Expert answer:Human Resource Forecast Plan

Answer & Explanation:Review Motors and More Inc. attachment. Write a Human Resource Forecast Plan in accordance with the attachment of the questions for the Human Resource Forecast Plan attachment. The forecast plan must answer the questions stated on the HR forecast plan document attached HR Forecast Plan.docx Motors & More.pdf


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HR Forecast Plan – 50 Points (Module 6)
Develop a three-year HR forecast (prediction of the future) using the following assumptions:
A. Labor supply/demand will become more rigorous (demand for workers will increase, but
the labor pool will remain the same or shrink). Labor costs will increase.
B. Demand for Motors and More products will continue to increase. Production defects will
also continue to increase.
C. Motors and More’s workforce will become more diverse as the company hires more
Hispanics, Kurds and persons from alternative workforces.
D. The president will start another company and will hire someone to manage the daily
operations of Motors and More while he takes on more of an overseeing role.
E. Motors and More will decide to develop an additional product to broaden its portfolio.
There is no existing capacity for the product, nor do the existing production lines meet the
manufacturing requirements for the new product.
© 2007 SHRM. Don McCain, Ed.D.
Society for Human Resource Management
By Don McCain, Ed.D.
Learning Objective(s)
Upper-level undergraduate students will work through issues associated with developing and sustaining
an HR department to support an organization facing labor shortages and high product demand. At the
end of the study, students learn how to:
1. Align HR initiatives with corporate strategy.
2. Develop a complete HR organization structure, including roles and responsibilities, and then
adjust the structure to support the organization.
3. Develop a basic staffing plan.
4. Develop a basic training plan.
5. Determine and support a pay and benefits plan.
6. Determine future HR requirements.
You are hired as the HR director for the fictitious Motors and More, Inc. Motors and More, a business-tobusiness sales company, manufactures small motors and accessories for industrial and home products.
The industry is highly competitive, and the company follows a prospector strategy.
A prospector strategy takes advantage of new markets and products (Gomez-Mejia, Galkin and Cardy,
2001). Organizational emphasis is on growth, innovation and new product development. A prospector
wants to be first to market. To respond to competitive and rapidly changing markets, prospectors have
flexible, flat and more decentralized organizational structures.
Motors and More is headquartered in a small southern town of 28,000 people, with a low unemployment
rate of 3.1 percent. This means that demand for workers exceeds the labor supply. There is a technical
school and a community college within 50 miles of Motors and More. Motors and More’s president is
former military and is highly patriotic. He is committed to staying in the community. Recently, several
other local companies have experienced labor organizing activities.
Motors and More employs 116 people. Until you were hired, there was no HR department. Recently, the
organization’s employee turnover rate has been higher than normal. The marketing and sales department
continues to sell products to an expanding market. Because of this increased product demand, output
must be increased by 96 percent.
Eighty-eight percent of Motors and More employees are Caucasian. With the exception of one female
supervisor in the customer service department, the president and all other managers are Caucasian men.
Management promotions have been based on seniority. The local labor market population is
approximately 48 percent minority. There is a growing Hispanic and Kurdish population that have not
been accepted into the community.
All the employees in manufacturing (including quality control), customer service and operations
(responsible for shipping and receiving; distribution of raw materials, components parts and finished
goods inventory; and maintenance and cleaning) have at least a high school degree or GED. The
organization provides some skills training courses. Please refer to the organizational chart in Figure 1 for
more details.
© 2007 SHRM. Don McCain, Ed.D.
Figure 1: Motors and More Organization Chart
HR Director
Staff (TBD)
Finance and
1 manager, 5
and 1 hourly
1 manager and
69 employees
Quality Control
3 employees
1 manager
14 employees
and Cleaning
1 leader
3 employees
Service –
inbound only
1 female
1 manager
9 salesmen
© 2007 SHRM. Don McCain, Ed.D.
A. Design a typical HR department and identify each HR unit. For each HR unit, provide roles/
responsibilities and job titles. Develop an organization chart of a typical HR department.
B. Given the size of Motors and More, indicate which positions identified in your typical HR
department should be combined or eliminated to reduce the number of HR employees. Provide
new job titles and develop an organizational chart specifically for Motors and More’s new HR
department. Provide the total number of staff for each HR unit.
Organization Design
Organizing is a basic managerial function. Organizing is the process of designing jobs, grouping jobs into
manageable units, and establishing patterns of authority among jobs and groups of jobs (Griffin and
Moorhead, 2006). “Organization design refers to the framework of jobs, positions, groups of positions,
and reporting relationships among positions that are used to construct an organization” (DeNisi and
Griffin, p. 50). Organizing combines with organization design to form an organizational structure.
Using Anthony, Kacmar and Perreewe (2006) as a source, Figure 2 represents a comprehensive HR
structure. Some HR professionals may argue against including organization development as a part a
human resource development strategy. Nonetheless, this figure is helpful because it depicts the
organizational functions that must be included in a comprehensive HR department.
Figure 2: An HR Organization Chart
HR (VP, Director, or Manager)
Staffing or
Employee or
HRD or
Training and
Job and Salary
Employee or
Health and
Roles/Responsibilities and Job Titles
All HR managers, regardless of their functional areas of expertise, must be able to hire, train, coach,
recognize and reward performance (performance management), plan, organize, set goals, develop and
implement strategies, lead employees, create and administer budgets, etc. These are responsibilities
common to all managers. In addition, a decision needs to be made regarding administrative support—
should it be centralized or should it be dispersed among the functional or operational areas?
HR Director or Manager
 Leads and manages the department.
 Develops relationships with senior management to align HR goals and strategies with
those of the organization.
 Scans the external environment for changes that could affect HR.
 Participates in organizational planning and review sessions.
© 2007 SHRM. Don McCain, Ed.D.
Organization Development (OD)
Possible job titles: OD specialist, OD consultant
 Develops relationship with internal client(s); formulates internal contract(s).
 Conducts organization research, analysis and diagnosis to identify organizational issues
with the goal of performance improvement. Issues may include the reward system or
performance management, management style, structure, processes, tools and
equipment, goal setting, etc.
 Develops interventions (or contracts with consultants to develop interventions) to address
issues or problems that can be solved by collecting survey data, coaching, training;
provides feedback to management and employees.
 Assists in creating a culture of learning, development and achievement.
 Facilitates and maintains organizational change.
 Supports performance management.
Staffing or Employment
Possible job titles: Employment manager, staffing manager, recruiting manager, staffing or
recruiting specialist or coordinator
 Develops candidate pools.
 Advertises job openings.
 Ensures accuracy of job descriptions and specifications. Ensures they are consistent with
performance management requirements.
 Screens candidates using instruments as applications, résumés and references.
 Conducts or contracts background checks.
 Develops or contracts with a consultant to develop instruments such as tests or preemployment processes, procedures or protocols.
 Conducts interviews and assesses candidates.
 Extends offers or recommends candidates for hire.
 Ensures legal compliance.
 Secures use of temporary workforce.
 Brings candidate on board and ensures that paperwork is complete.
 Supports diversity and affirmative action initiatives.
Human Resource Development (HRD) or Training and Development
Possible job titles: Training specialist, training coordinator or administrator, facilitator, learning
specialist, designer, developer, evaluator, training or performance consultant
HRD is responsible for the development of the organization’s intellectual capital. HRD
professionals are involved in needs assessment; design, development, delivery and evaluation of
learning experiences; development of career path models; employee orientation; etc. HRD
supports the performance management process by training managers and employees on
performance management. Specific roles and responsibilities are discussed below. Robinson and
Robinson (1996) provide some of the roles/responsibilities by job.

Facilitator: Presents information; facilitates learning experiences; manages group work
and processes; maintains the agenda; provides feedback to learners, designers and
Designer: Conducts needs assessment; writes goals and objectives; defines and outlines
content in conjunction with the evaluator; develops evaluation plans in conjunction with
the internal client; determines instructional strategies.
© 2007 SHRM. Don McCain, Ed.D.

Developer: Develops full content and instructional strategies; develops or secures
instruments, cases, assessments, etc.; develops leaders’ and participants’ guides and
materials; develops media; may conduct train-the-trainer sessions.
Evaluator: In conjunction with designer and client, develops and implements evaluation
plans; conducts all levels of evaluation; reports evaluation findings to appropriate
persons; may assess facilitator skills.
Training coordinator or administrator: Supports the delivery of learning experiences;
coordinates participant materials and media; enrolls participants and sends pre-course
materials; secures facilities; coordinates facilities, including hotels, training rooms and
breakout rooms; tracks attendance and maintains records; promotes the course or
learning experiences; ships materials; tracks expenses.
Training or performance consultant and internal client (the recipient of the services)
liaison: Conducts organizational analyses for internal client organization; contracts for
performance improvement; consults with internal clients on performance issues;
prioritizes needs; secures support (including funding; access to subject matter experts;
collects audience profiles; supports learners’ participation; supports transfer of new
knowledge and skills to the job; has access to data necessary to carry out these
responsibilities); with client input, selects facilitators; provides feedback to internal clients;
manages the interface with the HRD staff.
Compensation has two primary areas—benefits and salary administration. In many organizations,
payroll is a function of the accounting department. In other organizations, payroll is placed in
Job titles: Benefits analyst, benefits specialist, benefits administrator
 Determines the level of benefits and packages as they relate to the internal requirements
of staff versus the competition and to retain employees.
 Determines the benefits to be offered.
 Administers the health plan (including HMO or PPO plans).
 Administers retirement plan(s), such as 401(k), defined contribution or defined benefit
Salary Administration
Job titles: Job analyst, job and salary analyst or specialist
 With management, develops types of reward pay, including merit, incentives, bonuses,
gain sharing, profit sharing, stock options and other rewards.
 With management, determines pay positions relative to the competition with the goal to
lead, lag or meet the competition.
 Conducts job analyses and evaluations to determine job responsibilities, job
specifications and pay grades.
 Writes job descriptions.
 Consults with management and employees on performance goals and standards;
supports the performance management process.
 Conducts salary surveys and recommends and implements adjustments to pay grades
based on survey results.
 Develops career path models.
 Possibly maintains payroll.
© 2007 SHRM. Don McCain, Ed.D.
Employee Relations or Industrial Relations
Job title: Employee relations specialist
 Scans the internal environment for potential employee relations issues.
 Designs (or secures), implements and analyzes employee survey results. Develops and
implements plans to address identified issues.
 Ensures compliance with labor laws.
 Maintains labor relations in a union or union-free environment.
 Writes employee handbook.
 Writes and implements discipline procedures.
 Provides counseling and support for employees with personal issues (EAP role).
 Writes ethical policies and maintains ethical guidelines; maintains “ethics” hotline.
 Produces and distributes HR publications.
 In conjunction with staffing, supports relocation and outplacement services.
 Works with staffing to ensure accommodations for disabled employees.
 Supports diversity efforts.
 Ensures employee rights are not violated.
Health and Safety
Job titles: Safety specialist, safety coordinator, safety administrator, industrial nurse
 Conducts inspections to ensure OSHA compliance.
 Develops and implements procedures to ensure a safe work environment.
 Conducts or secures safety training.
 Conducts health and wellness information and training.
 Files accident reports. Maintains files in accordance with OSHA requirements.
 Facilitates the provision of medical care for employees hurt on the job.
 Ensures that security is provided for the facility.
Prospector Strategy
A strategy is a plan for interacting with the competitive environment to achieve organizational goals (Daft,
2003). According to Gomez-Mejia, Balkin and Cardy (2004), the objective of a prospector strategy is to
find and exploit new products and market opportunities.
Organizations that use a prospector strategy are aggressive in the marketplace, highly competitive and
quick to produce new products and services to be the first to market. Their key objective is to find and
exploit new products and market opportunities. They operate in an environment of uncertainty and
Organizational practices inherent in a prospector strategy include (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin and Cardy,
 Emphasis on faster innovation, flexibility and creativity.
 Broad job classes with loose work planning.
 External recruitment (finding candidates), with the supervisor making the decision.
 Customized appraisals with multiple input used for development purposes.
 Generic training.
 Team-based and cross-functional training.
 Decentralized pay that rewards risk taking.
 Variable pay individualized and based on performance.
To be flexible, organizational structures in a prospector strategy are flat in organization design,
decentralized and/or team-based.
© 2007 SHRM. Don McCain, Ed.D.
A. Given the increase in product demand, how many people will you need to hire and in what
functional areas (manufacturing, operations, customer service, marketing and sales, finance/
accounting, and HR)? Provide your rationale for the proposed hiring in each unit. Consider the
turnover rate. Identify the factors that could be causing turnover. Identify the costs of turnover.
B. Include the types of interviews you would conduct and why.
C. Develop strategies to recruit the appropriate applicants and include sources and tools used for
recruiting and selection. Identify the possible areas and types of discrimination that could occur.
D. What can you do to retain current employees? What are the benefits of retention?
E. How will you assess the effectiveness of your recruiting efforts?
The Selection Process
This is a good time to review the selection process. According to Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright
(2007), the steps in a selection process include screening applications and résumés; reviewing and
testing work samples; interviewing candidates; checking references and background; and making a
selection. Internal candidates would not require all of these steps.
The Department of Labor uses the following formula to measure turnover:
Number of separations during the month
(Total number of employees at midmonth ) x 100
Separations = those leaving the organization
Motors and More is not experiencing involuntary turnover, however. The organization is expanding its
workforce, and the community is experiencing a labor shortage. The turnover, then, is voluntary. Some
reasons for voluntary turnover include:

Job dissatisfaction—work overload, issues with the manager or other employees, little flexibility in
work scheduling, lack of challenge.
Robust labor market—employees can easily find alternative employment because of the high
demand for employees in the area.
HR issues—competitive pay and benefits, no career path, perceived unfairness in rewards
Issues related to stereotyping, discrimination and harassment.
Personal or family reasons.
Employee relocation outside the region.
Individual values not aligned with company values.
Turnover is expensive for organizations:
Separation Costs
• Severance pay
• Benefits
• Unemployment
insurance costs
• Exit interview
• Outplacement
• Legal fees
Recruiting Costs
Interviewing Costs
Training Costs
Less Direct Costs
• Advertising
• Recruiter’s and
manager’s time
• Travel (applicant
and/or recruiter)
• Search firm
• Employee referral
• Campus visits
• Interviewing: cost
of employees’ time
• Cost of travel: cost
of travel for
applicant to the
• Instrument
• Training new
(orientation, job,
• Travel for training
• Trainer’s time
• Lost productivity
during training
• Training materials
• Lost productivity
due to new
productivity curve
or the existing staff
taking on more
work while being
less efficient/
effective while the
© 2007 SHRM. Don McCain, Ed.D.
criteria, tests)
• Reference checks
• Background
• Relocation
• Pre-employment
• expenses
• Coaching time
vacancy exists.
• Overtime for
current employees
• Loss of business
due to poor
customer service
• Not being able to
take on new
business due to
lack of resources
• Lost knowledge
Equal Pay
There is one supervisor who is a woman and four managers, all of whom are men. Motors and More
should examine the jobs to determine if they are equal in terms of skill (experience or training), effort
(mental or physical effort), responsibility (degree of accountability) and similar working conditions
(ph …
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