Solved by verified expert:this project I think it depend on the last project I did. I am posting the question and my last project.
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Time-division multiple-access (TDMA) is termed as a channel access method used mainly
in shared-medium networks. TDMA allows numerous users to share the similar frequency
channel. This is attained by dividing the signal to various time slots. After time slots has been
attained, users will be able to transmit information in rapid succession. The transmission is in form
of one after the other, with each using an independent time slot. Generally, TDMA has been termed
as a form of time-division multiplexing. It is characterized by special point which instead of having
a single transmitter linked to one receiver, it has numerous multiple transmitters. For the case of
an uplink extending from a mobile-phone to a given base-station, this situation is very challenging
since the mobile phone may be moved around hence vary the timing-advance needed to make a
given transmission to coincide with the gap in communication from its peers (Omar & Zhuang,
Currently, TDMA has been characterized as a Channel-Access Method (CAM). It is mostly
used in facilitating channel sharing between users without any interference. In other words, it
allows multiple stations to use same transmission frequency by dividing signals in to a number of
time slots. In such a case, different users may choose to share the same channel frequency by using
only part of its capacity. Some of examples of TDMA comprise of: personal digital-cellular (PDC),
IS-136, integrated digital enhanced-network (iDEN) and the second-generation (2G).
Additionally, TDMA has been used as part of Global System for Mobile-Communications (GSM).
As indicated above, through different time slots, TDMA aid mobile station’s radiocomponent in listening and broadcasting their assigned time slot. Throughout the remaining timeperiod, the mobile-station may utilize network-measurements by means of detecting the
surrounding transmitters at different time frequencies (Omar & Zhuang, n.d.). Being an
independent feature, TDMA allows inter-frequency handover, which is different from code
division multiple-access (CDMA). As explained above, in CDMA approach, it is difficult to attain
frequency handover. Though, CDMA permits handoffs, which in turn aid mobile-stations to
communicate with each other simultaneously with up-to six base-stations. TDMA is applied
mostly in 2G cellular systems. On the other hand, the 3G systems operate under CDMA. Though,
TDMA approach has been considered more relevant to modern systems. For instance, combination
of CDMA, TDMA and Time-Division Duplex (TDD) are termed as a form of universal-terrestrialradio access (UTRA) systems. UTRA allow numerous users to share one or more-time slots.
TDMA characteristics
TDMA is characterized by the following: It shares a single carrier-frequency with other
existing multiple users. It comprises of non-continuous transmission which helps in simplifying
handoff. Available time slots may be assigned on demand in the existing dynamic TDMA. TDMA
is characterized by less stringent power control compared to CDMA. This occurs due to condensed
intra cell-interference. Additionally, it is made of higher synchronization overhead as compared to
CDMA (Buehrer, 2006).
Moreover, presence of advanced equalization in TDMA is useful for high data-rates in case
the channel is frequency selective and generates Inter-symbol interference. It is made of Cell
breathing which entails borrowing resources from existing adjacent cells. Cell breathing in TDMA
is said to be more complicated as compared in CDMA. It possesses frequency or slot allocation
complexity which helps in allocating different capacities for different users. Lastly, it comprises
of a pulsating power-envelope among other devices.
General architecture of TDMA
The figure below is an illustration of general architecture of TDMA system. It shows how
time frequency is allocated when transferring data between channels.
Being an independent digital technique, TDMA divides a single channel to a number of
time slots. Each time-slot works independently through transmitting a single byte segment in form
of a sequential serial-data format. TDMA approach works well especially with slow voice-datasignals. It may also be used for a number of compressed video as well as other high-speed data.
An example of TDMA approach is the current T1 transmission system in the telecom-industry. T1
lines are capable of carrying more than 24 individual-voice telephones-calls within a single line
(Buehrer, 2006). In such a situation, each voice-signal is capable of covering between 30 Hz to
3000 Hz.
Generally, the digitized voice will only appear as an individual serial byte which will occur
at rates 64-kHz. This will generate a single T1 frame of data. Additionally, the frame will be
occurring at rates of 1.536-MHz giving a overall of 192 bits. As indicated on the reception end,
the distinct voice-bytes will be retained back at rates of 64-kHz which will be further passed via a
digital-to-analog-converter (DAC) hence generating the analog-voice. GSM (Global System of
Mobile-Communications) cellular phone has been, used to represent the general architecture of
TDMA system.
It sub-divides the radio -spectrum in an overall of 200-kHz bands. Additionally, it uses
time-division approach to put eight-voice calls into a single-channel. The eight time-slots may be
in form of voice-signals like texts or e-mails. It is important to note that, this frame is usually
transmitted at rates of 270-kbit/s using Gaussian-minimum shift-keying (GMSK), which is termed
as a system of frequency shift-keying (FSK) modulation.
Areas of application of TDMA
TDMA has a wide application in terms of data transmission. It is applied by DigitalAmerican Mobile Phone-Service (D-AMPS), Global System for Mobile-Communications (GSM)
as well as Personal Digital-Cellular (PDC). In most cases, its application is based on an alternative
multiplexing scheme. The multiplexing comprises of combination of FDMA with TDMA which
yield in to better transmission approach by name CDMA (code division multiple-access). The
CDMA is said to take the given frequency range for an allocated service. Additionally, it
multiplexes data for all users transversely based on the given spectrum range at the same time.
In radio application systems, TDMA is usually used hand in hand with Frequency-division
multiple-access (FDMA) and Frequency division-duplex (FDD). The above combination is termed
as FDMA/TDMA/FDD. In the GSM application system, TDMA is used in synchronization of the
mobile phones. This is achieved through sending timing advance guidelines from the base-station
which instructs the given mobile phone in transmitting data at specific quantities and rates. Among
other common applications of TDMA comprise of 2G systems. Most of 2G cellular systems are
fed with a notable exception of IS-95 which have been said to be based on TDMA. Among other
examples of TDMA cellular systems comprise of D-AMPS, iDEN, PDC and PHS. Lastly,
Dynamic TDMA is applied in the following areas: HIPERLAN/2 broadband radio-access network,
Bluetooth, Military Radios / Tactical Data-Link, TD-SCDMA as well as simulation of TDMA or
DTMA links.
Advantages or strengths of TDMA
Based on its efficiency of information transmission, TDMA gives a number of benefits
over other existing standard cellular technologies. Firstly, TDMA can be easily adapted by users
when transmitting both data and voice communication. Generally, it offers the aptitude to transmit
data at rates of between 64 kbps to 120 Mbps. This enables users to communicate easily between
each other on transactions such as voiceband data, fax as well as short-message-services (SMSs).
In such a case, TDMA ensures no intrusion among the operators working on same
frequency-band and transmitting information at the similar time (Jo, 2011). TDMA offers users
with lengthy battery-life as well as talk-time. This is achieved because the mobile only transmits
a given portion of data same time during chats. Furthermore, TDMA installations give substantial
savings since its cheap and affordable to many users. Currently, TDMA has been defined as the
most cost-effective technology which may be implemented as a way of upgrading our current data
analog system. Furthermore, it offers an efficient and effective application of hierarchical cellstructures (HCSs). This is achieved through components such as Pico, micro, and macro-cells.
Disadvantages or weaknesses of TDMA
Among disadvantages of TDMA technology is that, each operator has a given predefined
time-slot. Though, users roaming from a given cell to the other are not allotted a time-slot. In such
a case, if the time-slots in all cells are already occupied, a call or data transmission may end up
being disconnected (Jo, 2011). Additionally, if all the allotted time-slots within the cell in which
an operator happens to be are fully occupied, users may not be able to receive a call.
Another weakness with TDMA is that its subject to multipath-distortion. One way of
solving such an issue of interference is to implement a certain time-limit on the system. In such a
situation, the structure will be premeditated to receive, treat, and process any incoming-signal
within a given period of time. Lastly, all cellular architectures, whether macro-cell-based or
microcell possess a unique set of propagation issues. Macro-cells are mostly affected by multipathsignal loss. Such a phenomenon may cause reflection or refraction of data channel. This will end
up weakening or cancelling data signal.
Buehrer, R. (2006). Code division multiple access (CDMA). [San Rafael, Calif.]: Morgan &
Claypool Publishers.
Jo, K. (2011). Satellite communications network design and analysis. Boston: Artech House.
Omar, H., & Zhuang, W. Time division multiple access for vehicular communications.
EEGR410: Introduction to Networks /Fall 2017
Final Project__
1. Project Description
The purpose of this project is to upgrade and configure the network schematic in project
3 as shown below in Figure 1 using GNS3. The network consists of three buildings
(Engineering, CEBIS and Montebello) of Morgan State University. Each of the buildings
has their own router, switch and hosts. The configuration of the network is summarized in
the table below. Figure 1 expands the network topology in Project3 to have an Inside
Network, Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and an Outside Network.
Inside Network: It consists the network connected to the e0 (GigabitEthernet 0) of the
Firewall (FW). And it is the most trusted network by the FW.
DMZ Network: It consists of the network connected to the e2 (GigabitEthernet 2) of
the FW. This network is accessible to the inside network and the outside network.
Outside Network: It consists the network connected to the e1 (GigabitEthernet 0) of
the Firewall (FW). And it is the least trusted network by the FW.
Figure 1: Network Diagram using Microsoft Visio®
Edge Router
DMZ Router
Table 1: IP Address Assignment
Configuring the Routers: The configuration commands for the routers are the same as the ones
in Project 3. But for a network traffic not intended to the outside network beyond the edge router,
you need to configure a default route at the Edge router.
Configuring the Firewall: The FW is configured the same as the routers for both the interface
IP address assignment and routing protocols. But you need to configure security-level of the
connected network at each interface and access lists to name a few.
-command for creating a FLASH for the FW which is imported into the hda (should be
executed at the Linux terminal)
$qemu-img create FLASH 512M (watch the video !!)
-FW configuration settings : recommended values
ram = 1024
netcard = e1000
options = -icount auto -hdachs 980,16,32 -vga none
initrd = D:GNS3-CommonImagesasa842-initrd.gz
kernel = D:GNS3-CommonImagesasa842-vmlinuz
kernel_cmdline = ide_generic.probe_mask=0x01 ide_core.chs=0.0:980,16,32 auto nousb
console=ttyS0,9600 bigphysarea=65536 no-hlt
Note: The Firewall will not allow you a ping command to its interface.
Create an access list at the FW to enable the network to be able to execute the
icmp echo (which enables you to perform ping command).
Ping one of the interfaces of the FW and show the screen shot of the output. This is
should be done from PC1 which is the sub network.
Ping again the FW interface from a PC from a different subnetwork such as Montebello
and show the screen shot of the output and compare the results with the previous result.
Show the screenshot of the running config of the Firewall.
Configuring the Cloud: To enable connectivity to the internet or the outside network beyond
the Edge router, the cloud must be connected to the host computer internet connectivity.
-command for setting up the IP address of the Cloud interface connected to Edge router. It
should be executed from the terminal.
Ping the edge router interface ( from the Linux terminal and show the screen
shot of the output. If you succeed, you should be able to ping it.
Similarly, ping the cloud interface ( from the Edge_R and show the screenshot
of the output.
Use the “ifconfig” command from the Linux terminal to show the Cloud interface is
added as tap0.
Show the screenshot of the output of the “show ip route” from the Engineering,
Montebello, DMZ and Edge routers. Also “show route” on the FW to get the route.
Explain the results.
Type from PC1 terminal the command trace Show and explain in detail each
entry of the output. Note: trace command corresponds to tracert in the case of routers.
Discuss the purpose of a network design with DMZ.
The DMZ design considered here is a basic on a.k.a three-legged Firewall. Considering a
multiple Firewall DMZ design, show your new DMZ schematics together with the
placement of the public accessible servers.
Devices in the inside network of MSU are assigned private IP addresses. As a result, the
IP address of any inside host trying to reach the outside network (e.g browsing the
internet) should be translated to MSU public IP address. Explain how Network Address
Translation (NAT) works and explain how it can be applied for the above network.
Similar to Question #10 of Project 3. Consider a user at PC1 and types
Describe the journey of the web request packet in details as it traverses the network
devices. You should be able to apply the concepts of encapsulation/ decapsulation as the
packet traverses the TCP/IP layer, packet processing and forwarding at the network
devices, Network Address Translation (NAT) and Domain Name Server (DNS).
Expected Network Diag, PC5 and PC6 are added for troubleshooting (not mandatory)
-Your network topology diagram (gns3 file) in *.zip format. Don’t forget to save your running
configuration to start up configuration (if you don’t do so, you will lose all the
configurations during the next startup). You can also export and save them in your working
-a report showing the screen shots of each of the steps followed during configuration
accompanied by explanation.
-an explanation of the questions together with their corresponding screen shots and the screen
shot of the final Network diagram.
Note: your project report should be a single *.pdf file of the report and grading will take into
account project report theoretical explanation, format, clarity, originality, grammar and a detail
explanation of the procedures together with their screen shots if there are any !
Helpful Materials to accomplish this work:
1. Configuring the Cloud
2. Configuring the Firewall
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