Expert answer:Two Archaeology reports

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Read it carefully and then write a report in which you specifically address what the thesis/point of the article
is, the kinds of evidence the author(s) presents, and how the author(s) employs the evidence to argue for his
or her point. Based on the evidence & arguments presented, do you think that your author made a convincing
case? Are there any obvious weaknesses in the evidence presented or the arguments? After reading the
article, what additional questions do you have concerning the author’s position?
The purpose of this exercise is to gain practice in reading and understanding the kinds of evidence and
argument employed by archaeological professionals. The articles are fairly short by disciplinary standards
(18-30 pages, typically) and not hyper-technical. It is NOT expected that you will understand all of the
references or nuances of the articles. The basic points are quite accessible, however, even to non-specialists.
This should be a report in the range of around 1000-1200 words, typed & double-spaced.
You may NOT use direct quotes from the articles in this assignment. Express the author’s ideas as you
understand them in your own words. Because of that, and because you are responding to a specific article, it
is not necessary to use internal documentation to indicate your source. You should make clear in the first
paragraph, however, to which article you are responding.
1. Liston, Maria & Papadopoulos, John K. “The ‘Rich Athenian Lady’ was Pregnant,” Hesperia 73
(2004), pp. 7-38. [this is about a well-known Geometric Period burial that yielded a surprise when restudied]
2. Schepartz, Lynne, Miller-Antonio, Sari, & Murphy, Joann. “Differential Health among the
Mycenaeans of Messenia: Status, Sex, and Dental Health at Pylos.” in New Directions in the Skeletal
Biology of Greece [Hesperia Supplement 43, 2009), pp. 155-174.
The “Rich Athenian Lady” Was Pregnant: The Anthropology of a Geometric Tomb
Author(s): Maria A. Liston and John K. Papadopoulos
Source: Hesperia, Vol. 73, No. 1 (Jan. – Mar., 2004), pp. 7-38
Published by: American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Stable URL:
Accessed: 19/10/2009 14:53
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Pages 7-38
Recent reexaminationof the crematedremainsin the celebratedtomb of the
“richAthenian lady”brought to light the presence of a fetus four to eight
weeks short of full term and established that the adult female died during
pregnancyor prematurechildbirth.The physicalanthropologyof motherand
childis reviewedand a facialreconstructionof the deceasedwoman presented.
Other examples of pregnancy and death in the Greek world are discussed.
The discoveryof a fetus togetherwith the adultfemalefundamentallychanges
the interpretationof this tomb and highlights the importanceof skeletalevidence in the study of demographyand social structure.
Birth, puberty,marriage,and death are, in all cultures, markedby ceremonies that may differ in detail but are universal in function. Arnold van
Gennep was the first to note the regularityand significance of the rituals
attached to the transitionalstages of human life, and his phrase for theserites depassage-has become a part of the language of anthropology and
sociology.’ Death is only one of the rites of passagedescribedby van Gennep
for an individual, a socialpersona,and it is, ironically, the most archaeologically visible. Archaeologists rarelyview birth, puberty or initiation, and
marriagewith the same immediacy, although numerous scenes on Athenian and other local Greek styles of black- and red-figure pottery of the
1. See van Gennep 1960; see also
Bell 1992. In the processof studying
for final publicationall of the material
from the EarlyIron Age tombs in the
areaof the laterAthenian Agora, one
of us (Papadopoulos)invited the other
(Liston) to locate and study,or restudy,
the human remainsfrom the cremation
tombs of the period, including those
that had been previouslyanalyzedby
J. LawrenceAngel, and the few that
had come to light since then. Such a
studywas deemed all the more impor-
tant since few of Angel’s observations
on the human remainsof the Early
Iron Age tombs in the Agora had ever
appearedin print, and none were systematicallypresented.Moreover,significant resultshad been obtained from
the restudyof EarlyIron Age inhumations (e.g., Little and Papadopoulos
1998) and, as such, we thought that the
cremationtombs might offer potentially new informationon the physical
anthropologyof EarlyIron Age
Athenians. In the presentationof this
articlewe were mindful to incorporate
the physicalanthropologywith the
archaeologyin the main body of the
text ratherthan relegateit to an
appendixor technicalreportat the end.
Liston was largelyresponsiblefor the
section on the physicalanthropology
of the “richAthenian lady”and the
fetus/neonatecrematedwith her, and
Papadopoulosfor the remainder,but
both authorsreadeach other’ssections
and worked closely together.
M. A.
Archaic and Classical periods provide poignant representations of marriage and initiation for students of classical antiquity.2Among these rites
of passage, birth is perhaps the most archaeologically-and iconographically-invisible. Birth and death, however, collide in a remarkable way in a
number of tombs in the Greek world in which a woman is found inhumed
or cremated together with a fetus or neonate. It is one such tomb-indeed,
perhaps the best known of all tombs of the Geometric period3-that forms
the basis of this study.
On June 14, 1967, after a break of some 35 years, excavation was resumed along the west end of the South Road near the area of the Classical
Agora,4 a venerable thoroughfare closely following the line of an ancient
road that led in from the Piraeus Gate and, skirting the foot of the Areiopagos (Figs. 1, 2), formed the southern boundary of the Classical market
square. A few meters to the west of the area excavated in 1967, the road
forks, a branch leading up along the middle slopes of the Areiopagos past
the Mycenaean chamber tombs.5 This area along the north slope of the
Areiopagos, close to the Athenian Acropolis, was one of the richest cemeteries of early Athens, in continuous use from the Mycenaean period well
into the Geometric era.6 One of the objectives of the 1967 campaign was
to complete the exploration of the lower road and a narrow strip, less than
3 m wide, that separated it from the line of the 1932 excavations in the
angle formed by the two roads. In the first hours of digging, a new burial
began to emerge less than a meter north of the 1932 section line and barely
15 cm beneath the floor of the large temenos, probably of the fourth century B.C., to the east of the triangular Hieron (Fig. 2).7The burial appeared
in the notebook as “Section K: Geometric cremation at 5/-A.” It was excavated between June 14 and 21, 1967, under the supervision of Gerald V.
Lalonde. It was provided with a deposit number based on the Agora grid
(H 16:6) and was ultimately dubbed and published by Evelyn Smithson
2. For marriagein the Greek
world see, among many other contributions, Hague 1988; Oakley and Sinos
1993; Oakley 1995; PapadopoulouKanellopoulou1997; Sabetai1997,
1998 (all with references).For initiation the choesfestivalin Classical
Athens is one of the archaeologically
most visible rites of passage,thanks
to the numerousrepresentationson
the choes themselves.As discussed
below, a child at the age of three
would be presentedto the family clan,
and it subsequentlyparticipatedin the
choesfestival-or Anthesteria,the festival held in the springon the llth13th days of the month Anthesterionfor the first time that same year
(Deubner 1932; van Hoorn 1951;
Burkert1972, p. 221; Garland1985,
p. 82; Hamilton 1992; see also Green
and Sinclair1970). Indeed, the essential stages in the life of any Athenian-birth, choes, adolescence,and
marriage-are recordedin an inscription dating to the second centuryA.D.,
quoted below.An earlierrite of pasis less visible
sage, the amphidromia,
in Athenian iconography(see further
Garland1985, pp. 77-88). The ephebeia,on the other hand, is well representedboth by inscriptionslisting
ephebes and by the numerousrepresentationsof youths in Athenian
3. The tomb was brieflynoted in
Thompson 1968, pp. 58-60, and fully
publishedin Smithson 1968; in 1969
the tomb was featuredas the cover
magazine(Smithstory in Archaeology
son 1969), and the amphoraand grave
the Agora museum.
4. For earlierexcavationalong the
South Road (formerlyAsteroskopeion
Street),see Thompson 1956, pp. 47-57;
also Shear 1933, pp. 469-470, fig. 18.
The following descriptionof the ex-
cavationof the tomb drawslargely
on the publishedreportsby Smithson
(1968) andThompson (1968), though
all detailswere thoroughlychecked
againstthe originalexcavationnotebooks.
5. Excavationalong this upperroad
(formerlyApollodoros Street)was
begun in 1897 by Wilhelm D6rpfeld;
six graveswere uncovered(Dorpfeld
1897, p. 478). Some of the vases,which
are EG I to MG I, areillustratedin
Rhomaios and Papaspyridi1932, pl. 1,
nos. 11-12; pl. 2, nos. 1-6. Three other
graves,less than a meter distant,were
clearedby the Agora Excavationsin
1932 and 1947 (tombs I 18:1,1 18:2,
and I 18:3);see Smithson 1974,
6. See Papadopoulos1996; 2003,
7. See Smithson 1968, p. 78;
Thompson 1968, p. 58; for the triangularHieron, see Lalonde 1968.
Figure1. View of the Areiopagos,
with the Acropolisin the background,fromthe northwest.
8. Smithson 1968; see above,n. 3,
for references,and also Coldstream
1968, p. 14; 1995.
9. Burr 1933, pp. 542-567. From
Burr’scatalogueof materialfrom the
“GeometricHouse,”nos. 47, 53-55, 73,
83, 86, 88-89, and 93 join pieces from
the new pyre materialfrom tomb H
16:6 excavatedin 1967; many more
joining pieces came from the 1932
context pottery.The possibilityof joins
was first consideredand confirmedby
the excavator,G. V. Lalonde,from a
carefulstudy of that publication.This
as the “tomb of a rich Athenian lady,ca. 850 B.C.”8Smithson described the
tomb as follows:
The form of the tomb [Figs. 3, 4] … belongs to the familiar trenchand-hole type that was developed in Athens in the earliest Protogeometric times….The urn-hole was untouched, but the vertical
faces of the pyre-trench had been obliterated and most of the pyre
debris removed in grading for the fourth century temenos, if indeed
inroads had not begun earlier.The debris was scattered, some of it
near by to the south, but much of it had been carried off and
dumped in the area of the Geometric House9 about 15 meters further south [Fig. 2]; the latest sherds in the dumped filling over the
house were contemporarywith the fourth century temenos. Finally,
in the Hellenistic period, a bottle-shaped cistern [Figs. 3, 4] was
sunk through the western floor of the pyre-trench, undercutting its
floor, with its flaring sides narrowlymissing the urn-hole. Still later,
Roman, Byzantine, and modern activities threatened the remnants
of the grave, but did not touch them.10
building has since been shown by
Thompson (1968, esp. pp. 58-60;
1978) not to be a house. He argued
that ratherthan a domestic structurewhich would be unique and isolated
in the areaof the laterAgora-the oval
structure,togetherwith the triangular
enclosureonly a short distanceto the
northwest,is better regardedas a
small shrine that had its origins in
the cult of the dead.
10. Smithson 1968, pp. 78-80.
For similartrench-and-holetombs in
the areaof the German excavationsat
the Kerameikos,see Kerameikos
pp. 7-11. Among the best-preserved
examplesin Attica is Eleusis graver
16; see Mylonas 1955, pp. 74-76; 1975,
vol. I, pp. 110-114, fig. 22; vol. III,
pl. 241. For Athenian Protogeometric
trench-and-holecremationsand the
earlierFinal Mycenaeanor Submycenaean cremationswhere the ash-urn
was placed in a simple circularpit,
see Kurtzand Boardman1971, pp. 33,
37; Desborough 1972, pp. 137-138;
Styrenius1967, pp. 33, 91.
‘ 4 ,.
0 .
^ –
Figure 2. Plan of the area to the
south of the southwest corner of the
Agora showing the location of tomb
H 16:6. J. Travlos(1967), with additions
byJ. K. Papadopoulos;courtesyAgora
Figure 3. Tomb H 16:6. Urn-hole
with cinerary urn and offerings as
found, looking north; the depression
to the left is a Hellenistic cistern as
first encountered. CourtesyAgora
Figure 4. Tomb H 16:6. Plan and
sections of the urn-hole with
contents as found. W. B. DinsmoorJr.
andJ. Travlos,courtesyAgora Excavations
Figure5. The cineraryurnof tomb
H 16:6(P 27629), containingthe
crematedremainsof the so-called
those of a fetus or neonate.
The mouth of the urn (Fig. 5) was closed tightly with an intact cup;
no earth was found in its interior.This is an important point, establishing
that there was no possibility of any intrusive materialin the urn or contamination of its contents.
Tomb H 16:6 is the richestgraveof post-Mycenaean times in the Agora
area and perhaps the richest of its period in Athens.11As Smithson elaborated, “its contents, including granulated and filigreed gold jewelry, ivory
stamp seals, faience and glass beads, present a picture of imported luxury
and local technical accomplishment that was hitherto barely hinted at for
Athens in the middle of the ninth century B.c.”12Among the ceramic
vessels, burned and unburned,from the gravewas the celebratedchest with
five model granaries (Fig. 6).13In addition to other ceramic vessels, the
tomb contained a number of wheelmade and painted cut-work kalathoi,
as well as many pieces of Attic Fine Handmade Incised Ware, including
pyxides and lids, hemisphericalbowls, hollow clay balls, spindlewhorls, and
11. See Smithson 1968, p. 78. For
otherrichtombsin the Kerameikos,
cf. Kerameikos
V.1, pp. 235-239,
tombs G 41, G 42, and G 43 (dating
to the endof EarlyGeometricII).For
another,somewhatlater(LateGeometric)tombof a woman,seevon
tomb H 16:6, this was an inhumation
of a female described(p. 5) as “eine
junge Frauvon ca. 1,60 m GroFe in
Riickenlagebestattet.”In commenting
on the large numberof pots deposited in this grave,von Freytaggen.
Loringhoff (1974, p. 8) states:”Das
neuaufgedeckteGrabvom Kerameikos ist nicht die Beigabenzahlenmaiig reichstespatgeometrische
Bestattungaus Attika. Ein noch
Anavysosenthielt insgesantsogar
fiinfundfiinfzigGefafie, die jedoch
witsegehend in Miniatur ausgefiihrt
sind und nicht die Qualitat und die
Variationsbreiteder hier vorgehegten
12. Smithson 1968, p. 78.
13. Forwhich see, most recently,
Morris and Papadopoulos2004.


Figure 6. Chest and lid with five
model granaries (H 16:6-23,
P 27646a, b). W. B. DinsmoorJr.,
courtesyAgora Excavations
solid clay beads.14The unburned pots include a neck-handled amphora, a
cup, three small jugs, and a pyxis; a bronze pin lay around the shoulder of
the urn on the east and south and a gold ring was found on bedrock in the
southern half of the urn-hole. Of the vessels recoveredfrom the urn-hole,
the neck-handled amphora (Fig. 7) was the focus of much discussion during the 1967 season.15It was remarked at the time of excavation that the
neck-handled amphorawas an unusual discovery in a woman’sgrave.This
led Smithson to review the use of the shape in cremation tombs and to
show that occasionally a woman’s bones were deposited in neck-handled
amphoras of normal size, a shape she believed was usually reserved for
men.16It was further suggested that this pot, its mouth closed by a cup like
14. For the cut-workkalathoisee
Smithson 1968, pp. 98-103, pl. 28,
nos. 28-34; for the Attic Fine Handmade IncisedWare see pp. 103-109,
pls. 29-30, nos. 35-63; see further
Smithson 1961; Bouzek 1974; Reber
1991. The handmadeware is strongly
linked to females,as KarlReber (1991)
has argued,and Agneta Stromberg
(1993, pp. 97-99) reiteratesthat this
type of pottery mainly appearsin the
burialsof women, and sometimes in the
gravesof children.Despite these assertions as to the age and gender of the
deceased,the human remainsthemselves in many of the tombs in Athens
and Attica containingsuch pottery have
not been carefullystudied for age and
sex determination.
15. See Smithson 1968, p. 81,
n. 19a.
16. Forpreviousdiscussion,
Smithson 1961, p. 151; see further
Stromberg1993, p. 72.
Figure7. Neck-handledamphora
fromtomb H 16:6(H 16:6-2,
P 27630). CourtesyAgoraExcavations
the urn, might have contained a fetus, all traces of which had vanished, although Smithson considered this highly unlikely.17
Smithson pointed out that tomb H 16:6 belongs with a group of exceptionally fine graves at the Kerameikos (including graves G 41, G 42,
and G 43) that stand at the close of Early Geometric II and point the way
to future developments. She also discussed the Oriental complexities of
tomb H 16:6.18Her perceptive comments, penned before the spectacular
Early Iron Age finds from Lefkandi and Knossos were fully known, were
to prove prescient.19She also went on to speculate on the identity of the
deceased, invoking Classical literature and the highest propertied class of
pentakosiomedimnoito suggest an aristocratic woman, perhaps even an
archon’swife. Her comments are worth citing in full:
These tombs at the Kerameikos and in the Agora were graves of
wealthy Athenians, the supervisors of extensive farm lands, and
perhaps also the directors of an expanding overseas trade.The stamp
seals in the new grave [tomb H 16:6] suggest that women, too, had
responsibilities in economic affairs,though these may have been
confined to domestic matters. It is suggested … that property
qualifications may alreadyhave modified the definition of an
aristocracybased solely on birth, and that the lady in our tomb may
have been the daughter of a pentakosiomedimnos,
who as a member
of the highest propertied class was qualified to serve his community
as a basileus, polemarch or archon. It is not impossible that she,
herself, was an archon’swife: yovq ‘Aoppcppovo,if we may follow for
the moment the …
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