Expert answer:Need help with an Essay and Research Journal Assig

Answer & Explanation:Hello please check out this Docs: 1  and 2  to do this paper Note your topic should be school kills Creativity but if you have something that’s is better and relate to creativity please let me know,this is 2 assignments, please let me know it you have any question or a thing in mind,Thank you


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Response Paper 3
Due Fri., 10-23-15
Choose two assigned readings (Oct. 5 – Oct. 21). You may choose two student essays
(Blom, Yu, Tang, Cepek, Bracamonte, Lee, Park, Liang, Song, Fah, or Al-Beyati), two
selections by professional writers (Addario, Richman, Narayan, Pollan, or Dunthorne), or
one of each. Write a 2-3 page essay comparing or contrasting these two descriptions.
Your analysis should focus on audience, purpose, and organizing principle. Your
response should focus on what you learned about descriptive writing from these writers’
approaches to the assignment.
Your paper should have a thesis that focuses on similarities OR differences between the
two descriptions, whichever is more interesting to you. Organize your paper in a point
by point comparison or contrast, using separate paragraphs for each point. Illustrate your
points with examples from the texts.
Note: You should not choose two essays that are assigned for the same day unless you
intend to focus on similarities or differences not discussed in class.
Writing exercise for Response Paper 3 , started in class Friday, Oct. 16, due by 10-19.
Before you write your paper, you should be able to answer the following questions about
both descriptions, using examples from the texts to illustrate your answers.
1. What has the writer chosen to describe?
2. When has the writer chosen to describe it?
3. Who is the primary intended audience? (outsiders or insiders)
4. What is the primary organizing principle (chronological, spatial, topical)?
5. What is the dominant impression of this description, especially toward the end?
1. Why did you choose to write on these two descriptions? Which did you prefer
and why?
2. How is your perspective similar to and/or different from the writers’
3. Do you consider yourself part of the intended audience for either or both of the
descriptions? Explain.
4. What do you admire most about the writing in these descriptions?
5. How do these two descriptions help you understand and prepare to meet
the requirements of Essay 2?
Due Nov. 20 (except for #1)

I. Freewriting/Choosing a topic.
How and why did you choose your topic? What knowledge or experience do you already have of the
topic? What else would you like to know about this topic? How much do you think an audience of your
classmates would know about this topic?
II. Setting up Researchable Questions.
Go back through your freewriting and highlight (underline, italicize, or bold) all the important
concepts. Now write at least three questions. These questions should not merely elicit definitions or
opinions but help you understand your topic more fully and develop a thesis about it. Highlight the
important words in your questions.
III. Choosing Keywords.
Look again at your highlighted words. Choose 4 or 5. Using a thesaurus or dictionary, write at least 4
synonyms for each word. Remember that your subject itself MUST be a keyword. (If you are writing
about an issue in another country, the name of the country must be a keyword.) Nouns and noun phrases
make the best search words.

IV. Searching the University Databases/Choosing an article for the summary-analysis paper.

1. Go to the Mason home page.

2. Click Academics, Libraries, Articles and More.

3. Select “a” from the alphabetical list of databases. Scroll down to Academic Search Complete. (Or
“p” for Proquest Research Library)

4. Mark the box for Full Text.

5. In the first search box, enter the noun or noun phrase of your topic. In the second box
(after AND) type “college students” or “culture.”
6. Skim through the list of articles. Make sure you can identify the titles, authors, journal (newspaper,
magazine) title, date of publication, and length of the article. (Look for articles that are 4-25 pages
long.) Read the abstracts of articles that look promising.
7. Choose an article for your summary/analysis paper. The article should be published in an
academic/ professional journal or in a major newspaper or magazine. Save it to your computer as a
PDF file and/or E-mail it to yourself. Read and annotate the article. (Look at the guidelines for the
Summary/Analysis paper to help you highlight important information.) Bring the annotated article to
class on Monday, Nov. 9

1. Write a Work Cited entry for your article.

Example of MLA Style Work Cited entry. (Full list will be Works Cited, in alphabetical order by authors’ last name.)

Hirsch, Arnold R., and Lee A. Levert. “The Katrina Conspiracies: The Problem of Trust

in Rebuilding an American City.” Journal of Urban History 35.2 (2009): 207-19.

Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Nov. 2013

1) Two authors (Last Name, First Name Middle Initial., and First Name Middle Initial Last Name. List
the authors in the order they appear on the article. If there are more than 3 authors, list the first
author followed by et al. Ex. Smith, John et al.
2) “Title of Article.” (Capitalize all words except prepositions and articles. “The” is capitalized
because it comes after a colon.)
3) Title of Journal (Use italics and capitalize all words except prepositions, no period after title.)
4) Volume: Issue (Year of publication): page range. (Usually you can find this as a header or footer
on a pdf file.)
5) Database. (Capitalize each word and italicize).
6) Medium. (Web since you accessed it from the databases.)
7) Date of access. (day Mon. year–no commas)

Remember to start the entry from the left margin and indent the second and third lines one tab.
Double space the entry.

1)Introduction. Write an introductory paragraph for your
summary/analysis. This should include the title of the article, the
authors’ names or credentials, and a brief introduction to the article. If
the article reports on a research study, mention when and where the
research was done and its purpose. If the article summarizes research
on the topic, mention the focus and scope of this article. Finally, discuss
the importance of this article to your research.


In “American Karoshi,” published in New Internationalist in 2002,
Matthew Reiss investigated the phenomenon of workaholism, or as they
say in Japan, karoshi – working yourself to death. The author told
stories of different people suffering from the “disease” of workaholism ,
highlighting the role that government plays in the development of work
addiction among American citizens, and he also mentioned what impact
work obsession has on people’s health. With this source, I hoped to
answer my questions of whether workaholism is a real disease and how
its impact be reduced.

2. Outline the structure of the article. Identify passages from the article that you may want to
use in your Summary/Analysis paper (Pay special attention to the conclusion/discussion parts
of the article.) Practice 4 different types of quotations (short quote, long quote, integrated
quote, and paraphrase.)
3. Write the rest of your paper, following the guidelines for the Summary/Analysis paper.
Remember to include at least 3 quotations from the article. Each quotation must be properly
introduced and cited.
Body: Summarize the structure and content of the article, including at least 3 direct quotations
that you may include in your essay. Introduce and cite the quotations using correct MLA Style.
Remember to “sandwich” the quotations with your own words. The signal phrase that comes
before the quote should contain information that shows why the quote is important and
reliable; the parenthetical citation that follows the quote helps the reader locate the source on
the Works Cited (alphabetical list of sources at the end of the paper.)
Conclusion: After reflecting on what you learned from this source, write about your remaining
(or new) research questions.
Include your Work Cited at the end of the paper (no separate page necessary)

You are expected to use parts of this paper in Essay #3, most likely near the beginning of your
paper, after the introduction.

Compile an alphabetical list of your sources in
MLA Style. Double space the sources and use
bold. After each source, write a brief paragraph
(2-3 sentences) about each source. The first
sentence should provide the writers’ credentials
or the place the research was done and the
purpose or scope of the study. (Do not repeat the
writers’ names in this sentence.) The second
sentence should briefly summarize the findings
or argument. A final sentence may be added to
explain how this source is different from others
on your Works Cited.

Greene, Kim. “Should You Work?” Scholastic Choices. 27.1 (2011) : 22-25. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 2 Nov 2012
The author from New York University uses data from the U.S. Department of Labor to see if students
should work while going to school and to identify its pros and cons. The study said that students have
a lot of benefits in acquiring a job but must make a lot of sacrifices.
Hammond, Shawn. “Effects of Employment on Student Academic Success.” About Campus. 7.2 (2006).
Academic Search Complete. Web. 5 Nov 2012
The author from Oklahoma State University did a research on the effect of full-time or part-time
employment on the academic success of college students. He found that working a moderate number
of hours often correlated with higher GPA. Although this is true, according to the author, students
should be cautious of the number of hours they allot for work, for this may be detrimental and may
decrease their GPA.
Holloway, John. “Part-Time Work and Student Achievement.” Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development. 13.9 (2004) 83-87. Academic Search Complete. Web. 5 Nov 2012

The author, researcher at Tulane University, used data from the National Research Council and Institute
of Medicine to examine the effects of after-school jobs on adolescents. He found that the more hours
students work, the bigger the chances of having lower levels of future education attainment, though
some students managed to balance school and work gained valuable time management skills.

Lang, Brandon. “The Similarities and Differences Between Working and Non-Working Students at a
Mid-Sized American Public University.” College Student Journal. 46.2 (2011) : 243-255. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 2 Nov 2012

The author from Bloomsberg University performed a study to test the effect of employment on working
students’ grades and to examine a series of demographic trends concerning student employment. He found in
his research that there are no discernible differences between students who work and those who do not work
regarding their grades, only that juniors and seniors seem to work more than the freshmen and sophomores.
Lenaghan, Janet, and Kaushik Sengupta. “Role Conflict, Role Balance and Affect: A Model of Wellbeing of the Working Student.” Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management. 9.1 (2007): 88109. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 Nov. 2012

The researchers from Hofstra University performed a study and investigated the process by which role-conflict,
role-balance and affect are associated with a student’s well being. They use 320 full-time college students who
had either a part-time or full paid job as their data. They find in their research that for some students wellbeing is likely to decline because of the work related stressors, and some students find that engaging in work is
an enriching experience for it develops their skills in communication, decision making, specific work skills, and
the like.

Note: The annotations will help you decide how to use your sources, how to outline and organize your paper,
but the Works Cited at the end of Essay 3 will just consist of the alphabetical list (without annotations, not bold).

Make an outline with at least 3 points/questions (not including
Introduction and Conclusion) represented by Roman numerals.
Subpoints (answers to the research questions) should be labeled with
capital letters.
Introduction (What you will include)
I. First Research Question (Usually about the extent of the problem/
establishing facts about the current situation. Usually a how question).
II. Second Research Question (Usually about causes, a why question)
III. Third Research Question (Usually about effects, a what question)
IV. Fourth Research Question (Usually about solutions/ discussion of the
future. Usually a how/what question.)
Conclusion (What you learned, what you hope your audience has

Tuition Madness: A Burden on Society
Introduction (How the topic was chosen, research questions)
I. How much has tuition increased?
A. Past ten years
B. Next ten years
II. Why has tuition increased?
A. Competition among universities
B. College ranking system
C. Government policies
III. What are the effects of rising tuition?
A. Financial aid
B. Socioeconomic diversity in colleges
C. Socioeconomic diversity in society
D. In-state vs. out-of-state enrollment
E. Debt
IV. How can students deal with this problem?
A. Federal options
B. College programs
Conclusion (What was learned, how the information can be used by the writer and the

Look carefully at the introductions to the student
research essays on Blackboard.
Write a 2-3 paragraph introduction. Start by
explaining or narrating how and why you chose
your topic, and make sure that you include your
initial research questions (at least 3). If a general
audience might need background information or
definitions related to your topic, include that at
the end of your introduction.

Fri., Nov. 6 RJ#1. Complete the writing exercise by E-mail. Search the databases
for a source for RJ#2. Include the MLA citation for the article you choose.
Mon. , Nov. 9 RJ#2. Check MLA Style Work Cited entry. Outline the article. Identify
passages for quotations. Write introductory paragraph (4 sentences) for RJ#2.
Wed., Nov. 11 RJ#2. Check introductory paragraph. Practice 4 types of quotations for
Fri., Nov. 13 RJ#3/4. Check quotations. Check rough draft of Works Cited. Work on
annotations to follow each citation (2-3 sentences each).
Mon., Nov. 16 Check RJ #3/4.
Work on RJ#5, an outline of Essay 3.
Wed. , Nov. 18 Check outlines. Work on RJ#6, the introduction to Essay 3 (2-3

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