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a leadership theory that holds that effective leaders
Trait tlteorr’ is one u’alr to describe rvho learlers are’
Trait theory suvs that e{fective leaders possess a sin’rilar’
set of traits or characteristics. Traits are relativelv stable
possess a sirnilar set of traits or characteiistics
relatively stable characteristics, such as abilities, psychological
motives, or consistent patterns of behavior
clraracteristics such as abilities, psychological motives, or
consistent patterns of beharior. For ertrmple, trait tlieorr
hokls tliat Icaclers are taller ancl rlore conficlent and have
gretrter phvsical stamina (i.e., hlgher eners/-Ievels) than
betu,een leirders and managers, “Arncrican organizations
(andprobabll’tliose in ltlrch o{ the rest ofthe inchistrializecl
nonleaders. ln fact, studies shor.v u’e perceive those in iurthoriS,-as being taller than thev actuallv are, tincl that taller
people sce ther.nselves as lnore qutrlified to lencl.r0 Indeed
u,orld) are underled rtncl overlttanaged. Thel’ do not pa1′
enough ilttention to cloing tlie riglit thing, u’hile thcv plw
too rlrrcl.r trttention to cioing things right.”6
nhile just 14.5 percent of mcn are six feet tall, 58 percetrt
of Fctrtune 500 CEOs are si-r f’eet or taller. Author NIalcolm Glrrclu,ell says, “We liave a sense, in our minds, ol
rvhat a leader is supposed to look like, ancl tliat stereohpt’
is so polr.erful that lr’hen someone fits it. lve sirnpll-be-
come blincl to other consiclerations.”rr Trait theory is also
knorvn as the “great person” tlieorv because earh’r’ersiotls
of tI’re theon’ statecl that leaclers are borl, not tnade. In
other u,ords, r,ou either have tlrc right stuff to be a leatler’.
or 1ou don’t. And if vou don’t, there is no rvat’to get it.
Inclra Nooli, PepsiCo’s CEO, talks strniglit. has a sharp
sense of humor, and sings in the hallrva’n-s u’herever she
is. Noor.i is an ertrover-t. Bt’ coutrast, Douglas Conant,
fbmrer CEO of Campbell Soup Companl’, is an introvert
l’nho savs that ]re feels exhausted after spending tinre in
trait tlleory u-trs
\,rong ancl that there are no consistent trait clifferences
For some tirne, it
mer Sara Lee CtrO Brenda Barnes
been shlt … People
rvorrlrlrr’t call rnc tluLt litrr introreltl.
brrt I aln.”s Incleed. as CtrO. Barnes
lurnetl rlour all spertkinq teqrrcsls
and rarell, gave intentervs.
So, rvhiit makes :r good lctrder?
Does leaclership success derpencl
on u,ho lcaders :rre. such as intror.’erts or ertroverts. or on ul tat leatlers
clo and hou, ther.’ behave?
Let’s leorn more about who leaders
are by investigating 14^2a leader’
ship traits and 14-2b leadershiP
rvas thought that
behveen leaders and nonleaders, or betrveen effectile’
and ineffective leaders. Hou’ever, rnore recent er-idelice
shou,s that “successful leaders are not like other people.’
that success{il leaders are incleed diflerent frorn the rest
of us.L2 trlore specificalll’, Ieaders are diff’erent frotn ntltt-
large groups of people he cloesn’t knolr’.;
Vhich one is likeh’to be successful as a CEOP According to a sun’e)’ of 1,512 senior managers, itls the
extrovert. Fortv-seven percent of those 1,5i12 senior
rnanagers {‘elt that extroverts rnake tretter CEOs, u’hile
65 percent sriid that being an introvert hurts
CEOI ch:rnces of success.s So clearl1′, seuior
manilElers believe that extroverted CEOs trre
better le:rders. But are ther.’P Not necessarilr,’. In fact, ir relativel’ high percentage of
CEOs, 40 percent. :rre introverts. For-
Leadership Traits
leaders in the following traits: drive, the clesire to Ieilcl
honeshy’integritl, self-conficlence, emotional stabilitr.
cognitive ability, nn6 knoll’ledge of the br,rsiness.r3
Dn’–e refers to high levels of effort and is chtrracter’ized bt-achievement, motivation, initiative, eners; and tenacif,. In tenns of achievetnent :rnd ambition, Ieaders
* * -‘,
alrvavs try
to rnake improvements or achiel’e succes,
in uhat thev’re doing. Because of their initiati’e.
promote cllange or
ther- have strong desires
solve problems. Leaders hpicallv have more
energ,-thev hav-e to, given the long hrtuls
they put in trnd fbllou-ers’ expecttrtions
that they be positive arid upbetrt. Thus.
leaders must hiu’e phvsical, rnental, irncl
emotional rittrlihr Letrders are
lnore tenacious than nonleaders
are better at overcorning obsttrcles i’rrirl
problerns that lr’oulcl deter most of us.
Successful leaders also lrtir.-e a strort-
ger dr’slir ttt la,n,1. Tltt’r urLnt to he irr
chargc ancl think rrbout r’,’a1-s tcl influence or corwince otliers iibout r’ril’rat shoulcl or’ .’
slrouldn’t be done. Honestq/integn’fr7 is nlso ”
important to leaders. Honesty, being truthful’with others, is a cornerstone of leadership. Without it, leaders wont be
trusted. When leaders are honest,
subordinates 3re willing
opportunities rather than as refutations of
their leadership capabilities. Linkedln
‘.QEO Jeff Weiner admits how challenging it can be for managers to
recogntze their mistakes. One of
look other flaws. For example,
the most dlfficult mistakes, he
one follower said this about
says, can
the leadership qualities of his
manager: “I don’t like a lot of
new hires dont work out. “It’s
not easy to admit this to yourself. After all, as the CEO or
owner, you’re largely responsible for the fact that the employee is now in over his or her
head,” Weiner says. “Plus, admitting the mistake means that you-lJ
the things he does, but he’s ba-
sically honest. He’s a genuine
article, and you’ll forgive a lot
of things because of that. That
goes a long way in how much I
trust hin-i.”r1 Integritrl is the extent
to ufiich leaders do what the1. sal’
thev rvill clo. Leirclers rnal- be honest and hil,e goocl intentions, but if
they don’t consistendy deliver on
what they promise, they won’t
have to overcome your intemal wiring to ‘finish the job’ and ‘not give up.’
is often an admirable
trait, but not u,hen it prcvents
r.’ou frorn rnaliing a necessarl,
be trusted.
or be-
rirltr rr rrse rLrljttsl
LerLders lrls,
one’s abilities,
also &stinguishes leaders
be accepting when
nonleaders. Self-
confident leaders are more
decisive and assertive and are more likely
to gain others’ confidence. Moreover, seH-confident leaders will admit mistakes because they view them as learrring
r r
ret rt.”
r l r,rr e et
Even u’hen
go wrong, thex re,rlain even- !
teri’rperecl rurd consistent in F
therir outkxrk iurd in the u.av
thev treat others. Leaclels ulio
can’t control their ernotions, rl..ho turge-r quicklr-or attack ancl
blanre others frrr n’iistakes, ale unlikelv to be tnrsted.
:itir, ; .,.. l, …,..:. .- .. .- :. ..-.
I riii:::r,r1;…:rl.:t:t::t1t
i :j a i.,. ! r r: ; j .;; a rL i..,!..:! i.’r:,t i r,: .!,ai :, i:ii t:,.
t:, ri,i a
ome companies seem to cycle through
a yearly
Jbasrs. At General Electric, however, employees can safely
assume that their CEO will be around for a while. lndeed, frve
of GEs last eleven chiefs have heid the post for more than
thirteen years. So when current
CEO Jeff
lmmelt took over for
twenty-year veteran JackWelch, many expected that lmmelt
would run the company for twenty years
well. lmmelt himself
has lead several board discussions suggesting a shorter
yeartimeframe. According to one GE insider,”To maintain the
energy that is required to these jobs that are so broad and deep,
twenty years is a really long timelWhile GE routinely engages ln
early-stage succession planning, the board hopes to avoid the
last succession situation. Succession planning began seven years
before lackWelchs retirement, pitting top talent against each
other When lmmelt was given the job, several competing
Jeff Immelt, CEO of General Electric
candidates immediately left the company for outside positions.
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14: Leadership
Leaders are also suiarl-thev hpicall-v liave strrtng
cognitixe abilities. This cloesn’t rnean that leaders are necessaril),geniuses-far fi’om it. But it tloes rnean that lcaders have the capacih- to anahze ltrrge arriounts of seem-
inglr. unrelatecl, colipler iri{brmation and see ptlttenis,
oppoftunities, or tl-rreats u,’here others rniglrt not see th.rm.
Finallr, leaclers also knolv their stuf{, u4rich means thev
have superior technical kncxvleilge about the businesses
tlrev nrri. Learlers u4lr have a goocl knorleclgc of the
btLsiness unclerstand the kev teclinologicnl decisions ancl
concems lacing tlicir compirnies. Nlore often thtrn not,
studies inclicate tlrat effective leaclers have lcxig, erterisive
in their inclustries. Kevin Tsujihar-a, Warner
CEO, has becn in the rnor.ierntrk€
E ing business t\,ent,’rears, stafting as manager of Enrst &
! lbrrngs (an accounting firm) entertainment dirision. He
E joined \rirnrer Bros. in F’inance, tlicn sen,ed as executive
‘ president,
orersc.eing e{Ibrts in stretrrning and soci:rl
rredia, theri becanre executive r,ice president of Corporate
Busincss Devekrpment ancl Strategi Befrire his prornoticln to CtrO, Tsujihnrrr sen’ed iis the president of Wtrnrer
Bros. Horne Entertirinnent, in charge of’home vjcleo, dis-
triLrution, rideo garnes, ancl ar-rti-piraC)’ operations.l6
Leadership Behaviors
Thus far, you’ve read about who leaders are. But traits
alone are not enough to make a successful leader. They
are, however, a precon&tion for success. After all, its
hard to imagine a truly successful leader who lacks most
of these qualities. Leaders who have these traits (or many
of them) must then take actions that encourage people
to achieve group or organizational goals.17 Accordingly,
we now examine what leaders do, meaning the behaviors
they perform or the actions they take to influence others
to achieve group or organizational goals.
Researchers at the University of Michigan, Ohio
State University, and the University of Texas examined
the specific behaviors that leaders use to improve subordinate satisfaction and performance. Hundreds of studies were conducted and hundreds of leader behaviors
were examined. At all three universities, two basic leader
behaviors emerged as central to successful leadership:
initiating structure (called i ob-centered leadership at the
Universi$z of Michigan and concen,, for production at
the Universih’of Texris) and consiclerate leacler belravior
(called ernpkn ee-c:ente retl. leacl e rs hip ttt thc Universitr.
o{‘Nliclrigan a:ncl cctncen’r for pcople at the Universitt’ of
Texas).rs These hvo leader behaviors frrrli the btrsis fbr
rnanl’o{‘the leailership theories discussed in this chapter.
Infitiating $tr${tilre is the degree to u4rich :r leadcr
stmcturcs the roles of folknvers br- setting gouls, giving
clircctions. setting deacllines, and assignilg tasks. A leacler’-s
abilitl’ to initiate structure prirnarilv aff’ects suborclini,rtes’ jolr
per'{brrnance. CEO Crulos Ghosn hi,rs dccreed that bv 2016
Nissan rrill obtain iur E perccnt globa.l market shilre ancl ar
8 percent profit. This umrsuall)’specific strategic plan, crllecl
“Nissi,ur Pou,er EE,” has clear cleacllines, direction, ancl tasks.
It specifies thnt br-2016 Nissan u.ill deliver trn ir.ll-nc’u,ci,Lr’
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