Expert answer:Position Papers About Kuwait – two pages single sp

Solved by verified expert:Please read the Format File and Do as the ExampleKuwaitTopic One: (One Page Single Space)- Addressing Global Conflict and Security in the context of Climate Change (GA)Topic Two: (One page Single Space)- Ensuring Human Security in Conflict and Post-Conflict Countries (GA)


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Sample Format & Content of Position Papers
Delegation from
(Bold, Italicized, Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
[Member State]
(Bold, Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
Represented by
(Bold, Italicized, Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
[Name of Institution]
(Bold, Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
Position Paper for [Committee Name]
(Bold, Times New Roman, Size 10-12, Centered)
Introductory sentence providing an overview of the topics and, if appropriate, your
delegation’s relationship with the committee. (Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
I. Topic One Title
(Bold, Italicized, Times New Roman, Size 10-12, Centered)
Paragraph #1: Background information on the topic, why your country thinks it is
important, relevant national commitments and action on the issue. Remember to
focus on national policies which influence your country’s action on this topic
within the UN and internationally. (Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
Paragraph #2: International commitments and your country’s support of specific
resolutions, initiatives, conventions or treaties. Describe what actions have been
taken by your country to address prior international agreements made by your
country (Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
Paragraph #3: Specific and concrete proposals for next steps on the topic, priority
issues, and how your country can move forward on addressing the topic. This is the
most important section of the position paper, and should be the longest paragraph.
(Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
Topic One for xxxxxxx
“Angola “
– Addressing Global Conflict and Security in the context of Climate Change (GA)
II. Topic Two Title
(Bold, Italicized, Times New Roman, Size 10-12, Centered)
Paragraph #1: Background information on the topic, why your country thinks it is
important, relevant national commitments and action on the issue. Remember to
focus on national policies which influence your country’s action on this topic
within the UN and internationally. (Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
Paragraph #2: International commitments and your country’s support of specific
resolutions, initiatives, conventions or treaties. Describe what actions have been
taken by your country to address prior international agreements made by your
country (Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
Paragraph #3: Specific and concrete proposals for next steps on the topic, priority
issues, and how your country can move forward on addressing the topic. This is the
most important section of the position paper, and should be the longest paragraph.
(Times New Roman, Size 10-12)
Topic Two for “Angola”
xxxxxxx Kuwait
– Ensuring Human Security in Conflict and Post-Conflict Countries (GA)
Example Position Paper
Delegation from
Represented by
University of Southern Washington
Position Paper for the Economic and Social Council Plenary
The topics before the Economic and Social Council are: 1) Promoting Economic and Social Gender
Equality as a Means to Achieve Sustainable Peace, 2) Implementing International Agreements to Ensure
Global Public Health, and 3) Promoting Sustainable Cities. Canada is committed to strengthening the role
of ECOSOC on the issues before it, and looks forward to promoting enhanced cooperation amongst
Member States in order to reach consensus and take concrete action.
I. Promoting Economic and Social Gender Equality as a Means to Achieve Sustainable Peace
In conflict and post-conflict societies, economic and social rights are often given lower priority than
political and civil rights. In these cases, women are not treated equally, and are often the victims of
gender discrimination, which manifests itself in violations of human rights such as rape, violence and
displacement. The prevalence of these crimes is exacerbated by a lack of protection for women, who often
do not possess the right to own land, have no means to receive adequate health care and have no access to
Canada has long been a champion of women’s economic, social, and cultural rights. As an original
signatory of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social,
and Cultural Rights (CESCR), and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women (CEDAW), Canada has a formal commitment to gender equality and, more specifically,
supports the explicit and systematic integration of a gender perspective into all peace-building and foreign
aid initiatives. Canada continues to press for specific initiatives with concrete and measurable outcomes
when addressing gender inequality. The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has
developed its own Framework for Addressing Gender Equality Results. This framework has been an
important advance in assessing the effectiveness of its initiatives and has consistently provided CIDA
with useful and relevant data. Canada recognizes the advancements made in Security Council resolution
1820 (2008), 1888 (2009) and 1889 (2009) to strengthen the original principals of Security Council
resolution 1325 (2000). However, Canada firmly believes that ensuring the implementation of SCR 1325
(2000) at the national level is vital. That is why Canada suggests that the CEDAW committee issue
recommendations to both the Security Council and ECOSOC on positive models for National Action
Plans (NAP) for incorporating SCR 1325 (2000), a set of progress and impact indicators through which
its implementation can be monitored, and benchmarks designed towards strengthening the principals of
SCR 1325 (2000).
Canada recommends that the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), along with the ECOSOC
Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) reach out to local NGOs and civil society
organizations (CSOs) to coordinate the monitoring of, and reporting on, the progress of these NAPs.
CSW will then report its findings to ECOSOC, the Security Council, and the Secretary General. Canada
urges for the adoption of benchmarks requiring 30% of UN-mandated peacekeeping forces and
negotiating delegations be women. Canada also believes that while peacekeeping troops are vital to
facilitating the cessation of hostilities, a separate unit with a specialized mandate is necessary to deal with
the psychological and health issues of women that continue in post-conflict situations long after the
violence is over. The specialized mandate will also lay the groundwork for legal procedures that may
need to be taken to ensure just peace. Canada calls for the creation of this specially trained unit to be
deployed in post- conflict situations, with a specific mandate to address sexual and gender based violence,
help to eliminate impunity, and offer same-sex interviewers for rehabilitation purposes. The newly
created unit will facilitate reconciliation and violence prevention.
II. Implementing International Agreements to Ensure Global Public Health
Effectively addressing global public health lies at the center of achieving the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs). Through agreements such as the Paris Declaration on AID
Effectiveness, the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA), and global health initiatives such as the
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI), and the Global Fund to fight AIDS,
TB, and Malaria, the international community has made significant progress in addressing the
world’s health concerns. Canada is focused on creating frameworks and resolutions that foster
greater coordination, eliminate corruption and overlap, improve AID consistency, encourage the
untying of AID, emphasize a focus on national health systems, and hold all the countries
involved accountable for producing tangible and measurable results.
Canada has been a leader in the use of innovative funding mechanisms, such the Advance
Market Commitment (AMC), which provides incentives for pharmaceutical companies to
accelerate the development of vaccines and sell them at prices that poor countries can afford.
This project, which is being implemented in coordination with the World Bank and GAVI, is
expected to save an estimated 7.7 million lives by 2030. Canada will continue to urge its fellow
member states to become more involved in the creation and implementation of such innovative
funding mechanisms.
Especially now, due to the downturn in the global economy, where the world’s poor are
disproportionately suffering, there is a greater need for all donor countries to fulfill their Official
Development Aid (ODA) commitments. Canada was the first country to fulfill its G8
commitment to double ODA in Africa by 2008, and throughout the world by 2010. This has been
accomplished through both the African Health Systems Initiative (AHSI) and the Catalytic
Initiative to Save a Million Lives. Canada has not only committed USD 450 million to these
initiates, but with them has demonstrated its focus on both strengthening, and developing local
ownership, of national health systems. Canada urges the implementation of year-by-year funding
targets to ensure that ODA commitments for health initiatives are kept. Currently The Measles
Initiative is facing a funding gap of $59 million for 2010, and the Global Fund to fight AIDS,
TB, and Malaria is also facing a funding crisis of $5 billion for this year. These gaps in funding
could cause millions their lives. Canada strongly urges it fellow member states to fulfill their
commitments to these funds.
Canada is also a strong proponent of the International Health Partnership & Related Initiatives
(IHP+). The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), through the IHP+
framework, is the chair of the Mozambique National AIDS Council (CNCS) and has made longterm financial commitments to IHP+. Canada believes that IHP + will not only prove to be
extremely effective in addressing the issues of AID effectiveness, redundancy, and
accountability, but will also go a long way towards creating a united front dedicated to
improving global public health. Canada urges for the creation of new commitments that compel
15 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries to join in either
bilateral or compact agreements through IHP+ by 2020.

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