBarton Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
Guidelines Overview
AlliedBarton is governed by the conviction that business conduct is equally important as
business performance. Our behavior in the workplace affects our success and shapes our
reputation. It also communicates our stance on ethics, integrity, and honesty to those we
service. Consequently, we must strive to maintain the highest ethical standards when carrying
out our daily work activities.
To help us meet this goal, AlliedBarton has established a set of business conduct guidelines
based on the Company’s Code of Ethics. These basic principles provide a framework for our
business decisions. They are meant to be used as a guide to support the Company’s values
and fundamental commitment to fostering an ethical work environment. All AlliedBarton
personnel are expected to conduct themselves ethically and in compliance with law, and to
avoid any behavior that may tend to impair the interests or reputation of the Company. This
general requirement applies in all circumstances, even those not specifically enumerated in this
Code of Ethics
Our conduct in the workplace
We treat fellow employees, customers, suppliers, the public we serve, and other
stakeholders with fairness, honesty and respect. This includes refraining from
discriminatory bias or sexual or other harassment. We treat others in the way we would
wish to be treated.
Maintaining confidentiality
We honor the privacy of employees’ personal information just as we expect our privacy
and that of our customers to be protected. In addition, we will protect trade secrets and
the confidential information of AlliedBarton and its customers, and we refrain from
divulging any information that is confidential or could be harmful to the Company and its
clients, or that could provide an advantage to competitors. We avoid disclosure of any
information regarding AlliedBarton’s business, except as our duties require. We use
confidential information only for the purpose for which it is provided to us for the
performance of our duties and never for personal gain.
Respecting property
We treat company and customer property as worthy of respect. We protect and preserve
both and refrain from using it for personal gain.
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Avoiding conflict of interest
While employed at AlliedBarton, our loyalty is to the Company. We refrain from any
associations or activities that might conflict with the Company’s interests or that may be
so perceived. We also avoid doing business with competitors and accepting or giving
excessive or inappropriate gifts to vendors or customers. We do not take advantage of
our association with AlliedBarton for personal gain and avoid actions or relationships that
might give even the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Obeying the law
We must always uphold the law while working at AlliedBarton. This includes, for
example, obeying all state and local licensing regulations governing the private security
trade and work as a security officer. Drug use, fraud, theft, embezzlement, price-fixing,
bid-rigging, allocation of customers, or any other illicit activities are grounds for
immediate termination and possible prosecution by public authorities.
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Table of Contents
Our conduct in the workplace
Page 5
Equal employment
Freedom from harassment
Safe environment
Maintaining confidentiality
Page 6
Insider trading
Respecting property
Page 7
Use of resources
Avoiding conflict of interest
Page 8
Activities and relationships beyond AlliedBarton
Entertainment, gifts and gratuities
Obeying the law
Page 9
Regulatory obligations
External audits and reviews
Illegal activities
Antitrust and unfair competition
Political contributions
Sales, marketing and advertising standards
Copyright law
Recordkeeping and preservation of records
Responsibilities and consequences
Page 12
Employee responsibilities
Reporting suspected violations
Resolution, communication and non-retaliation
Consequences of violations
Where to find answers to your questions
Page 14
Additional ethics and compliance resources
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Part I.
Our conduct in the workplace
We treat fellow employees, customers, suppliers, the public we serve, and other stakeholders with
fairness, honesty and respect. This includes refraining from discriminatory bias or sexual or other
harassment. We treat others in the way we would wish to be treated.
Equal employment
AlliedBarton believes in making all employment related decisions, including but not limited to
hiring, promoting, and compensating employees without regard to race, color, national origin,
age, gender, religious preference, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, handicap,
disability or other legally protected status. We are committed to equal employment practices and
comply with all laws, regulations, and policies related to non-discrimination.
Freedom from harassment
AlliedBarton does not condone any form of harassment. This includes harassment based on
race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, or any other basis
proscribed by law. Employees must report violations to the VP of Human Resources or the
Office of the General Counsel. You may also call your Region Human Resources Director or the
EEO Compliance Office at (866) 464-2317, to speak with an Employee Relations Specialist.
To avoid harassment, we must refrain from any offensive or inappropriate behavior. Examples
of inappropriate behavior may include degrading jokes or images, intimidation, slurs, and verbal
or physical sexual harassment. Reports of harassment will be investigated promptly, and
employees engaging in this behavior may be disciplined up to and including termination.
Retaliating against an employee for reporting harassment will not be tolerated by the Company,
and is itself a violation of this Code of Ethics.
A safe environment
We are all responsible for creating a safe working environment at AlliedBarton. Use safety
devices provided and report any potential or actual hazards to your supervisor. In addition, any
injuries or work-related illnesses must be reported to your supervisor within 24 hours of
Revised 9/16/10
occurrence. Violence has no place in the workplace and will not be tolerated. This includes
intimidation, horseplay, violent acts, and threats of violence.
Maintaining confidentiality
We honor the privacy of employees’ personal information just as we expect our privacy and that of our
customers to be protected. In addition, we will protect trade secrets and the confidential information of
AlliedBarton and its customers, and we refrain from divulging any information that is confidential or could
be harmful to the Company and its clients, or that could provide an advantage to competitors. We use
confidential information only for the purpose for which it is provided to us for the performance of our
duties, and never for personal gain.
AlliedBarton is committed to preserving the privacy for its employees and customers. The
following information is considered confidential. Be sure to follow all applicable laws and
Company policies when using or sharing such information:

Employee information, including personnel files, compensation, evaluations,
disciplinary matters and psychological assessments, and any type of personally
identifiable information;

Business information, including but not limited to financial, marketing and statistical
data, pricing, competitive information, including the identity of customers and pricing
information, budgets, processes, techniques, contemplated or pending mergers,
acquisitions or significant reorganizations, bid proposals to prospective customers and
contract negotiations with prospective and current customers, research and
development, and business reports and summaries. Such information, whether
company-specific or customer-owned, is confidential information and must be

Training materials and programs.
Failure to maintain confidentiality could subject AlliedBarton or you to civil and/or criminal action
or give both AlliedBarton’s and our customers’ competitors an unfair advantage. A breach of
duty to protect information will subject you to discipline, up to and including termination.
Insider trading
As an employee of AlliedBarton, you may have access to material nonpublic information
concerning the Company or its vendors, suppliers or customers. You may not buy or sell
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AlliedBarton securities (if and when publically available) while in possession of material, nonpublic information, or engage in any action to take advantage of this information or pass it on to
others. In addition, you should discuss this information only with those employees of
AlliedBarton who absolutely have a need to know it. These restrictions also apply to information
relating to any other company, including customers and vendors, obtained in the course of your
employment with AlliedBarton.
Information concerning AlliedBarton is “material” if it is likely to affect the investment or voting
decisions of the average shareholder or investor. Examples of material information include, but
are not limited to, major new service contracts, significant personnel changes, marketing
strategies, proposed mergers and acquisitions, and financial results or other strategic plans.
Information concerning AlliedBarton is “non-public” if it has not been made available to the
general public through a national news release or other mass media services. In general, nonpublic information concerning the Company does not become “public” until the close of trading
on the second full day following the Company’s widespread public release of information. If you
have questions about the above, please call the Security Voice Helpline at (800) 418-6423,
extension 571 (English) or 393 (Spanish), or call the General Counsel’s office.
Respecting property
We treat company and customer property as worthy of respect. We protect and preserve both and refrain
from using it for personal gain.
Use of resources
AlliedBarton discourages inappropriate use of company and/or customer property. Employees
are trusted to act responsibly, reasonably and maturely, and to use good judgment in the use of
all Company and customer-provided communications and computing devices, including but not
limited to:

The Internet

All forms of printed and electronic media

Copying devices (scanners and copy machines)


Cell phones
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Portable/wireless PDAs

Desktop and laptop computers; and

Remote access/dial-up hardware and software devices.
Employees may not use computers to transmit, store, or download materials that are
threatening, maliciously false, or obscene. Facilities, equipment, technology and resources are
the property of the Company for business use and to help you do your job. The Company
reserves the right, at all times, to review and open all emails, listen to voice mails, and otherwise
inspect and review the contents of all computers and other electronic devices.
Property of customers, including but not limited to, computers, documents, information, furniture
and other property, is to by respected at all times and not to be utilized in any fashion without
the express written consent of the customer (either as permitted in the customer agreement or
in a separate writing).
4 Avoiding conflict of interest
While employed with AlliedBarton, our loyalty is to the Company. We refrain from any associations or
activities that might conflict with the Company’s interests or that may be so perceived. We also avoid
doing business with competitors and accepting or giving excessive or inappropriate gifts to vendors or
customers. We do not take advantage of our association with AlliedBarton for personal gain and avoid
actions or relationships that might give even the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Activities and relationships beyond AlliedBarton
It is important to ensure that our outside activities do not in any way conflict with or pose a
hazard to AlliedBarton. Simple guidelines to follow when determining whether a conflict of
interests exists are: First, avoid personal outside activities or associations that might influence
your business decisions or your ability to do your job objectively. Also, avoid doing business
with competitors or making personal financial investments in competitors, vendors, or
customers. Similarly, your family members should not become involved in business ventures
with your colleagues since you could benefit from their gain.
If you are not sure whether an outside activity represents a conflict of interest, ask your
supervisor or the General Counsel for help.
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Entertainment, gifts and gratuities
Some business entertaining – including meals, social events or training and educational
activities – is an accepted business practice at AlliedBarton, but the cost and scope of these
activities should be reasonable and appropriate. Before accepting or extending invitations for
entertainment, you should first check with your company supervisor. It is your responsibility to
make business decisions based on what is best for AlliedBarton.
Similarly, you should refrain from giving or accepting excessive gifts or lavish entertainment to
or from customers, vendors, or other business associates. The value of gifts received or given
should not exceed the aggregate value of $100 per year, unless you have received prior
approval from your supervisor. AlliedBarton employees should never accept cash gifts from
customers or vendors. Stay alert, use common sense, and don’t put yourself, the Company, or
your associates at risk.
5 Obeying the law
We must always uphold the law while working at AlliedBarton. This includes, for example, obeying all
state and local licensing regulations governing the Private Security trade and work as a Security Officer.
Drug use, fraud, theft, embezzlement, price-fixing, bid-rigging, allocation of customers, and any other illicit
activity are grounds for immediate termination and possible prosecution by public authorities.
Regulatory obligations
AlliedBarton’s business is regulated by federal, state, and local agencies. In the conduct of our
business, the Company must:

Ensure it is properly licensed, bonded, and insured to operate as a private security
agency, watch, or guard service;

Ensure that its Security Officers are properly licensed, trained, equipped, and uniformed,
and that all AlliedBarton employees neither use illicit drugs nor have disqualifying
criminal histories;

Conduct its sales and marketing activities ethically and within established laws,
regulations and guidelines;

Promote a work environment for employees that is safe, ethical, and founded on
principles of equal employment and non-discrimination; and

Ensure the accuracy of AlliedBarton’s financial statements and follow other regulations
that apply to organizations with public reporting requirements.
Revised 9/16/10
AlliedBarton is committed to the highest standards of regulatory compliance. As AlliedBarton
employees, we all play an important role in operating the Company as responsible corporate
External audits and reviews
From time to time, AlliedBarton will have outside parties on site to perform financial and
regulatory audits and reviews of our financial statements, operations, and business practices.
These outside parties include independent auditors and federal and state government
regulators and inspectors. It is AlliedBarton’s policy to fully cooperate with these auditors and
provide them with all necessary information. During these audits or inspections, you must never
conceal, destroy, or alter any documents or give any false or misleading statements to
inspectors. Also, you should never provide inaccurate information or obstruct, mislead, or delay
communication of information or records about a possible violation of law. If you ever have any
questions or concerns about our business practices, consult our General Counsel.
Illegal activities
AlliedBarton and its employees must not engage, directly or indirectly, in any illegal activities.
Such activities include, but are not limited to, fraud, theft, embezzlement, falsification of records
whether paper or electronic, kickback arrangements, use, or distribution. Fraud includes such
things as falsifying timecards and expense reports.
A kickback arrangement involves accepting or offering bribes or payoffs intended to induce,
influence, or reward favorable decisions of any person or entity, including customers, vendors,
or government personnel, in a position to benefit AlliedBarton.
Additionally, in most states it is illegal to eavesdrop on, or to record, a telephone conversation of
a customer or other third party so AlliedBarton employees are prohibited from doing so.
Antitrust and unfair competition
Antitrust laws are intended to ensure competition between companies is fair. These laws also
protect the public against business competitors who “collude” to unfairly set prices. You could
be breaking these laws if you do things as simple as discuss with competitors pricing, terms and
conditions of contracts, proposals, territories, or dealings with customers, vendors, or other
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competitors. Our competitors include other contract private security services companies and
background screening companies. You should be particularly sensitive to antitrust rules if you
participate in trade associations or other meetings where competitors are likely to be present.
Any violation of the antitrust, competition, and trade practice laws could subject you and the
Company to enormous civil penalties and to criminal prosecution. When in doubt, call the
General Counsel’s office or VP of Corporate Compliance for advice before acting.
Political contributions
Al …
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