Solved by verified expert:Capstone Project: Evaluation and Dissemination Plan * The Capstone Project is designed to be completed in sections. This is part three of the assignment. Revise your Change Proposal and Implementation Draft, using feedback from your instructor, and attach it to your paper. Add any necessary transitions to bridge the sections of the paper. Directions: 800-1,000 words Review your Logic Model, Change Proposal, and Initiation Plan. Describe in detail how the overall Change Plan will be evaluated and the resources needed to evaluate the project. Discuss the evaluation process in relationship to the projected outcomes. Create a dissemination plan. Explain how the outcome of the project will be disseminated externally (outside the setting to health care community) and internally (unit or hospital where the change process has taken place). A detailed plan answer includes who, what, where, how, and when? ** This assignment requires that you support your position by referencing at LEAST THREE TO FIVE SCHOLARLY RESOURCES. AT LEAST TWO OF YOUR SUPPORTING REFERENCES MUST BE FROM PEER-REVIEWED RESOURCES. *** Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. **** You will be graded on: 1. Description of Evaluation Plan, Including Evaluation Methods, Variables to Be Assessed, and Projected Outcomes: Plan explains how the effectiveness of the change plan will be evaluated and provides a tool for measuring the success of the change if implemented. Plan supports strategy for evaluation by providing evidence through the referencing of relevant readings and relating prior knowledge and experience obtained throughout the program of study. 2. Summary of Plan for Disseminating Proposal (Who, What, Where, When): Plan identifies which stakeholders will be required to review the proposal and how the proposal will be presented to all stakeholders. Plan supports strategy for disseminating proposal by providing evidence through the referencing of relevant readings and relating prior knowledge and experience obtained throughout the program of study. 3. Research Sources (Sources are appropriate, relevant, etc. Also, sources meet assignment quantity and type specifications, including evidence-based resources.): Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. 4. Argument Logic and Construction: Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. 5. Title Page and Research Documentation (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment and style, and meeting assignment requirements.): Title page is complete. All requested sections are included. Reference section includes correctly cited sources. In-text citations are included and correctly cited.
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494 Book and Additional Web Resources
Zimmerman, M. A., & Holden, D. J. (Eds.). (2009). A practical guide to program evaluation planning:
Theory and case examples. SAGE Publications Inc.
– Read Chapter 7 in A Practical Guide to Program Evaluation Planning: Theory and Case Examples.
1. Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs: A Self-Study Guide
Read “Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Programs: A Self-Study Guide,” by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2011).
2. Performance Monitoring and Evaluation TIPS: Using Rapid Appraisal Methods
Read “Performance Monitoring and Evaluation TIPS: Using Rapid Appraisal Methods,” by USAID (1996).
Barriers to Health Care in America
It’s a good practice to have an intro paragraph before jumping into sections to give the reader an
outline of the paper and your thesis.
Health Care Barriers in Pay-for-Service Schemes
The central premise of medical attention in the States so far has been to provide
comprehensive health care. Often, that involved performing exhaustive analyses on patients so
that the hospital could get to the root of the health issue. However, that approach is becoming
outdated. Operations today must be efficient (Fascia & Brodie, 2017). One of the main drivers of
the shift in attitudes is the need for energy efficiency. In line with other sectors in the world,
there must be a clear reduction of the carbon footprint for all industries. Exhaustive testing is not
energy efficient. In addition to the need for energy efficiency, it has been noted that current
schemes are prone to fraud as a result of pay-for-service mechanisms. Institutions take advantage
of arrangements use Medicaid to drive up the costs of health care to the government in an
unreasonable manner. Therefore, this analysis seeks to prove that health care is a service that
ought to be performance-based and not service based.
The Logic Model
The logic model that the discussion uses not only details how pay-for-performance
schemes would be more useful, but it also shows why it easier for the government to facilitate
health care across economic classes. Through the use of information as the primary input in this
process, the discussion reveals how pay for performance frameworks make medicine more
treatment-centered than process-centric (Zimmerman & Holden, 2009). The focus groups will
detail how quality outcomes are more prevalent in pay-for-performance schemes than when the
service itself is guaranteed.
The initial assumption of the logic model is that pay-for-service practices promote
insurance fraud; since the resources are devoted to a comprehensive, but often unnecessary,
diagnosis treatment/management process. The logical conclusion is that using a performanceoriented scheme of arrangement will deter manipulation of medical procedures for increased
returns by health care providers (Chandra, Finkelstein, Sacarny, & Syverson, 2015).
In the United States, Medicaid is the revolutionary insurance scheme that increased
health care insurance penetration to all economic strata. Previously, only the wealthy could
afford to survive major health scares since they had ready access to hospitals. Even the people
with pre-existing conditions could rarely get comprehensive coverage. The Affordable Health
Care Act ensured that every employer pays a portion of his or her employee’s insurance for
health. All cadres of staff benefit from this initiative, thus, individuals with minimum wage jobs
have the same access to treatment regime as managers. Despite the obvious advantages of this
scheme, some obvious loopholes cause an unsustainable financial hemorrhage.
Unscrupulous service providers go ahead and conduct a battery of tests when the
symptoms present a definite diagnosis. Performance-based health insurance is results oriented. In
effect, the hospitals only get paid for the illnesses identified and treated. It eliminates the
tendency to go overboard for example, perform an Magnetic Response Imaging for a child that
came into the hospital with a cold. The analysis envisions a long-term result where the health
care providers maintain the balance of efficiency and good health care that currently, only highnet-worth individuals have access to use. On the medium term, this exposition is expected to
encourage candid discussions on the relationship between stakeholders on how to tweak Obama
Care to raise and maintain equal opportunities in hospitals. Immediately, the analysis will create
awareness on the proper effect that performance contracting will have on the health care system
(Cutler & Gosh, 2012). The paper will also engage positions on the principal informants on payfor-performance arrangements. These range from politicians to members of think tanks and
Proposed Solution
The objective of the entire exercise is to illustrate the benefits of pay-for-performance
health care over pay-for-service on the long-term. The most apparent advantage of the proposal
is that it will instill a culture of efficiency in the health care sector. That will see doctors perform
only the most necessary tests and incur limited costs in diagnosis and treatment (Golden, 2006).
The solution is to seize incentivizing pay-for-performance, convert it into policy and use it to
make Obama Care financially sustainable.
Chandra, A., Finkelstein, A., Sacarny, A., & Syverson, C. (2015). Healthcare Exceptionalism?
Performance and Allocation in the U.S. Healthcare Sector. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Cutler, D. M., & Ghosh, K. (2012). The potential for cost savings through bundled episode
payments. New England Journal of Medicine, 366(12), 1075-1077.
Fascia, M., & Brodie, J. (2017). Structural barriers to implementing open innovation in
healthcare. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 23(7), 338-343.
Golden, B. (2006). The Cost of Pay-for-Performance in Healthcare: An Alternative View.
Healthcare Papers, 6(4), 39-46.
Zimmerman, M. A., & Holden, D. J. (Eds.). (2009). A practical guide to program evaluation
planning: Theory and case examples. SAGE Publications Inc.
Great start!
From what I gather in your paper:
Problem: Waste and Fraud
Barrier: Pay for Service payment models
Input: research
Solution: incentivize Pay for Performance and create national policy
Desired Outcome: Make Obama Care financially sustainable
Your content is really strong, great sources used- try to ‘connect the dots’ more for the reader
and relate your research and points to a specific topic. Your points seem to jump- energy
efficiency to pay for performance, pay for performance and policy to the sustainability of Obama
Care for example. To help ‘connect the dots’ and relate your points, provide a more detailed
analysis explaining how they’re related- for example, how will incentivizing and creating a
national policy on pay for performance make Obama Care financially sustainable? You
mentioned Medicaid being revolutionary- are you proposing a universal health care system
similar to how Medicaid is managed? I’m not clear on who and what you’re targeting your thesis
specifically to. You met all source and APA formatting requirements and your grammar and
paper formatting are good. Nice start!
Barriers to Health Care: Logic Model Continuation
The logic model in this discussion considers stabilizing medical service provision across
socio-economic strata in the American population. The principal analysis aims to interrogate the
most effective solutions to the research problem. There are adverse implications subservient to
the disparities in health care outcomes in health care. The organizations in charge of health care
operation and policy must drive the agenda of improving the state of health service provision in
the United States. The people have an entitlement to proper service at their physicians. It is
crucial that health care services are dispensed without the prejudice of their economic status.
Organizational Resources Necessary in Implementation
The primary resource that can be used to make health care organizations more responsive
to a change plan is information. Knowledge is power in this context. The benefits of constant
access to the relevant information cannot be overstated. Consistent flow of information helps
new best practices to be detected and implemented. Educational material and correspondences
must be readily available from the policy-making organization that will compare current
standards to that of wealthy individuals to match the two. These channels foster good
relationships between service providers and public administrations and create a conducive
channel for knowledge transfers without the need to use policy and laws to enforce change
within the organization.
Access to the internet is an invaluable resource for creating and maintaining the
momentum of a plan to change. Through it, the users may keep track of how best practices are
taking root in other jurisdictions (Kelley, 2016). In addition, internet connectivity helps the
managers of health care providing institutions to compare their progress with other agencies in
the same space. On the medium and long term, access to information will help the system to
manage change sustainably.
Stakeholders to Support the Implementation
There are two classes of stakeholder that health care analysts typically use to classify
outcomes in health care services. The first category involves internal firm components. These are
the human resource, infrastructural, and financial capital of the team. The governance systems of
health care providers should use focus group discussions to identify the most deserving sections
for development. For instance, a focus discussion group in a hospital located close to a highway
may resolve that more resources should be directed towards emergency response services than in
palliative care. The former serves a roader cross-section of the public than the latter. That will
help the hospital provide services more equally. The infrastructure and finances of the firm can
be tailored to meet the challenges of the new internal policy directives.
External organizational components are the private sector practices and the government
regulators. The outcomes of the project are divided into short, medium, and long-term external
influences cause the firm to adopt change mechanisms. For instance, government regulation
through Acts like Medicaid helped millions of people gain access to health care immediately the
statute came into effect (Adams, Gottwald, & Lansdown, 2015). Private umbrella organizations
such as regional hospital caucuses instill organizational culture shifts that are beneficial to the
firm in middle-term timeframes. Over the long term, both government and private external arms
work together to promote equality in health care provision. An example of this approach is the
move to base the insurance claims of hospitals on the treated diseases rather than the number of
tests performed on the patients. That ensures that both wealthy and vulnerable clients receive
attention to their health issues.
Change Plan on the Organization
The change plan assumes that every person in the country is entitled to proper health
care. There is a right to due process, and the Constitution is emphatic in its protection of the
right. Therefore, the impact of the plan to improve services can only mean that the lower end of
the spectrum will gain access to top-notch services. Again here, there is the long, medium, and
short-term impact. Members of the service providers will be aware of their responsibilities in
delivering consistently acceptable outcomes in their professional capacities (Adams et al., 2015).
That is an immediate outcome of the change plan. Rational decisions by stakeholder’s result in
sustainable medium-term and long-term operational and policy directives.
Timelines in Changing Health Care Culture
The plan to standardize health care services must be bound by timeframes to ensure
accountability and fidelity to the mission objectives. In the short-term, proposed external factors
in the logic model often take effect within a financial year since funding can only be controlled
on an annual basis. Internal control mechanisms like focus groups take effect immediately since
the workers translate the theory into practice on the job. Middle term timeframes in the
organization occur in tandem with the general tangent and momentum of regional health care
provider caucuses to implement enabling institutional cultures (Adams et al., 2015).
Steps of Implementation
There is no standard way of actualizing organizational changes, especially when the
matter concerns towards patients. The best way to go about this business is to pay attention to the
administrative justice rights of the public. There is already a concise body of laws that ensure
equality and effectiveness in delivery. Implementing them should pay attention to the legal, best
practices and current trends in the available framework (McWilliam & Ward-Griffin, 2006).
Reflections and Potential Barriers
Change is inevitable. Resistance to new efficiencies in the workplace is expected. But
then consistent education and incentives targeting all the relevant stakeholders can create the
desired outcomes (Kelley, 2016). The other impairment to positive change is cultural and
institutional status quo. These two obstacles are easily surmounted with consistent objective
lobbying and activism. That way, the desired practices are normalized in the health care sector.
Once these practices become commonplace, then one would confidently say that health care
services are fully enshrined in the wellbeing of the average American. Health care is the only
commercial activity that can single-handedly assure the nation of continuity. It is imperative that
its administrators are aware of that fact without regard to the money they get from any
Adams, J., Gottwald, M., & Lansdown, G. (2015). Clinical Governance: Improving the Quality
of Healthcare for Patients and Service Users. Nursing Standard, 29(36), 27-30.
Kelley, B. (2016). Charting change: A visual toolkit for making change stick. New York, NY:
Palgrave Macmillan
McWilliam, C., & Ward-Griffin, C. (2006). Implementing organizational change in health and
social services. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 19(2), 119-135.
Literature Review: Table of Evidence
Student Name:
Describe the barrier or issue in health care that you want to address for your Capstone Project Paper (two or three sentences):
In my capstone project, I will address the issue of disparities in health care. Health care disparities are the differences in health
and health care between population groups.
Disparities arise through several dimensions, comprising of race and ethnicity, socioeconomic standing, location, age, gender,
disability status, and sexual orientation.
Article 1
Article 2
Author, Journal 1.
(Peer-Reviewed), 2.
Permalink or
Working Link to
Access Article
Christine Schneider,
Stefanie Joos,
Kayvan Bozorgmehr.
| Karen E. Lasser, MD, MPH, David
U. Himmelstein, MD, and Steffie
Woolhandler, MD, MPH
Article Title and
Year Published
Disparities in health and access
to healthcare between asylum
seekers and residents in
Germany: a population-based
cross-sectional feasibility study
Access to Care, Health Status, and
Health Disparities in the United
States and Canada: Results of a
Cross-National Population-Based
Published in 2014
Published in 2006 and revised in
The aim of this research was to
assess the disparities in health
and healthcare among asylum
seekers and residents in
Germany as proof of perception
via European Core Health
Indicators (ECHI).
The purpose of this study was to
compare health status, access to care,
and exploitation of medical services
in the United States and Canada, and
related disparities depending on race,
immigrant status and income.
Article 3
American Academy of
Technical Report—Racial and
Ethnic Disparities in the
Health and Health Care of
Published in April 2012
Research Questions
(Quantitative), and
Purposes/Aim of
Article 4
This technical report was
aimed at reviewing and
synthesizing published
literature that touched on
racial/ethnic disparities in
children’s health and health
Cristina Grabovschi, ,
Christine Loignon and
Martin Fortin
Mapping the concept
of vulnerability related
to health care
disparities: a scoping
Published in
12 March 2013
How is the notion of
vulnerability used in
the standing literature,
and what is known
about the relationship
between health care
disparities and the coexistence of multiple
aspects of vulnerability
in the same
Qualitative, or
This was a population-based
This was a Cross-National
cross-sectional feasibility study. Population-Based Survey
Quantitative systematic review
of peer-reviewed literature.
The research realized was a
cross-sectional study through a
full-census methodology done
in 3 out of 44 counties in a
Federal State in Germany.
Questionnaires were used with
standardized mechanisms in
seven diverse languages
personalized to the vernacular
most regularly spoken amidst
registered AS.
This methodical review of the
literature was conducted on
articles that were published
between 1950 and March
A cross-sectional study
with a full-census
approach was conducted
in areas in Germany
• Participations of
individuals in the
research for better
• Data collection
• Data Analysis
The Canada and the US National
Center for Health Statistics conducted
this survey that was overseen
between November 2002 and March
Population-based data on
3505 Canadian and 5183 US
adults was analyzed through
the Joint Canada/US Survey
of Health.
Logistic regression was used
to analyze a country as a
forecaster of access to care,
quality of care, and fulfilment
with care, and as a predictor
Articles were collected
and read.
• These articles were
systematically and
Quantitative and
qualitative research
In total, 106 articles
were reclaimed and
read in full by the first
author, all these articles
were related to
vulnerability in a
An innovative
dynamic model
was developed
to analyze the
co-existence of
Key Findings
This study offers a system to
assess self-conveyed health
status and contact to healt …
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