Expert answer:Literature review for a research related to a disa

Solved by verified expert:Research Proposal-Literature review on the topic of floods in Saudi, with the essential elements of literature review, in APA format, spell checked and proof read.Sections to be completed and proof read includes:Introduction to the problem, background, guiding questions, delimitations and limitations, significance of the study (the reason you feel it is important.REFINED Literature reviewHuman Subject Institutional Review Board Draft if human subjects are to be used.References, in proper APA format.My topic is about the floods that occurred in Saudi Arabia, I call it man-made floods because these floods occurred due to the lack of drainage system and less concerns from the country of Saudi. The targeted population for this research are Jeddah city, Makkah city, and the capital Ryadh city (They all cities in Saudi Arabia). I will attach the ten articles the you will do a literature review for them. – I also attached a sample for a literature review, please take a look at it and follow it and do a literature review( 4- 6 pages) similar to it about my topic.- It should be 4-6 pages. – All ten articles must be cited as references at the end in APA format- The ten articles are in pdfs below. will 4 now, then i will attach the other 6 articles once i assign it for you because I cannot attach more than 5 documents here.









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Review of the Literature
Our military and other government components such as the Department of
Defense develop technology to keep United States citizens safe by improving on
existing methods that identify and stop combatants. One method used to identify a
suspect is by recovery DNA. When an improvised explosive device (IED) is
detonated bomb fragments are recovered and examined in order to attempt to
determine the identity of the bomb maker. Iris, facial, and vascular recognition are
other biometrics tools used to identify our adversaries. Linking forensic functions
with biometric capabilities is a relatively new form of technology and is discussed in
the literature presented.
According to a study by Chirchi, Waghmare, and Chirchi (2011), choosing the
proper biometric tool to fit the specific situation requires knowledge of
technological developments. One such development is the iris scan. Found to be a
reliable form of authentication the military has evolved this form of biometric
identification into a portable tool on the battlefield. The biometric automated toolset
(BAT) is the primary system used by the U.S Central Command to store biometric
data such as iris scans, (D’Agostino, 2008). The iris scan is a unique form of
identification. In its genetic properties no two eyes are the same and furthermore
the characteristic that is dependent on genetics is the pigmentation of the iris,
(Chirchi, Waghmare, and Chirchi, 2011).
Although not less reliable but a less developed form of biometric
identification is facial recognition. It utilizes automated methods to verify the
identity of a person based on physiological characteristics. Tolba, El-Baz, and ElHarby (2011) describe facial recognition as a way to detect facial patterns even in a
crowded scene using classification algorithms. A computer algorithm “normalizes”
the biometric signature so that it is in the same format as the signatures on the
system’s database (Tolba, 2011). Facial recognition is seen as a convenient
biometric tool due to being both machine-readable and human readable. The
ubiquity of surveillance cameras means that, in a sense, a face can leave a trace and
therefore be useful forensically, as are DNA and fingerprints, (DOD, 2007).
A significant tool in biometric identification is the use of DNA analysis,
particular with recovering fingerprints. Esslinger, Siegel, Spillane, and Stallworth,
(2004) research involved using short tandem repeat (SRT) analysis to detect human
DNA from exploded pipe bomb devices. The effect on the DNA left on the
components correlated with the material the pipe was made of (pvc vs. steel), the
fragmentation pattern, and low vs. high explosives. One issue I noticed and it was
briefly mentioned in the article, was with the reliability of the material the pipes
were made. Steel is known to conduct heat better than PVC. The theory was since
steel generates more heat during an explosion the chance for degradation of the
DNA would increase. However since steel is more durable than PVC the percentage
of larger fragments should increase. The more fragments, the more DNA could be
collected. The data from the experiment showed the steel and PVC pipes had a
similar success rate for DNA recover.
Foran, Gehring, and Stallworth (2009) research included the recovery and
analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from exploded pipe bombs. The importance
and difference from STR analysis is that mtDNA analysis allows DNA that has been
extracted from hair, fingernails, and bone to be examined when nuclear DNA cannot
be recovered. Another significant difference is mtDNA sampling can be obtained
from not only the subject but also related family members. The article discussed the
materials and methods used in the test as well as the resulting bomb fragmentation
and the correlation with the quality and quantity of DNA recovered. The results of
the study showed the value of mtDNA analysis in identifying the manufactures of
various detonated IEDs.
Recovering fingerprints and other forms of DNA from various surface areas is
not always textbook. Elements such as temperature, humidity, moisture, and
material of surface area all affect the quality and ability to recover DNA. Shalhoub et
al, (2008) researched a fast curing silicone-casting material (Isomark) as an
effective method to obtain a reliable DNA profile from the casts of the fingerprints.
Participants were asked to handle six different surfaces of various textures. This
study was significant because various items are often used in IEDs that serve as
projectiles. The Army field manual FM 3-34.119 (2005) describes various casings
used such as pipes, soda cans, metal containers, all which turn into projectiles when
detonated. Once recovered contents inside such as marbles, nails, rocks, and glass
can all be examined for DNA. Through their research Shalhoub et al, (2008)
concluded it was possible to recover DNA from Isomark casts made on all substrates
tested. However, no link was noted between quality of finger marks obtained and
the amount of DNA extracted from them, Shalhoub (2008).
Although the research discovered additional technology questions the
research summaries concluded favorable results for recovering DNA from bomb
components leading to identifying the bomb maker. Biometrics tools such as iris
scanning, facial recognition, and fingerprinting are valuable components to
identifying our adversaries and using that intelligence to mitigate against future
Chirchi, V., Waghmar, L.M., & Chirchi, E.R. (2011). Iris biometric recognition for
person identification in security systems. International Journal of Computer
Applications, 24(9). Retrieved August 25, 2011 from – India
D’Agostino, D. 2008. Defense management: DoD can establish more guidance for
biometrics. Retrieved October 2, 2011 from
Department of Defense. 2007. Report of the defense science board task force on
defense biometrics. Retrieved October 2, 2011 from
Department of Defense. (2009). Biometrics task force annual report FY09. Retrieved
September 4, 2011 from
Esslinger, K., Siegel, J., Spillane, H., & Stallworth, S. (2004). Using STR analysis to
detect human DNA from exploded pipe bomb devices. Journal of Forensic Science,
49(3). Retrieved September 7, 2011 from
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). n.d. Terrorist explosive device analytical center
(TEDAC). Retrieved September 15, 2011 from
Foran, D., Gehring, M., & Stallworth, S. (2009). The recovery and analysis of
mitochondrial DNA from exploded pipe bombs. Journal of Forensic Science (54)1.
Retrieved September 7, 2011 from
Makarski, R., Marrero, J. (2002). A surveillance society and the conflict state:
leveraging ubiquitous surveillance and biometrics technology to improve homeland
security. Retrieved September 4, 2011 from
National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). 2008. Biometrics in government
in post 9-11. Retrieved September 4, 2011 from…/Biometrics%20in%20Government%20Post%.
Shalhoub, R., Quinones, I., Ames, C., Multaney, B., Curtis, S., Seeboruth, H., . . .Daniel,
B. (2008). The recovery of latent fingermarks and DNA using a silicone-based
casting material. Forensic Science International 178. p 190-203. Retrieved September
23, 2011 from
Tolba, A.S., El-Baz, A.H., & El-Harby, A.A. (2011). Face recognition: A literature
review. International Journal of Signal Processing 2(2). Retrieved September 29,
2011 from
United States Army. n.d. Chapter 15. Unexploded ordnance and improvised
explosive devices. FM. 3-21.75 Chapter 15. Retrieved September 18, 2011 from
Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:12
DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-4830-8
Flash flood susceptibility assessment in Jeddah city (Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia) using bivariate and multivariate statistical
Ahmed M. Youssef1,2 • Biswajeet Pradhan3 • Saleh A. Sefry1
Received: 20 January 2015 / Accepted: 14 July 2015 / Published online: 18 December 2015
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Abstract The city of Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) has experienced two catastrophic flash flood events in 2009 and 2011.
These flood events had catastrophic effect on human lives and
livelihoods around the wadi Muraikh, wadi Qus, wadi
Methweb, and wadi Ghulail in which 113 people were dead
and with 10,000 houses and 17,000 vehicles were damaged.
Thus, a comprehensive flood management is required. The
flood management requires information on different aspects
such as the hydrological, geotechnical, environmental, social,
and economic aspects of flooding. Flood susceptibility mapping for any area helps the decision makers to understand the
flood trends and can aid in appropriate planning and flood
prevention. In this study, two models were used for the
generation of flood susceptibility maps for the Jeddah region.
The first model includes bivariate probability analysis (frequency ratio), and the second model uses the multivariate
analysis. For the multivariate model, the acquired weights of
the FR model were entered into the logistic regression model
to evaluate the correlation between flood occurrence and each
related factor. This integration will overcome some of the
weakness of the logistic regression, and the performance the
& Biswajeet Pradhan;
Ahmed M. Youssef
Geological Hazards Department, Applied Geology Sector,
Saudi Geological Survey, P.O. Box 54141, Jeddah 21514,
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University,
Sohag, Egypt
Department of Civil Engineering, Geospatial Information
Science Research Center (GISRC), Faculty of Engineering,
University Putra Malaysia (UPM), 43400 Serdang, Malaysia
LR will be enhanced. A flood inventory map was prepared
with a total of 127 flood locations. These flood locations were
extracted from different sources including field investigation
and high-resolution satellite image (IKONOS 1 m). These
flood locations were randomly split into two groups, one
dataset representing 70 % was used for training the models,
and the remaining 30 % was used for models validation.
Various independent flood-related factors such as slope, elevation, curvature, geology, landuse, soil drain, and distance
from streams were included. The impact of each independent
flood-related factors on flooding was evaluated by analyzing
each independent factor with the historical flood inventory
data. The training and validation datasets were used to evaluate the flood susceptibility maps using the success and the
prediction rate methods. The results of the accuracy assessment showed a success rate of 90.4 and 91.6 % and a prediction rate of 89.6 and 91.3 % for FR and ensemble FR and
LR models, respectively. In addition, a comparison has been
made between real flood events in 2009 and the resultant
susceptibility maps. Hence, it is concluded that the FR and
ensemble Fr and LR models can provide an acceptable accuracy in the prediction of flood susceptibility in the Saudi
Arabia. Our findings indicated that these flood susceptibility
maps can assist planners, decision makers, and other agencies
to deal with the flood management and planning in the area.
Keywords Flash floods Remote sensing GIS FR
Ensemble Susceptibility Jeddah Saudi Arabia
Flash floods are generated when precipitation saturates the
drainage capacity of the basin slopes, causing impoundment of the drainage network, and resulting in
Page 2 of 16
exceptionally high discharge at the basin outlets (Youssef
et al. 2009a). The rapid urban growth coupled with climate
change in recent years has led to many environmental
problems and increased risks of natural disasters (Kjeldsen
2010), including flooding and associated losses of human
lives and property (Zwenzner and Voigt 2009). The
occurrence of the flood disaster is expected to be raised due
to unplanned expansion of urbanization (Tehrany et al.
2015). Flooding is one of the most costly disasters in terms
of both property damage and human casualties (Alexander
1993). Most of the floods have an impact on people as the
fear from the consequences exceeds the actual impacts
(Green and Penning-Rowsell 1989). Hassan (2000) mentioned that frequent flash floods have seriously affected the
highway and human activities along the coastal plains of
the Red Sea. Numerous other studies on the flood hazards
have been reported in different areas such as Youssef et al.
(2005); Youssef and Hegab (2005). Flash floods are a
major threat to human life and infrastructures such as urban
areas, roads, and railways. The damage that can occur due
to such disasters leads to huge economic cost, and consequently, floods can bring pathogens into urban environments and cause microbial development and diseases
(Taylor et al. 2011; Dawod et al. 2012). Floods lead to
human injury or death, and prevention of such events is
preferable to compensation of damages. Regmi et al.
(2013) indicated that in natural hazard-related research,
huge databases are often needed. Youssef et al. (2009a)
indicated that different natural factors such as hydrological
and meteorological characteristics, soil types, geological
structures, geomorphology, and vegetation are the most
influential contributors to flooding. Human activities such
as increasing the impervious materials (roads and buildings) as well cutting trees can accelerate flooding.
Billa et al. (2006) indicated that flood control and prevention measures are urgently needed which will help in
decreasing and minimize the tremendous and irreversible
potential damages to agriculture, transportation, bridges,
and urban infrastructure. Early warnings and emergency
responses to floods are required (Feng and Wang 2011) so
that governments and agencies can prevent as much damage as possible. However, measuring the benefits of flood
reduction is difficult because they are not tangible and
require a long time to be shown (Yi et al. 2010). In contrast, damage can be calculated both qualitatively and
quantitatively (De Moel and Aerts 2011).
Liu and De Smedt (2005) indicated that different new
insights in the hydrological research can determine and
mitigate flooding using geographic information system
(GIS), digital soil-type maps, topography, and landuse/land
cover data. Over the last two decades, remotely sensed data
(active and passive sensors) have been used effectively for
monitoring and analyzing different types of phenomena
Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:12
and hazards (Mason et al. 2010; Elbialy et al. 2013;
Pradhan et al. 2014; Youssef et al. 2009b, 2013, 2014a, b,
c, 2015; Youssef 2015). Typically, studies of hazards
require multitemporal datasets in order to identify spatial
changes and the process of hazard occurrence (Martinez
and Le Toan 2007). Bubeck et al. (2012) indicated that
mapping of the flood-prone areas is an essential step in
flood risk management. In addition to that, GIS represents a
useful tool to investigate the flooding events. There are
different types of approaches to study the flood hazard
assessment. Many authors used GIS techniques in flood
mapping (Chau et al. 2005; Mukerji et al. 2009). Other
recently developed methods that were used to identify
areas at risk of flooding (flood susceptibility) including
qualitative and quantitative techniques such as multicriteria
evaluation (Matori 2012), artificial neural networks
(ANNs) (Campolo et al. 2003; Kia et al. 2012), frequency
ratio (Lee et al. 2012), analytical hierarchy process (AHP)
(Rozos et al. 2011), decision tree (DT) (Tehrany et al.
2013), logistic regression (Pradhan 2010a), adaptive neurofuzzy interface system (ANFIS) (Mukerji et al. 2009).
Kourgialas and Karatzas (2011) indicated that the flood
susceptibility map will manage any future flood problems.
Tehrany et al. (2013, 2014a, b) reviewed the advantages
and disadvantages of these statistical models. If large
numbers of variables are used, the modeling process is
time-consuming. Lee et al. (2012) applied individual
bivariate probability models to map flood-susceptible areas
in Busan, South Korea. A drawback of this method is that it
considered the relationship between flood occurrence and
each independent separately, while not considering the
relationships among all the independent layers themselves.
Pradhan (2010a) utilized multivariate logistic regression to
examine the relations between a dependent variable and
several independent variables to produce a susceptibility
zonation map of Kelantan, Malaysia. He noted that logistic
regression had several advantages: The variables can be
either continuous or discrete, and they do not necessarily
have to have normal distributions. Although the results of
that study showed the efficiency of logistic regression, the
impacts of classes of each variable were not considered.
Accordingly, bivariate probability and logistic regression
are both popular methods of statistical analysis for susceptibility mapping. Mostly, they are used individually, as
either can produce a model of susceptibility. Tehrany et al.
(2013) combined these methods for flood susceptibility
analysis in tropical region of Kelantan, Malaysia.
Prediction of flooding can be highly effective in preventing properties damage and life loss. Through scientific
methods, flood-susceptible areas can be detected. The use
of bivariate statistics (frequency ratio) and multivariate
statistics (ensemble FR and LR) models in flood susceptibility mapping has not been explored in flood mapping in
Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:12
Saudi Arabia. The main objective of the current study is to
apply flood susceptibility assessment using two statistical
approaches of bivariate probability (FR) and logistic
regression models (ensemble FR and LR) and to examine
their relative efficiency and reliability for flood susceptibility analysis in an arid region (wadis Muraikh, Qus,
Asheer, Methweb, and Ghulail in the Jeddah area, Saudi
Arabia). This study also aims to determine optimized
conditioning factors in flood susceptibility mapping
through GIS analysis.
Study area
The study area includes five wadis, covering 219 km2
between latitudes 21 240 0600 and 21 330 4700 N and longitudes 39 140 3500 and 39 280 2400 E, named wadi Muraikh,
wadi Qus, wadi Asheer, wadi Methweb, and wad Ghulail
(Fig. 1). The study area receives flash flood water from the
foothills through natural drainage channels of these wadis
which are located in the eastern part. In the years of 2009
and 2011, these wadis were flooded causing the most
damages. The morphometric characteristics of these five
wadis in the study area are shown in Table 1. The altitudes
of the study range between 30 m and 275 m above mean
sea level. According to the meteorological data of the
Jeddah area, the average annual precipitation is 52.5 mm/
year, the maximum rainfall is 284 mm in 1996, and the
minimum rain …
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