Expert answer:Informational Interviewing

Solved by verified expert:Step 1: Download the sample assignment and review, type the date, your name and section (-1 if the name, date, and section is incomplete) Step 2: Read more about “Informational Interviewing” using the links belowStep 3: Identity, contact, and set up a face to face meeting time to interview ONE manager. When you request the interview please let the interviewee know the interview will take approximately one hour and be least 20 questions in length. If they can not commit an hour to you, you will need to identify another person to interview.Step 4: Conduct the interview in person. Only in extreme cases of distance will non-in-person interviews be accepted, this requires pre-approval from your course instructor, you must submit a copy of this approval with your assignment if granted. Remember to:dress professionally arrive on timebe politebe professional come prepared with a pad of paper and pen (not electronic media) and take good notesrequest a business card (If they do not have a business card: one from the business with their name written on it, a screenshot of their LinkedIn page, or a screenshot of their yelp page, preferred in this order). use the list of questions provided for this exercise.You must ask a minimum of 20 questions. Interviews should take about an hour. You will find that in the course of the interview, you may want to be spontaneous in adding follow-up questions.Step 5: Send in the mail a handwritten thank you card (must be handwritten, NO EMAIL, NO LINED PAPER, only note cards that go into an envelope with a stamp) within one day of the interview. With your submission, you must include a scan or photo of your note AND the person’s business card in addition to your interview questions and answers. Submit this with your final submission.Step 6: After the Interview, reflect on the information you gathered. Open up the sample assignment begin your analysis. Paying close attention to: Contact information of the interviewee (2 points) Answering the leadership questions (2 points) Type the responses of the interviewee in paragraph format, single sentences are too short and will not be accepted. (3 points) Submit the business card (or alternative listed above) (1 point) and photocopy of the thank you note in your final submission. (2 points)

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Date: The date goes here
To: Your instructors names goes here
From: Your name goes here
Enrolled in HRT 341- Section Number Here
Subject: Informational Interview with name goes here
Interviewee Name: Your content goes here
Interviewee Position/Title: Your content goes here
Interviewee Department: Your content goes here
Interviewee Company: Your content goes here
Interviewee Address: Your content goes here
Interviewee Phone: Your content goes here
Interviewee Email: Your content goes here
Please describe the leadership style(s) that the interviewee demonstrated in the interview.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go.
Give THREE examples to illustrate how the interviewee showed his/her leadership in the daily operation.
1. Here is where your content would go
2. Here is where your content would go
3. Here is where your content would go
Was the interviewee an effective leader? If so, please provide THREE evidences. If not,
please recommend the ways on how he/she can be an effective leader.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go.
1. Here is where your content would go.
2. Here is where your content would go.
3. Here is where your content would go.
Did the interviewee demonstrate as an ethical leader? If so, please provide THREE examples. If not,
please suggest what he/she can do to become an ethical leader.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go.
4. Here is where your content would go.
5. Here is where your content would go.
6. Here is where your content would go.
Interview Questions with name goes here
How would you describe your management style?
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is
where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
2. What are some mistakes that you think hospitality managers commonly make?.
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
a. How do you “fix” any mistakes or make sure that they do not happen again?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
3. What do you think are some key qualities/characteristics and skills that a
_________ manager at your level should have?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
4. Which skills to you believe have been most valuable in assisting you in your
management role?
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content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
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5. What is the most challenging aspect of being a ___________ manager?
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content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
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6. What problem solving strategies do you use?
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would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
7. What is the most difficult challenge that you have faced as a hospitality manager?
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content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
8. What do you enjoy least about your job as a hospitality manager?
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would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
9. What do you enjoy most about your job as a hospitality manager?
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would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
How would you describe a typical work day for you?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
11. What strategies do you use to motivate employees and maintain morale?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
12. How do you measure employees’ success?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
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would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
13. What traits do you look for when hiring management employees?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
14. How long does it take for employees to complete the training program you offer?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
15. What is a competitive salary range for your position?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
16. Why do you like working for the company compared to your previous employer?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
17. What experiences have you had that helped you to get to your current position?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
18. Why did you decide to get into the hospitality industry? Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is
where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go.
19. Why did you decide to work for this company?
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where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
20. Is there anything that you would do differently in your career as a hospitality
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is
where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
21. How important is it to a management career to have a university degree in
hospitality management?
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is
where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
22. As a manager, what would you recommend that I focus on learning that will
benefit me in my career?
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is
where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
23. Why do you think there is so much turn-over in hospitality management?
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is
where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
24. Do you have any recommendations/suggestions for me in my hospitality
management job search?
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is
where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your
content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content
would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.
Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.

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