Expert answer:virtual reality and video games for mass casualty

Solved by verified expert:My research topic is virtual reality and video games for mass casualty. I would like you to do an excel sheet and power point to demonstrate an understanding for statistics such as Mean, Median, Mode, and Standard Deviation for the population. please follow these instructions: Using your selected topic and research question, LOCATE a “population” that would be appropriate to study. Find a suitable source of demographic data (age, gender, education, occupation, income, access to medical care (insurance status), immunization status, etc.) and compare your ‘survey’ sample demographic statistics to your chosen population. Be prepared to explain the logic behind any restrictions or bias in your chosen data source. please read my research proposal (outline) draft is in the attachment to answer the question above. Here is the access for the articles

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Research Proposal Outline
Research Proposal Outline
Effective disaster management depends on the training level of disaster response team in
order to improve first responders’ skills during mass causality incidences. There are different
methods that are used to enhance the effectiveness during an event. The occurrence of different
large-scale events in countries like the US has led to increased emphasis on disaster response
training. Professional training and department are the key factors that determine the specified
roles and duties of first responders (Donalek et al., 2014). First responders should be equipped
with knowledge on triage methods and ability to identify hazard as well as more complex data.
The government can rely on three major conventional training methods for handling disaster
preparedness issues; instructive teaching that is classroom-based, web-based method of training,
and real-life situations (Kurenov et al., 2009). The application of these methods has its
shortcomings such inability to apply “book knowledge” in practice hence the need for the advent
of technologically-based approaches for disaster preparedness using the virtual reality (VR).
Over the past years, the majority of the organizations and government agencies have adopted the
application of VR disaster preparedness over the other tradition modalities such as real-life drills
(Heinrichs et al., 2008). Different researchers have explained the concept of virtual reality in
disaster training. The study will focus on explaining the Immersive System virtual world in
explaining the different concepts.
Majority of the government agencies such as the military and pilots use the simulation
technology in training their personnel for a variety of situations and future catastrophes. The
main concept behind simulation technology is the ability to effectively analyze the prevailing
situation and apply the acquired knowledge combined with psychomotor skills. Instructors using
this method can easily monitor the progress of the trainees and provide feedback on the progress.
The advantage of using simulation-based technology is the ability of trainees to practice and
develop their skills (Lerner et al., 2008). The main objective of the study is to explain the
importance of using of immersive VR simulation in disaster preparedness for the improvement
of first responders training in dealing with mass causality incidents. Therefore, the study will
address the following specific questions;
1. Are the highly experienced first responders challenged by the use of immersive virtual
reality simulation technology?
2. What are the benefits of using immersive VR simulation technology as compared to the
other traditional training modalities?
3. What is the impact of application VR simulation technology on the ability of the expert to
review performance and provide feedback to the trainees?
4. What is the impact of VR simulation technology on the perception of first responders on
its efficiency?
5. What is the effect of a video game on the reduction of mass casualty incidents?
Significance of the Study
There are two factors to consider in disaster management; the first responders should
have the required pre-existing knowledge and skills and second consideration is the ability to
become familiar with similar events. In mass causality incidents, the ability of different
respondents to react relies on how effective they can perform their roles (Chen et al., 2008).
Psychological factors and unfamiliarity with the environment can negatively impact on the
decision-making and ability to act effectively. Training first responders on disaster preparedness
using real-life event elements enhance the ability to approximate the real-life conditions while
maintaining a controlled environment (Heinrichs et al., 2010). The realism practice is a better
tool for enabling first responders to determine the ability of the team members to make decisions
in closely representative condition. The VR based training using the real-life incidences has been
put in place to address the shortcomings of the traditional and web-based modalities. Applying
the technology offers realism on how to handle different disasters that may occur hence making
first responders have skills on how to approach the situation. The study is significant in
explaining the different concepts that are applicable in disaster preparedness and the ability to
improve the first responders training in casualty incidents by exposing them to real life events.
Government agencies can use the findings in this study to initiate training programs for their
personnel in a shorter period of time and at a reduced cost.
Delimitations and Limitations of the Study
When applying the VR-based technology, it is essential to study a variety of technical
capabilities such as computer-based software and high-fidelity platforms. The greater interaction
of the interface is enhanced through simplicity of the interface. The VR platform may require
technical capabilities which may be expensive and increases operation cost. The participants in
the study were majorly selected from the senior students in their final year of study, hence may
not be a true representative of the first responders since they have prior knowledge. Due to this
circumstance, there are possibilities that the participants could manipulate or provide biased data
to suit the scenario under study. Moreover, it is difficult to draw a comparison between the
results in immersive VR concept to those from traditional computer simulation methods. Hence,
future studies are essential before a conclusion is made on the effectiveness of VR simulation
Literature Review
Freeman et al. (2001) in their study analyzed how the US Navy medical personnel could
effectively use the VR system for teaching skills on emergency response. It was evident that
disasters in the military require prompt intervention to increased saved lives and reduce the
severity of the disaster. The use of Virtual reality simulation and video games for cognitive
assessment and treatment enabled the personnel to reflect on the impact of their decisions by
exposing them to real life events. These findings are relevant to the current study in that through
the application of VR technology, disaster respondents are able to enhance their skills and
improve accuracy when dealing with the mass casualty. Triage is practiced through the use of
live exercises. Chances of actual disasters with mass casualty may take a long period of time to
occur for example the Hurricane in Louisiana and the New York City terrorist attack. Due to
these circumstances, first responders are not equipped with the required knowledge and skills to
handle the disasters (Kizakevich et al., 2007). In the occurrence of such events, the response
should be rapid and well-learned. The study identified that Iraq uses both didactic learning and
simulation-based learning when there is a need for triage. VR-based technology ensures that first
responders engage in a continuous practice to enhance proficiency and accuracy in the decisionmaking process.
According to a study done by Wilkerson et al. (2008) first responders have challenges in
dealing with high-acuity and low-frequency disaster events. The different analysis shows that
despite the experiences and extensive traditional methods training of the senior responders, they
are faced with failures. From the findings of the study, it was evident that immersive training is
an efficient training method since it provides the realism that was not available in traditional
methods. Also, the feedback and rehearsal from the methods promote efficiency in learning and
retention of the ideas and concepts. Therefore, first responders are able to train repeatedly until
they possess the desired behaviors. A study by Vincent et al. (2008) indicated that there is an
improved performance among learners when exposed to VR environment. According to the
results, leaners were faster hence saving on time and improvement on the confidence levels in
both the identification and treatment of high-risk patients. The study derived its immersive VR
application from Project TOUCH. Different virtual reality platforms are an effective tool for the
examination of mass casualty triage. First responders to a disaster were able to respond
efficiently and with high accuracy with the application of VR ‘Smart’ triage as opposed to those
with ‘SALT’ triage (Cone et al., 2011). Farra et al. (2013) in their study found out that the
application of VRS as an instructional method provides increased stability, reinforces, and
improves learning and ability of first responders to retain knowledge and skills.
Theory and Practices
There are different theories that are aimed at explaining the concept disaster preparedness
and the ability of first responders to gain skills and knowledge in handling mass casualty
incidences. The Bandura self-efficacy theory emphasizes on the ability of individual confidence
in achieving the desired outcomes. Different psychologists have studied the concept of personalefficacy by referring to distinctive paths necessary to achieve the desired state. Self-efficacy
affects the beliefs of a person on their ability to affect situations. It influences the perception of
an individual on how to deal with challenges in a competent manner and influences the cognitive
ability of an individual in making decisions (Bandura, 2006). The practice of self-efficacy is
important to behaviors that have their basis on health. For example, first responders’ decisionmaking process can be studied using the personal-efficacy theory. The main argument of the
theory is that observational learning and social experiences are the key factors in developing an
individual’s personality. The external experiences and a person’s perspective is the main factor
of cognitive learning theory.
Transformational learning (TL) is also another concept that can be used in explaining
disaster preparedness and training of first responders. Change has three perspectives;
psychological, conviction, and behavioral. TL involves expanding a person’s basic worldview
and the personal attributes and capabilities. A learner can engage in TL through determining,
acknowledging, and having access to symbolic contents of the unknown factors and analyze the
underlying premise to the concept under study (Taylor, 2008). The perspective transformation
does not occur frequently hence it has its basis on the occurrence of critical events. Through
transformational learning, learners are able to implement plans that result into ways of defining
their worlds. The use of TL leads to autonomous thinking by the learners hence the ability to
easily relate and apply the concepts learned in problem-solving (Ntseane, 2012).
The constructivism theory of learning explains how a person determines the meaning of
different concepts based on the relationship between their experiences and ideas. The theory of
constructivism is useful in explaining how human experiences impacts on their reflexes.
According to the theory, the decision making of a first learner is influenced by background or
embedded worldview. In the absence of interaction with the real-life situation, learners will not
be able to acquire the different social meaning and understand how to apply them to the current
scenario. The theory also emphasizes the role of a learner in the process. It states that they should
be actively involved in the learning process through engagement in practical events that reflect
the real-life situation under study to increase the applicability of the knowledge and skills
learned. Command and Control practice is an essential practice in enhancing the efficiency of a
disaster response. Authority and decision-making process should follow a clear and established
chain of command for all learners to effectively adapt to the training in mass casualty incident
(Brandon & All, 2010). Establishment of a central command center is essential for the
coordination of the response of the different sector to the incident. The purpose of this practice is
to manage the response operations by ensuring that all parties adhere to the laid down procedures
of training for first responders.
Human Subject Institutional Review Board Draft
Any research projects that qualify the classification of the human subject have to be
reviewed and approved by IRB. The study is classified under the category of researchers that
considers human subjects. Therefore, below is a sample draft to Human Subject Institutional
Review Board Draft (HSIRD):
You have been selected to participate in the research on how we utilize virtual reality
simulation and video games to become effective in disaster preparedness to improve first
responders’ educational training in mass casualty incidents. You are advised to carefully read the
instruction and you have the liberty to make any inquiries or ask for clarification on the concepts
not understood. The purpose of this study is to examine the utilization of VRS and video games
as tools for disaster preparedness and enhancing the knowledge and skills of first responders in
mass casualty events. Agreeing to participate in the study will lead to an interview with the
researcher. Contents of the interview will include questions about your experiences as a first
responder, knowledge about VRS and video gaming, ability to handle mass casualty patients, and
challenges as a first responder among others. The duration of the interview is estimated to be
utmost an hour.
Some of the questions may be too personal and reflective of traumatic events, however,
the respondent has the liberty to withdraw and not answer a question he or she feels is offensive.
The data for this research are purely used for the academic purpose and in case the researcher
wants to use it for other action he will obtain a written consent from all the participants.
Furthermore, taking part in the research is voluntary and may choose the questions to answer.
Also, respondents are free to withdraw from the interview at any time. If you have any question
regarding the research you can feel free to conduct the researcher through the email. Moreover,
any respondent who feels his or her rights are infringed may contact the Institutional Review
Board (IRB) of the University.
Bandura, A. (2006). Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales. Self-efficacy beliefs of
adolescents, 5(307-337).
Brandon, A. F., & All, A. C. (2010). Constructivism theory analysis and application to
curricula. Nursing Education Perspectives, 31(2), 89-92.
Chen, Y. F., Rebolledo-Mendez, G., Liarokapis, F., de Freitas, S., & Parker, E. (2008). The use
of virtual world platforms for supporting an emergency response training exercise.
Cone, D. C., Serra, J., & Kurland, L. (2011). Comparison of the SALT and Smart triage systems
using a virtual reality simulator with paramedic students. European Journal of
Emergency Medicine, 18(6), 314-321.
Donalek, C., Djorgovski, S. G., Cioc, A., Wang, A., Zhang, J., Lawler, E., & Davidoff, S. (2014,
October). Immersive and collaborative data visualization using virtual reality platforms.
In Big Data (Big Data), 2014 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 609-614). IEEE.
Farra, S., Miller, E., Timm, N., & Schafer, J. (2013). Improved training for disasters using 3-D
virtual reality simulation. Western journal of nursing research, 35(5), 655-671.
Freeman, K. M., Thompson, S. F., Allely, E. B., Sobel, A. L., Stansfield, S. A., & Pugh, W. M.
(2001). A virtual reality patient simulation system for teaching emergency response skills
to US Navy medical providers. Prehospital and Disaster medicine, 16(1), 3-8.
Heinrichs, W. L., Youngblood, P., Harter, P. M., & Dev., P. (2008). Simulation for team training
and assessment: case studies of online training with virtual worlds. World journal of
surgery, 32(2), 161-170.
Heinrichs, W. L., Youngblood, P., Harter, P., Kusumoto, L., & Dev, P. (2010). Training
healthcare personnel for mass-casualty incidents in a virtual emergency department: VED
II. Prehospital and disaster medicine, 25(5), 424-432.
Kizakevich, P. N., Culwell, A., Furberg, R., Gemeinhardt, D., Grantlin, S., Hubal, R., &
Dombroski, R. T. (2007). Virtual simulation-enhanced triage training for Iraqi medical
personnel. Stud Health Technol Inform, 125, 223-8.
Kurenov, S. N., Cance, W. W., Noel, B., & Mozingo, D. W. (2009). Game-based mass casualty
burn training. Studies in health technology and informatics, 142, 142-144.
Lerner, E. B., Schwartz, R. B., Coule, P. L., Weinstein, E. S., Cone, D. C., Hunt, R. C., &
Hammond, J. (2008). Mass casualty triage: an evaluation of the data and development of
a proposed national guideline. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 2(S1),
Ntseane, P. G. (2012). Transformative Learning Theory. The handbook of transformative
learning: Theory, research, and practice, 274.
Taylor, E. W. (2008). Transformative learning theory. New directions for adult and continuing
education, 2008(119), 5-15.
Vincent, D. S., Sherstyuk, A., Burgess, L., & Connolly, K. K. (2008). Teaching Mass Casualty
Triage Skills Using Immersive Three‐dimensional Virtual Reality. Academic Emergency
Medicine, 15(11), 1160-1165.
Wilkerson, W., Avstreih, D., Gruppen, L., Beier, K. P., & Woolliscroft, J. (2008). Using
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emergency medicine, 15(11), 1152-1159.

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