Answer & Explanation:Review the Sample Justification ReportJustification Report–Part 2.2 with Instructor Comments.docxAssignment 2.3: Justification Report – Part 3 (Final)In Assignments 2.1 (Part 1) and 2.2 (Part 2) of the Justification
Report, you built up the major parts of your formal, researched
justification report (Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives,
Criteria, Methods, Evaluation of Alternatives, Findings and Analysis,
and References). For Part 3 you will begin by inserting your revisions
of Parts 1 and 2 based on your instructor’s suggestions. Then, you will
include a few new sections. Note: Some sections
presented below are out of order so pay attention to where the section
should go (for instance, the Transmittal should be the second page of
your report based on the provided template). It is essential that you
present the final report in the correct section order. Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question under the following section headings: Preliminary Parts (for Question 1)Introduction (for Question 2) Problem Statement (for Question 2b)Terminology (for Question 2c)Major Sections of the Report (for Question 2d)Scope and Limitations of the Research (for Question 2e) Recommendation (for Question 3)References (for Question 4) Using the provided template from Week 7, write Part 3 to complete a single-spaced report in which you: Create
the preliminary parts of the report that precede the Introduction
(after reading Chapter 11 in the textbook). Each element (1a to 1d)
appears on a separate page (1a should be page 1, 1b should be page 2,
etc.). The preliminary part includes: Title PageTransmittal (stand-alone business letter)Table of ContentsExecutive Summary Create an introduction that tells what your report is about. The introduction includes: Begin with a general introduction paragraph that gives the reader any needed background information on the company or problem.Include the Problem Statement that you already created and revised in Part 1.Include terms that readers will need to know in order to understand the report.Briefly summarize the major sections and findings of the report developed in Parts 1 and 2. Note:
This is in addition to including the revised sections not instead of
including the revised previous sections from Parts 1 and 2.Discuss
what your report will cover and what it will not (including limitations
such as research, time, information, or any other factors the reader
should consider when reading the report). Create the Recommendation section of the Report. Provide
a one to two (1-2) sentence recommendation based on what your
Evaluation of Alternatives and Findings and Analysis sections have
determined is the most feasible alternative (i.e., solution) to the
problem in the Problem Statement. Create the References section, which goes at the end of the Report by pasting in your revised References page. Note:
Remember to organize the report by the section headings. The report
should reflect a style and format appropriate for business; single
spacing and bullet points are acceptable for formal business reports. Your assignment must: Be
typed, single spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with
one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA
or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional
instructions.Include a cover page containing the title of the
assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the
required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Support ideas or claims in body paragraphs with clear details, examples, and explanations.Organize ideas logically by using transitional words, phrases, and sentences.Use sentence variety and effective word choice in written communication.Apply writing process strategies to develop formal business reports and / or proposals.Use technology and information resources to research issues related to selected topics.Write clearly and concisely using proper writing mechanics.
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Dress Code Policy at Work Justification Report
Timothy J. Carlton
ENG 315 – Professional Communication
Dr. Rebecca Coleman
November 9, 2015
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Problem Statement ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
2.1Detection of the need to implement a dress code policy ………………………………………………. 4
Overview of Alternatives …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
3.1Actualizing the best practices in clothing standard………………………………………………………. 4
3.2Executing business attire approach …………………………………Error! Bookmark not defined.
Criteria. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Findings and Analysis …………………………………………………………..Error! Bookmark not defined.
Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
References …………………………………………………………………………..Error! Bookmark not defined.
Executive Summary
Dressing codes have been regularly used on the workstation, and there are numerous reasons
why the dressing code should be controlled. An example of employees may be requested to
wear a uniform to symbolize a corporate image and guarantee that customers can easily identify
them. An employer may also present a dress code for health and safety motives, for example,
health care employees may not be permitted to wear jewelry for safety-related reasons when near
patients and certain attire may not be permitted in workshops while operating machines.
A dress code can be utilized by employers to make sure that employees are safe and dressed
properly. It should, conversely, relate to the work and be sensible in nature, employees may be
needed to tie hair back or shield it for hygiene reasons if working in a kitchen.
Employers may assume a more casual methodology to dress through the summertime, but this
may rest on the professional. Some employers may need staff to put on the business dress all
year because of the environment of the work, for example, sales representatives who meet with
customers will need to uphold a certain standard. Employers may have a “no flip-flop” policy as
a health and safety protection, but any restrictions must be clearly set out in the establishment’s
Offices differ on matters concerning dress codes. Some have very high standards for their
employees and set firm rules for office attire while others uphold a cool attitude. Nevertheless, it
is always imperative to recall that no matter what the company’s approach is concerning what
one wears, one is employed in a business environment, and one must dress accordingly. It not
only applies to business casual wear but also to more official business attire, as well.
Problem Statement
Employers could have a policy that sets out a reasonable standard of dress and look for their
organization. Any dress code must be non-discriminatory and should relate to both men and
women in the same way, but standards can be dissimilar. For example, a policy may state
“business dress” for females but may state that males “must wear a tie.”
Several people will be turned off by staff associates who dress untidily or wear attire with
hypothetically unpleasant images or words. This kind of dress could also have a severely
damaging impact on employee performance. If a co-worker shows to be a distraction, the other
employees will have a hard time focusing on their job.
A study of U.S. employees by a digital media corporation, Captivate, established that what
white-collar employees deliberate suitable and distracting in office attire differs by demographic
influences such as age, sex, and professional position. Approximately half of white-collar
employees said they have seen cleavage in the office, and 45% of workers report seeing tattoos.
While 67% of ages 35-49 think tattoos are tolerable, 61% of those above 50 years old find them
It is noble exercise when enlisting or updating a dress code for an employer to deliberate the
reasoning behind it. Discussing with employees any suggested dress code may warrant that the
code is suitable for both the organization and employees. After agreeing, it should be
communicated to all other employees.
2.1Detection of the need to implement a dress code policy
So as to know when a corporation may need the implementation of dress code policy, we try to
ask ourselves the following questions;
1. Do the females in the organization put on scrunches and mules?
2. Do male employees understand “permanent press” as an implication of “not needing to be
ironed, ever”?
When the response is positive to any of the queries, one has to ask his/herself if the approach one
and his colleagues representing the organization reflect the professional appearance one want the
company to communicate.
Employees should avoid wearing attires that disclose too much or leave slight to the imaginings!
An example is, males who put on shorts to the workplace—even on Saturdays— may
involuntarily indicate to others that they do not familiarize with standards for suitable business
casual dress. The same regulation grasps true for females who wear skirts that are body-hugging
and tinier than “business professional” attires. Why endanger the chance of not being taken
earnestly by directors and coworkers?
Overview of Alternatives
Fundamentally, there are two distinct options for the location the issue of clothing standard at the
workplace. These arrangements are found to converge at a point. They are executing the best
practices in clothing standard and embedding business clothing approaches.
3.1Actualizing the best practices in clothing standard
The administration ought to actualize an approach by these clothing standard best practices:
Policy restricting
A business’ most prominent practical methodology is to break point clothing codes to wellbeing
and security matters and to those workers whose employments need them to manage the group
on an up close and own premise. Basic word related thought processes incorporate supporting a
clear positive picture, invigorating profitability, and watching wellbeing and security guidelines.
Review for a unique effect.
One ought to likewise take a gander at the possible effect of a clothing standard on persons of
shading, female, religious congregations, or disabled. If the recommended standard is prone to
affect one or a greater amount of these accumulations, bosses ought to be prepared to
demonstrate a business rationale in the guideline and make sensible facilities for workers put off
guard by it. Check whether the business reason can be refined with an adjustment in the
arrangement. If it can, then change it to not be unfair but rather still finish business needs.
Communicate the arrangement plainly.
Once a business has built up a strategy that is proper for its business, the arrangement ought to be
plainly conveyed to workers. Keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee that workers have a
decent comprehension of what is proper under the new strategy (and what is not). Managers
ought to clarify the purposes of setting the approach and the results for inability to consent. Be
particular about what is, and isn’t, allowed. A few bosses have utilized blurbs, leaflets, and even
from shows to get the word out. In any case, know that, on the off chance that one gets
excessively particular about precluded things of attire, a few workers will scan for escape
clauses. (A few bosses even study the workers to get their sentiment ahead of time. These
locations resolve issues before one start).
Implement the strategy reliably.
Bosses ought to be mindful so as to apply clothing regulation and preparing necessities
impartially to all representatives to maintain critical distance from cases of segregation. (Don’t
excessively load one sex, for instance.) However, when fundamental, a sensible settlement ought
to be accommodated representatives who ask for a special case in light of their insured status.
Discipline for infringement of the clothing regulation ought to be connected reliably and ought to
be completely recorded.
Consider the strategy as an aide.
It is most likely best unless the matter is not kidding (e.g., it includes open contact or a wellbeing or security worry), to put a clothing regulation on a “suggested” or “rule” premise. At that
point use honing or execution examinations to acquire wrongdoers line, and implement one’s
approach as reliably as would be prudent.
Consider variety precisely.
If one requires outfits, attempt to include one’s laborers in settling on uniform decisions and
hues. Give some assortment if one can. On the off chance that owner laborers feel that they have
data, they will be more content. Likewise, consider logo product – one gets a closet that gives
owner association a consistent picture, and the workers see the advantage. (A few managers have
“logo days” regardless of the fact that the logo things aren’t worn each day.)
Investigate representative concerns.
If workers whine around a colleagues’ dress or prepping, research the grumbling. If necessary,
address the issue with the associate quickly. In any case, if the dissension is unwarranted,
disclose why to the grumbling people.
3.2Executing business attire approach
Fundamental components for proper and professional business clothing incorporate socks or
leggings and dress that is in perfect and clean condition. Fundamental rules for fitting working
environment dress do exclude tight or short jeans, tank tops, strap tops, low profile pullovers or
sweaters, or any compelling style or mold in dress, footwear, extras, aromas or hair.
Despite the fact that it is incomprehensible and undesirable to set up a flat out dress and
appearance code, the organization will apply a sensible and professional working environment
standard to people on a case-by-case premise. Administration may make exemptions for unique
events or on account of tough climate, at which time workers will advise ahead of time. A
representative uncertain of what is fitting ought to check with his or her director or chief.
If a boss or administrator chooses that a representative’s dress or appearance is not fitting as
sketched out in this strategy, he or she may make a restorative move and require the worker to
leave the work territory and roll out the essential improvements to conform to the arrangement.
Business easygoing
The business casual dress will be allowed on Fridays, except amid indicated and reported periods
when carefree days suspended. A few offices may require particular rules that vary from the
easygoing business rules. Representatives who must leave work to change garments for business
reasons will utilize specific time or excursion time to do as such. At the point when meeting
customers, dress business rules must be watched, unless the customer has particularly asked for
something else.
Business easygoing for Fridays characterized as takes after:
1. Casual Shirts: All shirts with collars, easygoing business crewneck or V-neck shirts,
pullovers, golf and polo shirts. Cases of cheap shirts incorporate T-shirts, shirts with
improper mottos, tank tops, muscle shirts, disguise and harvest tops. In determined
circumstances, T-shirts may be endorsed and accommodated particular occasions just.
2. Pants: Casual Slacks and trousers and pants without gaps, brawls, and so forth.
Samples of dirty jeans incorporate shorts (except strolling length shorts), cover and jeans
worn underneath the waist or hip line.
3. Footwear: Casual slip-on or tie shoes, dress shoes with heel straps and athletic shoes if
affirmed by the division. Samples of improper footwear incorporate floppy shoes, fliplemon, and development or chasing boots.
The key criteria that characterize the best arrangement are the following:
Cost: It will dissect the amount it would cost to complete each of the above options. The main
option is less exorbitant when contrasted with the other, yet the second one is liable to be more
Time: The second measure is organizing a workshop will be considerably more tedious when
contrasted with the first as the organization will need to mastermind the speakers and set up an
appropriate area for the workshop.
Efficiency: It is a standout among the most important criteria as the key target of the organization
is to actualize the clothing standard strategy and make it as powerful as could reasonably be
Durability: While considering the two options, it is essential to dissect which will be stronger on
Desirability: When considering the attractive quality of the choices, the organization will take a
gander at the expense and viability of the options. The association will need to diminish the
expenses. Be that as it may, it will need the various options for being as successful as would be
prudent because the primary target of the association is to execute appropriate clothing.
Findings and Analysis
Best practices in dress
Business attire policy
Less time is taken to
Less efficient
Takes some time to
adjust and implement
Very efficient
Lasts for long
Last for long
Desirability Desirable
Relatively desirable
Green denotes better fit
Yellow signifies minimal fitment
Red denotes negative fitment
In summary, the business attire policy implementation is the best-suited method of dress code
control at the workplace. It is driven by the fact that it holds the highest efficiency in delivering
and also it is desired by the employees at the company. Despite the cost of implementation, it
stands out to be long lasting and hence best suited to sustain the dress code in a company.
A good recommendation would be the implementation of the attire business policy as it will be
efficient, short time to adjust and also long lasting.
Joanne Deschenaux, 2012. Workplace Dress, Grooming Codes May Raise Legal Issues
Mark R. Bandsuch, S.J, 2009. Dressing up title vii’s analysis of workplace appearance policies
Equality Act 2010, Code of practice: Employment statutory code of practice
Your references are not in APA format. This is required for this assignment.
You seem to have a great deal of information here, but I’m not sure what the problem is that you
are attempting to address. Is the issue that there is no dress code policy at this organization? If
that is the case, then the two alternatives should be discussed in light of how they would solve
that problem.
You are missing the Evaluation of Alternatives section, which would clearly break down each
alternative in light of each criterion you have established. This is where the research comes in.
You are also missing the Research Methods section. Please review the sample reports carefully
and follow them exactly.
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