Expert answer:Need management help with a leadership assignment

assignment is divided into three parts
Part one requires you to
compare and contrast Trait Leadership Theory with Situational Leadership,
highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of both perspectives. A
discussion on the evolution of leadership theory over the last 60 years would
be useful.
Part two requires you to
devise a short questionnaire for use in interviewing three different department
heads on the subject of leadership in your own organization. You will then
interview these heads of department. The purpose is to determine which
leadership framework is used more in your organization.
Part three requires you to
analyse the responses to your questionnaire and produce a high quality, concise
report on your findings that will be presented in a 1-1 discussion.
articles provided, plus any other relevant academic articles you find on Google
Scholar or the KAAU databases
Dr Ayman
will deliver a briefing on questionnaire design and interview approach
One (500 words) (30 points)
Compare and contrast Trait theory and
Situational Leadership (Blanchard and Hersey). How are they alike / different?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each perspective? Can they be
integrated or are they completely independent of each other?
Two (30 points)
Devise a short questionnaire for use in
interviews with three department heads in your organization. The key question
you are aiming to answer is: How is
leadership practiced in this organization and why? (what are its key features
and how have they developed?)
Three (40 points)
Carry out the interviews with department
heads, analyse the responses and produce a high quality, concise report for
Evaluation:You will be evaluated on…
Breadth of
Clarity of
your communication (writing and verbal communication in 1-1 with Dr Ayman)
thinking / analysis
Quality of
the report

Evaluation Criteria


How much research did you
use for the report

To what extent do you understand
the theory behind the frameworks

Did you do a +/- for each

Did you answer the
integration question?


Is the questionnaire well

Do questions address the

Is introduction well

Is analysis method clear?


Is analysis logical

Are all comments considered

Are common threads

Are transcripts included

Interview Protocol
It is important that you prepare and
execute the three interviews as professionally as possible. Here are some guidelines:
the interview formally by email at least five working days in advance. Ensure
the email explains exactly why you want to talk to the individuals, that you
view their input as important and that all information will be confidential
Ensure you
have booked a meeting room
smartly for the interviews
structure the interviews as follows

the individual and thank them for their time (5 minutes)

the purpose of the interview and how you will use the information collected.
Assure them of confidentiality (5

Ask them
to complete the questionnaire you have developed – this is the quantitative element (10 minutes)

Go through
the questions with the individual, asking them to give you detailed answers and
examples – this is the qualitative element (35 minutes). You must make detailed
notes, as you will depend on these to produce your report

Close the interview by
thanking the individual for their time
It is important to allow the individual
interviewee to talk (they should be talking at least 70% of the time. You need
to avoid the following types of question:
(leading the interviewee to a particular answer)
Closed questions
(leaves only a “yes” or “no” answer)
questions (what would you do if)blanchard__26_hersey___situational_leadership.pdfms_leadership_assignment.docxsituational_leadership___conversations_with_paul_hersey___pages_5_11.pdftraits_based_approach_zaccaro_article.pdf




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Great ideas revisited: Life-cycle theory of leadership
Hersey, Paul;Blanchard, Ken
Training & Development; Jan 1996; 50, 1; ABI/INFORM Global
pg. 42
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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
This assignment is divided into three parts

Part one requires you to compare and contrast Trait Leadership Theory with Situational
Leadership, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of both perspectives. A
discussion on the evolution of leadership theory over the last 60 years would be useful.
Part two requires you to devise a short questionnaire for use in interviewing three different
department heads on the subject of leadership in your own organization. You will then
interview these heads of department. The purpose is to determine which leadership
framework is used more in your organization.
Part three requires you to analyse the responses to your questionnaire and produce a high
quality, concise report on your findings that will be presented in a 1-1 discussion.

Leadership articles provided, plus any other relevant academic articles you find on Google
Scholar or the KAAU databases
Dr Ayman will deliver a briefing on questionnaire design and interview approach
Part One (500 words) (30 points)
Compare and contrast Trait theory and Situational Leadership (Blanchard and Hersey). How are they
alike / different? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each perspective? Can they be
integrated or are they completely independent of each other?
Part Two (30 points)
Devise a short questionnaire for use in interviews with three department heads in your organization.
The key question you are aiming to answer is: How is leadership practiced in this organization and
why? (what are its key features and how have they developed?)
Part Three (40 points)
Carry out the interviews with department heads, analyse the responses and produce a high quality,
concise report for presentation.
Evaluation: You will be evaluated on…

Breadth of reading
Clarity of your communication (writing and verbal communication in 1-1 with Dr Ayman)
Critical thinking / analysis
Quality of the report
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
How much research
did you use for the
Is the questionnaire
well structured
Is analysis logical
Possible Evaluation Criteria
To what extent do you
Did you do a +/understand the theory
for each
behind the frameworks framework?
Do questions address
Is introduction well
the objective
Are all comments
Are common
threads identified
Did you answer the
integration question?
Is analysis method
Are transcripts
Interview Protocol
It is important that you prepare and execute the three interviews as professionally as possible. Here
are some guidelines:

Request the interview formally by email at least five working days in advance. Ensure the
email explains exactly why you want to talk to the individuals, that you view their input as
important and that all information will be confidential
Ensure you have booked a meeting room
Dress smartly for the interviews
Clearly structure the interviews as follows
o Welcome the individual and thank them for their time (5 minutes)
o Explain the purpose of the interview and how you will use the information collected.
Assure them of confidentiality (5 minutes)
o Ask them to complete the questionnaire you have developed – this is the
quantitative element (10 minutes)
o Go through the questions with the individual, asking them to give you detailed
answers and examples – this is the qualitative element (35 minutes). You must
make detailed notes, as you will depend on these to produce your report
o Close the interview by thanking the individual for their time
It is important to allow the individual interviewee to talk (they should be talking at least 70% of the
time. You need to avoid the following types of question:

Leading (leading the interviewee to a particular answer)
Closed questions (leaves only a “yes” or “no” answer)
Hypothetical questions (what would you do if)
FALL 1997
Our Accomplishments
Daniel E. Vetter
Critical Success Factors for Community-Based Education
David Graf
Situational Leadership: Conversations with Paul Hersey
John R. Schermerhorn, Jr.
Can Technology Even Things Up for Community Banks?
Rose M. Prasad
Determining Promotional Effectiveness in Small Retail Firms: An Empirical Analysis
Judy Foster Davis
The Controversy over Accounting for Stock Options: A Historical Perspective
Karleen Nordquist and Dee Ann Ellingson
Union-Management Cooperation: Different Relationships, Different Forms
Robert H. Schappe
Gender Differences in the Attitudes of Teenagers Toward Unions
Brian Heshizer, Mary W. Hrivnak, and Kathleen Sterbenz
Mandatory Use of Electronic Mail and User Acceptance: A Case Study
Hao Lou, Anne McClanahan, and Ellsworth Holden
Leading Change by John P. Kotter
Janis Evink
Our Accomplishments
Daniel E. Vetter
“Keep up the
good work!”
This editorial is my last one. Therefore, I believe it is fitting to summarize
the Journal’s accomplishments over the
past three years as well as make you
aware of the highly professional and
wonderful people I’ve had the pleasure to
work with during my tenure.
As you probably know, the Journal
serves two audiences—the business
educator and the practitioner. We publish
readable papers, mainly written by
academic scholars, which also provide
business insight to practitioners. It is not
always easy to satisfy both clientele with
the same manuscript. Some submissions
are just too theoretical for our audience.
Even some of the high quality empirical
papers we receive must be edited to
include practical implications. Then
again, to satisfy our scholarly readership,
these empirical papers should also make a
reasonable contribution to the literature,
The bottom line is that each paper should
be interesting to a wide audience.
We also publish papers dealing with
business education. Papers can use
methodologies to measure the impact of
innovative business education practices or
approaches. Shorter papers describing
teaching innovations and the use of
technology in the classroom are also
welcome. Business education papers are
published on an ongoing basis. However,
due to the topic’s overall importance, we
recently devoted an entire journal issue to
business education. This special issue,
Bridging the Gap Between the Practitioner and the Educator, was distributed
nationally to most business colleges. If
you would like a copy of this excellent
issue, please contact Judy Lane at Ball
State University. In addition, a special
issue focusing on Crossing Functional
Lines-Creating Business Strategies is
scheduled for Spring 1998. For more
information on this issue dealing with
breaking down the traditional functional
lines, contact our new Editor-in Chief,
Rocky Newman at Miami University.
Mid-American Journal of Business, Vol. 12, No. 2
We had a number of other important
accomplishments in the last three years.
The significant editorial change that we
instituted (credit goes to previous editor,
Ray Gorman) is the more expanded role
of the associate editors. They now have
complete responsibility for the review and
acceptance process for manuscripts in
their areas of expertise. This process has
reduced the possibility of accepting an
inappropriate paper, and at the same time
has reduced our acceptance rate to 15%
for the last three years.
To maintain and improve the Journal’s
quality, the current editorial board is
developing relationships between the
Journal and several professional associations as well as inviting papers from
distinguished scholars. Hopefully,
nurturing these relationships will attract
even more high quality manuscripts.
You may not be aware that our business college Deans provide the financial
support for the publication of the Journal.
They also have the opportunity to voice
their opinions and viewpoints in the
Dean’s Forum. Our newest sponsoring
institution is the College of Business at
Northern Illinois University. The support
and participation of this fine institution
will even further improve the Journal.
It has been a sincere and very rewarding experience to work with the current
Editorial Board (Ramon Avila, Jerry
Kreuze, Rocky Newman, John
Schemerhorn, and Sue Visscher). Karen
Lewis at Central Michigan University
provided much needed administrative
support to keep the correspondence
flowing. Thank you to Judy Lane, our
Managing Editor. Judy keeps us focused,
provides leadership support, and, most
importantly, makes sure each issue gets
published. Her editorial expertise and
devotion to detail are greatly appreciated.
Finally, the journal is being left in great
hands. Keep up the good work!
Critical Success Factors for Community-Based Education
David Graf
Dean, College of Business
Northern Illinois University
“… we must be accessible, collaborative,
and collegial in our
This issue marks the reentry of Northern Illinois University into the MidAmerican Conference. It is also an opportunity for us to reaffirm our support for
the Mid-American Journal of Business as
a medium for innovative business education into the next century.
As we approach the 21st century,
higher education finds it necessary to
examine its core values. The National
Association of State Universities and
Land-Grant Colleges obtained the support
of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to examine the future of public higher education.
Their first report issued in 1997, “Returning to Our Roots: The Student Experience,” asks that we reject the notions that
1. college education always culminates
with a degree, 2. the student is a full-time
18-25 year old and 3. the university experience is a campus experience.
American Assembly of Collegiate
Schools of Business (AACSB), The International Association for Management
Education, has provided colleges of business the opportunity and responsibility to
become inclusive learning communities.
The 1991 adoption of “mission-linked”
accreditation standards and procedures
led colleges of business to examine their
common purpose — effective management education. In addition, it allowed us
to celebrate diversity in our approaches.
The outcomes of the Kellogg Commission reports and the AACSB continuous
improvement process asks us to seriously
examine our core values. Do our core
values reflect new delivery systems for
degree and non-degree programs? Do
they reflect the demographics and needs
of our learners? Do they reflect a system
which includes faculty and staff as part of
the learning community?
A three-year strategic planning process
at Northern Illinois University has led our
stakeholders to reflect upon our response
to these and other questions. The result of
this self study has pointed to the need to
develop core values required to meet new
challenges in education. This self study is
not unique to our university. The basic
need to be “community-based” is common to all colleges of business. Critical to
successful change are several factors.
We need to examine and develop the
relationships between college/university,
learners/alumni, and the business community. The relationships are both collegiate
and personal. In the end we must be accessible, collaborative, and collegial in
our relationships.
For learners to benefit from our relationships, we must reinvent our communication system. Technology is an important tool for communicating to our community. Technology only provides us
with the means to communicate. To actually create an information sharing culture
requires us to understand our individual
roles within our mission. This requires
pride in our accomplishments and the
desire to share them with others.
Committed participants will be needed
to provide an effective learning environment. Contributions can come from any
participant-learner, business community,
faculty, and staff. The organization will
have a process to reflect on new ideas.
The organization has a method of measuring quality innovation.
The efforts of an organization need to
be coordinated. We will all need to have a
global view of our learning environment
that includes the physical spaces and
technology that connects them, faculty
and staff development, and the reward
systems to support and encourage the
people working in this environment. With
the right structure and systems, we will be
able to assess our individual and collective efforts to meet our objectives.
Our organizations have been downsized and rightsized. The upside of this
process is the discovery that we cannot
operate alone. Nor should we. The core
values needed by students, business, faculty, and staff form the sense of community we need to address the changes to
come in education.
Mid-American Journal of Business, Vol. 12, No. 2
Situational Leadership:
Conversations with Paul Hersey
John R. Schermerhorn, Jr., Ohio University
“It is not enough to describe your leadership style or indicate your
intentions. A Situational Leader assesses the performance of others
and takes the responsibility for making things happen.” – Hersey
Hersey is known internationally as an educator, trainer, lecturer, and conference leader.
Founder and CEO of the Center for Leadership Studies, he has helped train more than four million managers from over 1000
organizations worldwide, including Mobil, IBM, Caterpillar, Harris, and Illinois Bell. In the middle 1960s, Hersey’s research at the
Center for Leadership Studies led to the development of the Situational Leadership Model, an approach to leadership that has
become widely accepted in the United States and other countries.
Author of the popular book The Situational Leader, Hersey joined Ohio University as Professor and Chair of the Management
Department in 1966, and left in 1975 to develop his leadership center as a major global training organization. He has been
recognized for his contributions to leadership studies by the Academy of Management and the American Society for Training and
Development. With experience presenting Situational Leadership in more than 125 countries, Hersey continues to provide training
and consulting expertise in leadership, management, education, sales, program development, and research. He was recently given
the 1997 Award for Achievements in Business by the College of Business at Ohio University.
My interview with Paul Hersey took place over a
period of time during the beautiful Southeastern Ohio autumn. It was all opportunity. Paul had returned to Ohio
University to serve as a distinguished visiting professor at
an institution where his academic career had begun some
years previously. I knew that he was coming to OU, but I
had never met the man. Of course, his leadership model
had been part of my textbooks and courses for years.
Then one day at the start of fall quarter, a new face appeared in my office door. Tanned, mustached, and with
an air of confidence, there was no mistaking its identity.
“You must be Paul Hersey,” I said. “Hi,” came the reply
as a strong hand reached out to shake mine. “Dewey
Johnson told me you were a good guy,” said Paul, “I
wanted to say hello.”
And say hello he did. That first meeting led to many
sessions in which I had the opportunity to ask questions
relating to Paul’s leadership ideas, their origins, and their
global applications. Just as important, though, our conversations allowed me to travel with him through a career
of international professional recognition, consulting assignments with the premier corporations of our day, and
the accomplishments of true entrepreneurship. Finally, I
enjoyed his ideas about teaching and learning, ideas conveyed to me with the same excitement his students must
have felt when he entered his first class at Ohio University and announced the topic for the day — leadership!
What follows is a question-and-answer selection from
my interview with Paul about his leadership ideas. The
goal of the presentation is to provide a historical context
for Situational Leadership, and to better acquaint readers
with his some of Paul’s personal views and interpretations. For added background, a summary of Situational
Leadership is reproduced here, along with a figure describing the model in detail.
Situational Leadership ®
Developed by Paul Hersey 1
Over the last few decades, people in the field of management have been involved in a search for a “best” style
of leadership. Yet, the evidence from research clearly indicates that there is no single all-purpose leadership style.
Successful leaders are those who can adapt their behavior
to meet the demands of their own unique situation.
A Situational Leadership® Model helpful to managers
in diagnosing the demands of their situation has been
developed as a result of extensive research. As shown in
Figure 1, Situational Leadership is based on an interplay
among (1) the amount of direction (task behavior) a
leader gives, (2) the amount of socio-emotional support
(relationship behavior) a leader provides, and (3) the
“readiness” level that followers exhibit on a specific task,
function, activity, or objective that the leader is attempting to accomplish through the individual or group.
Figure 1
Situational Leadership Model
Leader Behaviors
Relationship Behavior

High task
High rel.
High rel.
Low task
S4 S1
Low rel.
Low task
Turn over
for decisions
and implementation
High task
Low rel.
and closely
supervise performance

Task Behavior
HIGH Follower Readiness LOW
Able and
willing or
Able but
Unable but Unable and
unwilling or willing or
unwilling or
Task behavior is the extent to which a leader engages
in one-way communication by explaining what each follower is to do, as well as when, where, and how tasks are
to be accomplished. Relationship behavior is the extent to
which a leader engages in two-way communication by
providing socio-emotional support, “psychological strokes”,
and facilitating behaviors. Readiness is the ability and willingness of a person to take responsibility for directing their
own behavior in relation to a specific task to be performed.
According to Situational Leadership, as the level of
readiness of the follower continues to increase in terms of
accomplishing a specific task, the leader should begin to
reduce task behavior and increase relationship behavior.
This should be the case until the individual or group
High-task/low-relationship leader behavior (S1) is
referred to as “telling” because this style is characterized by one-way communication in which the leader
defines the roles of followers and tells them what,
how, when, and where to do various tasks.
High-task/high-relationship leader behavior (S2) is
referred to as “selling” because with this style most of
the direction is still provided by the leader. The leader
also attempts through two-way communication and
socio-emotional support to get the followers psychologically to “buy into …
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