Answer & Explanation:The final step in developing the software development plan is to
prepare for the implementation and maintenance phases. Implementation
requires more than just taking the design and coding. Proper planning
for implementation will ensure the developers have the proper tools and
processes in place to do their jobs efficiently.In this stage of
the project, you will add the implementation and maintenance section to
your software development plan. You will also further refine the plan
to produce your final plan document for the project.
The project requires that you do the following:
Update the software development plan title page with a new date and project name.Update previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.Software Implementation: Identify the major milestones and deliverables for the project.Discuss how source code control and versioning will be handled.Perform a risk analysis, and identify at least 3 risks and mitigation strategies.Identify the documentation that will be produced.Define the deployment strategy for the system. Software Maintenance:
Discuss the maintenance needs for the software and how the maintenance process will occur.Identify the strategy for upgrades and updates. Software Development Plan Final Version:
Review the entire document for any changes and improvements you would like to make.Ensure
that this final version of the plan is sufficiently detailed to allow
the software developers to move forward with the project.Any previous instructor feedback should be addressed with appropriate changes. Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.Name the document “yourname_ITSD422_IP5.doc.” AssignmentDetails_11_2_2015.pdfLast Assignment template to update from:sherrylcooperbeck_itsd422_ip4.doc
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Unit 5 – Individual Project
Assignment Overview
Go To:
Type: Individual Project
Unit: Implementation and Maintenance
Due Date: Sun, 11/8/15
Grading Type: Numeric
Points Possible: 185
Points Earned: 0
Deliverable Length: Final Software Development Plan (5-6 additional pages)
Assignment Details
Learning Materials
Reading Assignment
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Online Deliverables: Submissions
Assignment Details
As s ignment D es cription
The final step in developing the software development plan is to prepare for the implementation and maintenance phases. Implementation requires more than just taking the
design and coding. Proper planning for implementation will ensure the developers have the proper tools and processes in place to do their jobs efficiently.
In this stage of the project, you will add the implementation and maintenance section to your software development plan. You will also further refine the plan to produce your
final plan document for the project.
The project requires that you do the following:
Update the software development plan title page with a new date and project name.
Update previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
Software Implementation:
Identify the major milestones and deliverables for the project.
Discuss how source code control and versioning will be handled.
Perform a risk analysis, and identify at least 3 risks and mitigation strategies.
Identify the documentation that will be produced.
Define the deployment strategy for the system.
Software Maintenance:
Discuss the maintenance needs for the software and how the maintenance process will occur.
Identify the strategy for upgrades and updates.
Software Development Plan Final Version:
Review the entire document for any changes and improvements you would like to make.
Ensure that this final version of the plan is sufficiently detailed to allow the software developers to move forward with the project.
Any previous instructor feedback should be addressed with appropriate changes.
Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
Name the document “yourname_ITSD422_IP5.doc.”
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Reading Assignment
Dennis, Wixom, & Roth, chap. 13
As s ignment O bjectives
Demonstrate an understanding of the use of tools in each phase of the software development life cycle
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of how information technology supports operational and business requirements in today’s extremely competitive market
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L egend
Extra Credit
View Assignment Rubric
Assignment Details
As s ignment D es cription
The final step in developing the software development plan is to prepare for the implementation and maintenance phases. Implementation requires more than just taking the
design and coding. Proper planning for implementation will ensure the developers have the proper tools and processes in place to do their jobs efficiently.
In this stage of the project, you will add the implementation and maintenance section to your software development plan. You will also further refine the plan to produce your
final plan document for the project.
The project requires that you do the following:
In this stage of the project, you will add the implementation and maintenance section to your software development plan. You will also further refine the plan to produce your
final plan document for the project.
The project requires that you do the following:
Update the software development plan title page with a new date and project name.
Update previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
Software Implementation:
Identify the major milestones and deliverables for the project.
Discuss how source code control and versioning will be handled.
Perform a risk analysis, and identify at least 3 risks and mitigation strategies.
Identify the documentation that will be produced.
Define the deployment strategy for the system.
Software Maintenance:
Discuss the maintenance needs for the software and how the maintenance process will occur.
Identify the strategy for upgrades and updates.
Software Development Plan Final Version:
Review the entire document for any changes and improvements you would like to make.
Ensure that this final version of the plan is sufficiently detailed to allow the software developers to move forward with the project.
Any previous instructor feedback should be addressed with appropriate changes.
Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
Name the document “yourname_ITSD422_IP5.doc.”
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Reading Assignment
Dennis, Wixom, & Roth, chap. 13
As s ignment O bjectives
Demonstrate an understanding of the use of tools in each phase of the software development life cycle
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of how information technology supports operational and business requirements in today’s extremely competitive market
O ther Information
There is no additional information to display at this time.
L egend
Extra Credit
View Assignment Rubric
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Software Project Management Plan
Sherry L. Cooper-Beck
American InterContinental
Software Project Management Plan
Table of Contents
Project Outline ……………………………………………………………………………….. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Planning ………………………………………………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.
Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.
Design …………………………………………………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.
Quality Assurance …………………………………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.
Implementation ………………………………………………………………………………. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Maintenance …………………………………………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.
References ……………………………………………………………………………………… Error! Bookmark not defined.
Software Project Management Plan
Project Outline
In this document we will describe a project that will provide solutions to the problems which
are experienced in the libraries. The main aim of the project is to automate library management
process by providing solutions to the institutions.
The main goal of the project would be to ease library operations and providing best library
services to the library members. It will do away with manual system and provide automated
library services where members will be served easily. The intended library management system
will also keep electronic records with consistent data which is meaningful for the management of
the library.
The system will ease library operations such as data entry and record keeping. WAMP server
which is existing software for database will be used to keep the will be manipulated by
software which we are going to develop.
System will also use the existing list of members’ records for new operations without
registering member again. Other added features are such as keeping track of books in the library
and other records and then produce the necessary report which will be used by the management
to make a meaningful decision.
When a member borrows a book or returns it to the library the system will automatically
updates its records so that staff can be able to see the exact number of books in the library
without manual count.
Software Project Management Plan
The system does not only focus on library problems but also focuses to provide best services
to the library member. The system intended shall have data backup to ensure we do not lose the
library data in case of anything.
The system is in demand by many institutions which are starting. Other institutions which
manage their library manual are also requesting for the same product and that means if we
develop this project I shall solve a real problem.
The purpose of this project would be to automate library operations by use of latest
technology in order to provide best and quality services in the library. Project is useful in
institutions with library and can even be used in the public libraries which have not been
The system will cover library operations and members (for example, students)
registration and library operations. Other operations concerning in the situation can be added
later after first deployment.
In this project we shall require computers, Visual Studio Software, WAMP server and
MySQL Connector. These tools will help us to develop quality software to solve the problems
(Bourdon, 2013).
To create library management system that will automate library operations increasing
efficiency and reducing manpower.
Software Project Management Plan
To allow library members (for example, students) and staff to access library services online.
Staff can login to access different services offered by the library. Students are also able to login
into the system and access services such as borrowing books online then pick it from the library.
This system will allow library members to pay for their services through the Library
Management System in an effort to keep track of the payments and any transactions made in the
library hence making it easy to management the library. This eases library operations by
providing the necessary information to the management and the staff.
The other main aim is to eliminate the manual system which is not efficient with new system
which will serve library members with quality services. Manual system works slowly and
therefore it is important to improve the services.
To produce necessary reports, this will allow the management to manage the library. It will
also be easy to tell if certain book is at the library or not through the system. These features
provide crucial information to the staff and library members.
To eliminate any unnecessary mistakes which are made during library operations. This will
be achieved by automating the library operations hence reducing chances of mistakes occurring
more so on library documents.
Major goals in this document
The main goal of this project is to make a system which will solve the library operations
by reducing manpower and increasing the efficiency of the library.
The new system will allow the library members (for example, students) and staff to
access library services online. Staff can login to access different services offered by the library.
Students are also able to login into the system and access services such as borrowing books
online then pick it from the library. The system will also allow library members to pay for their
Software Project Management Plan
services. The system will keep track of the payments and any transactions made in the library
hence making it easy to management the library. This eases library operations by providing the
necessary information to the management and the staff.
The other main aim is to eliminate the manual system which is not efficient with new
system which will serve library members with quality services. Manual system works slowly and
therefore it is important to improve the services.
The system will produce necessary reports which will allow the management to manage
the library. It will also be easy to tell if certain book is at the library or not through the system.
These features provide crucial information to the staff and library members. The system will also
eliminate unnecessary mistakes which are made during library operations. This will be achieved
by automating the library operations hence reducing chances of mistakes occurring more so on
library documents.
Constraints for the project
In this document, we shall assume that we are not going to run out time before completing
the project. Another assumption is that, the institution has an existing network link and if not we
will have to establish the network. The software will mainly focus on library operations and not
the other parts of the institution. Other features will be included later. Also the software
delivered from this project will run only on Windows Platform.
This project has following stakeholders:
This includes anyone who will provide or invest financially to the project and its
Software Project Management Plan
This includes the entire development team that will be involved in upgrading the system,
as well as patching, programming, or any kind of refining, etc.
This includes all direct reports that are in control, whether organizational or functionality.
This includes any users involved in utilizing the system for not only the business needs
but customers as well.
This includes all types of customers whether returning or purchasing in bulk.
Educational Institutions
This includes school systems beginning with preschool and ending in collegiate
The institution will provide necessary information which will be used for analyzing
requirements of the system.
Microsoft Community
Microsoft community provides us with some software components to use without any
cost. They also help us to solve code difficulties through forums.
Tools required
Visual studio 2010 or any latest version
Visual studio 2010 has an integrated development environment that enables programmers
to develop software and components. It supports multiple languages hence allowing the
Software Project Management Plan
programmer to decide the type of language to use. Visual studio is developed by Microsoft
Company to allow programmers to develop computer programs for Microsoft windows. It has
many features used by programmers such as windows forms, windows store, widows API,
Microsoft Silverlight and windows presentation foundations. It also produces managed code and
native code. The code editor supports code refactoring as well as code completion component
It is the most important tool in this project since it will be used to develop software part
of the has a code editor and a debugger that works both in the source level and at
machine level. It has other in but tools such as form designer tool for building graphical user
interface, database schema designer, web designer and class designer. Plug-ins can be added in
every level to enhance its function ability. It also allows programmers to add support for source
control systems such as subversion and even adding new toolsets like visual designers and
editors for specific languages (Ritchie, P. 2010).
WAMP server latest version
It allows programmers to create databases which can be used by different software to
store data. It also allows users to retrieve and submit data to the database in a secure way. The
Wamp sever is the commonly used in storing data in the has ability to manage
MySQL services and apache. It also gives access to everyone or to the local host only that is, it
can be switched from offline to online and vice will allow us to manage the server setting
and even creating alias in the server to ensure data integrity is not violated. Programmers can
access setting files to configure the server to work as expected. Log files are also available so
that we can monitor activities in the database.
MySQL connector latest version
Software Project Management Plan
MySQL Connector is also called Connector/ODBC or MyODBC. MySQL Connector is
software that provides intermediate connection between different programs and the WAMP
server in order to access contains drivers for connecting to the MySQL database
server through application program interface by use Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
(Pereira et al., 2012).
Agile model
Agile model has been known for giving best results in the programing field. It is also a
type of incremental model that allows software to be developed in an incremental way and rapid
cycles. It includes small incremental releases where each release is built on previous
functionality. Each and every release is tested to ensure software quality is maintained .the model
in most cases is used for time critical applications. Extreme Programming (XP) is one of the
most well know process in the agile development life cycle model.
This model will work best with the project since we should deliver quality software
which will ensure that the institution problems have been solved not forgetting customer
satisfaction. The model will allow rapid development of the software hence deploying it as we
develop the software to have a new release with more functionality. This will allow us to deliver
software which will function as the institution waits for a new release. First release is expected in
the first weeks of the project rather than months which are taken by other models (Racheva et al.,
The model also promotes interaction between customers (institution management),
developers and testers instead of emphasizing on the process and tools. This allows free
exchange of ideas from one person to another hence creating proper understanding of the also creates best form of communication such as face to face communication.
Software Project Management Plan
Agile model ensures there is daily cooperation between customer (institution) and the
developers. This ensures all steps go as agreed by the institution and the developers. It also gives
developers and clients equal chances to say their issues. Issues which arise are solved at early
stages of the developments hence minimizing them at the final release of the software.
Programmers are exposed to changes in the development. This makes to adapt to
different software requirements and circumstances. This aspect is a key because user
requirements change as the time goes on. Sometimes clients forget to state all their requirements
and therefore late changes in the requirement are also allowed in this model (Zhang et al., 2010).
Agile model is useful in situations where very important changes can be made. New
changes are implemented at a very minimal cost because agile model allows new increments in
the software. During the implement of new feature developers do not lose a lot of work compares
to other methods. The work lost can be of few days or even hours.
The following are the agile processes proposed for this project:
Software Project Management Plan
Understand requirements and analyze them by use of existing data, personas, user stories
and so on. User flows and IA are also created.
User Interface prototypes are created and tested. Rapid iterative and evaluation of user
interface and design activities is done at this stage
At this stage user interface and code are integrated and tested.
Usability Testing
The program usability is tested at this stage.
Software Project Management Plan
Methods of gathering the requirements
We shall gather system requirements by reviewing the old system if any, interviewing users
(members and staff), through questionnaire to different departments and different individuals.
Also in every meet we shall gather requirements according to how stakeholders state them.
Structures the me …
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