Answer & Explanation:I have completed half of it but I’m with second half. I need help with the Research plan and Qualifications part. I have uploaded my Proposal and 2 proposal sample that my instructor provided.I’m an Industrial engineering student < that would help with the qualification part Thank you in advance! propsal.docxproposal_sample_1.docproposal_sample_2.docx
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Dear Jim Lukso
The current recycling program at Lowe’s Inc. is economically not efficient, and causing Lowe’s
Inc. to lose millions every year on pallets, cardboard, and wraps. Lowe’s Inc. has 15 regional
distribution centers across the United States ranging from 1.2 million square feet to 1.5 million
square feet. Each distribution center services approximately 120 to 140 retail stores in the
surrounding states. Lowe’s tractor-trailers are used to products from distribution centers to
Lowe’s retail stores. Each of theses distribution centers uses a huge amount of pallets, shrink
plastic wraps, and cardboard in order to safely ship products to the stores. After products are
shipped to Lowe’s retail stores from the distribution center, wooden pallets, cardboard, and
plastic shrink-wrap are returned back to the Lowe’s distribution center in empty tractor-trailers.
Currently, there has been no standard recycling procedure adopted across all of the distribution
centers. The Departments of Finance and Recycling are trying to enhance the current recycling
program and make it more economically efficient. This proposal will outline the problems that
are making the recycling program not economically efficient, and the steps that need to be
taken in order to improve the recycling program at Lowe’s Inc. I request your approval to write
a formal report detailing the potential enhancements on the current Lowe’s recycling program,
that will help the company to save money.
There area three main problems that make the current recycling program not efficient. Frist,
Lowe’s spends a significant amount of money purchasing new pallets from vendors. They
spend about $9131.20 every year on new pallets. These pallets are made of wood and the
average number of times that the wooden pallet is used for shipping products is between seven
to ten times. After that it will be considered as a bad pallet and is sent to a recycling vendor for
money. There are many issues that the company experiences with the wooden pallets; the
service life of a wooden pallet is the primary problem out of them all. Labor is the second
problem, Lowe’s is using in-house employees which is not the most efficient option. In house
employees have higher salary compared workers and require benefits such as health insurance,
which can be costly for an employer. Lastly, the layout of the current recycling center is one of
the main problems. Poor planet layout would cause long processing time thus low production.
Research plan
Dear Jim Lukso
I am writing this letter to request your approval to write a formal report on the topic of floodplain
management in Old Lycoming Township. Old Lycoming Township is a township of Lycoming
County located outside of the city of Williamsport in central Pennsylvania. In January of 1996, a
devastating flood swept through this area resulting in millions of dollars in damage, numerous
fatalities, and an awakened sense of insecurity in the residents of this township. The township,
located along Lycoming Creek (a tributary of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River), has made
attempts in the past to prevent flooding but these attempts have largely failed owing to erroneous
assumptions about the flood peaks. This proposal will outline the perilous flood hazard issues facing
the residents of Old Lycoming Township and will describe my research plans for investigating the
nature and context of the problem. I will offer my plans for developing possible solutions to the
problem, discuss my qualifications for conducting the research, and will provide a schedule on which
I will base my research activities.
The Problem
During a three-day period of January 1996, intense rainfall on top of heavy snowpack combined with
unseasonably warm temperatures to produce massive flash flooding in Old Lycoming Township.
This tragic event is only one example of the many flood events that have devastated this area in
recent history. In 1889, a flood of gigantic proportions permanently crippled the vibrant logging
industry in Williamsport. Subsequent floods in 1936, 1955, 1972, and 1975 continued to remind
residents of the threat they faced by living in a floodplain. The floodplain skirting the west branch of
the Susquehanna River that runs through Williamsport attracted settlement because of its fertile soils,
level surface, scenic beauty and easy access to water and transportation. Ideally, residents and
developers sought to enjoy the wonderful fisheries, scenic view, and flat, fertile land provided by the
river and its tributary streams without risk of flooding. The reality of the situation is that residing in
the flood plain has left home and business owners vulnerable time and time again to the disastrous
floods that continually cripple the region’s economy and communities.
Over the past thirty years, Old Lycoming Township has publicly worked to prevent the property
damage and loss of life associated with flooding. The initiatives they have enacted have been reactive
and have focused on structural approaches such as building detention dams, levees, and dikes. I
believe that these efforts are short-term solutions that do not necessarily work to prevent future
damage or account for the large rainfall events that ultimately cause serious flooding. I feel the
enactment of a long-term, comprehensive plan that focuses on channel monitoring, community
education, and non-structural flood prevention approaches will more effectively prevent future
community damage from floods and will help hazard prevention policy move toward becoming
proactive rather than reactive.
I propose to write a formal report outlining the historic flood problem in Old Lycoming Township
and proposing possible flood prevention policy changes that will allow the community to more
effectively prevent costly property damage and unnecessary loss of life in future floods. The report
will be presented to Jerry Walls and Mary Ellen Rogers at the Lycoming County Planning
Commission as well as Janet Hall, the township supervisor for Old Lycoming Township and other
members of the township government.
Research Plan
The problem of flooding in central Pennsylvania is a well-defined one. The focus of my research for
my formal report will not be on defining the problem but on reassessing past solutions to the problem
using existing monies, data, and infrastructures so that new, effective solutions may be enacted.
Following the 1996 flood in Williamsport, Lycoming County received a grant from the Federal
Emergency Management Agency in the amount of three million dollars. Working in conjunction with
the Lycoming County Planning Commission, I propose to utilize a portion of these funds to establish
two stream gauging stations at either end of Lycoming Creek. These small, relatively inexpensive
structures will enable the planners and policy makers in Old Lycoming Township to collect valuable
data on stream discharge, velocity, and stage (the elevation of the water surface). The collection and
analysis of this stream data will provide the foundation for studies of the calculation of the flood
hazard in this township. Utilizing the data from the gauging station, stream hydrographs (plots of
discharge rate against time) may be produced that will provide vital data in assessing runoff rates
during storm events. This data on runoff is invaluable in assessing the flood threat of a region.
The second step of my proposed research will be to utilize the already existing Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) database and floodplain mapping system of the Lycoming County
Planning Commission to notify residents along Lycoming Creek of the possible flood risk of the
area. Lycoming County planning officials have already established digital maps of Lycoming Creek
and the homes in Old Lycoming Township. These maps and data are available to the public, but only
upon request. Many homeowners do not think to ask the county for such information and as a result,
they remain ignorant of the risk they face by living in a floodplain. I propose to work with the
Lycoming County Planning Commission and Old Lycoming Township supervisors organize public
meetings where flood risk assessments and floodplain mapping results are explained and discussed
with community members. The public awareness of this knowledge will help homeowners and
developers make better decisions about where to locate present and future residences.
The final step in my proposed research will be to work with the Old Lycoming Township
government to establish “greenways” along Lycoming Creek to insure that the development of new
businesses, residences, or impervious surfaces (i.e. asphalt and roofing materials) will not be a part of
future development of this area. Greenways such as parks and recreations areas that include grass,
trees, and other vegetation would not only provide a service to the community but would act to
absorb rainfall and thus lessen the amount of water inundating communities during flood events.
Impervious surfaces prevent absorption into the soil and thus significantly add to runoff and thus the
amount of water available to flood communities. Therefore, greenways along the creek would
provide a service to the community, help to prevent the building of future homes along the creek by
acting as public areas, and would help to lessen the damaging effects of floods by decreasing storm
The implementation of these three steps will help to raise community awareness and involvement in
hazard prevention issues by building upon existing initiatives. For this reason, I feel that my
audience, Jerry Walls, Lycoming County Planning Commission Head, and Mary Ellen Rogers,
Lycoming County Hazard Prevention Officer, will find my proposed ideas feasible and effective
toward preventing future flood damage.
February 18- February 24: Wait for Proposal Acceptance; Make Preliminary Phone Calls
February 25- March 3: Interview with Jerry Walls, Lycoming County Planning Commission Head
March 4- March 10: Spring Break
March 11- March 17: Interview with Mary Ellen Rogers, Lycoming County Hazard Prevention
March 18- March 24: Interview with Janet Hall, Old Lycoming Township supervisor
March 25- March 31: Attend Old Lycoming Township Government Meeting; Present Proposed
Ideas for Discussion
April 1- April 7: Compile Interview Data and Discussions
April 8- April 14: Writing and Revision of Formal Report
April 15- April 21: Peer Review of Formal Report
April 22- April 25: Final Writing and Revision of Formal Report
As part of my undergraduate thesis work, I traveled to Old Lycoming Township in order to speak
with residents and government officials about the flooding problem in their area. Through my
conversations with these people and my academic studies of hydrology, flood hazard calculation,
water resource management, and environmental planning, I have gathered an understanding of the
processes involved with stream channels, their flooding cycles, and the human interface with this
system. As a result of my research and classes, I have acquired not only a technical and historical
understanding of the situation but an intense personal interest in the subject of flood hazards and the
complex set of factors associated with defining and preventing such hazards.
I sincerely believe that this research plan will help to raise community awareness of the flood risk in
Old Lycoming Township and will help to prevent future damages from floods. I ask that you grant
me permission to carry out this research so that I may use my skills and experiences to assist this
township in achieving community safety.
Andrew D. *****
Dear Jim Lukso
Economic efficiency and environmental quality are issues that companies and organizations should
greatly consider, especially organizations housed within our state government. When there exists the
potential to increase both economic efficiency and environmental quality by implementing new
technologies, one should research the benefits and costs of this proposed change to determine the
best strategy for the company or organization to adopt. Within the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection’s (PA DEP) Southeast Regional Office there exists such potential for
improvement. The director(s) of the PA DEP Southeast Regional Office should be notified regarding
this potential economic efficiency and environmental quality improvement.
The PA DEP Southeast Regional Office is located in the Lee Park Industrial Complex in
Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. The current lighting system of this office consists of a non-uniform
setup of standard 4 foot, 8 foot, and U-tube type fluorescent light bulbs, and incandescent light bulbs.
New energy efficient light bulbs exist that could decrease the amount of energy consumed per bulb
for both the fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs. Lower energy consumption would also lead to
lower energy costs, thus improving economic efficiency. These new light bulbs could also indirectly
improve environmental quality by decreasing the amount of harmful carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur
dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxide (NO2) emitted into the atmosphere from the burning of the fossil
fuels used to generate energy. The purpose of this proposal is to outline the steps that need to be
taken in order to investigate the potential for improved economic efficiency and environmental
quality in the lighting systems of the PA DEP Southeast Regional Office. I request your approval to
write a formal report that will be submitted to the director(s) of the PA DEP Southeast Regional
Office detailing the potential improvements in economic efficiency and environmental quality from
the implementation of these new energy efficient light bulb technologies.
The Lee Park Industrial Complex is not the ideal location for a governmental agency’s regional
headquarters. This location is within a complex that was converted from an old industrial plant into a
multipurpose industrial complex that also houses many other companies. This poses a problem for
the lighting scheme for the PA DEP’s office. Currently, the lighting system setup is composed of an
array of different lights, each being the standard, inefficient light bulbs. The current light bulbs are
not as efficient as the new light bulbs that have been introduced to the market. Ideally, a government
organization that promotes the adoption of energy efficient and environmentally friendly products
should use such products in their offices. With that said, the PA DEP Southeast Regional Office
should consider adopting the new energy efficient light bulbs into their current lighting systems. But,
as is the case with most governmental operations, budgets are tight and changes in the lighting
systems might not be the most pressing issue that this regional office needs to consider at this time.
In reality, the current lighting system, albeit inefficient, functions properly and provides the
necessary light to workers throughout the day. But, if the current lighting system were to stay as is
two major issues would ensue; the money that the department could be saving would ultimately go to
waste, and increased amounts of the before mentioned harmful gasses would be emitted into the
atmosphere. These two issues would ultimately persist until an improvement in the current lighting
system was made. For consistency and long run economic and environmental improvement the
Southeast Regional Office director(s) should consider the adoption of improved light bulbs. With this
said, I propose that the PA DEP Southeast Regional Office director(s) further investigate the
implementation of the new energy efficient light bulbs into their office, with the ultimate end being a
total light bulb changeover.
Research Plan
The first step in the investigation process would be to perform an audit of the current lighting system
of the Southeast Regional Office. This would entail a manual count of each light bulb in the PA
DEP’s office section. At the same time, the light bulbs would be examined to determine the amount
of energy necessary for their operation. After the collection of this data is complete, a spreadsheet
containing the final audit tallies would be compiled.
Next, research on the new energy efficient light bulbs would need to be conducted. Prices, energy
consumption, and additional requirements needed for the implementation of the new light bulbs must
be determined. Searches could be conducted on the Internet or by contacting local light bulb carriers.
This information should also be compiled into a spreadsheet form.
Information regarding the emissions of CO2, SO2, and NO2 from the energy used by both the
current and new light bulbs would also researched. Once the amounts of gas emissions have been
determined, the current and new light bulbs could be compared to each other in terms of their
respective amounts of gas emissions caused by their energy usage.
Once all of the current and new light bulb data has been researched and entered into their respective
spreadsheets, cost, energy consumption, and gas emission comparisons can be made. These
comparisons should reveal the initial and long-term effects of staying with the current lighting
system and implementing the new efficient lighting technologies. The comparisons should provide
sufficient evidence to either stay with the current lighting system or to implement a change to energy
efficient light bulbs.
Feb. 15 – Submit Proposal
Feb. 18 – March 1 – Conduct lighting audit of the PA DEP Southeast Regional Office and create
corresponding spreadsheet
March 4 – 8 – Spring Break
March 11 – 22 – Research energy efficient light bulbs and create corresponding spreadsheet
March 25 – 27 – Prepare Progress Report
March 28 – Submit Progress Report
Apr. 1 – 5 – Research CO2, SO2, and NO2 gas emissions and compare current and new light bulbs in
terms of gas emissions from energy usage
Apr. 8 – 15 – Compile all data into one all-encompassing spreadsheet in order to compare cost,
energy consumption, and gas emissions from current and new light bulbs; prepare final
recommendation based on comparisons.
Apr. 16 & 18 – Oral Presentation
Apr. 19 – 24 – Prepare Feasibility Report
Apr. 25 – Submit Feasibility Report
* Note: Dates reflect only weekdays as the PA DEP is closed on weekends.
As an intern for the PA DEP’s Southeast Regional Office of Pollution Prevention and Compliance
Assistance (OPPCA) I have seen the potential for energy efficient improvement firsthand. My duties
as an OPPCA intern included conducting lighting audits for area schools and universities. It was my
job to determine if cost, energy consumption, and gas emissions could decrease by implementing
new energy efficient light bulbs. I have been trained by the OPPCA department to both conduct
lighting systems and compare the compiled data in order to determine the best recommendation for
future lighting systems operation. With my previous training and background in lighting systems, I
feel that I am capable to undertake an investigation into the potential energy efficient and
environmental quality improvements.
I am also an undergraduate student in the Environmental and Renewable Resource Economics major
at the Ohio State University. My studies and understanding of environmental issues have lead me to
pursue the most efficient path in my personal work and the work that I do at my place of
employment. I feel that it is imperative for initiative to be taken in order to best preserve our
environment while maintaining economic efficiency, when possible. In this instance, I feel that it
would be worth my time and effort to save the PA DEP’s Southeast Regional Office money and
energy while also decreasing the amount of harmful gas emitted into the atmospher …
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