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HIST 105 / 106
Fall 2015
Dr. Robert Morrow
Civil Rights Movement Assignment
Due: September 22
(September 28 for Monday Evening Class)
Follow these steps to complete this assignment:
1. Select one of the civil rights activists’ primary sources from Takin’ It to the
Streets that we read for this week:
• Anne Moody, The Jackson Sit-In
• Letters From Mississippi
• Sheyann Webb, Selma
2. Write one paragraph that shows how that activist’s experience fits with
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s concept of nonviolent resistance. Below are a
questions to help you focus your analysis:
• Did the activist’s experience fit with the characteristics of nonviolent
• Was the activist able to meet the demands that King said nonviolent
resistance demanded?
• Was there any sign that nonviolent resistance worked as King said it
3. Type up your paragraph and be sure that it conforms to these rules:
• It must be typed, double-spaced, with your name at the top of the page.
• It must begin with a topic sentence that in one sentence answers the
• It must explain why you answer the question the way you do by using
specific facts from the activist’s document.
• It must use the “evidence sandwich” approach (see below) to show how
the facts support the topic sentence.
• It must be written entirely in your own words. USE NO QUOTATIONS.
• It must have be at least six sentences in length.
• Every sentence should relate to the topic sentence.

The evidence sandwich technique works like this for each piece of
evidence you use:
• It begins by identifying the source of the evidence. For Moody’s and
Webb’s documents, that requires only explaining who each of these
people was at the beginning of the paragraph. For the “Letters from

Mississippi” documents, you must explain who the writers were in
general and then be specific about which one you have taken each
piece of evidence from
It then states what the evidence is. What fact or facts are given?
It then explains why this fact or facts relate(s) to and support(s) the
topic sentence.
4. You must submit your paper on Blackboard:
• The paper is due by 11:00 p.m. on September 22 (September 28 for the
Monday night class)
• Submit your paper in a format compatible with Microsoft Word for Mac
2011. Note: Rich Text Format is a common format that is compatible
with this standard.
• The link for submitting it is under the Writing Assignments section in a
folder labeled “Civil Rights Movement Assignment.” In that folder is a
link labeled “Submit the Civil Rights Movement Assignment.”
• If something goes wrong submitting it on Blackboard, e-mail me a copy
as an MS Word file.
• The grades of all late papers will be lowered two full letter grades (for
example, an A paper becomes a C paper if it is late).
are endowed
by their Creator with certain inalienable rights and that among
Nazareth who dreamed a dream of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood
coa gr”
and change our world and our civilization.
. go;il
U. iUG
And then we will be able to move
from the bleak and desolate midnight of man! inhumanity to man to the bright
and glittering daybreak of freedom and justice.
Anne Moody
four North Carolina A&T freshmen to sit in at the lunch counter of
the local Woolworth’s initiated a new phase of civil rights activity. lt also drew
black college students from throughout the South into new actions. Among them
was Arine Moody. This account of her participation in a
Mississippi, sit-in
comes from her poignant and compelling memoir, Coming
The decision of
fhad become very friendly with my social science professor,John Salter, who
lwas in charge of NAACP activities on campus.All during the year, while the
NAACP conducted a boycott of the downtown stores inJackson, I had been one
of Salterh most faithful canvassers and church speakers. During the last week of
school, he told me that sit-in demonstrations were about to start inJackson and
that he wanted me to be the spokesman for a team that would sit-in at’Woolwortht lunch counter. The tr,vo other demonstrators would be classmates of
mine, Memphis a
ena. Pearlena was a dedicated NAACP worker, but
Memphis had not been very involved in the Movement on campus. It seemed
that the organization had had a rough time finding students who were in a position to go to jail. I had nothing to lose one way or the other.Around ten o’clock
the morning of the demonstrations, NAACP hcadqp4gs alerted thq- nelvs
services.As a result,the police
nor the newsmen knew exactly where or when the demonstrations
would start.They stationed themselves along Capitol Street and waited.
To divert attention from the sit-in at Woolworth’s, the picketing started at
lS p.””*t a good fifteen minutes before. The pickets were allowed to walk
up and down in front of the store three or four times before they were arrested.
the rear
At exactly 119., Pearlena,Memphis, rrd I
entrance. We separated as soon as we stepped into the store, and made small
purchases from various counters. Pearlena had given Memphis her watch. He
oJ Age
in Missksippi by Anne Moody. Copyright @ 1968 by Anne Moody. Used by per-
mission of Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Del1 Publishing Group, Inc.
was to let us know when it was 11:14. At 1,1.:14 we were to join him near the
lunch counter and at exact 11:15 we were to take seats at it.
Seconds before 11:15 we were occupying three seats at the previously segregatedWoolworthk lunch counter. In the beginning the waitresses seemed to
ignore us, as if they really didn’t know what was going on. Our waitress walked
past us a couple
of times before she noticed we had started to write our own
asEITs whaf *Ewanteil. WE
orders down and rcalized we wanted service. She
which was for Negroes.
“‘We would like to be served here,” I said.
The waitress started to
what she had said, then stopped in the middle ofthe sentence. She tu
the lights out behind the counter, and she and
the other waitresses
customers.I guess th.y
would rtart imm.diiEiy after the
whites at the counter realized what was going on.There were five or six other
people at the counter.A
and walked
A girl sitting next to me finished her banana split before leaving. A mi
woman who had not yet been served rose from her seat and came over to us.
“I d like to stay here with you,” she said, “but my husband is waiting.”
The newsmen came iajust as she was leaving. They must have discovered
what was g”i”g on shortly after some olfuhg
to leave the store.
One of the newsmen ran behind thE woman
identify herself. She refused to give heriZfr?, but said she was a native of Vicksburg and a former resident of California. When asked why she had said what
she had said to us, she replied,”l am in sympathv with the Negro movement.”
By this time a crowd of -cameramen and reporters had gathgred around us taking pictures and asking questions, such as Where were we fromTVEfdid we
sit-in?’W’hat organization sponsored it? Were we students? From what school?
at the back counter,
How were we classified?
I told them that
that we were
represented by no particular organization, and that we planned to stay there
we want is service,” wam
them. After they had finished probing for about twenry minutes, they were almost ready to leave.
At noon. students from a nearbv white hiEh school started oourins in ro
Woolworth’s.’W’hen they first saw us they were-s–o?iaT$[?Eed. They didn’t
know how to react.A few started to heckle and the ,.*ril.iJE;;ire interested again.Then the *r,ffiirr,i”g
ru r.irat rr,
g4L-We were called a little bit of everything. Th. r.-tt oflh. t*Sjxcept the
three we were occupying had been roped oft to priffilEE-from sitting
lt rnto a
4g1L.A couple of the boys took oG?
hangman’s noose. Several attempts were made to out it around our necks.The
crowds grew as more students and adults came in for lunch.
we kept our eyes straight fo.ward and did not rook at the
occasional glances to see what was going on. All of a sudden
crowd except for
saw a face I remembered-the drunk44!.furn-ghg-lus station sitin. My eyes lingered on him
justlong gnough
,y h. *, diunk too, so I
dont think he remembered *hffiEEad-se.” me before. He took our a
oq..n.d it, put it in his pocket, and then began to pace the floor. At this
point, I
told Memphis and Pearlena what was going on. Memphis su
that we
pjJaWe bowed
Doweo our heacts,
heads, and
rrd a4
f”rward, threw
!et1 lfqkelooie.A rqAailrh.d
Memphis from his seat, and
.r’-thestore threwrne ag@
Down’offiI6ees on tti.@s
lyrng near the lunch
blgod .”””ilg
As he tried to
tace, the ngn who d””,
him down tgtki.Ulg t t- against the
head. lt he had worn hard-soled shoes instead of sneakeis,
th. fi.slkick proba_
bly would have killed Me-mphis. Finally a
?e1dsuhad been thrgwl to the floor. She and I q.t ur.t
“” .* stools aG
ter Memphis was arresred. There *… ro-ffiil.-Toug;loo-1am1he
crowd.They askg Pea+na and
.They said that things
too rough.we didnt know what to do.while we were trying to
make up our minds, rye uzelg-igined
aq Trumpauer. Now there were three
of us and we were i””t.d:h.
nt, “Communists, Communists, communists.” some old man in the crowd ordered tt e ,trraert,
to take
us offthe stools.
“‘Which one should I ger first?” a big husky boy said.
“That white nigger,” the old man said.
The boy lifted Toan from the counrer
the store. Simultaneously, I
were getting
draseed ahout
one made
..—Pearlena Loif
tne Center Ot tne Counter to
tO join
torn Pearlena.
I ors
back inside.]Ve
Ijust cli
across the rope at the
front end of the counter
,”t down.
*r*.r ,r
all women.The rnpb
]h]e,were “:yrro”t ?f T,r-,”
with ketchup, mgstarq, rrlg1., pr”i, *d everything o”ll?
counter. Soon joan and t w.ffii”eZ ullohftaiE but the
-o,,’..r, he sat
cown he was hit
htt on
onlffi with whatt appeared to be brass knuckles.
knrrckles Blood
gtutied-fto:n-trLfase ana
Tougaloot chaplain, rushed
At the other end of the counter,Lois and pearlena were ioined bv Georse
a student from J”.k’;;TftfuiiEfr
l.l1 “*o.k.’
sat down next to me.The
from the .orrie. and rp.ry.d-i
sprayed it on the new demonstrat.,”.EETigh iih””l
student had on a white shirt; the word “nigger” was written on his back with
red spray paint.
We sat there for three hours
beatins when the manaser decided to
clpisjhe-stoqbecause t
run ro so wrcr wrrn sruil6ffiTiEcounters. He begged and begged everyone to Feave. But even after fifteen minutes of b e ggi”glre-“”. -b1,1@. Thmia;6? leave until we did. Then D r.
president of Ti
He said he had just
PgjIIel, the
heard what i.fas happening.
About ninery policemen were standing outside the store; they had been
watchinathe whole thing through the windows, but had not come in to stop
the mob. or do anything. President Reittel went outside and asked Captain Ray.
to come and escort usout.The captain refused. statins the manaser had to in- him in before he could enter the premises, so Dr. Eeittel himself brought us
g. H. had told the police that they had better protect us after we were outside
store.When we got outside, the policemen formed a single line that blocked
the mob from us. However, they were allowed to throw at us everything they
had collected.Within tsggry,we were p@in
station waqon and ta.ken to the NAACP headquarters on Lvnch Street.
Afcer the sit-in. all I could think of was how sick Mississiooi whites were.
They believed so much i, th. ,@,t!SIly9.l4@
to-pIglgrvE it.I sat there in the NAACP ofiice and thought of how many times
they had killed when this way of life was threatened.I knew that the killing had
just begun.
more will
it is over with,” I thought. Before the
lmDossl- sit-in,
in its
final stage.’W’hat were our chances against such a disease? I thought of the students, the young Negroes who had just begun to protest, as young interns.
When these young interns got older, I thought, they would be the best doctors
in the world for social problems.
The eruption of sit-ins throughout the South led to the calling of a general meet-
ing of black student leaders in the spring of 1960. Under the leadership of
SCLC’s Ella Baker, these students formed their own organization, the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), with Baker as executive secretary.
Y/.efuq the philosophical or religious ideal of:rqlslry] as the founVV dation of our purpose, the presupposition of our belief, and the manner
of our action.

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