Answer & Explanation:Reflect on this week’s Professional Environments, Internship activities and learning. Remember that this is your document to help you recall new and significant things from your week and plan for your future. Only you and your tutor can read this journal.You should write at least 200 words on something you have learned this week that may include:what you have learnedwhat is happening in your internshiphow you are relating what you have learned to what is happening in your workplaceother aspects of your professional developmentan article you have readan event that you have attendedsomething that may have happened in the workplace that has resulted in your learning about our different workplace culturean interview you had, or a presentation you may have given.NOTE: If you are not currently in an internship, or have completed your internship, you should consider reflecting on some of these other related activities.Your reflection may cover more than one of these categories.Use the Reflective Journal Reading article as a guide to possible career development activities.roman_wk1_disc1.docxroman_wk2_disc1.docxroman_wk3_disc.docx
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Question 1;
What do you understand the term “professional” to mean? Support your answer with at least one
reference and correctly use in-text referencing in your answer.
The term professional means an individual who has achieved a certain level of proficiency in a certain
study or trade and is certified by a professional body after he or she has successfully completed a
required course of studies or practice. Additionally the competence of the professional can well be
measured against an established set of standards. After pursuing certain subject or simply specifying in a
certain field, a person qualifies to be a professional in that field.
The preparation for professionalism can only be achieved through attaining a certain level of knowledge
and skills that will enable a person to handle or perform specific roles in a certain profession. A
profession is subject to a certain set of conduct which is strictly defined under the profession. As they
practice in their specific field, professionals will have to depend on ethical and moral obligations in their
field. However, the term profession can in layman language be described as a person who is learned or
well educated with a distinguished job which can be demanding or challenging (Architects, 2013).
For instance, after pursuing a course in medicine, a person can specialize to be a pediatrician. The
individual will be termed as a profession and will have to abide to the conduct of that profession. He or
she will need to be accredited by a specific body to be able to practice in this profession. The
pediatrician will have to be committed to the profession for him or her to give what it calls for that
Architects, A. I. (2013). The architecture student’s handbook of professional practice. Hoboken, N.J:
Question 2:
What is the importance of a professional reflective journal – to support your answer, give one or two
specific examples. Please note, we are talking about a personal reflective journal and not a commercial
or industry one.
Definition of Reflective journals
A reflective journal is a personal piece of writing about a student’s learning experiences as a reflection of
one’s line of thoughts, feelings or ideas. This means that a reflective journal basically helps a learner to
record and reflect on observations and various responses to different situations, evaluate and examine
the concepts involved as a way of acquiring new knowledge (Peery, 2005).
Importance of a professional reflective journal
A personal reflective journal is important in that it enables the learner to reflect on the subject matter
and personal experiences in one’s life as a way of enhancing the learners understanding of specific
concepts. It also enable a learner to practice one’s writing skills in an open ended method that helps one
dig into complex issues that actually go beyond wrong and right answers. This implies that a learner is
able to reflect and examine on the subject issues and sort what one knows and what one does not know
for self development. A reflective journal helps a learner to develop insights and ideas on a certain
subject and come up with main points learnt either on theory or through experience. A learner may
therefore discover what one knows about a specific subject matter from what one need to relearn or
evaluate and translate that into plans for improvement. A reflective personal journal is therefore a
powerful tool that helps a learner in assessing one’s knowledge while creating room for improving on
one’s knowledge on specific issues as well as strengthening a learners’ understanding by developing
critical thinking skills (Isabel, 2013).
A specific example of a personal reflective journal.
Recently in my line of duty, I was insulted by a patient and who also sprinkled her baby’s milk from her
feeding bottle all over my face. Both were serious assault .It was unexpected because the patient is
usually calm and friendly .So unexpected it was though I had not registered it. Without any emotional
response, I continued working. Then there was cervical cancer awareness that was going on that very
day and I was highly involved. Later in the day I got home exhausted and I had no time to reflect on that
day events. As normal, the following day I went to work but there was no emotional reaction to the
events of the previous day. Then in the afternoon I went home and as I entered through the door my
friend said “My dear friend you look extremely tired”. I suddenly broke into tears. The situation of the
patient who had insulted me, splashing milk all over my face came crashing down in all its tragedy
(patient situation, not what the patient did to me).
I went into the orchard to get a grip. By then I was thinking “this is what I require, to recognize that
most of the situations I come across at work are difficult and depressing, and I must not ignore to
recognize the impact this has emotionally” The other part of me was saying “shake off your
disappointment!, you are pitying yourself .You are not in any way helping anyone!” I had started to
reflect before I had started feeling it emotionally .I later felt I had not come up with any solution other
than scaring my friend. I finally realized I personally needed to allocate time to allow myself to have
emotional reaction and explore it as well.
Peery, A. B. (2005). ARRIVE: Improving instruction through reflective journaling. Englewood, CO:
Advanced Learning Press
Isabel, R. (2013). Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Research Methods: ECRM 2013.
Reading: Academic Publishing and Conferences International.
Question 3:
Getting to know yourself.
Please answer each of the following about yourself. Your answers are to be in whole sentences (brief
answers receive low or no marks)
a) Are you a morning, noon or night person?
I’m both morning and noon person.
b) How long can you work intensively and still keep focused?
I can work intensively and still keep focused 7-8 hours per day.
c) What sort of work do you look forward to doing?
I’m looking more likely IT specialist related job.
d) What sort of work do you leave until the time is almost up, or worse?
Usually I leave the one which will take longer time.
e) How many hours can you work without a break?
It actually depends. But usually I can work approximately 6 hour straight without any break.
f) How long does your break need to be for you to be refreshed?
I need 30min to 1 hour to be refreshed.
g) How many weeks can you work without a day of not working?
I can work 3 weeks without any day off. After that if I get 1 day off then I can continue another 3
h) How many days/weeks of not working do you need for you to be refreshed?
Question 4:
Prepare your “to do” list for next week. Use a simple table format and include at least 8 items, with
Question 1
Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) was developed by a consortium of
around 30 organizations over 22 years with an aim of aligning and mapping individual’s skills
and the set and accepted organizational standards in the Information and Communication
Technology field. This SFIA is used to evaluate and individual competencies with the job
standards and specification.
There are many reasons for the implementation of the above. SFIA provides set of skills
that are needed at different levels. First it will help individuals in self career progression. There
are seven levels, with each level having exhaustively spelt out skills. Knowing what you can do
helps someone categorize themselves and fuels them to strive higher in the ladder of career
Another merit of SFIA is standard performance. Having categorized every ICT
professional in a company, gaps will be evident. This will call for recruitment, which in itself is
an advantage, to cover up for the gaps present and ensure the company continues in its delivery
of services or goods. This categorization will help in optimizing the performance of the
professionals as each professional will concentrate on their core competencies hence collectively
helping companies achieve their goals and objectives.
SFIA also helps in discrimination of distinct job and roles description. Every role will
have their own set of skills needed. This will ensure that recruitment and training will be
conducted with ease as the skills needed will have been predetermined.
SFIA is an important framework as it maximizes on individuals core competencies and
fills the gaps that might be present in any organization.
Question 2
Having understood the SFIA framework, I would definitely change my resume. My
resume does not specifically spell out or define what I can do in the ICT field. The levels in
SFIA framework are created using 4 parameters which are autonomy, influence, complexity and
business skills. Using this, there are four areas in my resume that I would change. One of them
is career objectives. Previously, my resume just stated that I would like to progress in my career
and attain a post graduate degree but it did not state specifically what I wanted to do. Using SFIA
I could change that and be more specific on my career objectives.
I have done quite a number of jobs and procured innumerable skills in different areas but
are not SFIA compliant. With each level having their specific descriptors, I regrouped my skills
to fit to different levels and this way it would be easy for interviewers to assess my resume.
SFIA has business skills as one of its descriptor. These skills are achieved through
different forums, seminars and workshops. In my resume, I had not included such recognized
skills which are important in assessment therefore I could include it in order to populate my
skills pool.
The last part that would be changed in my resume is my educational background. There
are some areas that I majored in the university, which I feel I can do well, but I have not included
in my resume. Inclusion of such will give the prospective employer the real picture of what I can
and can make better decisions in their assessments.
Question 3
Using the SFIA framework, I can place myself on level 3(apply) because of some factors.
At this level there might be issues that come up and it is at this point that I redirect them
to the management or staff above me. I also receive specific instructions on how to do some
work in the organization but generally work under general direction.
With the skills attained I feel confident to interact with the fellow colleagues and my
influence can be felt by the team members. I can also work closely with customers and accord
them the necessary assistance they need. At some point I can be given the authority to supervise
others on less involving tasks and I can make decisions that can impact on work that are given to
other individuals.
The skills that I have can allow me to do a broad range of work. It also allows me to
apply systematic approach to define a problem and solve it.
Business skills
Under this, I can effectively communicate internally and externally. I can also use
methodical and systematic approach in solving a problem and keen in making decisions of
personal development professionally. I adhere to deadlines and I am a team worker. I understand
the diverse fields in ICT and I appreciate the correlation between the fields. Lastly I work to the
required standards.
The above description clearly puts me in a place where I apply most of the skills that I have but
in moderation.
The cultural issues have a great impact on me .The ICT professional services could be
explained as the relocation to the foreign countries of services that have been previously
performed in the home country . There are many reasons about many companies those who
choose offshore that have been well researched and documented, with companies looking to
offshore and to reduce costs through lower lab our costs, They increase productivity through
setting up global teams that can work on projects around the clock as well as fulfill shortages
within domestic markets for skilled ICT professionals .Due to this fact, off shoring of ICT
related services has seen resounding growth in recent times, and this has resulted in ICT
professionals from different cultural backgrounds and countries having to interact on a more
frequent basis in order to deliver ICT related services and support .However, despite of the
significant benefits firms can receive from off shoring, a significant amount of companies still
struggle with the off shoring principle in general, and a high number of projects end up in failure.
In this regard, ICT Professionals off shoring projects that might bear additional risks stemming
from cultural issues that can give harm and worried .As compared to domestic ICT outsourcing
Seminar for the workers ,students and ICT professionals is the framework which is
going to use the analyses of scenarios .Its an ICT seminar like no other where students and
professionals will have the opportunities to attend their free ICT seminar, where they will meet
and interact with other fellow students and colleagues in the ICT field, tour round our state of the
art ICT facility and enjoy our free ICT career counseling. The participants will go back home
with this field, and get free brochure and other gift items. So, this is a seminar that will echo for
centuries to come.This seminar will blow your mind and put fire in your blood as our certified
ICT professionals will give you a roburst seminar on leading ICT career opportunities tailored
for young school leavers and professionals who want to upgrade their ICT skills and be certified.
If we are facing a situation that will feel us may be unethical .So, we have to take some
decisions that will be easy because the guidelines of these are clear and is inappropriate but
others may be more difficult because the guidelines or circumstances are unclear and the wrong
decision could carry hardness for others or yourself. Suppose that, a client unexpectedly commits
suicide or threatens or sues you, or a colleague damages your reputation. You may confront a
situation that offers no choice but to make decisions with ethical implications under ambiguous
circumstances. These reactions having complicate matters and greatly elevate the chances of
errors in decision-making. IF our lives seem fine, ethical dilemmas can materialize in many
ways, often abruptly when we least expect them. Of course, most therapists do not knowingly get
themselves tangled up in difficult situations. Some stumble into trouble without recognizing
what’s in store down the road. Some give in to temptations that overtake their professional
objectivity. If you are similar to most of your colleagues, you have already faced at least one
ethical dilemma that required a decision and possibly action. We may not have created the
problem, but you may have no choice but to respond. How you react could have significant
implications for our reputation and our career.
If we are working as a internship, so we have to locate our company’s Values statement
or Code of Ethics, and ask our supervisor if we can either link to it from the company website in
the discussion forum or reproduce it in the forum. It is dedicated to assisting members to make
significant contributions to the total campus environment for learning and to the development
academic community. The precepts of any company is to recognize and giving him high
standards of performance, service, and professionalism among its members. This Code of Ethics
and Core Values are expectations of professional behavior that extend to all Association
members and volunteers and their interactions with one another at all Association functions,
including regional and annual conferences, tournaments, meetings, workshops, and seminars,
and all official business events and activities conducted by the Association. Members are
committed to a fair and equitable administration of institutional policies with regard to students,
employees, and other patrons/users of programs and facilities. Members endorse policies that do
not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or
disability, and they work actively to eliminate discriminatory practices when encountered.
Members clearly define the nature and extent of their authority in the matter of contracting for
the employing institution with vendors and providers of programs and services. Members are
aware of and take responsibility for all pertinent ethical principles and institutional requirements
when planning any research activity dealing with human subjects.
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