Expert answer:Please help me to add an abstract and a conclusion

Answer & Explanation:Please help me to add an abstract and a conclusion in my paper. The abstract can be 4 to 5 lines and the conclusion should be half page or more than half page. If you can also help me to change the paper especially the references to APA format will be better.study_guide_for_sla_final_exam.docxstudy_guide_for_sla_final_exam.docxsla_paper_final.docx



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Study guide for SLA final exam
1. What is the role of cognitive development in FLA?
Cognitive development is the emergence of the ability to think and
understand. It consists of information processing, conceptual resources,
perceptual skill, language learning and other aspects of brain
development and cognitive psychology.
For example, a child raised in isolation cannot speak so that there is
no socialization. Without socialization, there is no language development
and cognitive development. Vygosky views language as a continuum of
thought. If there is no language, there is no thought and no learning
(cognitive development).
Another example is that a child raised in the socialized environment
has learning ability but mentally retarded. However, he has outstanding
linguistic competency. Therefore, first language acquisition is
independent of other non-linguistic abilities. Also children with high IQ
cannot read and write.
2. Briefly define Universal Grammar.
We are born with language acquisition device. All human languages
are based on some innate universal principles. The structures are
genetically determined, S=NP+VP. A baby who grows up with the
sounds around can categorize the sounds into slots. The baby can well
organize sounds and use it. Innate language ability disappears after
critical period.
3. Define implicit and explicit feedback in SLA and decide one works
Implicit feedback:
Recast: repeat the students’ utterance without any mistakes.
S1: Is the dog run fast?
T: Does the dog run fast?
S2: Yes, it does.
Clarification requests: the teacher repeats and reformulates the
incorrect utterance of students. A clarification request like Excuse me,
T: How often do you wash the dishes everyday?
S: Three.
T: Excuse me
S: Three.
T: Three what?
S: Three times a day.
Explicit feedback:
Explicit correction refers to the explicit provision of the correct form
and points out what was incorrect.
S: The dog run fastly.
T: “Fastly” doesn’t exist. “Fast” does not take-ly. That’s why I picked
Mentalinguistic feedback contains comments, information, or
questions related to the correctness of the student’s utterance, not
providing the correct form explicitly.
S: The dog runs fastly.
T: Excuse me, the dog runs_____?
S: Fast?
Repetition: teacher repeat students’ erroneous utterance.
S: The dog runs fastly.
T: Fastly? Fast. The dog runs fast.
Through repetition, they remember the high-frequency tokens better.
Error correction
For learners it is easy to perceive the incorrectness of phonology or
content words rather than the morphsyntax.
Which one is better depends on the different learning habits of
4. Does SL instruction make a difference?
Second language instruction can accelerate the natural process and
remedy the deficiency of natural acquisition. E.g. ESL class.
From Pienemann’s study
1. Through the SL instruction, every student builds its own grammar as
2. Teachers cannot teach everything they want. Second language
acquisition follows through developmental stages. Otherwise, learners
will not acquire.
3. Premature learning is counter-productive.
Doughty: students with instruction perform better than those who
Give the examples of different kinds of input in SLA.
Input: all information available to the learners in any forms.
Positive input: includes all well-formed sentences to which learners
are exposed.
Written resources or spoken language like TV, movies, radio and tape.
Negative input: information provided to learners concerning to the
incorrect words in the form of explicit and implicit information.
E.g. He play football everyday.
Direct input
Indirect input
Modified input
Unmodified input
Comprehensible input
Incomprehensible input
Structured input
Unstructured input
Error correction is input
Without output, input is nothing.
5. What is the role of input on language acquisition?
6. What are Cook’s main points in spreading the influence of SLA
research. (Unpublished article)
Cook suggests that second language acquisition research could be
channeled into teaching through the students, the coursebook or the
syllabus as well as through the teacher, illustrated with examples of
possible influences on the syllabus and the coursebook.
Three ways
1. Availability: the fruit of SLA is available to teachers and students
so that they can use it for their own goals.
2. Usability: specific use for SLA research in language teaching. E.g.
ACCESS approach in studying the Communicative language teaching.
3. Action research: the teachers themselves investigate what happens
in their own teaching situation. E.g. doing a new research as a form of
teacher training.
7. Why SLA research is difficult to conduct?
1. SLA research to be used in teaching has to meet criteria about ethics,
validity, scope and appropriacy, in particular how well the languages
involved in SLA research match the L1 and L2 involved in the teaching
and how similar the L2 learners studied are to the students in relevant
aspects, such as age or character.
2. The SLA research cannot be applied because it designs to create
theories so they are regarded as a science, which is far from real teaching.
Also they have the pressure from publishers who distance development of
SLA from language teaching.
#(1) It is difficult to say which learning character is important.
#(2) Learner’s characteristics are difficult to observe. Quesionnaires are
misleading because subjects do not accurately report. Even it is truthful,
where is the guarantee of self-evaluation?
#(3) Research methods in SLA are not well established or developed.
8. What are the reasons for a gap that exits between teaching in a
real classroom and research? What should researchers pay more
attention to?
1. The design of syllabuses
Many syllabuses are prescribed by national curriculum developers
or course-book writers rather than teachers.
The shifts in language teaching methodology and the changing
perception of discourse affect the design of syllabuses rather than by SLA
In most cases, the SLA research attempt to influence the
sequencing of the language content instead of the content of teaching.
The researcher should help the teachers and pay more attention to
what the teachers teach. Also they should propose more pragmatic
2. Teaching methodology
Researchers do not take into account the complexities of the
teaching situation because it is the very nature of research to abstract
away from the specific situation.
The researchers should take into account of many other factors.
3. The design of teaching materials
Mostly teacher instruction follows the textbook but many published
course books seem barely touched by SLA research.
The researchers should propose more information about the learning
acquisition of students.
4. The design of public examinations and tests
The public examinations have tangential contact with SLA research
except the general assumptions like language is way of communication.
In fact, teachers can do little about such exams, let alone the SLA
The researcher should pay attention to the classroom real teaching.
5. Student
The discussion in SLA of its influence teaching has concentrated
on access to classroom students through teachers. Students have their
own mind, which is independent from their teachers, so the researchers
should focus on students themselves like giving them relevant
information about SLA research and explore their charactors.
6. The teacher
Teacher lack of an overall SLA theory compared with the SLA
The second language researchers should interact with the second
language teachers.
The researchers should usefully influence the syllabus designers,
examination setters, textbook writers, publishers and applied linguistics
besides the language teachers. It is because the language teachers are the
consumers of the products of them.
The researchers should focus on those who make choices about
teaching outside the teaching situation, like administrators, syllabus
designers, examiners or course-book writers.
Gap: SL researchers think their task is to create ideal theory. So few
teachers can use the large amount of SLA research. It is not very
accessible, e.g. difficult article. Also, the diversity of goals of English
teachers in different countries.
The common goal of SL teachers is to achieve target language as
the level of native speaker. However, second language learners cannot
reach that goal. Most teachers teach them how to take the exams instead
of functionally in the target language. Language should be taught to
communicate. Teachers should not dictate what students need. The
diversity of goals creates gap and problem.
Study guide for SLA final exam
1. What is the role of cognitive development in FLA?
Cognitive development is the emergence of the ability to think and
understand. It consists of information processing, conceptual resources,
perceptual skill, language learning and other aspects of brain
development and cognitive psychology.
For example, a child raised in isolation cannot speak so that there is
no socialization. Without socialization, there is no language development
and cognitive development. Vygosky views language as a continuum of
thought. If there is no language, there is no thought and no learning
(cognitive development).
Another example is that a child raised in the socialized environment
has learning ability but mentally retarded. However, he has outstanding
linguistic competency. Therefore, first language acquisition is
independent of other non-linguistic abilities. Also children with high IQ
cannot read and write.
2. Briefly define Universal Grammar.
We are born with language acquisition device. All human languages
are based on some innate universal principles. The structures are
genetically determined, S=NP+VP. A baby who grows up with the
sounds around can categorize the sounds into slots. The baby can well
organize sounds and use it. Innate language ability disappears after
critical period.
3. Define implicit and explicit feedback in SLA and decide one works
Implicit feedback:
Recast: repeat the students’ utterance without any mistakes.
S1: Is the dog run fast?
T: Does the dog run fast?
S2: Yes, it does.
Clarification requests: the teacher repeats and reformulates the
incorrect utterance of students. A clarification request like Excuse me,
T: How often do you wash the dishes everyday?
S: Three.
T: Excuse me
S: Three.
T: Three what?
S: Three times a day.
Explicit feedback:
Explicit correction refers to the explicit provision of the correct form
and points out what was incorrect.
S: The dog run fastly.
T: “Fastly” doesn’t exist. “Fast” does not take-ly. That’s why I picked
Mentalinguistic feedback contains comments, information, or
questions related to the correctness of the student’s utterance, not
providing the correct form explicitly.
S: The dog runs fastly.
T: Excuse me, the dog runs_____?
S: Fast?
Repetition: teacher repeat students’ erroneous utterance.
S: The dog runs fastly.
T: Fastly? Fast. The dog runs fast.
Through repetition, they remember the high-frequency tokens better.
Error correction
For learners it is easy to perceive the incorrectness of phonology or
content words rather than the morphsyntax.
Which one is better depends on the different learning habits of
4. Does SL instruction make a difference?
Second language instruction can accelerate the natural process and
remedy the deficiency of natural acquisition. E.g. ESL class.
From Pienemann’s study
1. Through the SL instruction, every student builds its own grammar as
2. Teachers cannot teach everything they want. Second language
acquisition follows through developmental stages. Otherwise, learners
will not acquire.
3. Premature learning is counter-productive.
Doughty: students with instruction perform better than those who
Give the examples of different kinds of input in SLA.
Input: all information available to the learners in any forms.
Positive input: includes all well-formed sentences to which learners
are exposed.
Written resources or spoken language like TV, movies, radio and tape.
Negative input: information provided to learners concerning to the
incorrect words in the form of explicit and implicit information.
E.g. He play football everyday.
Direct input
Indirect input
Modified input
Unmodified input
Comprehensible input
Incomprehensible input
Structured input
Unstructured input
Error correction is input
Without output, input is nothing.
5. What is the role of input on language acquisition?
6. What are Cook’s main points in spreading the influence of SLA
research. (Unpublished article)
Cook suggests that second language acquisition research could be
channeled into teaching through the students, the coursebook or the
syllabus as well as through the teacher, illustrated with examples of
possible influences on the syllabus and the coursebook.
Three ways
1. Availability: the fruit of SLA is available to teachers and students
so that they can use it for their own goals.
2. Usability: specific use for SLA research in language teaching. E.g.
ACCESS approach in studying the Communicative language teaching.
3. Action research: the teachers themselves investigate what happens
in their own teaching situation. E.g. doing a new research as a form of
teacher training.
7. Why SLA research is difficult to conduct?
1. SLA research to be used in teaching has to meet criteria about ethics,
validity, scope and appropriacy, in particular how well the languages
involved in SLA research match the L1 and L2 involved in the teaching
and how similar the L2 learners studied are to the students in relevant
aspects, such as age or character.
2. The SLA research cannot be applied because it designs to create
theories so they are regarded as a science, which is far from real teaching.
Also they have the pressure from publishers who distance development of
SLA from language teaching.
#(1) It is difficult to say which learning character is important.
#(2) Learner’s characteristics are difficult to observe. Quesionnaires are
misleading because subjects do not accurately report. Even it is truthful,
where is the guarantee of self-evaluation?
#(3) Research methods in SLA are not well established or developed.
8. What are the reasons for a gap that exits between teaching in a
real classroom and research? What should researchers pay more
attention to?
1. The design of syllabuses
Many syllabuses are prescribed by national curriculum developers
or course-book writers rather than teachers.
The shifts in language teaching methodology and the changing
perception of discourse affect the design of syllabuses rather than by SLA
In most cases, the SLA research attempt to influence the
sequencing of the language content instead of the content of teaching.
The researcher should help the teachers and pay more attention to
what the teachers teach. Also they should propose more pragmatic
2. Teaching methodology
Researchers do not take into account the complexities of the
teaching situation because it is the very nature of research to abstract
away from the specific situation.
The researchers should take into account of many other factors.
3. The design of teaching materials
Mostly teacher instruction follows the textbook but many published
course books seem barely touched by SLA research.
The researchers should propose more information about the learning
acquisition of students.
4. The design of public examinations and tests
The public examinations have tangential contact with SLA research
except the general assumptions like language is way of communication.
In fact, teachers can do little about such exams, let alone the SLA
The researcher should pay attention to the classroom real teaching.
5. Student
The discussion in SLA of its influence teaching has concentrated
on access to classroom students through teachers. Students have their
own mind, which is independent from their teachers, so the researchers
should focus on students themselves like giving them relevant
information about SLA research and explore their charactors.
6. The teacher
Teacher lack of an overall SLA theory compared with the SLA
The second language researchers should interact with the second
language teachers.
The researchers should usefully influence the syllabus designers,
examination setters, textbook writers, publishers and applied linguistics
besides the language teachers. It is because the language teachers are the
consumers of the products of them.
The researchers should focus on those who make choices about
teaching outside the teaching situation, like administrators, syllabus
designers, examiners or course-book writers.
Gap: SL researchers think their task is to create ideal theory. So few
teachers can use the large amount of SLA research. It is not very
accessible, e.g. difficult article. Also, the diversity of goals of English
teachers in different countries.
The common goal of SL teachers is to achieve target language as
the level of native speaker. However, second language learners cannot
reach that goal. Most teachers teach them how to take the exams instead
of functionally in the target language. Language should be taught to
communicate. Teachers should not dictate what students need. The
diversity of goals creates gap and problem.
Do bilinguals think differently about some concepts depending on the langauge they use at the time
of perception
Do bilingual think differently about some concepts depending on the langauge they use
at the time of perception
Do bilinguals think differently about some concepts depending on the langauge they use at the time
of perception
Human instinct is composed of innumerable things: speaking, listening, thinking, acting,
delivering and many more. Expression through different ways is the prime characteristic of
the being a human which differentiates us from millions of other living creatures. Out of
these many ways of expressing, speaking is of its own significance without underestimating
any other of the characteristics. This speaking skill of the humans arouse the questions like
what to speak and how to speak? Questions like these were replied with a specific set of
words, signs and sentences comprising a medium of speaking called as language. There are
nearly 7,000 languages that are being spoken around the globe today in which people interact
with one another. There are countless people in the world who speak more than one language.
Some of them speak two, some speak three and some can speak up to eight or nine languages
at a time in exceptional cases. In this paper, the type of people and their characteristics who
speak two languages with a certain fluency in both languages will be discussed. The term
throughout used for such people is bilinguals which will be used in this paper extensively.
There are many benefits for the Bilinguals. For example protection against dementia, a
cognitive boost, and an excellent job prospects. It has been also observed from the recent
research that bilinguals can have different visions about the world but it depends on the
language they are using. The research question of this modest paper is “ Do bilinguals think
differently about some concepts depengding on the language they use at the time of
Large number of research has been conducted in last fifteen years on the mind of the
bilingual, and the majority of research show that there are many advantages of using different
Do bilinguals think differently about some concepts depending on the langauge they use at the time
of perception
Exercise for mind:
Switching between languages emerges to be a type of training of brain. It is just like a regular
exercise which provides many advantages, cognitive advanta …
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