Expert answer:Project Three: Using the PrOACT Model to Make a De

Solved by verified expert:The purpose of this assignment is for you to work as part of a team. As a team, you will using a decision making process using the PrOACT model of decision making. You will first learn the steps of the PrOACT model and then you will apply the steps to make a decision using the case scenario presented below. To complete this assignment, you will develop several skills that include teamwork, collaboration, critical thinking (analyzing and synthesizing information to develop and support ideas, reasoning and conclusions), time management, writing skills and APA skills. Outcomes: Apply the PRoACT model Explain how a decision making model reduces bias and influence Develop collaboration skills Develop critical thinking and communication skills


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Project Three: Using the PrOACT Model to Make a Decision
The purpose of this assignment is for you to work as part of a team. As a team, you will using a decision making process using the
PrOACT model of decision making. You will first learn the steps of the PrOACT model and then you will apply the steps to make a
decision using the case scenario presented below.
To complete this assignment, you will develop several skills that include teamwork, collaboration, critical thinking (analyzing and
synthesizing information to develop and support ideas, reasoning and conclusions), time management, writing skills and APA skills.

Apply the PRoACT model
Explain how a decision making model reduces bias and influence
Develop collaboration skills
Develop critical thinking and communication skills
This assignment is a group project. You will be placed into groups consisting of no more than four students each. Groups will be
assigned early, and the expectation is that the groups will work on the various parts of the assignment as relevant content is covered
throughout the course. The group will act as a self-directed team, and will therefore determine its own leadership, timetable, task
list, guidelines for communication, goals, and so forth. As an individual, you are expected to participate fully in the project.
You will actively participate in completing the assignment and group members will receive the same group grade. However, freeriders who contribute little will receive a different grade than the group grade at the discretion of the instructor. If you fail to
contribute to the project, a zero for the assignment will be assigned.
Read the following case scenario:
Henriette Scovil worked for Herman Miller Office Furniture for 25 years designing fabric patterns for furniture upholstery. She loved
her job. Upon turning 60 three years ago, she decided to realize her dream of owning her own fabric design business. She started
the business out of her garage advertising custom furniture fabrics for home and office both locally and through word-of-mouth. She
has also worked craft shows. Her boutique custom styling has brought her more customers than she can handle.
Henriette wants to expand but has conflicting ideas both personally and professionally. Personally, Henriette wonders if the
business takes off will she be too old to reap the rewards. She feels her 63 years. Opening a business was hard work and took
many long hours. While she is fortunate that she is healthy, she worries that the stress of expansion and required long hours may
compromise her well-being. She also knows that sometimes latent illnesses may be revealed at her age. Finally, Henriette worries
about her husband, Eric, who for 30 years has supported her dreams. He even contributed some of his 401K money to the new
business when she started the company. While Eric is technically a silent partner, he has never taken anything more than a casual
interest in its operation. He seems to be happy that it is making money. He is nearing retirement age and at 63 is looking forward to
traveling, which they had planned to do. Although he does not have to retire at 65, he loves his job and seems to be very set on the
idea of travel. In fact, he has set up a map of the world in the study and has begun to place pins on the countries and cities he
would like to explore. Recently, he has been reading up on these tentatively planned destinations. Henriette wonders how he will
feel about expanding the business. Can he wait to travel? Can travel be juggled with a growing business?
Henriette also wonders about what the expansion will mean for the business. Does she need a storefront or should she go virtual
or even both? Henriette recently read two articles about this precise quandary:
Online vs. Retail Sales, Think Running a Retail Store is More Expensive than Online Think Again,
Pros and Cons of Retail vs Internet Store
Henriette remains conflicted. The business growth has been steady. In year one Henriette had net profits of $20,000 and $30,000 in
year two. Last year she netted $40,000. Her projected net profit for 2017 (the 4th year in business) is $60,000. She currently has
$50,000 cash in the business account earmarked for the expansion. If this year goes as expected, she will add $25,000 more to the
expansion account. Her current operating budget is $125,000, which covers all her expenses including the salary of two part-time
employees, her salary of $30,000, as well as a minimal rent and utility payment ($400) that she makes monthly to her household
account for the use of the garage. In addition, Henriette takes 50% of the net profits and leaves the rest in the business. Since
Henriette only designs the fabric and makes arrangements for production, she does not need to concern herself with inventory
expenses and requires only material samples and design sample storage.
Expanding to a storefront would create additional expenses for a sales staff, a more extensive collection of material and design
samples, rent, utilities, taxes and (depending where the storefront is located) a potential gross sales clause in the rental agreement
as would be very likely in a mall or shopping center lease. The additional expenses should increase her operating budget by 30%.
The revenue from a storefront according to Henriette’s research is projected to increase net profits by 40%.
An Internet business is less certain for Henriette to predict. She knows that the costs of setting up a website, shipping expenses and
perhaps one full time employee along with the two part-time employees will increase her operating expenses by 15%. However,
going virtual means dealing with international shipping, customers and cultural tastes that may not work for her. As she has no data
on the idea, she remains uncertain that this is a route she wants to take. Despite her accountant’s remarks on how the Internet
could bring her thousands of new customers, his statement is contradicted in various articles that she had read that suggest the
opposite. If the Internet store only brought an increase of 10% new customers, with an increase of net profits of 50%, what should
Henriette do?
Make Henriette Scovil’s decision for her using the PrOACT model. Following these instructions:

Read the course readings located under Week 5 – 8 Content.
Use the Decision Making Worksheet to apply the PrOACT model to make the decision for Henriette.
Your team will complete the worksheet that will reflect on the major points raised in the case scenario. Provide the reasoning
for the execution of the various components of the decision making process made by the team for each element of the
worksheet. This worksheet will include an analysis of reasoning behind each step of the process as well as an executed
consequence table and decision matrix.
The reasoning and explanations contained in the worksheet answers should include APA formatted in-text citations and a
reference list.
A clear definition of the reasoning used to make selections and how the process was applied must be reflected in the
comments for each phase of the process. One sentence conclusions is unacceptable. Logic in making the decision should
reflect the use of the case facts, class material and any data collected to make the decision.

The team must decide unanimously as to the alternative selected.
A complete explanation as to why the alternative was best for Henriette must accompany the decision.
The second-best choice with accompanying explanation must be included as well.
The worksheet format is to be followed with no deviations.
The team will submit one worksheet into the Assignment folder.
Every person in the team will receive the same grade which means that complete cooperation is a must. However, if a
member fails to participate or does not carry his or her weight, a deduction may occur.
Teams must use the Group area of the classroom without use of an external mechanism for collaboration.
Submit the Worksheet in the Assignment Folder (The assignment submitted to the Assignment Folder will be considered the
team’s final product and therefore ready for grading by the instructor. It is incumbent upon the student to verify the assignment is
the correct submission. No exceptions will be considered by the instructor).
Preparation for Writing the Assignment
The use of APA in-text citations and reference list as well as well-crafted writing should be evident in the worksheet and paper
supplement. All conclusions drawn and alternatives used should be explained and supported with the course material.
All in-text citations should provide the page number or paragraph number.
You are expected to paraphrase and NOT use direct quotes. You are expected to paraphrase, which can be learned by reviewing
this link:
Use the grading rubric while writing the paper to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.
Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor
is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this
Contractions are not used in business writing, so you are expected NOT to use contractions in writing this assignment.
Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing),
nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this
You are expected to paraphrase and NOT use direct quotes. You are expected to paraphrase, which can be learned by reviewing
this link:
You are responsible for APA only for in-text citations and a reference list.
The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course readings to support ideas, reasoning and conclusions.
You may not use books as source material.
When using a source document, the expectation is that the information is cited and referenced with a page or paragraph
number. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.
Note: The activities evaluation will be applied to all members of this group.
Rubric Name: Project 3
0.9 points
Worksheet Step
One of PrOACT
Method Applied:
Statement and
0.765 points
The decision statement
accurately reflects the decision
that must be made and
discussion of statement
formation application
process reflects an insightful
and proficient comprehension
of the PrOACT method by
0.675 points
0 points
The decision statement generally
reflects the decision that must be
0.585 points
made and the discussion of
Statement frames the wrong decision and/or pro
statement formation application
reflects a competent
understanding of the PrOACT
detailing all the considerations
needed to form the statement
particularly the absence of bias
or influence through a thorough
use of case study facts, and
class material supported ideas
and reasoning justifying the
conclusions made.
method but bias and influence
discussion was underdeveloped
because of the lack of support
from case study facts, and class
material to support the
conclusions made.
(0.63 – 0.72)
(0.81 – 0.9)
0.9 points
0.675 points
The objectives created
accurately reflects the decision
makers goals in making the
decision and discussion of
Worksheet Step application process reflects an
Two of PrOACT insightful and proficient
Method Applied: comprehension of the PrOACT
0.765 points
method by detailing all the
Creation and
considerations needed to form
discussion of
objectives particularly the
applied process absence of bias or influence
through a thorough use of case
study facts, and class material
supported ideas and reasoning
justifying the conclusions
The objectives
accurately reflects goals in
making the decision and
discussion of application
process reflects a competent
understanding of the PrOACT
method but bias and influence
discussion was underdeveloped
because of the lack of support
from case study facts, and class
material to support the
conclusions made.
0 points
0.585 points
Objective Formation was not discussed or objec
(0.63 – 0.72)
(0.81 – 0.9)
Worksheet Step
Three of
PrOACT Method
Creation of
Alternatives and
discussion of
applied process
0.675 points
0.9 points
The Alternatives created
accurately reflect the decision
makers objectives in making
the decision and discussion of
0.765 points
The alternatives
accurately reflect the decision
makers objectives in making the
0 points
0.585 points
Alternative formation was not discussed or alter
addressed using the process.
application process reflects an
insightful and proficient
comprehension of the PrOACT
method by detailing all the
considerations needed to form
alternatives without the
absence of bias or influence
through a thorough use of case
study facts, and class material
supported ideas and reasoning
justifying the conclusions
decision and discussion of
application process reflects a
competent understanding of the
PrOACT method but bias and
influence discussion was
underdeveloped because of the
lack of support from case study
facts, and class material to
support the conclusions made.
(0.63 – 0.72)
(0.81 – 0.9)
1.35 points
1.0125 points
Table completed all objectives/
consequences that the
Worksheet Step
alternatives would have;
Four of PrOACT
Discussion of consequence
table demonstrates an
1.1475 points
insightful understanding of the
Table and
PrOACT method by detailing all
discussion of
the possible consequences that
applied process
alternatives may have in
meeting the needs of the
decision maker.
Table completed missed 1-2 of
the objectives/consequences of
the alternatives; Discussion of
consequence table demonstrates points
a general understanding of the
PrOACT method; but discussion
of the process; application was
0 points
No table is offered; discussion of a table was pr
(1.365 – 1.56)
(1.215 – 1.35)
Worksheet Step
Four of PrOACT
Table and Trade
Offs and
discussion of
applied process
1.35 points
1.0125 points
Consequence table utilized to 1.1475 points
look for tradeoffs situations;
Table was recreated reflecting
the tradeoffs if any; Discussion
of tradeoffs or lack thereof is
Consequence table utilized to
look for tradeoffs situations;
Table was recreated reflecting
most of the tradeoffs (if any)
missing one possibility;
0 points
No table/trade
offs are offered or the table is completely or mos
applicable demonstrates an
insightful and proficient
comprehension of the PrOACT
method by detailing all the
possible ways the objectives
can be equalized in the
alternatives under
Discussion of tradeoffs (or lack
thereof is applicable)
demonstrates a competent
understanding of the PrOACT
method. Discussion on how the
process of trade off was applied
is underdeveloped.
(0.945 – 1.08)
(1.215 – 1.35)
1.463 points
1.95 points
Both Steps of Decision Matrix
Worksheet Step
was completed accurately;
Five: Worksheet
Discussion of ranking and
Step Five of
weighting of objectives and
PrOACT Method
alternatives demonstrates an
insightful and proficient
Decision Matrix
comprehension of purpose for
Creation and
using the decision matrix tool
discussion of
by detailing all the reasoning
applied process
used in considering the
objectives and alternatives
being assessed.
1.658 points
Both Steps of Decision Matrix
was completed; Discussion of
ranking and weighting of
objectives and alternatives
0 points
demonstrates a competent
understanding of the purpose for
1.267 points
using the decision matrix by
No table is offered or the table is completely inc
explaining the reasoning used in
considering the objectives and
alternatives being assessed;
more detail is needed in the
reasoning behind the ranking and
the weighting aspects of the
(1.755 – 1.95)
(1.365 – 1.56)
0.9 points
Worksheet Step
Six of PrOACT
Method Applied:
Decisions and
discussion of
applied process
0.675 points
0 points
All linked decisions were
accurately identified and
appropriate to the alternative;
the discussion of reasoning
behind the choices showed a
thorough, insightful and
0.765 points
Most linked decisions were
identified and appropriate to the
alternative; the discussion of
reasoning behind the choices
showed a competent
understanding of the PrOACT
0.585 points
No linked decisions were discussed or those dis
proficient comprehension of the
PrOACT method, by detailing
all the possible linked decisions
an alternative may have for the
decision makers.
method; more than one of linked
decision discussion was
(0.63 – 0.72)
(0.81 – 0.9)
1.35 points
1.01475 points
Worksheet Step
Seven of
PrOACT Method
s and discussion
of process and
The decision recommendation
is clearly stated and reflects the
decision that was to be made
by the decision maker; the
discussion of the
recommendation was
demonstrated an insightful and
proficient comprehension of the
PrOACT method; the use of the
1.1475 points
consequence table, and
decision matrix tools was
precise and followed all
requirements in its application;
the discussion of the process
used in making the decision
clearly and thoroughly detailed
all the considerations needed
to form the recommendation
particularly the absence of bias
or influence.
The decision recommendation is
stated and generally reflects the
decision that was to be made by
the decision maker(s); the
discussion of the
recommendation demonstrated a
competent understanding of the
PrOACT method; the use of the
consequence table, and decision
matrix tools followed most of the
requirements in its application;
the discussion of the process
used in making the decision
detailed most the considerations
needed to form the
recommendation particularly the
absence of bias or influence.
0 points
No recommendation is made; discussion about
(0 – .80)
(0.945 – 1.08)
(1.215 – 1.35)
Worksheet Step
Eight of PrOACT
Method Applied:
Does the
decision make
sense and
0.9 points
0.765 points
Besides meeting all the
requirements of the element in
a thorough and logical way, the
0 points
0.675 points
0.585 points
All the requirements of the
discussion were met in a
competent fashion. The
No discussion is offered or what is addressed in
(0 – .053)
reasoning to
support choice
discussion utilizes the class
material, and research in a new
and exemplary fashion to raise
important ideas, issues, or
conclusions that demonstrate
an insightful evaluation as to
the success the decision has in
meeting the decision maker’s
objectives. Discussion also
addresses those objectives that
were not met and their
importance to the decision
maker; and whether the
process particularly filtered bias
or influence.
discussion utilizes some of the
class material, and research
resulting in a general evaluation
as to the success the decision
has in meeting the decision
maker’s objectives and those that
have not met the objectives their
importance to the decision maker
and whether the process
par …
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