Expert answer:I need help with a 1500 word case study

Answer & Explanation:So i have case study 1 and 2 from a student, we go in the same class together, So i need someone who will do rewrite for the whole thing and editing as well. the topics are very easy and everything in there. The thing is i have rewrite EVERYTHING or i will get Zero in the class. This is case study one CaseStudy11111.docxhere case study two CaseStudy2222.docx



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Ethics & Societal
Title of Article/Issue: Facebook’s “Unfriendly” Privacy Policies
Define the Situation
List the relevant facts. State facts in complete sentences. (List
more than five facts.) At the end of your list, cite reference from
your source(s).
1. The IPO took place on May 18, 2012, making many of its brash and
talented managers instant millionaires.
2.The FTC has investigated a number of privacy-related complaints
3.The FTC “persuaded” both Google and Facebook to consent to a
biennial audit of their privacy policies and practices for the next 20
4. Facebook caught the attention of Privacy Advocates first in 2007
with the implementation of the new technology known as “News Feed”.
5. The “News Feed” would display in real time changes a person
makes to their user profile on the home page of all of their online
6. The “News Feed” was abandoned by facebook.
7. The “beacon program” was implemented. This would notify every
member immediately as soon as one of their friends made an online
8. The “beacon program” also was abruptly ended.
9. December of 2009, facebook changed their privacy settings. This
included making “friends” public. Publicizing ones profile picture, name,
gender, address, professional networks, etc. All publicly available by
10. 2010 facebook implemented “instant personalization” which would
allow partner websites to access facebooks information as soon as a
facebook user visits the site. (all happens on default).
11. Facebook has a “social plug-in” that uses cookies to report back to
facebook the browsing habits of a facebook user.
12. Zuckerberg doesn’t care about privacy and “encourages Facebook
users to share their information”
Spinello, Richard A. Cyberethics Morality and Law in Cyberspace,
Fifth Edition. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014. Print.
What ethics/values are in question from the above facts? (List
more than three facts.)
1. First the feature known as “News Feed” instantly displays
information changed on a user’s profile. Broadcasting this type of
information instantly leads to a slew of problems. What if the user
mistakenly changed some information, this would be seen by all of the
users friends before they are able to revert the change. If someone
were to “hack” into your account, anything they did would be broadcast
to all of your friends.
2. The second ethical dilemma that is in question deals with the
“beacon program”. Not every purchase made online should be open
information to friends. This is some of the most basic privacy, yet
Facebook decides to make this the “default” option. Again Zuckerberg
only cares about what he thinks is right, and disregards anyone else’s
3. The third ethical dilemma, which I think is the most disturbing yet
would have to deal with “instant personalization”. This is one of the
biggest privacy issues that is plaguing the internet today. Companies
are taking user data/information without the consent of the user. This
data/information is used to build a online representation of a user and
can then be used to manipulate online shopping results or they can
even sell this information to the highest bidder.
List the stakeholders involved. List the individuals/groups who
are/may be affected by this issue and how. Be specific.
FTC = This is the government group that has investigated Facebook (and
Google). They have also persuaded these companies to consent to a biennial
audit of their privacy policies and practices for the next 20 years.
Facebook = The main protagonist in this slew of unethical privacy policies, that
continually get worse. Every couple of years Facebook implements a new type of
technology that manipulates users and exposes private information (by default).
Privacy Advocates = These were some of the first people to actually notice
what Facebook was doing. They called Facebook out in 2007 with the
emergence of the “News Feed”.
Users = These are the people who are having their information
leaked/stolen/manipulated and privatized all for the sake of Zuckerberg’s ego and
Facebook partners = Companies and websites that profit from the privacy
issues that Facebook continues to implement. These companies work with
Facebook to give and receive user information. This information is used to
persuade a user to buy certain items.
Isolating the major ethical dilemma
Write several statements or questions that are ethical dilemmas from this
1. When companies decide to use user’s information, is it ok for them to send this
information to other companies/businesses.
2. A company is ethically in the right when collecting cookies on users.
3. Is it ethical to use these cookies for profit and/or manipulating users?
4. Should new types of technology be implemented and set to “default”?
What is the ethical dilemma to be resolved NOW? State it using the
form: Should someone do or not do something? Keep this statement
simple. For example: Should people buy pirated software? NOT Should
people buy pirated software even though they cannot afford the price of
proprietary software?
Should companies have the ability to manipulate users private data (make it open to the
public without the users consent)
Making a decision and planning the implementation
Based on the analysis in Step III, choose which theory best applies to this situation. Add
any arguments justifying your choice of these ethical principles to support your decision.
(Name the specific theory that best fits the situation – Act Deontology)
Explain your choice above:
When viewing this situating through the eyes of Mark Zuckerberg, I feel he is displaying
Deontology. This is because Zuckerberg doesn’t care about the rightness and wrongness of the
consequences of his actions. Zuckerberg only cares about what he thinks is right and wrong. This
is Zuckerberg clearing explains that he “encourages Facebook users to share their information in
the spirit of openness and greater connectivity”.
Your decision: What would you do? Why? List the specific steps needed to implement
your defensible ethical decision.
Just like any business, Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are out to make money. This is
understandable but should be done in a way that doesn’t intrude on a user’s privacy. There are
many ways to make money when you have over 900 million users. This being said, it is also easy
to exploit this user information and exploit privacy policies. If I were to have a say in this, I would
put user privacy ahead of everything else. This means listening to user input and abiding by
privacy rules that have already been implemented. The happier the user is, the better the
business will do. Not only that, but when implementing new technologies all users should be
aware of what is happening. This means NEVER adding additional add-ons and making then
“open’ by default. It should be up to the user to make the decision of displaying personal
information to friends and others.
What longer-term changes (i.e., political, legal, technical, societal, organizational) would
help prevent your defined dilemma in the future?
Policy changes would help effect long term dilemmas. This would entail a set of guidelines that
would have to be followed when implementing new technology. This would include never making
new technology function on “default”. Also any business partners wanting to access user
information would have to consult with the users themselves, or only be allows very public
information. And to Never share private information with other companies; that be for sale or any
other reasons. Just these basic steps should ensure that user information doesn’t fall into the
wrong hands and users actually have a say to have happens, even if technology is implemented
that “could” display users private information.
What do you see as the situation from your view?
From my view I would never have thought that Facebook, one of the most successful business,
would have so many flaws and exploit user information to the point that they have. It is ridiculous
to think that they would continue to do this to their users time after time. After reading up on this I
have concluded that a major reason why this keeps happening is because of Zuckerberg. He has
this idea that all information should be open and free for anyone to access, this includes very
private information. This is egotistical and just plain wrong. It should be up to the user to conclude
whether or not they want their personal information to be private or not. Also the use of cookies
need to be controlled and have restrictions. Companies like Facebook and Google have exploited
this type of technology to the point where it has gotten out of hand. It is never moral to use a
person’s personal and private information for personal gain/making money. Most companies
these days do not care if your private information is being sold and bought. They only care about
the bottom line. This in its self if wrong and their needs to be consequences enacted for this type
of behavior. Overall monopolized companies like Facebook and Google that have so much power
over users, needs to have guidelines and restrictions put in pace. These types of ethical
dilemmas have been going on for fare to long. If nothing is done about this now, then user
information will continue to be sold and exploited for years to come.
Spinello, Richard A. Cyberethics Morality and Law in Cyberspace, Fifth Edition. 5th ed.
Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014. Print.
Title of Article/Issue: Google: The New Monopolist?
Define the Situation
List the relevant facts. State facts in complete sentences. (List
more than five facts.) At the end of your list, cite reference from
your source(s).
1. In 1998 the US justice department (DOJ) filed a major antitrust
lawsuit against Microsoft for abusing its monopoly powers.
2. There are not a new league of companies that could take the
spot for largest monopoly, including, Google, Facebook, and
3. The Sherman Act of 1890 does not make it illegal to be a
4. It is illegal for a company to abuse its monopoly power, that is
to leverage that power in order to tilt the playing field againts new
competitors in a related field that the monopoly power wants to
extend its scope to.
5. Microsoft was accused of “trying” in violation of the Sherman
Act. Microsoft was combining its Internet Explorer browser with
windows so it would gain control of the browser marker.
6. Google search engine is showing skewed results. For example
companies that have paid Google will be privileged in the
prominent listing.
7. Google has recently entered the lucrative $110 billion online
travel business.
8. Google is struggling to decide its duel role, a search engine
facilitating commerce and/or as a marketplace competitor.
Spinello, Richard A. Cyberethics Morality and Law in Cyberspace, Fifth
Edition. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014. Print.
What ethics/values are in question from the above facts? (List
more than three facts.)
1. Right now Google wants to increase its stakes in online
commerce. This would be fine, but doing so would conflict with
its other job which is a major search engine. The ethical dilemma
here is that this duel role contradicts each other. On one hand
Google wants to be a “do no harm” search engine that has zero
bias. On the other hand Google is skewing these search results to
helps its self in the marketplace as a competitor. Either Google
will need to change how it conducts business or choose one
profession over the other (that is a search engine or marketplace
2. Back in 1998 there were only a few major companies in the
technology business. This made it easy for Microsoft to become a
major monopoly power without much of a struggle. Now days
there are thousands of companies all in different sections of the
technology business. This makes being a monopoly more of a
challenge. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t companies that do
not have the capabilities. For example, Google, Facebook, and
Twitter are all major companies that could fill the roll of a
3. In 1980 there was a law passed that was named the Sherman
Act. This law made it possible for a company to become a
monopoly, but on a few conditions. One of those conditions is
that the company could not abuse its powers and tilt the playing
field against new players using these powers. This is exactly the
opposite of what Google, a new monopoly is doing. Google is
using its immense powers to change its search engine algorithms
to place “Google” owned sites and/or companies on the top of the
search lists. Google has also been known to place “privileged
companies on the top of search lists that have paid to be there.
This directly contradicts the Sherman Act of 1890. This is
because Google is using its power to further grow its self and
other prominent companies, leaving small and new companies to
die off.
4. Microsoft trying to combine its Internet Explorer browser with
windows is another example of breaking the Sherman Act of 1890.
Doing so would instantly give the upper hand to Microsoft when
anyone wanted to use the windows operating system. The only
reason Microsoft was able to do something like this was because
of how big a monopoly Microsoft was.
List the stakeholders involved. List the individuals/groups who
are/may be affected by this issue and how. Be specific.
This is the Department of justice (section of government) that
filed a antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft.
Microsoft =
One of the largest companies in the technology field.
Had a antitrust lawsuit against it for being a monopoly.
Small businesses/organizations
These are the business that are
swept under the rug by companies like Google and Microsoft. These
businesses have a much less chance of making it because monopolies like
Google use their power to beat out these smaller companies. Businesses
that are just starting out have a much smaller chance of making it in the
long run because of companies like Google that favor larger companies
with many more resources.
Google Partners =
These “usually large” companies pay Google and
other monopoly companies to have their websites and data at the top of the
lists. Making users buy these products more frequently even if these
products are rigged and biased placed by search engines like Google.
Isolating the major ethical dilemma
Write several statements or questions that are ethical dilemmas from this
1. When companies decide to skew the results of other companies information, is it
ok for them to do this out of pure power over other smaller companies.
2. Is it ethical to say you are both un-biased and also use your power to change
search results.
3. Is it ethically right to be able to pay for a company to privileged you over others?
4.Is a monopoly something that would benefit the world or cause or destruction?
What is the ethical dilemma to be resolved NOW? State it using the
form: Should someone do or not do something? Keep this statement
simple. For example: Should people buy pirated software? NOT Should
people buy pirated software even though they cannot afford the price of
proprietary software?
Should Monopolized companies have the ability to further advance themselves and
other companies by using bias and/or their own power.?
Making a decision and planning the implementation
Based on the analysis in Step III, choose which theory best applies to this situation. Add
any arguments justifying your choice of these ethical principles to support your decision.
(Name the specific theory that best fits the situation – Act Deontology)
Explain your choice above:
After reviewing the case study and the specific situation. I feel that Google has displayed
Deontology. I feel this because Google doesn’t care about being biased or not (Even when
they say they do). Google will do anything it can to further benefit its self, even if that
means destroying other smaller companies in the process. Google will use other
companies to further benefit its self and similar companies.
Your decision: What would you do? Why? List the specific steps needed to implement
your defensible ethical decision.
If I was in charge of Google, It would be my responsibility to choose a company set on
making a unbiased search engine, then be a marketplace competitor. These two business
ventures would need to be separated to say the least. If one of Google’s main sayings is
“do no evil” that should be followed out word for word. This means used unbiased search
algorithms. As well as not letting companies buy their way into privileged spots on a
search list. The steps are as follows, 1. separate Google’s search engine and marketing
entirely. 2. Re-format search engine algorithm to be unbiased. 3. Break off any agreements
to other companies that want to pay to be privileged.
What longer-term changes (i.e., political, legal, technical, societal, organizational) would
help prevent your defined dilemma in the future?
I feel the biggest change that will continue to be implemented long term would be policy
changes. These changes would set guidelines on how it is acceptable to act as a company
and a unbiased company. These guidelines would go on to benefit not only the company
but the users and other small companies that rely on the giant search engine for business.
Policy changes are a means to change a whole companies outlook on what they are trying
to accomplish. This will be formatted to change the whole company and not just sections.
A full overhaul of what is really important is what Google needs to start doing.
What do you see as the situation from your view?
It is Google’s responsibility as a monopoly and the worlds largest search engine to treat
its users/customers with respect and unbiased searches. It is also its responsibility to give
all companies a chance to take it, not just the companies that pay to be privileges over
others. Google, being on of the most powerful and successful companies should not be
overstepping laws and ethical boundaries to continue to stay ahead. These types of
actions will only further hurt the company in the long run. This will also hurt the image of
Google, causing people to be weary of using it as their main search engine. One of th most
notable parts of a company is how much respect the users of a company have for it. If
Google continues to overstep their boundaries this respect will go with the company.
Spinello, Richard A. Cyberethics Morality and Law in Cyberspace, Fifth Edition. 5th ed.
Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014. Print.
Title of Article/Issue: Google: The New Monopolist?
Define the Situation
List the relevant facts. State facts in complete sentences. (List
more than five facts.) At the end of your list, cite reference from
your source(s).
1. In 1998 the US justice department (DOJ) filed a major antitrust
lawsuit against Microsoft for abusing its monopoly powers.
2. There are not a new league of companies that could take the
spot for largest monopoly, including, Google, Facebook, and
3. The Sherman Act of 1890 does not make it illegal to be a
4. It is illegal for a company to abuse its monopoly power, that is
to leverage that power in order to tilt the playing field againts new
competitors in a related field that the monopoly power wants to
extend its scope to.
5. Microsoft was accused of “trying” in violation of the Sherman
Act. Microsoft was combining its Internet Explorer browser with
windows so it would gain control of t …
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