Expert answer:power point

Solved by verified expert:Create a powerpoint, prezzi or whatever creative medium you are comfortable with to demonstrate the following: Define “Digital Age” What are the implications for education? Students, teachers, and administrators What challenges are we/will we face? What do we need to do differently? What are the implications for professional development? Next Steps—Where do we go from here?How has/will your lens change as a result of the increased demands of digital literacy in the classroom?What steps will you take to ensure technology is embedded in instruction and that your school is preparing students to be globally competitive?


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Special issue
doi: 10.1111/jcal.12028
Building a global community of policymakers,
researchers and educators to move education
systems into the digital age
J. Voogt* & G. Knezek†
*University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
†University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA
The EDUsummIT 2011 aimed to develop (a) recommendations for policy, practice and
research that will help educational systems move into the digital age and (b) strategies to build
a global community of researchers, policymakers and teachers in the field of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in Education. Thematic working groups addressed these
goals from different perspectives: the learner, the teacher, curriculum and assessment, the
structure of schooling, essential conditions for ICT integration and researching IT in education. This special issue reflects the research evidence underpinning the discussions and
recommendations of the EDUsummIT thematic working groups.
21st century skills, assessment, curriculum, digital age, educational systems, essential
Using research-informed strategies, the EDUsummIT
as a global community of policymakers, researchers
and educators, aims to move education into the digital
age. The EDUsummIT community recognizes the need
to respond to the challenges of a world transformed by
globalization and economic transformation, caused to a
large degree by the development of digital networked
technologies. At the first EDUsummIT in 2009 in The
Hague seventy researchers, policymakers and educators from six continents met to define action steps following the publication of the Handbook on Information
Technology in Primary and Secondary Education
(Voogt & Knezek, 2008) and resulted in a Call to
Accepted: 3 June 2013
Correspondence: Joke Voogt, University of Twente, 7546 CW
Enschede, The Netherlands. Email:; Gerald
Knezek, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76207, USA. Email:
© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Action (Voogt, Knezek, Cox, Knezek, & Ten
Brummelhuis, 2013). The second EDUsummIT was
held at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris in 2011. This
summit brought together an international group of 120
researchers, policymakers, educators, journal editors
and private sector leaders. Based on the impact of the
EDUsummIT 2009, the EDUsummIT 2011 aimed to
develop (a) recommendations for policy, practice and
research that will help educational systems move into
the digital age and (b) strategies to build a global community of researchers, policymakers and practitioners
in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education (Resta, Searson, Patru,
Knezek, & Voogt, 2012). Thematic working groups
were established in which researchers, practitioners
and policymakers shared research findings and experiences from practice and policy. EDUsummIT 2011’s
participants worked to address core questions, define
current problems and make recommendations that
would help schools around the world move into the
digital age of the 21st century. This special issue
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (2013), 29, 399–402
reflects the research evidence underpinning the discussions and recommendations of the EDUsummIT thematic working groups.
Conceptual framework
Many argue that our society is changing from an industrial to a knowledge society and that to be able to cope
with these changes students need to acquire new skills
that have come to be called 21st century skills
(Anderson, 2008), life-long learning competencies
(Organisation for Economic Development and
Co-operation, 2004) or key competences (European
Commission, 2002). There is emerging agreement on
what these 21st century skills encompass. Next to competencies related to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), collaborative skills,
communication skills, creativity, critical thinking
skills, problem solving skills and social and cultural
skills are mentioned in a number of prominent frameworks that promote and discuss 21st century skills
(Dede, 2010a; Voogt & Pareja Roblin, 2012). It is
acknowledged by many that ICT is at the core of 21st
century skills. It is regarded as both (a) a driving force
behind the need for 21st century skills – hence influencing curriculum content, and (b) a tool that can
support the acquisition and assessment of 21st century
skills, thereby impacting the teaching and learning
process (Dede, 2010b; Voogt, 2008; Voogt & Pareja
Roblin, 2012). The poor uptake of ICT in educational
practice in society (Law, Pelgrum, & Plomp, 2008)
seems contrary to the ubiquitous presence of ICT in
society and the push from society regarding the use of
ICT in education.
The central theme of the EDUsummIT was framed
in a conceptual framework, in which student learning
processes are seen as the core activity in the enterprise
that is called education. Ten Brummelhuis and Kuiper
(2008) distinguish four key elements which are situated
at the classroom level and affect learning processes
directly: the learner; the teacher; the curriculum and the
infrastructure. Learners and teachers are the key
players in the learning process. The curriculum determines the content and focus of the learning process and
the infrastructure deals with the physical (and/or
virtual) learning environment, including tools and
learning resources. Teaching and learning processes
take place within an immediate social environment and
J. Voogt & G. Knezek
simultaneously within a wider social context. The
school as the immediate environment provides the
organizational structure for the learning process. In
the wider social context of the society, perspectives on
education are discussed and educational policies are
being developed and implemented, which affect how
teaching and learning takes place and is organized.
Figure 1 presents a graphical representation of the key
elements and the influencing factors affecting the
learning process.
The EDUsummIT 2011 used this framework to
organize its work in thematic working groups that
addressed the central theme from different perspectives: the learner, the teacher, curriculum and assessment, the structure of schooling, essential conditions
for ICT integration and researching ICT in education.
This special issue
The first contribution of this special issue by Voogt,
Erstad, Dede and Mishra addresses challenges to learning and schooling in the digital networked world of the
21st century. The authors elaborate on the competencies, often referred to as 21st century competencies that
are needed to be able to live in and contribute to our
current (and future) society. Findings from international
studies show that educational practices in educational
systems worldwide have not implemented 21st century
competences (Law, 2009). The authors discuss the need
to examine 21st century competencies connected to core
school subjects and assessment practices. The need for
alternative assessment approaches designed on new
understandings of the impact of technology on teaching
and learning is addressed by Webb, Gibson and
Forkosh-Baruch. The authors combine frameworks
from two different perspectives: 1) a conceptual
approach to assessment design for computerized assessment and 2) a framework for formative assessment.
Technology allows for strategies that combine these two
frameworks, so that student performance can be measured as an integral part of learning.
It is generally acknowledged that learning takes
place across school, home and community spaces, and
thus that 21st century competences are often also
addressed in learning settings outside the school. In the
third contribution, Lai, Khaddage and G. Knezek argue
that student technology experiences outside school are
disconnected from those inside school. The authors
© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Moving education into the digital age
School environment
Learning process
Figure 1 Driving Forces of ICT in the Learning Process (ten Brummelhuis & Kuiper, 2008)
discuss the importance of recognizing students’
technology-enhanced informal learning experiences
and contend there is a need to develop pedagogies to
connect students’ formal and informal learning experiences. They propose the Mobile Blended Collaborative
Learning model as a framework for developing learning environments to blend formal and informal learning through technology. The uptake of technology in
education depends, to a large extent, on the competences teachers have in integrating technology for
teaching and learning (Tondeur et al., 2012). For this
reason teacher professional development is crucial in
ensuring that teachers are prepared to use technology
for 21st century learning. Based on a review of literature on teachers’ professional development Twining,
Raffaghelli, Albion and D. Knezek conclude that effective models for professional development require
changes at several levels of the educational system
(political, institutional and individual), and hence they
advocate a systemic approach to ensure teacher professional learning in the use of technologies. Twining and
colleagues argue that technology itself should be seen
as an opportunity for introducing new goals, structures
© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
and roles that support these changes. Their contribution
results in research-based and experience-based imperatives for action. The need for a systemic approach is
also acknowledged by Davis, Eickelmann and Zaka in
their contribution about the need for restructuring of
schooling to take advantage of technologies in education. In order to sustain innovative uses of technologies
in schools several factors need to be in place such as
leadership, technology integrated into the pedagogical
vision of the school and cooperation with external partners (including public-private partnerships). This contribution recognizes an increase in different ways
schooling is arranged, from complete virtual schools to
schools organized as networked organizations with
face-to-face and web-based services. Laferrière, Hamel
and Searson begin their contribution with the question
of whether there is a universal set of essential conditions, which act as a prerequisite for education to
benefit from technology investments. Based on
Engeström’s activity theory framework (Engeström,
1987) the authors used International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) essential conditions
(International Society for Technology in Education,
2009) to evaluate barriers encountered in the Remote
Networked School Initiative, a large scale project in
Quebec, Canada, aimed at preventing closure of remote
rural schools. Although the study cannot prove whether
ISTE’s essential conditions have universal meaning,
the relevance of ISTE’s essential conditions was confirmed. The study also shows that successful implementation of technology integration is a learning
process for those involved in eliminating both structural and cultural barriers.
The actions and recommendations (see Resta et al.,
2012) of the EDUsummIT community are researchinformed. It is therefore imperative to reflect on developments concerning researching technology in
education. Cox and colleagues argue that research on
IT in education has an interdisciplinary nature and is
affected by many stakeholders with differing interests.
This situation often prevents the development of a lucid
and comprehensive strategy for researching technology
in education. Cox and colleagues advocate the need to
establish e-learning observatories, in which experts and
disciplines are brought together to warrant knowledge
sharing and development. In addition, reciprocal relationships in which practice informs research and
research informs practice need to be in place to inform
research programs and set implementation strategies
that contribute to the relevance and impact of research
on technology in education.
Anderson, R. (2008). Implications of the information and
knowledge society for education. In J. Voogt & G. Knezek
(Eds.), International handbook of information technology
in primary and secondary education (pp. 5–22). New York,
NY: Springer.
Dede, C. (2010a). Comparing frameworks for 21st century
skills. In J. Bellanca & R. Brandt (Eds.), 21st century skills
(pp. 51–76). Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
Dede, C. (2010b). Technological supports for acquiring 21st
century skills. In E. Baker, B. McGaw, & P. Peterson
(Eds.), International encyclopedia of education (3rd ed.,
pp. 158–166). Oxford, UK: Elsevier. Retrieved from http://
Engeström, Y. (1987). Learning by expanding: An activitytheoretical approach to developmental research. Helsinki:
J. Voogt & G. Knezek
European Commission. (2002). eEurope 2005: An
information society for all. Brussels, Belgium: European
International Society for Technology in Education. (2009).
Essential conditions: Necessary conditions to effectively
leverage technology for learning. Retrieved from http://
Law, N. (2009). Mathematics and science teachers’ pedagogical orientations and their use of ICT in teaching. Education and Information Technologies, 14, 309–323.
Law, N., Pelgrum, W. J., & Plomp, T. (2008). Pedagogy and
ICT use in schools around the world: Findings from the
IEA SITES 2006 study. CERC Studies in comparative education. Hong Kong/Dordrecht: Comparative Education
Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong/Springer.
Organisation for Economic Development and Co-operation.
(2004). Lifelong learning. Observer, February 1–8.
Retrieved from
Resta, P., Searson, M., Patru, M., Knezek, G., & Voogt, J.
(2012). Building a global community of policy-makers,
researchers and teachers to move education systems into
the digital age – EDUsummIT 2011 summary report.
Retrieved from
Ten Brummelhuis, A., & Kuiper, E. (2008). Driving forces
for ICT in education. In J. Voogt & G. Knezek (Eds.),
International handbook of information technology in
primary and secondary education (pp. 97–111). New York,
NY: Springer.
Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., Sang, G., Voogt, J., Fisser, P., &
Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. (2012). Preparing pre-service
teachers to integrate technology in education: A synthesis
of qualitative evidence. Computers & Education, 59, 134–
Voogt, J. (2008). IT and curriculum processes: Dilemmas and
challenges. In J. Voogt & G. Knezek (Eds.), International
handbook of information technology in primary and
secondary education (pp. 117–132). New York, NY:
Voogt, J., & Knezek, G. (Eds.). (2008). International handbook of information technology in primary and secondary
education. New York, NY: Springer.
Voogt, J., Knezek, G., Cox, M., Knezek, D., & Ten Brummelhuis, A. (2013). Under which conditions does ICT have
a positive effect on teaching and learning? A Call to
Action. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29, 4–
Voogt, J., & Pareja Roblin, N. (2012). Teaching and learning
in the 21st century. A comparative analysis of international
frameworks. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44, 299–
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Literacy in the digital age
Literacy in the Digital Age
Laurie A. Sharp
Tarleton State University
21st century learners arrive at school with technological knowledge and skills that
necessitate the need for educational systems to transform instructional practices to meet
learners’ needs. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
developed ISTE Standards for students, teachers, administrators, coaches, and computer
science educators that define best practices and standards of excellence with technology.
Literacy educators are greatly impacted by the technological shift in education and
require a deep level of proficiency with the ISTE Standards for Teachers. The purpose of
this article is to provide an overview of the ISTE Standards for Teachers and provide
literacy educators with an evaluative tool to measure their adeptness with the knowledge
and skills needed to teach in the digital age.
Dr. Laurie A. Sharp is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and
Instruction at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas. Dr. Sharp’s literacy
interests include 21st century literacy skills, effective instructional design, reading
maturity, and the development of effective writing. Dr. Sharp can be reached at:
The definition of “literacy” has recently been expanded to include “digital,
electronic, and visual expressions” (Gentry & McAdams, 2013, p. 4253), and educational
institutions are expected to meet learners’ needs through the integration of 21st century
skills. According to the Assessment and Teaching of 21st-Century Skills Consortium
(2014), success in the 21st century requires mastery of the following critical skills:
information literacy, creativity and innovation, collaboration, problem solving,
communication, and responsible citizenship. Learners today are sometimes referred to as
“digital natives” (Prensky, 2001, p. 1) and “Net Geners” (Turner & Carriveau, 2010, p.
17) because of their exposure to digital tools throughout their entire lives. However,
exposure to digital tools does not equate to mastery of the six critical 21-century skills.
Moreover, many literacy educators fail to acknowledge or utilize these new practices, and
research holds the importance of educators to connect learners’ digital knowledge and
capabilities to academic content (Considine, Horton, & Moorman, 2009).
The International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE] (2012) developed
the ISTE Standards (formerly known as the National Educational Technology Standards
[NETS]), which define best practices and standards of excellence with technology for
various stakeholders in education: students, teachers, administrators, coaches, and
computer science educators. Students’ increasing levels of proficiency with digital
knowledge and skills, as well as the accessibility of technology both inside and outside of
school environments, require transformation of traditional educational practices. Literacy
Volume 24
The Language and Literacy Spectrum
Literacy in the digital age
educators play an important role with this transformative process and are becoming
increasingly more proficient with digital technologies resulting from several national
technology initiatives and participation in professional development experiences
(McAdams, 2013).
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the ISTE Standards for
Teachers and provide literacy educators with an evaluative tool to measure their
adeptness with the knowledge and skills needed to “teach, work and learn in an
increasingly connected global and digital society” (ISTE, 2012, para.1). ISTE Standards
for teachers outlined five standards:
(1) Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity,
(2) Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experience and Assessments,
(3) Model Digital Age Work and Learning,
(4) Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility, and
(5) Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership. (ISTE, 2008)
Within each of the ISTE Standards for teachers, four performance indicators further
defined digital knowled …
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