Answer & Explanation:AssignmentDetails_2_8_2016 (2).pdf For this assignment, complete the following steps:Write a research paper of 3–4 pages (cover and references pages not included in page count) that details the design and layout characteristics of Android phone applications.Specifically describe the design process for an Android phone application.Include a discussion of the role of Extensible Markup Language (XML) in the design process and how XML is used in the Android application files.Discuss the best practices and also the problems and solutions regarding design, layout, performance, compatibility, and security.Explain the difference between a light and a heavy layout and how they both relate to overall performance.unit_1_ip_by_sherry_l_cooper_beck.docx
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Unit 1 – Individual Project
Assignment Overview
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Type: Individual Project
Unit: Introduction to Mobile Applications
Due Date: Sun, 2/14/16
Grading Type: Numeric
Points Possible: 125
Points Earned: 0
Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages (not including cover and references pages)
Assignment Details
Learning Materials
Reading Assignment
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Online Deliverables: Submissions
Assignment Details
Assignment Description
For this assignment, complete the following steps:
1. Write a research paper of 3–4 pages (cover and references pages not included in page count) that details the design and layout characteristics of Android phone
2. Specifically describe the design process for an Android phone application.
Include a discussion of the role of Extensible Markup Language (XML) in the design process and how XML is used in the Android application files.
3. Discuss the best practices and also the problems and solutions regarding design, layout, performance, compatibility, and security.
4. Explain the difference between a light and a heavy layout and how they both relate to overall performance.
Please submit your assignment.
This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria, provided here.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Reading Assignment
Meier, Chapters 1, 2, and 3
Assignment Objectives
Identify characteristics of mobile applications
Design and develop a Web application targeted for a mobile device
Other Information
There is no additional information to display at this time.
Extra Credit
View Assignment Rubric
Assignment Details
Assignment Description
For this assignment, complete the following steps:
1. Write a research paper of 3–4 pages (cover and references pages not included in page count) that details the design and layout characteristics of Android phone
2. Specifically describe the design process for an Android phone application.
Include a discussion of the role of Extensible Markup Language (XML) in the design process and how XML is used in the Android application files.
3. Discuss the best practices and also the problems and solutions regarding design, layout, performance, compatibility, and security.
4. Explain the difference between a light and a heavy layout and how they both relate to overall performance.
Please submit your assignment.
This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria, provided here.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Reading Assignment
Meier, Chapters 1, 2, and 3
Assignment Objectives
Assignment Objectives
Identify characteristics of mobile applications
Design and develop a Web application targeted for a mobile device
Other Information
There is no additional information to display at this time.
Extra Credit
View Assignment Rubric
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Running Head: ANDROID
ITSD427 Android Phone Applications
Sherry L. Cooper Beck
February 2, 2016
Project Information
This is a project for system integration of Jumi Mall which has main branch in
Washington, DC at United States of America. Jumi Mall has started to expand to all over the
world by create more braches. Currently the mall is facing a problem with their systems since
they are not integrated. Mall branches have started operating although they do not a suitable
integrated system.
Jumi Mall has web based systems, window based systems and smart device applications
which are not integrated to form a single system. The systems are not linked hence posing a
problem when tracking transactions.
New offices systems have not yet been integrated to the main branch system. This forces
customers to visit main branch in case they have a concern that the branches do not
contain useful information from other branches due to lack of system integration.
Project objectives
To form a single system which carries complex tasks .different units and components will be
integrated to carry complex tasks with minimal interaction from user.
Another objective is to increase usability of the system and achieving users’ goals by
optimization of the system. Output from one software output maybe an input of another software
unit and therefore system integration will allow software units to communicate and pass data to
each other without the need of user (Shen et al., 2012).
To have shared resources such as data by having a single database this provides all
applications with data. Data from different parts of the system will be available during
organizational decision making which is important by having shared resources.
To have a manageable system which can be easily be maintained instead of many different
systems that cannot be easily maintained.
To make sure systems from different office blocks communicate to achieve a certain goal
such as data storing and retrieving, that is, making sure all system form a single logical system
which can be used to manage Jumi Mall.
To provide best services to the Jumi Mall customers by having an integrated system that
meets their needs.
To minimize data loss and data anomaly in Jumi Mall by having an integrated system
chances of data loss will be reduced. Data anomalies will be avoided by making sure the system
performs and behaves as required (Shen et al., 2012).
Goals of the project
The project will ensure Jumi Mall has an integrated system that carries complex tasks
with minimal interaction to the user.
The integrated system will ensure there is no data loss in the system. it will be easy to
manage data in one integrated system than in multiple systems.
Data anomalies will be eliminated. Data access controls will be implemented to ensure
only accurate data is kept and without losing important information. Data redundancy will be
eliminated to ensure the system uses consistent data and other resources.
The system will ensure Jumi mall customers receive best services by having a system that
meets their needs.
Due to shared resources such as data Jumi Mall will be able to keep track of transactions
easily. The integrated system will also produce real time accurate reports used to make
managerial decisions.
The integrated system will link Jumi Mall main branch and other sub braches for easy
control and access of same services from different areas or branches.
Major systems
Jumi Mall has designed various applications in order to serve its wide range customers. The
mall has the following major systems:
➢ Web application
➢ Window based application
➢ Smart phones application
➢ Database management system
➢ Control server
This list may change after further analysis is completed.
Boundaries of the project
For system integration to occur there must be existing software units, components and
other related software and hardware needed in the system and therefore we shall integrate
existing software units and components to form a single system. Some units and components will
be modified where necessary to fit in the final system.
Jumi Mall has web applications, windows application and other smart devices
applications, which will be integrated to share same resources such as data from same
5 other words, the project will not create new system units and components but it will
integrate the existing ones.
Project Plan
Work breakdown structure (WBS)
The project shall contain the following main activities:
Requirements definition
Requirement analysis-component and subsystem specifications
Stakeholder agreement on requirements and signing the project charter
Component check out for integration entry
Tracking integration process
Continuous testing
Mission thread and stress testing
acceptance testing
project sign off
Completion dates
The following is a Gantt chart which shows time to be taken for each activity. The project
will start on 3rd January 2016 and it will at 6th February 2016.
Task /Date
3rd to
7th to
10th to 14th to
17th to
21st to
24th to
4th to
6th Jan
9th Jan 13rd
Jan to
agreement on
and signing
the project
check out for
thread and
stress testing
project sign
Other resources required
Software component and units simulators used for testing and verification.
Tools for project management
Tools for tracing project progress
System Integration Best Practices
Best practices
Backup the existing system and its data and settings. This ensures there is no data loss in
case a fault occurs during system integration.
The team will have to develop integration plan to be followed during program planning.
The overall system will be defined as configuration items against their sub systems.
In each level of integration there shall be appropriate requirements, design and
verification specifications to be followed.
Necessary diagrams which show configuration of items and subsystems will be designed.
The team will have to ensure requirements, designs and specifications are maintained at
all levels of the project each team will’ be assigned a specific task with a certain time
Configuration Management (CM) will have to ensure the all items configurations have
Have a continuous rhythm in the system integration as defined by System Architecture
Skeleton (SAS).
Every system component shall have to be checked prior to the system integration. This
ensures component interfaces are verified and conform to the requirements by use of
tools such simulators. Component boundaries, memory leak testing and error handling is
also checked.
First the subsystem integration using a written procedure is carried out prior to the actual
system integration to ensure end to end conformance and other system level capabilities
are in place.
System integration will be done first by use of written procedure prior to verification.
Systems integration architecture
Requirements Specifications
Process to elicit requirements
Determining software requirement is one of key issues in system development life cycle.
Requirements allow developers to execute other development phases basing their focus on them.
In this project Agile method is used to gather project requirements. The advantage of using agile
method is to ensure high quality products are delivered by promoting collaboration between
stake holders and creating incremental process which optimize the program budget.
The process involves use of questionnaires, interviews, research and other reporting
methods. Any requirement can be added to the project because agile method permits that.
Stakeholders and their roles
Jumi Mall
Jumi Mall provides any necessary resources such as funds for the projects. The mall also
provides requirements for the project.
Provide necessary information used to determine requirements of the project. The also
test the system and provide feedback to the project team.
Project team
Project team ensures they deliver all products to the user as required by implementing
them. The team also offers technical support to other stakeholders such as users.
Microsoft community
In case of problems that project team cannot solve then assistance is requested from
Microsoft community. Microsoft community always offers technical support if needed.
Components and interfaces
The following are major interfaces and components:
Smart application interface
Web application interface
Windows application interface
Database components
All above interfaces shall be integrated with server allow it to process various requests.
The server allows all applications to communicated to a shared also processes client
request faster from various users. This makes it have components which control and implement
the interfaces. The following are the main components of the server:
web component
smart system component
windows application component
database connector component
web component is a component in the server that will allow users who are use web based
applications to access resources from the server such data stored in the database. The
component has algorithms which ensure security in type connections such as authentication
algorithm. Users will interact direct with websites directly from their browsers. Web
application interface is responsible for translating data from web pages and sending it to the
web component through internet.
Smart system component capture data and commands send over internet from smart
applications. It enables applications from smart devices such as smart phones and smart watches
to communicate with server and other devices. Smart application interface is an interface which
sends data and commands from users’ smart devices through internet to the Smart system
Windows application component allows computers with window application to send data and acts as an intermediate between windows application and server. Windows
application interface is the interface responsible for sending data from windows application to
the windows application component in the server.
Database connector component allows server to connect with the database. The component
translates data and commands used in the database. The components will also capture data form
database to the server.
The diagram below shows how the interface and components shall be integrated.
Measurable functional requirements
The following are the functional requirements for the project:
The system should be reliable be able to handle errors. This requirement can be measured
by how system captures errors resulting from user input and other system errors.
Data integrity should be ensured to make sure only correct data is used within the system.
Data stored and underuse should be reliable to use by any process. This requirement can
be measured by how data anomaly is avoided by have concurrency control.
The system display should have many features as possible to allow the user to access
various parts and feature of the system. A quality system should be easy to learn
understand how to use it.
The system should also provide warnings on some of the hardware requirements such as
shortage of storage space in the system. Some system information is important to the user
and should be provided where necessary.
Measurable nonfunctional requirements
The following are the functional requirements for the project:
The system should have sufficient security to withstand any kind of attack and
provide any necessary information to the user. Security ensures system is safe from
any kind of attack. The attack can be physical and may cause business interruptions.
The system should have high speed perform to process all user requests within
minimal time as possible. Most of user do not like wait for a machine time because
they think it is a waste of time.
The system should provide user with necessary information go help him/her on how
to use it, that is, the system should have help and support features.
The system where the database is store should have sufficient space for data storage.
Necessary data need to be stored in the system so that it can be retrieved back for
more use. In order to ensure operation won’t stop then the system should have enough
storage space.
The system should be easy to service and maintain by providing the necessary
documents concerning the system. Modern hardware should be used because allows
easy upgrade and maintenance of system.
The system should be reliable by having feature to recover in case of a failure.
Backup is a necessary requirement for any eliminates risk of permanent loss
of data. Malicious attack can delete all data in the system and therefore backup is
needed to retrieve the data as soon as possible.
Scope assumptions
The following are assumptions made on the project scope:
The time scheduled shall be enough to complete the system integration without any
We assume Jumi Mall has an existing network with sufficient bandwidth.
All units and components have all interfaces implement to allow easy system integration.
Pros of proceeding with the project
Proceeding with this project will have the following benefits:
Proceeding with this project will allow developers to create an integrated system which
will be used by Jumi Mall to perform complex task.
The project will also allow the team to develop a system which is easy to use. That is, the
project will increase usability of the system.
The project will allow creation of a system which needs minimal interaction from the
user. That is, operations will be automated where possible make it easy to operate the
system with minimal efforts.
Cons of proceeding with the project
The project also has some following disadvantages:
The project will need qualified personnel to back up the current system.
Jumi mall will also incur backup cost of the system.
Some of services provided by any existing system will not be offered until the final
product from the project is complete.
In case of an error made on the project it may cause a lot of losses on Jumi Mall.
Enterprise System Integration Analysis
Quality assurance considerations
It is important for board to ensure it uses best methods that ensure system of high quality is
developed. Quality assurance measures should be used to determine if the system produced will
be suitable for use in any environment. The board will have to consider the following during the
discussion to come up with the best method of proceeding with the system integration:
Error handling
The board will have to ensure if the method or any practice chosen will ensure errors are
handled and if possible eliminated. Every system should be able to handle any error and provide
necessary information to the user that will enable him/her to move forward with the operation.
The following are some considerations:
Recovery capabilities
In case of failure the system should be able to recover without losing user information or
data. It is import for the integrated system to recover from any error or failure.
The option selected to integrate the system should take care of usability of the system.
any practice used should produce a system which is easy to use by any user. This means the
system should be complicated for anyone to use.
System should be able to complete the intended task within reasonable time or even faster
than the user anticipation. For a system to be quality should be effective to satisfy user needs.
The board should use best practices which ensure effectiveness of a system.
Data integrity
Data integrity is very important in any ensures accurate and correct data is kept in
the system. Due to many integrated components and software units, data integrity should be a
major concern. It is obvious the board should come up with a way of ensuring data integrity is
maintained in the system.
Options for considering during systems integration
There are different options that are used during system is impo …
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