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Solved by verified expert:Assignment Option 1: National Interests and Nation State BehaviorWhat is meant by the term national interest, and what are the dangers of using national interest as a rationale for nation-state behavior?Requirements:Write a formal essay 2-3 pages in length, complete with citations from at least two outside academic sourcesCite these on a separate page at the end of the essay, and include a title page at the beginning.




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Running head: Comparing the United States and China Using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
National Interest and Nation State Behavior
Jason Hinshaw
POL101 – Introduction to Political Science
Colorado State University – Global Campus
Mrs. Cynthia Counsil
January 24th, 2017
Comparing the United States and China Using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
National Interest and Nation State Behavior
National Interests are the needs and interest of a nation that form it’s policy or stance
towards other nations of the world. In a more defined view this encompasses security, justice,
values, and the general welfare of the nation’s population. In a country like the United States
national interests are more specifically personal freedoms, democracy and free markets. These
values are usually placed above the interest of the individual citizen and are values that the
citizenry most commonly agree upon. These interests are what drive the foreign policy of a
country giving politicians and diplomats a direction when dealing with other countries. While
national interest is a positive for the people of the nation they pertain to, there can be negative
impacts from that nation spreading those interests and forcing them upon other weaker nations.
There are many examples throughout history of a country’s national interests resulting in
destruction of other nations. In the American mind, at the time, we were made to believe that
invading and overthrowing Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was in the United States’ national interest.
We were told that the potential for Hussein to use WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) would
harm our interests throughout the region. A similar situation occurred regarding the national
interests of the Unites States in the 1960s. The public was told they must act on North Vietnam
attacking the South Vietnamese so the dominos of communism do not succeed in spreading
throughout the region. While spreading our national interest of freedom is a great thing that
should continue we should focus more on the economic and democracy based incentives rather
than our willingness to attack other countries to further our national interest, which has shown to
be quite detrimental in recent decades.
A strong national interest can cloud a people’s logical judgment when that interest is
based on an emotion rather than facts. At times the facts presented by governments can be quite
Comparing the United States and China Using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
cloudy and steer the citizen’s national interest in a direction not realized before. A historic event
exemplifying this is the rise and leadership of Hitler in pre-WWII Germany. Hitler grabbed a
national movement and was able to harness those emotions creating national interests leading the
populous of Germany to follow him in to WWII. He harnessed the average citizen’s emotions
through the Reichstag fires and Gleiswitz tower bombings to form a national interest in removing
the communist party in Germany, exterminating people of Jewish heritage purifying their
country of people that were not of Germanic heritage and finally beginning World War II by
invading Poland (Invasion of Poland, 2017). This historic situation shows that a nation’s national
interest can be manipulated and driven to perform evil acts throughout the world.
The United States has entangled itself in a quagmire of a situation regarding Israel and
the U.S.’s national interest in supporting that state. While national interest is not a unanimous
idea a large majority of the US citizens believe it is in the United States national interest to fund,
support and protect Israel and its actions. This vision of national interest has not fully played out
yet but could prove in the future to be a situation that again drives the United States and possibly
many more nations in to a regional war at minimum.
The negative effects of national interest can also be seen through the history of the former
USSR. Their vision of national interest drove them to isolation when trying to construct their
communist system. This movement eventually caused the USSR to collapse and then a division
of the country into Russia and 14 other Eastern European countries. Their aged communist
idealistic views of their nation in the end destroyed what they were trying to achieve. Eventually
the rise of nationalism evolved into a national interest that assisted in the fall of that old
communist society (Beissinger, 2009). This shows the volatile changes in national interests and
Comparing the United States and China Using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
how they can swing a nation from one end of the political spectrum to the other in a relatively
short period of time.
The national interest of the United States also drove the State Department to arm and
assists the rebels of Libya in hopes of overthrowing their government. This assistance helped the
rebels succeeded in removing the government and killing President Kaddafi (Hosenball, 2011).
This act is another instance in which a government that believes it is in a nation’s interest to
assist and drive a revolution so the U.S.’s national interest could be advanced. At what point
does a nation’s interest supersede the interest of those people that are caught in between and die
due to the interest of another nation? The cost of alliances in regions, costs of commodities
needed by a nation, or the cost of big business? Many of the failures of situations that were sold
as national interest are driven by those who have alternative visions and have sold the general
public on a vision of their national interest.
Values a country’s citizenry holds dear to themselves which they believe are worth
fighting for may be noble in their minds but could bring about catastrophic affects. Diplomacy
must always be the first choice for promoting national interest. Promoting your national interest
through open trade and business are well defined methods of positive ways to further a nation’s
interest. Invading, financing and instigating revolutions and wars commonly leads to unforeseen
results that do more harm than good for a citizen’s national interest.
Comparing the United States and China Using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
Beissenger, M.R. (2009). Nationalism and the collapse of Soviet communism. (Contemporary
European History No.18). United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press
Hosenball, M. (March 31, 2011). Exclusive: Obama authorizes secret help for Libya rebels. Retrieved from
Invasion of Poland, fall 1939. (2017). Holocaust Encyclopedia. United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum. Retrieved from
Running head: Comparing the United States and China Using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
National Interest and Nation State Behavior
Jason Hinshaw
POL101 – Introduction to Political Science
Colorado State University – Global Campus
Mrs. Cynthia Counsil
January 24th, 2017
Comparing the United States and China Using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
National Interest and Nation State Behavior
National Interests are the needs and interest of a nation that form it’s policy or stance
towards other nations of the world. In a more defined view this encompasses security, justice,
values, and the general welfare of the nation’s population. In a country like the United States
national interests are more specifically personal freedoms, democracy and free markets. These
values are usually placed above the interest of the individual citizen and are values that the
citizenry most commonly agree upon. These interests are what drive the foreign policy of a
country giving politicians and diplomats a direction when dealing with other countries. While
national interest is a positive for the people of the nation they pertain to, there can be negative
impacts from that nation spreading those interests and forcing them upon other weaker nations.
There are many examples throughout history of a country’s national interests resulting in
destruction of other nations. In the American mind, at the time, we were made to believe that
invading and overthrowing Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was in the United States’ national interest.
We were told that the potential for Hussein to use WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) would
harm our interests throughout the region. A similar situation occurred regarding the national
interests of the Unites States in the 1960s. The public was told they must act on North Vietnam
attacking the South Vietnamese so the dominos of communism do not succeed in spreading
throughout the region. While spreading our national interest of freedom is a great thing that
should continue we should focus more on the economic and democracy based incentives rather
than our willingness to attack other countries to further our national interest, which has shown to
be quite detrimental in recent decades.
A strong national interest can cloud a people’s logical judgment when that interest is
based on an emotion rather than facts. At times the facts presented by governments can be quite
Comparing the United States and China Using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
cloudy and steer the citizen’s national interest in a direction not realized before. A historic event
exemplifying this is the rise and leadership of Hitler in pre-WWII Germany. Hitler grabbed a
national movement and was able to harness those emotions creating national interests leading the
populous of Germany to follow him in to WWII. He harnessed the average citizen’s emotions
through the Reichstag fires and Gleiswitz tower bombings to form a national interest in removing
the communist party in Germany, exterminating people of Jewish heritage purifying their
country of people that were not of Germanic heritage and finally beginning World War II by
invading Poland (Invasion of Poland, 2017). This historic situation shows that a nation’s national
interest can be manipulated and driven to perform evil acts throughout the world.
The United States has entangled itself in a quagmire of a situation regarding Israel and
the U.S.’s national interest in supporting that state. While national interest is not a unanimous
idea a large majority of the US citizens believe it is in the United States national interest to fund,
support and protect Israel and its actions. This vision of national interest has not fully played out
yet but could prove in the future to be a situation that again drives the United States and possibly
many more nations in to a regional war at minimum.
The negative effects of national interest can also be seen through the history of the former
USSR. Their vision of national interest drove them to isolation when trying to construct their
communist system. This movement eventually caused the USSR to collapse and then a division
of the country into Russia and 14 other Eastern European countries. Their aged communist
idealistic views of their nation in the end destroyed what they were trying to achieve. Eventually
the rise of nationalism evolved into a national interest that assisted in the fall of that old
communist society (Beissinger, 2009). This shows the volatile changes in national interests and
Comparing the United States and China Using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
how they can swing a nation from one end of the political spectrum to the other in a relatively
short period of time.
The national interest of the United States also drove the State Department to arm and
assists the rebels of Libya in hopes of overthrowing their government. This assistance helped the
rebels succeeded in removing the government and killing President Kaddafi (Hosenball, 2011).
This act is another instance in which a government that believes it is in a nation’s interest to
assist and drive a revolution so the U.S.’s national interest could be advanced. At what point
does a nation’s interest supersede the interest of those people that are caught in between and die
due to the interest of another nation? The cost of alliances in regions, costs of commodities
needed by a nation, or the cost of big business? Many of the failures of situations that were sold
as national interest are driven by those who have alternative visions and have sold the general
public on a vision of their national interest.
Values a country’s citizenry holds dear to themselves which they believe are worth
fighting for may be noble in their minds but could bring about catastrophic affects. Diplomacy
must always be the first choice for promoting national interest. Promoting your national interest
through open trade and business are well defined methods of positive ways to further a nation’s
interest. Invading, financing and instigating revolutions and wars commonly leads to unforeseen
results that do more harm than good for a citizen’s national interest.
Comparing the United States and China Using Hofstede’s Five Dimensions
Beissenger, M.R. (2009). Nationalism and the collapse of Soviet communism. (Contemporary
European History No.18). United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press
Hosenball, M. (March 31, 2011). Exclusive: Obama authorizes secret help for Libya rebels. Retrieved from
Invasion of Poland, fall 1939. (2017). Holocaust Encyclopedia. United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum. Retrieved from
National Interests and Nation State Behavior
Khawlah Bahhah
POL101 – Political Science
Colorado State University – Global Campus
Dr. Counsil
September 17, 2017
National Interest
National interest is the view to instrumental enhance of the nation’s international position
and native security. It has no fixed meaning and content (Burchill, 2005, p.8). National interests
refer to the state’s spirited interests in which the premier interest is survival. The independence
and territorial integrity of a state is still be taking in consideration to be the highest required
interest. It’s important for a state to maintain itself, otherwise it will disappear and no longer
interest remain.
National interest of The United States was found in 1985 by Irving Kristol and Owen
Harries. It exhibited a matchmaking that is remarkable in the foreign policy approach. American
interests if follow the belief that is the only thing that enhance the interests effectively is realism.
According to the school of thought traditionally associated as Disraeli, Bismarck, and Henry
Kissinger. They thought that the international politics shape has changed in the past decades.
According to The National Interest “By contributing a vital stimulus towards fashioning a new
foreign policy consensus based on civil and enlightened contention, The National Interest seeks
to serve this country’s wider national interest.”
In my opinion, I think there are no dangers of using national interest as a rationale for
nation-state behavior. Since the national interest is not able to be independently specified to
suitable national goals. The national community’s members differ upon certain proper
community’s goals. “Then policy-makers may reasonably attempt to mediate these differences”
(Humphreys, 2015).
In conclusion, national interest is the spirit of enhancing the international position and
native security of nations. It is about maintaining the state by keeping the interest. The United
States have an active national interest that is unique in the foreign policy approach. It follows the
belief that only realism is the effective way to enhance interests.
About The National Interest. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2017, from
Ang, I., Isar, Y. R., & Mar, P. (2015). Cultural diplomacy: beyond the national interest?.
International Journal Of Cultural Policy, 21(4), 365-381.
Humphreys, A. C. (2015). From National Interest to Global Reform: Patterns of Reasoning in
British Foreign Policy Discourse. British Journal Of Politics & International Relations,
17(4), 568-584. doi:10.1111/1467-856X.12053
National interests and diplomacy. (2010, January 25). Retrieved September 17, 2017, from
National Interest
POL 101 – 1 – Introduction to Political Science (GT-SS1)
Colorado State University – Global Campus
National Interest
What is national interest and when is it appropriate to use? Merriam-Webster (n.d.)
defines national interest as “the interest of a nation as a whole held to be an independent entity
separate from the interests of subordinate areas or groups and also of other nations or
supranational groups” (para. 1). It is defined differently by Oxford reference (2017), they define
it in a two-parts “Use by politicians in seeking support for a particular course of action,
especially in foreign policy” (para. 2), as well as “Use as a tool for analysing foreign policy,
particularly by political realists, such as Hans Morgenthau. Here national interest is used as a sort
of foreign policy version of the term ‘public interest’—indicating what is best for the nation in its
relations with other states” (para. 3). National interest can be used for domestic policy as well,
but is less effective due to various ideal differences on domestic issues.
Action in the Idea of National Interest
A nation action in the name of national interest can produce either negative or positive
results. This is all determined by the politician and their agenda. Germany’s national interest
during WWII was to eliminate all Jewish people, as well as expand Germanies boarders for the
growth of its citizen. Iraq’s Saddam Hussein national interest was to defeat its neighbor Iran by
any means necessary. To accomplish this Hussein invaded its other neighbor to continue to fund
a depleting treasury. The United States used national interest to invade and dismantle Al Qaeda
in Afghanistan. National interest has been used to justify many horrible actions.
United States National Interest Staff. (2010) describes a national tragedy “On September 11, 2001, at 8:45
a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons
of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City” (para. 2).
This event brought security to the forefront of national interest, the policy that followed are
described by Green (2016) “It ushered in a new generation of policies like the USA Patriot Act,
prioritizing national security and defense, often at the expense of civil liberties” (para. 4). This
Act has led to the violation of both the fourth and fifth amendments in the name of national
interest. Green (2016) also states “The Bush Administration also opened the Guantanamo Bay
detention center in Cuba, where it began sending suspected enemy combatants. Held indefinitely,
prisoners were denied access to trials or legal representation, and subject to brutal interrogation
techniques” (para. 10). These actions are in direct violation of the Geneva Convention. All of
this has been done in the ideal of national interest.
Recently the Syrian conflict between extremist factions and the government has
escalated, producing an estimated eleven million refugees fleeing the country. Varkiani,
Raymond, Ofosu, & Eaton (2017) quotes Rep. Steve Knight (R-CA) as saying “In 2015, when
President Obama proposed increasing t …
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