Answer & Explanation:Question 1Which of the following is an example of a testable research question?Why are leaves green?What methods can doctors develop to cure a cold or other viral illnesses?Are children who live close to electrical power lines more likely to develop cancer?What factors cause heart disease?Question 2A chemistry researcher at the University of Iowa was investigating variations in the density of silicon at different temperatures. Unfortunately, the researcher failed to calibrate the laboratory instrument used to make measurements in his experiment, resulting in the same error in density measurement at every temperature tested. This is an example of which type of error? systematic errorrandom errorType I errorType II errorQuestion 3A handout distributed on the first day of class describes the difference between applied and basic (pure or theoretical) research. Which of the following is an example of basic research?investigation of the relationship between cholesterol in the diet and heart disease in middle-aged womenstudies to develop improvements in the design of fiber-optic cables used for telecommunicationsthe development of a vaccine for Ebolaa study of the existence of black holes in the Universe Question 4Write a few sentences below to explain your current understanding of the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.Question 5Please read the Abstract (pg. 2326) and the Introduction (the first 4 paragraphs on page 2327) of the Senn et al. article “Efficacy of a Sexual Assault Resistance Program for University Women” before answering the questions below. Senn_NEJM_2015.pdf Before scientists develop a hypothesis to guide their research, they make observations about phenomena and develop testable research questions. A hypothesis is a declarative statement that attempts to predict the relationship between two or more variables.a.) In the Senn et al. article what research question do you think was the basis for this study?b.) What is the hypothesis that was tested in this study?
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n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
m e dic i n e
Special Article
Efficacy of a Sexual Assault Resistance
Program for University Women
Charlene Y. Senn, Ph.D., Misha Eliasziw, Ph.D., Paula C. Barata, Ph.D.,
Wilfreda E. Thurston, Ph.D., Ian R. Newby‑Clark, Ph.D., H. Lorraine Radtke, Ph.D.,
and Karen L. Hobden, Ph.D.
From the Department of Psychology and
Women’s and Gender Studies Program,
University of Windsor, Windsor, ON
(C.Y.S., K.L.H.), the Departments of Community Health Sciences (M.E., W.E.T.),
Ecosystem and Public Health (W.E.T.),
and Psychology (H.L.R.), University of
Calgary, Calgary, AB, and the Department
of Psychology, University of Guelph,
Guelph, ON (P.C.B., I.R.N.-C.) — all in
Canada; and the Department of Public
Health and Community Medicine, Tufts
University, Boston (M.E.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Senn at the Department of Psychology, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave., Windsor, ON N9B
3P4, Canada, or at
N Engl J Med 2015;372:2326-35.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsa1411131
Copyright © 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Young women attending university are at substantial risk for being sexually assaulted, primarily by male acquaintances, but effective strategies to reduce this
risk remain elusive.
We randomly assigned first-year female students at three universities in Canada to
the Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act Sexual Assault Resistance program (resistance group) or to a session providing access to brochures on sexual assault, as was
common university practice (control group). The resistance program consists of
four 3-hour units in which information is provided and skills are taught and practiced, with the goal of being able to assess risk from acquaintances, overcome
emotional barriers in acknowledging danger, and engage in effective verbal and
physical self-defense. The primary outcome was completed rape, as measured by the
Sexual Experiences Survey–Short Form Victimization, during 1 year of follow-up.
A total of 451 women were assigned to the resistance group and 442 women to
the control group. Of the women assigned to the resistance group, 91% attended
at least three of the four units. The 1-year risk of completed rape was significantly lower in the resistance group than in the control group (5.2% vs. 9.8%;
relative risk reduction, 46.3% [95% confidence interval, 6.8 to 69.1]; P = 0.02). The
1-year risk of attempted rape was also significantly lower in the resistance group
(3.4% vs. 9.3%, P<0.001).
A rigorously designed and executed sexual assault resistance program was successful in decreasing the occurrence of rape, attempted rape, and other forms of victimization among first-year university women. (Funded by the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research and the University of Windsor; SARE number,
n engl j med 372;24
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Efficacy of a Sexual Assault Resistance Progr am
oung women attending university1,2
face a substantial risk of being sexually
assaulted. The incidence of sexual assault
is estimated to be between 20% and 25% over a
period of 4 years and to be highest during the
first 2 years.3,4 Being sexually assaulted can result in post-traumatic stress disorder, depression,
alcohol use, and decreased safer-sex practices,
among other negative health outcomes.5 In addition to the specific health consequences for the
woman,6 the social and financial costs to society
are also high.7,8
With the renewal of the Violence Against
Women Act9 and establishment of a White House
task force10 in the United States and increasing
public awareness of this problem in Canada,11
universities face heightened pressure to educate
students about sexual assault. However, most
campuses use programs that have never been
formally evaluated or have not proved to be effective in reducing the incidence of sexual assault.12 For example, the bystander approach is
designed to increase men’s and women’s willingness to intervene when they encounter rapesupportive attitudes or behaviors, thereby changing the campus climate.13 Men are approached as
allies and not as potential perpetrators. Studies
generally have not assessed sexual assault rates
after such training,14 although one intervention
using the bystander approach with the addition
of content designed to shift the social norms of
the specific peer group (residence hall) showed
a reduction in men’s self-reported sexual aggression.15 Other targeted programs for men and for
women that have been evaluated for sexual assault outcomes13 have been disappointing, including interventions designed to decrease male
perpetration of sexual assault.16
Workshops designed to help women resist
sexual assault or reduce their risk have had inconsistent effects. Two studies showed shortterm benefit, which in one study was limited to
women who had had no previous victimization17,18; other studies showed no clear benefits
at 2, 4, or 6 months, even with “booster” sessions
(i.e., sessions that review or expand on content to
maintain or improve effects).19-21 All but one study
was conducted at a single site, two used grouplevel randomization,17,19 and the one with the
longest follow-up had a high rate of attrition.21
n engl j med 372;24
The aim of the current trial was to assess
whether a new, four-unit, small-group sexual
assault resistance program,22 as compared with
access to brochures on sexual assault, could reduce
the 1-year incidence of completed rape among
first-year female students at three universities.
A Quick Take
animation is
available at
Me thods
Enrollment and Randomization
The Sexual Assault Resistance Education (SARE)
Trial was approved by the ethics boards at the
Universities of Windsor, Guelph, and Calgary.
The full study protocol and the baseline characteristics and sexual assault histories have been
published previously4,22; the study protocol is
also available with the full text of this article at The first author assumes responsibility for the fidelity of the report to the protocol
and the accuracy and completeness of the data.
In brief, this open-label, randomized, controlled trial enrolled first-year female students,
17 to 24 years of age, at one large university in
western Canada and two midsized universities
in central Canada, from September 2011 to
February 2013. To be eligible for the trial, students had to be able to attend one of four
scheduled sets of intervention sessions during
the semester in which they enrolled in the
study. A total of 69.4% of the participants were
recruited through e-mail messages and telephone calls to first-year female students who
were registered in the research participant pools
of psychology departments; approximately 70%
of students on campus register for psychology
courses and are thereby included in these pools.
Other participants were recruited through posters or flyers around campus, e-mail messages
forwarded by professors, and presentations in
classes and at student events. A research assistant explained the study before scheduling a
participant’s baseline session. At the baseline
session, participants completed a computerized
survey, underwent randomization, and immediately attended their first resistance session or
a control session. Randomization was performed
in permuted blocks of two with the use of the
online tool, with stratification
according to site. All the participants gave written informed consent.
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The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
The Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act Sexual
Assault Resistance program consisted of four
3-hour units that involved information-providing
games, mini-lectures, facilitated discussion, and
application and practice activities. The first author developed, revised, and pilot-tested the
program between 2005 and 2011.23,24 The names
(Assess, Acknowledge, and Act) and content of
the first three units were based on recommendations by Rozee and Koss for a resistance program for women.25 These authors drew heavily
on the work of Ullman regarding successful rape
self-defense strategies26 and on Nurius and Norris’s “cognitive ecological” model,27 which provided a theoretical framework for the environmental and psychological factors that affect
women’s responses to sexual assault. The fourth
unit (Sexuality and Relationships) adapted content from the Our Whole Lives sexuality-education curricula.28,29 Participants assigned to the
resistance group could choose to attend sessions
for all the units in one weekend (two units each
day) or for one unit per week for 4 weeks.
Unit 1 (Assess) focused on improving women’s assessment of the risk of sexual assault by
male acquaintances and developing problemsolving strategies to reduce perpetrator advantages. Unit 2 (Acknowledge) assisted women to
more quickly acknowledge the danger in situations that have turned coercive, explore ways to
overcome emotional barriers to resisting the unwanted sexual behaviors of men who were known
to them, and practice resisting verbal coercion.
Unit 3 (Act) offered instruction about and practice of effective options for resistance; this unit
included 2 hours of self-defense training based
on Wen-Do.30 The unit focused on common
sexual assault situations involving acquaintances
and defense against attackers who were larger
than the woman. Unit 4 (Sexuality and Relationships) aimed to integrate content from the previous units into participants’ sexual lives by providing sexual information, including the slang
and scientific terms for a wide range of possible
sexual activities beyond intercourse and health
and safer-sex practices, and a context to explore
their sexual attitudes, values, and desires and to
develop strategies for sexual communication.
A detailed manual provided instructions for
n engl j med 372;24
m e dic i n e
facilitators (see the Supplementary Appendix,
available at Initially, a 10-day training
period, which included training in self-defense,
was conducted for facilitators. In year 2, because
most facilitators were experienced, the training
period was shortened to 1 week.
In the control sessions, brochures on sexual
assault were displayed; this mimicked common
university practice of having brochures available
in campus clinics and counseling centers. The
selection of brochures was campus-specific; however, the content was similar across sites and
included general information on sexual assault
and post-rape legal and medical advice (see the
Supplementary Appendix). A research assistant
informed participants about the brochures and
invited them to take them and read them; this
assistant also offered to answer questions in the
group session, which was scheduled to last 15
minutes, or privately afterward.
All resistance and control sessions were audiorecorded to assess fidelity to the interventions
and staff adherence to the procedures and content. One quarter of the recordings from both
groups, stratified according to facilitator or research assistant and semester, were randomly
selected and scored according to checklists developed from the operations manuals. The mean
scores for fidelity to the intervention were 94%
(range, 81 to 100) for the resistance sessions and
86% (range, 75 to 100) for the control sessions.
Data Collection
All the participants completed in-person computerized surveys at baseline and 1 week after
completion of the intervention (control participants were matched to the same interval but
participated in only one session) and offsite
Web-based surveys at 6 months and 12 months.
To minimize attrition, participants in both groups
were contacted by telephone, text, or e-mail at
each time point, with up to seven attempts at
contact made at each time point. Incentives were
provided for completing the baseline and post
intervention surveys (psychology-course bonus
credit and entry in a $300 lottery) and the followup surveys ($30 gift cards). To retain participants in the resistance group during their multiple sessions, additional incentives (small gifts
and tickets for two, $25, end-of-session lotteries)
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The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Efficacy of a Sexual Assault Resistance Progr am
were used. Women were considered to be lost to Statistical Analysis
follow-up if they did not complete the survey at Outcomes were assessed in the modified inten12 months.
tion-to-treat population, which included all eligible participants who completed one or more
Outcome Measures
postrandomization survey. The primary analysis
Information on sexual victimization was col- compared the incidence (first occurrence) of
lected with the use of the Sexual Experiences completed rape between the control group and
Survey–Short Form Victimization (SES-SFV).31 the resistance group with the use of Kaplan–
The SES-SFV, a revision of the original 1982 SES,32 Meier failure curves (indicating the cumulative
is the most widely used measure in sexual as- percentage of completed rapes among women in
sault research and has high reliability and valid- the respective groups) and the log-rank test. To
ity.33 Its strength is that it does not require cor- account for the correlation among observations
rect labeling of sexual assault by participants but within group sessions, variance estimates were
assesses how often particular experiences that appropriately inflated34 for within-session clusterlegally constitute sexual assault (in Canada) and ing with the use of estimates of the design effect.
rape (in the United States) have occurred. For The benefit of the resistance program was deexample, one item on the survey reads, “A man scribed in terms of relative risk reductions and
put his penis into my vagina, or inserted fingers the number of women who would need to paror objects without my consent by using force, for ticipate in the program to prevent one additional
example holding me down with his body weight, completed rape from occurring within 1 year afpinning my arms, or having a weapon.”
ter participation. Because researchers have specAll experiences reported during 12 months of ulated that rates of attempted rape might be infollow-up were classified into one of five sexual creased by resistance training,21 the incidence of
victimization categories: completed rape, attempt- attempted rape was also assessed.
ed rape, coercion, attempted coercion, or nonIn other modified intention-to-treat analyses,
consensual sexual contact. The primary outcome the incidences of coercion, attempted coercion,
was completed rape; other outcomes were pre- and nonconsensual sexual contact were compared
specified as tertiary. (Secondary outcomes were between the control group and the resistance
psychological variables that were expected to group with the use of discrete-time survival
mediate the effects of the intervention and are analyses that used a complementary log–log renot included here.) Completed rape (oral, vaginal, gression model,35 in which the variance estimates
or anal penetration) and nonconsensual sexual for within-session clustering were also inflated.36
contact (nonpenetrative) were defined as nonTwo prespecified subgroup analyses were perconsensual sexual acts in which the perpetrator formed to assess whether the resistance program
used threats, force, or drug or alcohol incapacita- had a similar effect regardless of prior rape viction. Coercion was considered to have occurred timization and program timing (i.e., weekend
when perpetrators used pressure or manipula- vs. weekday sessions); tests for interaction were
tion (e.g., “threatening to end the relationship” performed with the use of a Cox proportionalor “continually verbally pressuring me”) to in- hazards regression model. All P values were
duce compliance in nonconsensual penetrative two-tailed, and P values of less than 0.05 were
sexual acts. Attempted rape and attempted coer- considered to indicate statistical significance.
cion were occasions in which the perpetrator All statistical analyses were performed with the
tried to engage in the behavior but was not suc- use of SAS software, version 9.3 (SAS Institute).
cessful. For completed and attempted rapes,
participants recorded the dates of occurrence.
R e sult s
Study-group cross-contamination was measured on follow-up surveys in which participants Participants
were asked whether they knew anyone in the Of the 916 women who underwent randomizaother randomized group and, if so, what they tion, 17 were found on postrandomization review not to have met eligibility criteria, and 6 did
shared with (or were told by) that person.
n engl j med 372;24
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Copyright © 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
m e dic i n e
3241 Women were assessed for eligibility
2325 Were excluded
1529 Declined to participate
305 Were not present at baseline
417 Did not make a decision about
whether to participate
74 Did not meet eligibility criteria
916 Underwent randomization
452 Were assigned to control group
464 Were assigned to resistance group
10 Were excluded
9 Did not meet eligibility
criteria on review
1 Withdrew
13 Were excluded
8 Did not meet eligibility
criteria on review
5 Withdrew
442 Were included in the analysis
451 Were included in the analysis
22 Discontinued study
22 Were lost to follow-up
0 Withdrew
21 Discontinued study
17 Were lost to follow-up
4 Withdrew
420 Completed 12-mo follow-up
430 Completed 12-mo follow-up
Figure 1. Screening, Randomization, and Follow-up.
Women in the control group were provided access to brochures on sexual assault. Women in the resistance group
participated in a four-unit sexual assault resistance program.
not complete any postrandomization follow-up
surveys. Therefore, 893 women were included in
the analyses (Fig. 1). A total of 442 women were
assigned to the control group and attended 1 of
the 45 control sessions that were held during the
course of the study (mean number of women per
session, 9.8; range, 3 to 21). A total of 451
women were assigned to the resistance group
and attended 1 of the 48 four-unit resistance
sessions that were held during the course of the
study (mean number of women per session, 9.4;
range, 3 to 23). The design effect for the completed-rape outcome was estimated to be 1.25,
calculated according to an overall mean of 9.6
women per session and a corresponding withinsession correlation of 0.029 among observations.
n engl j med 372;24
The two groups were well-balanced with respect
to baseline characteristics (Table 1).
Adherence in the resistance group was high
(91%), with 95% and 88% of the participants attending three or more units during weekend and
weekday sessions, respectively. The mean followup was 11.6 months in both groups; 5.0% of the
participants were lost to follow-up in the control
group and 4.7% were lost to follow-up or withdrew from the study in the resistance group.
There were no crossovers between groups, and
cross-contam ...
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