Solved by verified expert:Prepare: Prior to writing your initial post, read Chapters 1 through 3 of Journey into Literature.Reflect: Chapter 1 of our text provides a number of reasons why people choose to explore literature. Clugston (2014) writes that there is “a powerful curiosity about human relationships and how to cope in the world in which we find ourselves” (Section 1.1, para. 2). The text gives a number of general motivations for reading, but it is helpful to put those motivations into context. Consider what your motivations are for reading. Write: Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length, not including references. In your post, answer the following questions:What does literature offer an individual?How has the importance of reading changed from earlier eras (pre-digital/audio/visual media) to our present day? Do you think we read differently now than we did in prior generations?Do you think Clugston’s quote is valid? How have perceptions regarding the value of literature changed, if at all?What causes people’s perceptions regarding the value of literature to change?Incorporate readings found in Chapters 1 through 3 to help illustrate the points you make.
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Beginning Our Literary Journey
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Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the following:
• Identify the different ways in which you connect to literature.
• Recognize and utilize explanatory notes to enhance your reading experience.
• Discuss the characters and activities presented in the poem “The Red Hat.”
• Discuss the characters and activities presented in the short story “A & P.”
• Discuss the characters and activities presented in the poem “Oranges.”
“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”
—Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
Connecting: Entering Into a Literary Experience
Chapter 1
Reading literature that tells a story introduces you to an imaginary world. You are pulled away
from a living, breathing world into one that was created in the mind of the author. Its situations
and experiences may resemble ones you are familiar with; many of them may even be based in
part on real situations, but they are imaginary—shaped by the imagination of the person who
created them.
To experience literature, you must make an intentional decision to turn yourself over to an imaginary realm. How many times have you heard someone say, “I’m having a hard time getting into
this story”? Maybe you’ve said that yourself. Although such a comment often suggests that the
reader is encountering a difficult writing style, it may also mean that the reader has not made an
intentional connection to the imaginary world of literature.
As adults, we are grounded by the demands of our everyday lives, preoccupied with responsibilities and endless schedules—not to mention university course assignments! So, opting for a full
connection to a literary world is demanding: It requires letting go of things at hand and engaging
in imaginary things. It actually requires us to believe that an imaginary world is possible and to
engage in what Coleridge (1817) so famously called “the willing suspension of disbelief for the
moment.” But once we connect, we find ourselves escaping from the routine of our ordinary lives,
caught up in adventure and entertained.
1.1 Connecting: Entering Into a Literary Experience
When you allow reading to unlock your imagination, your connection also sets the stage for
intellectual engagement. It allows the experience of reading literature to include the pursuit of
ideas and knowledge. Your literary experience—as the title of this book suggests—can become a
personal journey, a quest for meaning. But connections to literature don’t have to begin with deep
intellectual quests. The stories themselves, those that strike a human chord, provide the greatest
opportunity for connection.
From ancient times, in every culture, humans have told stories to explain their world, to honor
people, to celebrate achievements, and to communicate human values. Stories are still essential
in our lives: We share them with our children, look to them for entertainment, and read them
because at the core of our being there’s a powerful curiosity about human relationships and how
to cope in the world in which we find ourselves.
This means you are already wired to explore literature. And the most immediate connection is
through story. Allowing yourself to be drawn into a story—whether it’s told by someone, printed
in a book, or performed—unlocks your innate abilities to empathize, to laugh, to inquire, to learn,
to wonder. Connecting with literature also allows you to reflect on the significance of common
human experiences in your life.
For example, if you know what it’s like to send your child off to school for the first time and
remember how you felt when this happened, your connection to the emotions that Rachel Hadas,
poet and former professor at Rutgers University, packs into “The Red Hat” will be instantaneous.
Her poem captures the anxiety and disequilibrium parents feel when watching their young children drawn away from them to enter school and a world away from home. When the watching
parent is described in the poem as one whose “heart stretches, elastic in its love and fear,” you can
feel those emotions because you have experienced them. And no one has to explain what “wavering in the eddies of change” means—you’ve lived through that uncomfortable experience when
Connecting: Entering Into a Literary Experience
Chapter 1
home seems strangely empty, routine is broken, and you are forced to accept that your child will
not always be with you.
The Red Hat
Rachel Hadas (1994)
It started before Christmas. Now our son
officially walks to school alone.
Semi-alone, it’s accurate to say:
I or his father track him on the way.
He walks up on the east side of West End,
we on the west side. Glances can extend
(and do) across the street; not eye contact.
Already ties are feelings and not fact.
Straus Park is where these parallel paths part;
he goes alone from there. The watcher’s heart
stretches, elastic in its love and fear,
toward him as we see him disappear,
striding briskly. Where two weeks ago,
holding a hand, he’d dawdle, dreamy, slow,
he now is hustled forward by the pull
of something far more powerful than school.
The mornings we turn back to are no more
than forty minutes longer than before,
but they feel vastly different—flimsy, strange,
wavering in the eddies of this change,
empty, unanchored, perilously light
since the red hat vanished from our sight.
Rachel Hadas, “The Red Hat” from Halfway Down the Hall: New and Selected Poems
© 1998 by Rachel Hadas. Reprinted by permission of Wesleyan University Press.
So, this introduction to literature begins by asking you simply to read a short story and a poem.
Each represents a separate literary genre, or category, but both present an experience that is likely
familiar to you. Each feeds human feelings and emotions. Your task is to read both selections for
pleasure and enjoyment. You do not need to consider depth of meaning or think about delving
into complex criticism. These challenges will come in later chapters. You are asked just to observe
the people and life activities that these pieces of literature present. Such a perspective for reading,
as writer Anne Lamott (1995) argues, can be both a source of delight and renewal:
When writers . . . make us laugh about ourselves or life, our buoyancy is restored. We are
given a shot at dancing with, or at least clapping along with, the absurdity of life, instead of
being squashed by it over and over again. It’s like singing on a boat during a terrible storm
at sea. You can’t stop the raging storm, but singing can change the hearts and spirits of the
people who are together on that ship. (p. 237)
As you read these selections, imagine you are meeting the people presented in them; observe
their behavior; be aware of your feelings. Then, think about how each person’s behavior is different from what you expected, or from what it should be. When you do this, you will see discrepancies. Some of them will delight you, some may be exaggerated, and some may remind you of a
personal experience. Especially, be aware of the subtle humor that unusual or unexpected human
behavior creates. The authors featured in this chapter present people in this gentle manner—not
attempting to analyze their behavior in a formal way, but to observe it with a smile.
Connecting: Entering Into a Literary Experience
Chapter 1
A Story
• “A & P”: This short narrative by John Updike is a coming-of-age story in which a 19-yearold boy working in a grocery store faces a situation that produces significant personal
insight and growth. Its dramatic moments are typical of those we associate with a young
person’s shift in perspective from innocence to experience, from idealism to realism, or
from ignorance to knowledge.
A Poem
• “Oranges”: Gary Soto’s poem is built around a universal human dilemma that can take you
by surprise time and time again. It occurs in those circumstances where you realize that
you will fail (or appear naïve) unless through sheer personal resourcefulness you can find a
way out. No doubt you’ve had this experience, and hopefully your response was as effective
as this young boy’s.
Our Use of Explanatory Notes
Throughout the book, literary selections will often be accompanied by explanatory notes and
comments printed in the margins. These annotations are not intended to interfere with your
interpretation of the selection involved; rather, they are included to emphasize and illuminate
specific literary concepts and techniques that make the particular selection effective. In many
cases, the notes will assist you in understanding content as well.
John Updike (1932–2009)
In his growing-up years in small-town Pennsylvania, John Updike developed a keen awareness of the ways religious faith (as a coalescing element)
was being replaced by materialistic culture in America. Through his novels,
essays, and poems, Updike elegantly explored reasons for this cultural shift,
always probing with unrestrained curiosity. He once said, “I want to write
books that unlock the traffic jam in everybody’s head.” His short stories and
novels often reflect life and changing relationships in communities where he
lived in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize
twice for the last two novels in his famous Rabbit series, which included
Rabbit, Run; Rabbit Redux; Rabbit Is Rich; and Rabbit at Rest.
fter you finish reading “A & P,” watch a video featuring John
Updike discussing his famous story at
© Francine Fleischer/Corbis
A & P1
John Updike (1962)
In walks these three girls in nothing but bathing suits. I’m in the
third check-out slot, with my back to the door, so I don’t see them
until they’re over by the bread. The one that caught my eye first
was the one in the plaid green two-piece. She was a chunky kid,
with a good tan and a sweet broad soft-looking can with those
“A & P,” The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, was a supermarket widely known for most of the last century, especially
in the eastern United States. At the height of its success, it was the country’s largest food retailer.
Connecting: Entering Into a Literary Experience
Chapter 1
two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to
hit, at the top of the backs of her legs. I stood there with my hand
on a box of HiHo crackers trying to remember if I rang it up or not.
I ring it up again and the customer starts giving me hell. She’s one
of these cash-register-watchers, a witch about fifty with rouge
on her cheekbones and no eyebrows, and I know it made her day
to trip me up. She’d been watching cash registers forty years and
probably never seen a mistake before.
By the time I got her feathers smoothed and her goodies into a
bag—she gives me a little snort in passing, if she’d been born at
the right time they would have burned her over in Salem—by the
time I get her on her way the girls had circled around the bread
and were coming back, without a pushcart, back my way along
the counters, in the aisle between the check-outs and the Special
bins. They didn’t even have shoes on. There was this chunky one,
with the two-piece—it was bright green and the seams on the bra
were still sharp and her belly was still pretty pale so I guessed she
just got it (the suit)—there was this one, with one of those chubby
berry-faces, the lips all bunched together under her nose, this
one, and a tall one, with black hair that hadn’t quite frizzed right,
and one of these sunburns right across under the eyes, and a chin
that was too long—you know, the kind of girl other girls think is
very “striking” and “attractive” but never quite makes it, as they
very well know, which is why they like her so much—and then
the third one, that wasn’t quite so tall. She was the queen. She
kind of led them, the other two peeking around and making their
shoulders round. She didn’t look around, not this queen, she just
walked straight on slowly, on these long white prima donna legs.
She came down a little hard on her heels, as if she didn’t walk in
her bare feet that much, putting down her heels and then letting
the weight move along to her toes as if she was testing the floor
with every step, putting a little deliberate extra action into it. You
never know for sure how girls’ minds work (do you really think it’s
a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?) but
you got the idea she had talked the other two into coming in here
with her, and now she was showing them how to do it, walk slow
and hold yourself straight.
She had on a kind of dirty-pink-beige maybe, I don’t know—
bathing suit with a little nubble all over it and, what got me,
the straps were down. They were off her shoulders looped loose
around the cool tops of her arms, and I guess as a result the suit
had slipped a little on her, so all around the top of the cloth there
was this shining rim. If it hadn’t been there you wouldn’t have
known there could have been anything whiter than those shoulders. With the straps pushed off, there was nothing between the
top of the suit and the top of her head except just her, this clean
bare plane of the top of her chest down from the shoulder bones
like a dented sheet of metal tilted in the light. I mean, it was more
than pretty.
She had sort of oaky hair that the sun and salt had bleached, done
up in a bun that was unravelling, and a kind of prim face. Walking
into the A & P with your straps down, I suppose it’s the only kind
of face you can have. She held her head so high her neck, coming
Connecting: Entering Into a Literary Experience
Chapter 1
up out of those white shoulders, looked kind of stretched, but I
didn’t mind. The longer her neck was, the more of her there was.
She must have felt in the corner of her eye me and over my
shoulder Stokesie in the second slot watching, but she didn’t tip.
Not this queen. She kept her eyes moving across the racks, and
stopped, and turned so slow it made my stomach rub the inside
of my apron, and buzzed to the other two, who kind of huddled
against her for relief, and they all three of them went up the catand-dog-food-breakfast-cereal-macaroni-rice-raisins-seasoningsspreads-spaghetti-soft drinks-crackers-and-cookies aisle. From
the third slot I look straight up this aisle to the meat counter,
and I watched them all the way. The fat one with the tan sort of
fumbled with the cookies, but on second thought she put the
packages back. The sheep pushing their carts down the aisle—the
girls were walking against the usual traffic (not that we have oneway signs or anything)—were pretty hilarious. You could see them,
when Queenie’s white shoulders dawned on them, kind of jerk, or
hop, or hiccup, but their eyes snapped back to their own baskets
and on they pushed. I bet you could set off dynamite in an A &
P and the people would by and large keep reaching and checking oatmeal off their lists and muttering “Let me see, there was
a third thing, began with A, asparagus, no, ah, yes, applesauce!”
or whatever it is they do mutter. But there was no doubt, this
jiggled them. A few house-slaves in pin curlers even looked around
after pushing their carts past to make sure what they had seen
was correct.
You know, it’s one thing to have a girl in a bathing suit down on
the beach, where what with the glare nobody can look at each
other much anyway, and another thing in the cool of the A & P,
under the fluorescent lights, against all those stacked packages,
with her feet paddling along naked over our checkerboard greenand-cream rubber-tile floor.
“Oh Daddy,” Stokesie said beside me. “I feel so faint.”
“Darling,” I said. “Hold me tight.” Stokesie’s married, with two
babies chalked up on his fuselage already, but as far as I can tell
that’s the only difference. He’s twenty-two, and I was nineteen
this April.
“Is it done?” he asks, the responsible married man finding his
voice. I forgot to say he thinks he’s going to be manager some
sunny day, maybe in 1990 when it’s called the Great Alexandrov
and Petrooshki Tea Company or something.
What he meant was, our town is five miles from a beach, with a
big summer colony out on the Point, but we’re right in the middle
of town, and the women generally put on a shirt or shorts or
something before they get out of the car into the street. And anyway these are usually women with six children and varicose veins
mapping their legs and nobody, including them, could care less.
As I say, we’re right in the middle of town, and if you stand at our
front doors you can see two banks and the Congregational church
and the newspaper store and three real-estate offices and about
Connecting: Entering Into a Literary Experience
Chapter 1
twenty-seven old free-loaders tearing up Central Street because
the sewer broke again. It’s not as if we’re on the Cape; we’re north
of Boston and there’s people in this town haven’t seen the ocean
for twenty years.
The girls had reached the meat counter and were asking McMahon
something. He pointed, they pointed, and they shuffled out of
sight behind a pyramid of Diet Delight peaches. All that was left
for us to see was old McMahon patting his mouth and looking
after them sizing up their joints. Poor kids, I began to feel sorry for
them, they couldn’t help it.
A cashier in an A & P grocery store is telling this
story, describing something
unusual that is happening, providing vivid details.
Notice, though, how much
we have learned about him
in the process—by his language, his attitude toward
the regular customers, his
fascination with the girls,
and his description of the
town and its way of life.
Now here comes the sad part of the story, at least my family says
it’s sad but I don’t think it’s sad myself. The store’s pretty empty,
it being Thursday afternoon, so there was nothing much to do
except lean on the register and wait for the girls to show up again.
The whole store was like a pinball machine and I didn’t know
which tunnel they’d come out of. After a while they come around
out of the far aisle, around the light bulbs, records at discount of
the Caribbean Six or Tony Martin Sings or some such gunk you
wonder they waste the wax on, six packs of candy bars, and plastic toys done up in cellophane that fall apart when a kid looks at
them anyway. Around they come, Queenie still leading the way,
and holding a little gray jar in her hand. Slots Three through Seven
are unmanned and I could see her wondering between Stokes and
me, but Stokesie with his usual luck draws an old party in baggy
gray pants who stumbles up with four giant cans of pineapple
juice (what do these bums do with all that pineapple juice? I’ve
often asked myself) so the girls come to me. Queenie puts down
the jar and I take it into my fingers icy cold. Kingfish Fancy Herring
Snacks in Pure Sour Cream: 49¢. Now her hands are empty, not a
ring or a bracelet, bare as God made them, and I wonder where
the money’s coming from. Still with that prim look she lifts a
folded dollar bill out of the hollow at the center of her nubbled
pink top. The jar went heavy in my hand. Really, I thought that was
so cute.
Then everybody’s luck begins to run out. Lengel comes in from
haggling with a truck full of cabbages on the lot and is about to
scuttle into that door marked MANAGER behind which he hides
all day when the girls touch his eye. Lengel’s pretty dreary, teaches
Sunday school and the rest, but he doesn’t miss that much. He
comes over and says, “Girls, this isn’t the beach.”
Queenie blushes, though maybe it’s just a brush of sunburn I was
noticing for the first time, now that she was so close. “My mother
asked …
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