Answer & Explanation:I have the outline for all the classes and topics and each class has to write 40 paged length my range for the research papers 300$ for each class ! 1. international relation 500 class 40 pages langeth 2. centeral of asia 584 class 40 paged3. international political economy 674 class 30 pagescopl 584.doc MAIA IR syl 500 – f15 – draft.doc
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Course Description (from Cardinal Station
In 1991 there was much hope that the Soviet-era totalitarian society and command economy
in Central Asia would be replaced with market-based democracies. Yet, after a decade of
independence it is obvious that transition in Central Asia has been not toward democracy and
pluralism, but to different forms of authoritarianism. The course focuses on domestic and
international politics of the five Central Asian states — Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. It will analyze the causes of the failed political and uneven results of
economic transitions, discuss the growing role of Islam in domestic politics, and examine the
growing geopolitical significance of the region following the development of its hydrocarbon
resources and the events of September 11, 2001, and the start of the operation “Enduring Freedom.”
It will examine the implications of the ‘multi-color’ revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan
for political development of the region. The course will cover such issues as the development and
transportation of Caspian basin oil and gas resources, the role of Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, and
Afghanistan play in regional politics.
Required literature
Pomfret, Richard. The Economies of Central Asia.
Denoon, David, ed. China, the United States, and the Future of Central Asia.
Schatz, Edward. Modern Clan Politics.
Recommended literature
Cummings, Sally. Understanding Central Asia.
Collins, Kathleen. Clan Politics and Regime Transition in Central Asia.
Harris, Colette. Muslim Youth: Tensions and Transitions in Tajikistan.
Khalid, Adeeb. Islam after Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia.
Sahadeo, Jeff and Zanca, Russell, eds. Everyday Life in Central Asia.
Course Goals
The goal of the course is to focus on politics and society in Central Asia (Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) since its independence in 1991. We will
begin with a review of historical legacies that shape Central Asian societies and politics. We will
then examine the emergence of the five independent states and assess political and economic
reforms that have taken place since 1991. Particular attention will be paid to Islam and its role in
everyday life and politics of Central Asian states. We will conclude with an investigation into the
role played by outside actors in the region and their influence on domestic and foreign policies of
the five countries.
In class, the emphasis is placed on the discussion of both the assigned readings and
divergent interpretations of post-independence developments in the region.
Goals for Student Learning
At the conclusion of the course, the students will become knowledgeable about the main
political actors in Central Asia and be able to navigate and analyze the complexities of Central
Asian politics.
Course Requirements
Students should scan regularly;;; or other media sources for the coverage of
events in Central Asia. As of September 24, each class will begin with a short discussion of the
most recent developments in the region.
Students are required to submit a research paper (at least 30 pages long) at the end of the
semester and actively participate in class discussions. Research paper and class participation will
account for 50% of the grade each.
Seminar papers
Students have an option to convert their research papers into a seminar paper. The
required length of a seminar paper is at least 45 pages. Title pages, works cited pages, and
bibliographies do not count towards the page count for the paper.
Expectations and policies
Academic honesty: Academic honesty is expected of all CUA students. Faculty are
required to initiate the imposition of sanctions when they find violations of academic
honesty, such as plagiarism, improper use of a student’s own work, cheating, and
The following sanctions are presented in the University procedures related to Student
Academic Dishonesty (from “The presumed
sanction for undergraduate students for academic dishonesty will be failure for the course.
There may be circumstances, however, where, perhaps because of an undergraduate
student’s past record, a more serious sanction, such as suspension or expulsion, would be
appropriate. In the context of graduate studies, the expectations for academic honesty are
greater, and therefore the presumed sanction for dishonesty is likely to be more severe,
e.g., expulsion. …In the more unusual case, mitigating circumstances may exist that
would warrant a lesser sanction than the presumed sanction.”
Please review the complete texts of the University policy and procedures regarding
Student Academic Dishonesty, including requirements for appeals, at and
Other Policies or Expectations.
Research papers should be submitted electronically.
Accommodations for students with disabilities: Any student who feels s/he may need
an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor
privately to discuss specific needs. Please contact Disability Support Services (at 202
319-5211, room 207 Pryzbyla Center) to coordinate reasonable accommodations for
students with documented disabilities. To read about the services and policies, please
visit the website:
University grades:
The University grading system is available at for undergraduates and for graduate students.
Reports of grades in courses are available at the end of each term on
Course Schedule
September 3
September 10
Historical legacies and modern Central Asia
Schatz, chs. 1-4
Pomfret, chs. 2, 4.
September 17
Social cleavages in Central Asia
Schatz, chs.5-7, Conclusion
Dadabaev, Timur, “How does transition work in Central Asia? Coping with
ideological, economic and value system changes in Uzbekistan” Central
Asian Survey (September 2007) 26(3), pp. 407-428.
Roche, Sophie, “From youth bulge to conflict: the case of Tajikistan,”
Central Asian Survey Vol. 29, No. 4, December 2010, pp. 405–419.
Ilkhamov, Alisher, “Neopatrimonialism, interest groups and patronage
networks: the impasses of the governance system in Uzbekistan,” Central
Asian Survey (March 2007) 26(1), pp. 65–84.
September 24-October 1
Islam and politics in Central Asia
Khalid, Adeeb, “A Secular Islam: Nation, State, and Religion in
Uzbekistan,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 35, No. 4
(Nov., 2003), pp. 573-598.
Gunn, T. Jeremy, “Shaping an Islamic Identity: Religion, Islamism, and
the State in Central Asia,” Sociology of Religion, 2003, 64:3, pp. 389-410.
Froese, Paul, “I Am an Atheist and a Muslim”: Islam, Communism, and
Ideological Competition,” Journal of Church and State, Summer 2005,
47:3, pp. 473-501.
Kabiri, Muhiddin, Chairman of the Islamic Rebirth Party of Tajikistan,
Transcript of Mr. Kabiri’s speech and discussion at the Central Asia
Program, George Washington University, October 16, 2012, Voices
From Central Asia No. 8, November 2012.
International Crisis Group reports:
“Is Radical Islam Inevitable in Central Asia?”
“Central Asia: Islam and the State”
“Radical Islam in Central Asia: Responding to Hizb ut-Tahrir”
“Syria Calling: Radicalization in Central Asia”
available on ICG’s website
October 8-15
Central Asia after independence
Pomfret, chs. 5-9.
“Kazakhstan,” “Kyrgyzstan,” “Tajikistan,” “Turkmenistan,” and
“Uzbekistan” in 2015 Nations in Transition at
Marat, E. “The State-Crime Nexus in Central Asia,” available at
October 22-29
Regional issues and politics
Osmonaliev, K., “Developing Counter-Narcotics Policy in Central Asia:
Legal and Political Dimensions” available at CACI’s website
Pomfret, chs. 3, 13.
Denoon, ch. 13.
November 5
Russia, China, and Central Asia
Denoon, chs. 5-7
Cabestan, Jean-Pierre, “The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Central
Asia, and the Great Powers, an Introduction,” Asian Survey, Vol. 53, No. 3
(May/June 2013), pp. 423-435.
Oresman, M., “Beyond the Battle of Talas.”
November 12
Central Asia and its Muslim neighbors
Denoon, chs. 10, 11
Anwar, Zahid, “Development of Infrastructural Linkages between
Pakistan and Central Asia,” South Asian Studies, Vol. 26, No. 1, JanuaryJune 2011, pp.103-115.
Roy, Meena Singh, “India’s ‘Connect Central Asia’ Policy: Building
Cooperative Partnership,” Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, Vol. 8, No. 3,
July–September 2013, 301-316.
Kassenova, Nargis, “Afghanistan and Central Asian states after 2014,”
SIPRI Report, 2014.
Maleki, A. “Iran” in S. Frederick Starr, ed. The New Silk
Roads: Transport and Trade in Greater Central Asia. Available at
November 19
Geopolitics of the Caspian oil and gas
Starr, S.F. & Cornell, S., “The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline: oil window
to the West,” chs. 1, 2, 3, 6 available on
Denoon, ch. 14.
Cheema, Pervaiz Iqbal, “Pakistan as an Energy Corridor for Iran and
Central Asia: The EU’s Interests,” Journal of European Studies, 2012.
December 3
The West and Central Asia
Denoon, ch. 4, 8, 13.
Shelala, Robert M., Kasting, Nori, and Cordesman, Anthony H., “US and
Iranian Strategic Competition: The Impact of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India,
and Central Asia,” CSIS Report, June 2013.
Kucera, Joshua, “U.S. Military Aid to Central Asia: Who Benefits?” OSI
Report 2012
December 10
Central Asia: what does future hold?
All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice,
honor, duty, mercy, hope. – Winston Churchill
Welcome. This class examines theoretical foundations and current issues in international
relations. The title of the course is something of an historical relic, referring specifically to
political relations between states. “IR” today attends to political relations between states,
but also acknowledges aspects of post-Westphalian global politics, as well as the expansion
from “political” to political, economic, cultural, technological and other issues among states
and non-state actors.
Required texts.
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. and Daniel Welch, Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation,
(8th edition) – you should be able to get the 8th edition used online for under $10.
You do not need the 9th edition.
Art and Jervis, International Politics – 9th edition. You should get this online – you
can find it used for less than $10 on and You should get the
9th edition. Later editions cost $100 or more.
Rory Stewart, The Prince of the Marshes (any edition incl ebooks).
Online subscription to
The course has five required purchases. Nye and Welch’s Understanding Global Conflict and
Cooperation (8th edition) will serve as our textbook. Art and Jervis’ International Politics (9th
edition) will serve as our reader. You can find these recent editions used online for $10 or
less. We will read parts of Saima Wahab’s In My Father’s Country (any edition) and Rory
Stewart’s The Prince of the Marshes (any edition) toward the end of the semester (both
widely available online). Fourth, you are to subscribe to If you subscribe
with your .edu email, the cost is $2.49 per month; you can cancel anytime (after the
Additional readings will be available on blackboard (
You are responsible for all of the specific readings assigned below, whether we discuss them
in class or not, and everything we discuss in class, whether it relates to a particular reading
or not.
Course goals. The goals of this course are for you to develop a basic foundation in the
concepts and issues in international relations, in preparation for the rest of your MAIA
courses. The method is by combining an introduction to key ideas of the past century with
analysis of current issues. Your full, active, attentive, inquisitive approach to this course
should broaden and deepen your understanding of a wide range a political science topics
and policy issues.
A secondary goal of the course is to acquire an increased sense of “international relations”
as an applied field of political science. Washington offers one of the world’s best places to
do this. You will be responsible for at least one short report/reflection on an event on the
practice of international relations. We will discuss this in class.
A particular note on this course is that it does not require higher mathematics. I urge you,
however, to take at least one statistics course during your college coursework.
Finally, ask me also about the three numbers you should always know, and why they
Course requirements. This course is designed to help you complete one of the two seminar
papers required in the MAIA program. You may, however, choose a seminar or nonseminar option.
If you choose the non-seminar option, your written assignments will include: two
significant papers (30% and 30% of your course grade); two-page weekly analyses of the
readings (weeks 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, for 25%); two-page short analyses (two total) of a
current/news example of international relations (5%). You will attend (at least) one offcampus event on the subject of international relations, with a very brief reflection.
For your primary research paper for the semester, you may choose any theme, case study
or comparison as your topic. Your paper itself will answer a question that you have
developed (with my consultation). You can expect it to be approximately 4,000 words, plus
a summary cover sheet that we will discuss. Second is the final exam, approx. 2,500 words,
which we will discuss in advance. You will be asked to post on Blackboard your thoughts on
the readings for the next day, in approx. 250-300 words. Thoughtful, intelligent
participation in class may add up to 10% to your grade.
If you choose the seminar option, instead of two significant papers, you will write one
seminar-length paper in accordance with the standards set forth by the Politics department
for fulfillment of one of the two the seminar papers required before you are permitted to
take your comprehensive examinations. Seminar option: Your seminar paper will total
approximately 6500-7000 words (50 percent of grade); you will outline but not write your
final exam (10 percent). Other assignments are the same.
We will discuss all of these requirements, including specific paper requirements, throughout
the semester.
Course “suggestions.” You are expected to complement your study of globalization with an
increased awareness of current events. You are specifically directed to the Washington Post
( and the international edition of the New York Times, You are encouraged also to see the Wall Street Journal, Financial
Times, the Economist and others. We will discuss good approaches to each of these.
Your responsibilities include class attendance, thorough reading of the assignments
before class, and class participation. You are responsible for all the reading material
regardless of whether we discuss it in class, and for all class discussions regardless of
whether the material relates to an assigned reading. Attendance is not optional; you need
discuss any absences, before class. More than one unexcused absence will count against
your grade. Additionally, there may be required attendance for guest lecturers at times
other than the normal class schedule.
Each class will begin with at least one student selected, without prior notice, to discuss
and answer questions about the readings or some other relevant topic of my choosing.
The pedagogy here is to prepare you for meetings when you are, unexpectedly, asked to
give a presentation to a client, boss, etc., not just to ensure you do the readings.
University information. Your full attention to the CUA honor code and relevant policies, You might already know the USMA code: I will not lie, cheat or
steal, nor tolerate those who do so. Information on The Writing Center and other academic
resources is at CUA’s Disability Support
Services office is on campus at 207 Pryzbyla Center, 202-319-5211 phone, 202-319-5126
Schedule of Readings and Discussions
Personally I’m always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught .Winston Churchill
Readings are to be completed before the class meetings. Additional required readings may
be added to this syllabus. This is a tentative schedule, subject to revision at any time. The
reading schedule below is suggestive; you will be given updates as appropriate.
(Bb) means on Blackboard
(AJ) means in Art and Jervis
Week 1
Sept 1
Introduction to IR: From States to Globalization
All on Blackboard (Bb) or online:
Holsti in Ikenberry AFP: Theo.Essays (2005): Three Models of IR
Nye, Understanding Global Conflict… (8th ed.): Four Models of IR, page 57
Vorjes, “Microsoft Bids to Acquire Catholic Church” (1994)
Th. Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, selections: “The Lexus and the Olive Tree”;
“Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention”.
Freedom House – – browse, and then see
Failed States Index – see Map and Scores; browse country profiles.
Foreign Policy March 2005: Inside the Ivory Tower
Foreign Policy Jan 2012: The Ivory Tower Survey
Week 2
Sept 8
What is International Relations?
Levels of Analysis, from Waltz, Man, the State, and War (1959)
Three Models of IR: Holsti in Ikenberry AFP: Theo.Essays (2005)
Four Models of IR: Nye, Understanding Global Conflict… (8th ed.), page 57
Nye, ch 1 – An enduring logic of conflict in world politics?
Love, ch 1 – Global Problems, global solutions (Bb)
M. Naim, From the Vatican to Baghdad the little guy is calling the shots, Financial Times, 13
Jun 2006 (Bb)
Angell, The Great Illusion (1909), “Synopsis” (Bb)
What do Washington Policymakers Know and How Do They Use It?
F. H. Cardoso, “Scholarship and Statemanship,” Seymour Martin Lipset Lecture on
Democracy in the World (2004), Journal of Democracy, April 2005
2011 Policymaker Survey, University of Notre Dame, July 2013
Week 3
Sep 15
Understanding September 11th
9.11.01 In Memoriam (HBO Films, 2002), selections
Thomas Friedman, “Walls,” New York Times, Sept 11, 2001
Hoffman, “What is Terrorism” (2006; AJ)
Pape, “The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism” (2003; AJ)
Lloyd, “Ireland’s Uncertain Peace,” Foreign Affairs Sept-Oct 1998
Neumann, “Negotiating with Terrorists,” Foreign Affairs Jan-Feb 2007
Week 4
Sep 22
Looking at the World: Theories of International Relations:
Realism, Liberalism, Systems, Constructivism
Nye, ch 2 – Explaining Conflict and Cooperation: pages 33-64
Jervis, The Era of Leading-Power Peace (2001; AJ)
Hans Morgenthau, Six Principles of Political Realism (1948; AJ)
Kenneth Waltz, Anarchic Structure of World Politics (1979; AJ)
Keohane, International Institutions: Can I …
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