BACKGROUND: Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Mandate Imagine ha

BACKGROUND: Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Mandate Imagine having a… BACKGROUND: Human Papillomavirus Vaccine MandateImagine having a daughter being diagnosed with cervical cancer in her 20s that could have all been prevented by a vaccine administered in early adolescence. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection remains one of the most commonly sexually transmitted infections amongst males and females. HPVs lead  to carcinomas such as cervical, oropharyngeal, vulvar, penile, anal cancers, and genital warts. The vaccination series begins as early as 9 to 14 years of age but is not mandated in early adolescence as this poses ethical dilemmas. Arguments have been made both in favor and against mandating the HPV vaccine in early adolescence, focusing on increased incidence, high morbidity, and mortality. Some opponents may believe that imposing a vaccine mandate is an intrusion on parental autonomy, raises the fear of implied consent to engage in sexual activity, and unintended consequences from side effects. . The HPV vaccine is effective in protecting against most common cancer-causing forms of HPV; it can protect against other forms of HPV that cause genital warts, and against less common HPV cancers. However, there are several factors such as that of faith-based influences that play a role in governing what medical decisions are made in one’s life. Many conservative families believe that vaccinating for HPV would encourage sexual activity but it is a public health concern, as teaching abstinence is equally as important as teaching safe sex practices. Lack of knowledge or misinformation on the behalf of parents has also greatly influenced the lack of HPV vaccination in early adolescents. The HPV vaccine should be mandated for all adolescents in all 50 states. This paper aims to discuss a nursing perspective on HPV vaccination as it is relevant to ensuring public safety and preventing HPV through mandating vaccination in children 9 to 14  years old. The target audience of this paper are American parents, government officials, and healthcare providers. It is ethically relevant to these groups because mandating the HPV vaccine can protect the public from contracting the infection and can minimize the effects of infection.  Enforcing any form of vaccination is extremely controversial as people feel personal autonomy is hindered. However, in the case of mandating, an HPV vaccine becomes a vital necessity for children to be vaccinated as it effectively aids in the prevention of highly widespread cancers that pose a significant public health concern.Human Papillomavirus Signs and Symptoms                                                                                                 HPV is a virus that is commonly transmitted. There are around 100 different varieties of HPV that affect various regions of the body. The genitals, including the vulva, vagina, cervix, penis, and scrotum, as well as the rectum and anus, are all susceptible to HPV. About 14 of them are classified “high risk” for developing cervical cancer. Contact with (touching) the skin of someone who has an HPV infection can spread genital HPV. Vaginal, anal, and oral sex are all forms of contact. Genital warts are hard, rough bumps that form on the skin caused by some kinds of HPV. HPV and genital warts can affect anyone who engages in sexual activity. Genital warts most commonly develop on the vulva, in or around the vagina or anus, on the groin, or on the cervix. In many cases, HPV is asymptomatic. Warts in the vaginal area are the most typical symptom when they do arise. After a person has been infected with the virus, symptoms might show weeks, months, or even years later.                                                                                                                               Screening Diagnosis Diagnostic testing includes pap test, colposcopy, and HPV DNA testing. During pap tests the healthcare provider takes a sample of cells from the cervix during this test. Even if the patient does not have genital warts, the cells are inspected under a microscope to look for any alterations. Colposcopy testing includes light-emitting equipment that enlarges the view of the cervix. On the cervix, a vinegar solution is applied. The treatment makes HPV-infected, abnormal cells turn white, allowing them to be seen more easily. In an HPV DNA test sample of cells for the presence of HPV genetic material. The test can identify the HPV strain linked to cervical cancer. The sample is usually gathered at the same time as a pap test.                                                                                                                   HPV in Men Genital warts most commonly develop on the penis, scrotum, in or around the anus, and groin in men. HPV infection in men, especially those that can induce cellular alterations, have no symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose. When external genital warts are observed in men, HPV is diagnosed. Because there is no cure for HPV that is asymptomatic, the majority of males infected with the virus go untreated. A healthcare provider may occasionally identify minor warts that would otherwise go unreported. In most cases, HPV infection does not put a guy at an increased risk of developing health concerns. HPV vaccination is still vital for men, as the virus has been related to rare malignancies like prostate cancer.                                                           Public Health ConcernAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV.  Every year, around 14 million people become infected for the first time (National Foundation for Infectious Disease, 2014).  HPV is so ubiquitous that most sexually active men and women will contract at least one kind of HPV during their lifetime. The age group 15 to 24 has the highest rate of new HPV infections. Each year, a girl between the ages of 15 and 24 has a 25% risk of becoming infected, and 33% of females between the ages of 15 and 19 are infected with HPV at any given time. Infection is also disproportionately prevalent among younger boys (National Foundation for Infectious Disease, 2014). Most HPV infections are cleared by the body on its own within 8 to 24 months, there are no harmful or long-term health consequences. However, even people who eventually clear the virus without developing cancer can still spread HPV on to others. With the majority of sexually active people infected at some point in their lives, HPV has a significant impact on cancer rates.                                                                                                               Cervical Cancer Every year in the United States, nearly 200,000 women are diagnosed with cervical precancer. Of those, 11,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer caused by HPV, and over 4,000 women die from cervical cancer (CDC, 2020). Cervical cancer is a disorder in which the cells lining the cervix, which is the narrow, outer end of the uterus, alter and develop at a rapid rate, resulting in a tumor. This is a condition that normally worsens over time. Women of any age can be affected, but it is most common in women in their mid-40s. Cervical dysplasia is a disorder caused by some strains of HPV creating alterations in the cells of the cervix. Dysplasia can lead to cervical cancer if left untreated. Cervical cancer is virtually usually caused by HPV. However, having HPV or cervical dysplasia does not guarantee that a woman will get cervical cancer. PreventionThe best way to avoid cervical cancer is to have regular Pap screenings (CDC, 2020). The test can detect precancerous abnormalities in the cervix as well as cervical cancer. Cervical cancer can nearly always be avoided or cured if precancerous alterations are discovered and treated early, before the cancer develops. HPV infection is usually temporary before the age of 30. Finding HPV during Pap screening by the age of 30 might help determine how often one should be checked. The lack of high-danger HPV types usually indicate that a woman is unlikely to develop cervical alterations that could lead to cervical cancer. In this instance, most women have a 5 year interval between Pap test tests. If a woman tests positive for high-risk HPV kinds, her healthcare provider will do more frequent Pap tests to look for any pre-cancerous or treatable alterations in her cells. Cervical cancer is the only HPV-related malignancy that can be diagnosed early by a screening test.                                                                                                                                                         Less Common CancersHPV can cause other forms of cancers aside from cervical cancers. Both men and women are affected by anal and oropharyngeal cancers that are secondary to HPV infection. Women are mainly affected by cervical, vaginal, and vulva cancers. Men are also affected by penile cancer.                                                                                                        Prevalence and Incidence Infection with any HPV was found in 40.0 percent of the population, 41.8 percent in men, and 38.4 percent in women; infection with disease-associated HPV was found in 24.2 percent of males and 19.9 percent of women. In 2018, an estimated 23.4 and 19.2 million men and women, respectively, had a disease-related HPV type infection. Any disease-associated HPV infection had incidences of 1222 and 672 per 10,000 people, respectively; disease-associated HPV infection had an incidence of 708 per 10,000 men and 636 per 10,000 women. In 2018, an estimated 6.9 and 6.1 million men and women, respectively, were infected with a disease-associated HPV type (Lewis et al., 2021).HPV Vaccine EfficacyThe HPV vaccine is quite effective. Quadrivalent type HPV infections declined by 86%  in female teens between the ages of 14 and 19 and by 71 percent in women in their early 20s in the 10  years following the vaccine’s recommendation in the United States in 2006 (CDC, 2021). Additionally, studies have revealed that since HPV vaccines have been used in the United States, fewer teenagers and young people are developing genital warts and cervical precancers. Other nations with HPV vaccination programs have likewise shown declines in the prevalence of vaccine-type conditions, genital warts, and cervical precancers. The HPV vaccine does not treat pre-existing HPV infections or illnesses; it only prevents new HPV infections. When given prior to any HPV exposure, the HPV vaccine performs at its best. Most sexually active adults have already been exposed to HPV, though perhaps not to all the strains that the vaccine is designed to protect against. Arguments Supporting Vaccine Mandate Mandating an HPV vaccine becomes a vital necessity to effectively aid in the prevention of highly widespread cancers that pose a significant public health concern. Ethical Theory of Utilitarianism The ethical theory of utilitarianism is frequently employed in medical systems. It serves as the foundation for many policy-level choices on the provision of healthcare services and is crucial to making medical judgments. Utilitarianism is a moral theory that contends that a decision can be deemed good or harmful based on how it will affect the eventual result. The course of action that has the highest utility to usefulness is the proper one (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014). Act-utilitarianism is a branch of utilitarianism that allows for several, occasionally conflicting, behaviors under various circumstances. Act- utilitarians, for instance, may think that it is ideal to tell the truth, but they acknowledge that there are instances when it will be better for everyone involved if this rule is broken, even if the rights of certain individuals are violated (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014). This has ethical significance to the case of mandating the HPV vaccine as utilitarianism does not provide sufficient recognition of the principle of autonomy. But instead this principle supports the idea that mandating vaccination of the whole population aids in diminishing risk and harm and aids in the protection of the public which places emphasis on the continuity of health and increasing the overall good which in turn outweighs the principle of autonomy. Ethical Principles Moral truths that are fundamental and clear serve as a guidance for action and thought. Understanding ethical concepts and being skilled at implementing them in a significant and consistent manner in practice are essential skills for nurses to possess. The driving force behind all caring professions is a sincere concern and respect for others. The cornerstone of professional ethics is respect for people, according to established codes of nursing ethics. The three ethical principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice are applicable and support the mandating of the HPV vaccine.Beneficence The beneficence principle calls for doing good. Nurses must act in a way that is advantageous to the patients. The professional job requires charitable deeds, which is both morally and legally required. The context and justification of nursing are provided by the goal of beneficence. It establishes the foundation for the confidence patients have in specific nurses and healthcare organizations as well as the confidence that society has in the nursing profession. The three main tenets of the ethical principle of beneficence are to perform or promote good, to prevent harm, and to eradicate evil or harm (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014). Mandating the HPV vaccine will promote good and prevent harm to the public as it is safeguarding individuals and the community as a whole from infection and development of cancer. American parents, government officials, and healthcare providers should promote the continuity of children’s health by mandating HPV vaccination as it supports the principle of beneficence. Nonmaleficence The concept of nonmaleficence is connected to the idea of beneficence, but nonmaleficence demands us to refrain from actively doing damage. In order to avoid harm, nonmaleficence also requires weighing the potential harm against the potential benefit  (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014). Given that vaccinations are a kind of protection against serious illness, the benefit of vaccinations with regard to vaccine mandates surpasses the cost of not allowing individual’s autonomy. Another examples of nonmaleficence application is regard to children who are not vaccinated against HPV that unknowingly are posing a public health risk when they become sexually active as it potentiates the risk for HPV infection. Parents may be unaware of this potential for future risk and are inadvertently causing more harm than they are promoting general good. Justice Given that giving to some will prevent others who could otherwise have received those things from doing so, justice is the ethical ideal that refers to fair, equitable, and suitable treatment in light of what is owed to others. The government is in charge of making policy decisions about general public health access issues including child immunization requirements and vaccine mandates. Instituting an HPV vaccine mandate provides fair, equitable, and suitable health promotion of the public by not doing public health concern rises at the same rate of infection.  QUESTIONS:  1. Arguments Against Vaccine Mandate?Mandating an HPV vaccine sets a dangerous precedent as it…2. Cons? 3. Ethical Theory of Deontology and how it support anti-HPV vaccination mandate ? 4. Ethical PrinciplesAutonomy: How the principle relates to anti-HPV vaccination mandate? 2 paragraphs define and apply principle Veracity: How the principle relates to anti-HPV vaccination mandate?2 paragraphs define and apply principle 5. Argument Flaws? What are argument flaws for anti-HPV vaccination mandate? 6. Faith Integration?  7. Value to Nursing? HPV Vaccine mandate  8. In support of argument: Code of Ethics: Pick Provision and Application to Topic? 9. Conclusion: Sum up why there should be an HPV vaccine mandate.  Health Science Science Nursing UNRS 496

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