Answer & Explanation:Implementation Process a) Create an implementation plan for integrating the technology chosen to address the organization’s needs. What are the goals that the plan supports? What steps will be taken? How will this affect other processes currently in place? How will information about the changes get communicated? b) Which stakeholders will need to be included in these processes to ensure the integration is thorough? What are some potential stakeholder needs? How will you ensure that potential needs can be met going forward? c) Make recommendations for ensuring ethical compliance during implementation and use of the new technology. What guidelines or codes of ethics are relevant to the new technologies? d) Make recommendations for ensuring legal compliance for the implementation and use of the new technology. Based on information assurance models, what steps would be taken to ensure a smooth and compliant transition? e) Make recommendations for ensuring the security of new technology implementation and use. How will you protect personal and business data in the transition? I have completed all but this part of the paper. I need someone to fish this for me and add it to the word document that I have submitted. I have attached the word document and the pdf containing all information needed for the project itself. it_515_final_project_document.pdfunicef_final.doc
Unformatted Attachment Preview
IT 515: Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of an Information Technology Solutions Plan. Industry leaders and innovators implement new technologies and
driving innovations at their companies for a variety of purposes. The ability to seek out and critique new technologies based on the adoption and innovation life
cycles and then make recommendations for selection, adoption, and implementation is a skill set IT professionals need to possess. You will need to apply this
understanding to business cases that reflect the need for innovative technology solutions in today’s workplace in order to transform the thinking of an
organization when change is required or to develop ideas that enable new business strategies. The final assessment for this course requires that you research and
critique three innovative technologies that could potentially address the needs of a given company and scenario. Once you have chosen the technology you feel
addresses the needs of the organization, describe the ideal timing for adopting the innovative technology. Then create a proposal presentation for the integration
that includes the impact the integration will have on the organization.
The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three and Six. The final project is due in Module Nine.
In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Critique technical innovations for their potential to meet business needs in professional organizations
Propose plans for the integration of innovative technology solutions that meet organizational and stakeholder needs
Recommend strategies for adopting innovative technologies based on the phases of the technology adoption life cycle
Recommend solutions for ensuring ethical and legal compliance and maintain security of innovative technology implementation and use
Your Information Technology Solutions Plan should address the following prompt: Given the business case scenario below, you will design a Information
Technology Solutions Plan that will address the deficiency in the organization. You will research and critique three innovative technologies that could potentially
address the company need, and then select the one you deem to be the best fit for the given scenario.
UNICEF is a United Nations program that focuses on providing assistance to women and children in developing countries. UNICEF personnel are often one of the
first responders to a natural disaster. When natural disasters occur, UNICEF will send a team to the area hit by the natural disaster and begin to provide medical
and emergency assistance to women and children affected by the natural disaster.
Many developing countries have fragile communication infrastructures. Internet access and phone networks can be slow in performance and susceptible to
intermittent failure due to power interruptions and weather related interruptions. The stability and performance of these data and voice communications
networks are severely impacted by natural disasters. The failure of these networks can dramatically impede the communication needs and efforts of the UNICEF
personnel assigned to help provide relief to areas impacted by the natural disaster.
UNICEF personnel responding to a natural disaster require effective forms of communication in order to address the needs of those impacted by the natural
disaster. In such situations, one of the needs is to establish local communications (both voice and data) as well as communications back to UNICEF’s
headquarters. Local communications is necessary to coordinate activities at the site of the natural disaster. Global communications is necessary to coordinate
personnel and supplies required to address the needs of the women and children in the local community.
With the dependence on communication networks and the realization that such networks are likely destroyed during a natural disaster, UNICEF is interested in
technological innovations in the area of voice and data communications networks. Technical innovations that can be used to create and maintain an affordable
and effective communication network and that are self-contained and portable are necessary. The communication network cannot assume the existence of any
other networks at the site of the disaster, including power networks.
Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:
Background: What is the need or challenge of the organization? What are potential ways to address that need or challenge? How can it be improved?
Research and Critique
a) What are three innovative technologies that can be used to address the needs of the organization? How do the technologies address the need?
b) Assessment: What is the cost? What does implementation involve? Who/what will benefit? Which stakeholders will be affected by a new
technology adoption? What supports for implementing new technology will be necessary for stakeholders? Is this a cost-effective solution? Be
sure to comprehensively address each component of the assessment for each of the three innovative technologies.
c) Determine which technology, from the three you have researched, best meets the organization’s needs and defend your selection.
Adoption and Strategies Proposal
a) What phase in the technology life cycle is the technology chosen in? What would be the ideal timing for adopting this particular technology?
b) Based on the current or projected life cycle of the technology, determine the possible timelines of adoption that could be implemented. Which
adoption timeline will best fit the needs of the organization? Be sure to provide details to support your choices.
c) What variables affect the timing and implementation of new technologies? What processes can be put in place to ensure smooth adoption?
Implementation Process
a) Create an implementation plan for integrating the technology chosen to address the organization’s needs. What are the goals that the plan
supports? What steps will be taken? How will this affect other processes currently in place? How will information about the changes get
b) Which stakeholders will need to be included in these processes to ensure the integration is thorough? What are some potential stakeholder
needs? How will you ensure that potential needs can be met going forward?
c) Make recommendations for ensuring ethical compliance during implementation and use of the new technology. What guidelines or codes of
ethics are relevant to the new technologies?
d) Make recommendations for ensuring legal compliance for the implementation and use of the new technology. Based on information assurance
models, what steps would be taken to ensure a smooth and compliant transition?
e) Make recommendations for ensuring the security of new technology implementation and use. How will you protect personal and business data
in the transition?
Milestone One: Background and Research and Critique
In Module Three, you will submit the background for the problem and your research and critique of three innovative technologies that have the potential to
address the specific business scenario identified for the final project. You will identify the technologies that you considered, document the advantages and
disadvantages of each technology relative to the business scenario, identify which technology you have selected for the scenario, and provide justification for
your selection. Your submission should include the critical elements from sections I and II above. This milestone will be graded using the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Adoption and Strategies Proposal
In Module Six, you will submit your Adoption and Strategies Proposal for the innovative technology that you selected and documented in Milestone One. You will
identify different adoption timelines and strategies that can be applied within the business scenario and justify the adoption timeline and strategy that your
analysis indicates is the best option for the business scenario. Your submission should include the critical elements from section III above. This milestone will be
graded using the Milestone Two Rubric.
Final Submission: Information Technology Solutions Plan
In Module Nine, you will submit your Information Technology Solutions Plan. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of
the final product. In an effort to augment your final submission, it should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course, specifically the
feedback received on Milestones One and Two. Your submission should include the critical elements from section IV above. This milestone will be graded using
the Final Product Rubric.
Final Product Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: The Information Technology Solutions Plan must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times
New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Length: At least 16–19 pages, not including cover page and resources.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
uses industry-specific language
to establish expertise
Research and
Critique: Innovative
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
credible research from the field
was used to inform decision
Research and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
credible research from the field
was used to determine supports
Research and
Critique: Selection
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explains why the chosen
technology is superior to
alternative options
Adoption and
Strategies Proposal:
Ideal Timing
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
uses industry-specific models or
language to establish expertise
Proficient (90%)
Explains the need or challenge
of the organization and
describes potential ways to
address the need or challenge in
the organization
Suggests at least three
innovative technologies, based
on research, that address the
need of the organization and
describes relative information
for implementation and cost
Indicates stakeholders that will
be affected by a new technology
adoption and provides research
related to the kind of supports
needed for stakeholders when
implementing a new technology
Determines which technology
best meets the organization’s
needs and defends the selection
Describes the phase of the
technology life cycle with
respect to where the technology
is situated and whether timing
is optimal
Needs Improvement (70%)
Explains the need or challenge
of the organization but does not
describe potential ways to
address the need or challenge in
the organization
Does not suggest at least three
innovative technologies relevant
to organizational needs or lacks
description of relative
information for implementation
and cost
Indicates stakeholders that will
be affected by a new technology
adoption but does not provide
research related to the kind of
supports needed for
Determines which technology
best meets the organization’s
needs, but does not defend
selection, or defense is not
based on appropriate research
Describes the phase of the
technology life cycle but does
not address where the
technology is situated or
whether timing is optimal
Not Evident (0%)
Does not explain need or
challenge of the organization
Does not suggest innovative
Does not indicate stakeholders
that will be affected
Does not determine which
technology best meets the
organization’s needs
Does not describe the phase of
technology life cycle
Adoption and
Strategies Proposal:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
cites industry-specific models
that inform decision making
Adoption and
Strategies Proposal:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
uses industry-specific language
as appropriate to establish
Process: Plan
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
includes graphics or visual aids
to clarify components of the
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
ideas in the explanation are
innovative and realistic
Process: Ethical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
bases explanation on industry
established best practices for
ethical compliance
Process: Legal
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
refers to specific laws and
regulations that apply to the
Evaluates possible timelines for
adoption based on the current
or projected life cycle of
technology and describes the
timeline that meets company
needs, providing evidence to
support claims
Explains variables that affect the
timing and implementation of
new technologies and processes
that need to be put in place to
ensure smooth adoption
Creates a comprehensive
implementation plan for the
technology chosen to address
the organization’s need
Describes stakeholders that will
need to be included in these
processes to ensure the
integration is thorough and
needs can be met going forward
Makes recommendations for
ensuring ethical compliance
during implementation and use
of the new technology based on
compliance standards
Makes recommendations for
ensuring legal compliance in
implementing and using the
new technology, including steps
necessary to ensure a smooth
and compliant transition
Evaluates possible timelines for
adoption and describes the
timeline that meets company
needs, but does not provide
evidence to support claims or is
Does not evaluate possible
timelines for adoption and does
not describe the timeline that
meets company needs
Proposes strategies for the ideal
adoption timeline for the
technology, but lacks specific
variables that affect the timing
and implementation of new
technologies and processes that
need to be put in place to
ensure smooth adoption, or
information is inaccurate
Creates an implementation plan
to address the organization’s
need but does not address all
components or lacks clarity
Describes the stakeholders, but
does not address how needs will
be met going forward or
information provided is not
Makes recommendations for
ethical compliance but does not
base claims in compliance
standards or recommendations
lack detail or clarity
Makes recommendations for
ensuring legal compliance but
does not include steps that
need to be taken to ensure a
smooth and compliant
transition or the
recommendations lack clarity or
Does not propose strategies for
ideal adoption life cycle and
does not describe variables that
affect the timing and
implementation of new
technologies and processes
Does not create an
implementation plan for the
technology chosen
Does not describe stakeholders
Does not make
recommendations for ethical
Does not make
recommendations for ensuring
legal compliance
Process: Security
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
cites specific policies and
models that apply to the
Makes recommendations for
ensuring the security of new
technology implementation and
use related to protecting
personal and business data in
the transition
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Makes recommendations for
ensuring the security of new
technology implementation but
does not address protecting
personal and business data
during the transition or
recommendations provided are
not appropriate
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Does not make
recommendations for ensuring
the security of information
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total
UNICEF’s Innovative Communication Technologies
Innovation Of Technology-IT515
Tyrone Armstrong
Challenge for UNICEF
The dynamically changing environmental conditions and sublime communication
infrastructure in various countries require innovations in technological tools that can be invested
in the areas affected by natural disasters to ensure efficient rescue operations in these areas.
UNICEF has been progressively contributing to introduce advancements in this regard as local
internet and mobile based networks fail during emergency situations and, without consistent flow
of information in these areas and stabilized communicational networks, it becomes much more
complicated for UNICEF stakeholders to carry out successful operations in affected areas. So,
the real challenge for UNICEF is to introduce networking systems that are not dependent upon
the local infrastructure and can be operated without any need of external assistance of local
community. It is always necessary to have a disaster recovery plan in place for these reasons.
Addressing this challenge will proactively contribute in the shared organizational mission of
UNICEF which is to serve society in the time of natural disasters with productive output. This
requires extensive experimentation with latest growing communicational technologies. The
resources and finances required for installation of an effective tool should be compatible with the
resources available in the organization. We must be sure to include in our planning a timeline,
staff, and budget information.
Deployment of Technological Innovations
Self-Powered Wireless Communication Platform (SPWC), Long Term Evolution (LTE),
Self Powered Micro Wireless Ballooned Network, and Digital Mapping Technology (DMT) are
four methodologies that can be adopted by UNICEF to address their needs of reducing losses and
risks of natural disasters [Raj Jain (2014)]. These four technologies are practically
implementable on a very global scale and they are also very cost effective [Raj Jain (2014)].
Self-Powered Wireless Communication Platform (SPWC)
SPWC is an economically viable network of communication and it uses a number of low
altitudes UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) to communicate with the ground based stations.
UAV’s fly on lower altitudes in order to save time during emergencies as time is the critical
element in rescue operations. UAV’s are controlled by the ground forces and each UAV sends
back the information to its user on the ground. If multiple users want to communicate with each
other, they can send the messages through their UAV and this particular UAV will communicate
with the targeted UAV and hence that UAV will send down the data to the user that was targeted
to be communicated. GSM technology can be utilized to communicate from ground to air and
vice versa. This is one choice that would be a great tool for communication, but we must also
keep in mind that depending on the disaster, this could be affected if towers are damaged.
SPWC is a viable option for UNICEF because it can bring out very efficient output in
emergency conditions. UAVs can fly to the most restricted and most complicated areas for
rescue purposes and maximum number of lives can be saved at the time of a natural disaster. It is
also very cost effective as it requires deployment of UAVs in accordance with the volume of
disaster and base stations to operate these UAVs for communication. The training of staff is also
required in this method to operate UAVs for better output.
Long Term Evolution (LTE)
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